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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo meets The Queen - twitter updates /news/video
Yellow Rose Although it comes across as an awwww moment I also think it's mean of BB. They know how upset he gets if he feels he's been made to look stupid. I just hope the HM's don't tell him and pretend they too thought it was the Queen. He'd find out on the outside anyway [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs I agree. And people alluding to the fact that he's a fool, to think she would visit him; he's already in a sureal situation being on BB AND on BB in a country not his own. Its easy to say he's stupid for falling for it, when the boot could so easily be on the other foot. It was his greatest wish and he thinks it has come true [ more ]
Mathematics I can't help but feel that it's a little mean of Big Brother. I know it's a gameshow and all, but we must consider that this is Rodrigo's biggest dream and wish, to meet the queen. I suppose the equivalent for us would be like winning the lottery and then being told that we hadn't won the lottery, and it was just a joke. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed- 1:10 C4
figtree Flipping heck all this waiting is wearing me out.Most of them will be in bed by then! Mind you we just might have the pleasure of Lisa and Bea talking at each on their favourite subjects ie. Freddie, money,having no money Freddie, Lisa's charms,Freddie being a thorn in their sides,Bea's charm,Freddie...., council estates, millionaire brother ,sexual conquests, Beas capabilites, Lisa getting on with everybody 'cos she's nice! Oh and Freddie nauseum! Ad nauseum Totally bored myself now! Ps... [ more ]
Roxi Oh my god this is ridiculous they will probably be in bed by that time . BB you are a f*cking asshole [ more ]
chevy57 Its sooo frustrating! I wont get my hopes up on seeing any action tonight [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights highlights show spoiler...
Scooby doo Re: Tonights highlights show spoiler... [ more ]
Essie When I was young my friend took all her older sister's clothes to the rag shop, we even filled the pockets with stones to get more money. My was there Merry Hell after. [ more ]
Former Member Our junk collector rag and bone mane would just shout..."any old rayyagsss" I could usually find something to exchange for a balloon. I gave him my school uniform and NHS specs once. Mammy chased him down the street to get them back and I was in so much trouble. Ahh the good old days! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest eviction odds...
Eugene's Lair Well, they would say that. However, all the online polls have Marcus to go. THe DS poll has the lowest %age for Marcus at the moment (54.73%), but BB Online has him at 63% to go. I reckon Marcus will get around 60% on the night - i.e. about the same as what Noirin was evicted on. [ more ]
figtree Sos I also meant to say I would be sorry to see Marcus go but I want Freddie to stay! [ more ]
figtree OnCh4 web site they reckon it is too close to call but it just might be the Fredster! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So if Marcus goes, how long will it take for Bea to suck up to Siavash and Freddie?
justafriend they could add what shes said about freddie to. omg i can see davids face now and charlies. the house would go into meltdown. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Wish BB would play into the house all the crap Bea has said about Lisa and Dave....Lets see her get out of that one. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I think she will do anything to avoid being up for eviction, so who knows. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am so ANGRY! Bea must not last longer in there than Freddie
Blizz'ard Yes it was, but their reaction was to laugh about it. Hence people put them up for eviction. [ more ]
Towno :) I am angry about it. I think it stinks. I think I'll survive just the same Good luck with supporting Bea x [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Your the one saying how 'Angry' you are that Marcus and Freddie are up. And yes I am a Bea fan, i'm in a minority but that makes it even better [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
when you can't stop laughing.
ContessaQ lol no wonder the audience in the background had such straight faces if they were actors, i'd have been pmsl if it was real and i was there. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Indeed! [ more ]
CaptVimes Positive, Ive seen it before. Edit its from a Belgium comedy "In De Gloria". this is the sketch under its proper title. One of the comments underneath. "Zo grappig dat mensen denken dat dit echt is...Eén van de beste 'In de Gloria'-sketches ooit tbh " " So funny that people think that this is real ... One of the best 'in de Gloria'- sketches ever TBH" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Charlie a hinderance?...
justafriend Flossie [ more ]
Flossie Charlie is a hindrance to humanity. [ more ]
brisket Charlie is a hindrance to practically everything in the Big Brother house. He is a hindrance to entertainment. A hindrance to humour. A hindrance to honesty. For the shopping list, when the person in charge of the chalk and blackboard has to hear what is said and write it down, I would have thought it would be more efficient to have somebody who does not have hearing loss. It sounds trivial, but if they have a time limit they should be aiming for efficiency. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie. Can someone explain to me what he's done wrong?
fookat even Rodrigo has said he is fake.. and he should know... [ more ]
kattymieoww I'd rather anyone won than Charlie even the loathesome Lisa or that bitch Bea. [ more ]
bringbackthechickens The last time I wrote about Charlie I said he was a desperate wannabe, but I didn't think he was a nasty person. I have since changed my mind about him. He is nasty. I think he sees himself along the lines of Liam or even Anthony ( who I also couldn't stand but who wasn't nasty to anyone). Only trouble is he's having trouble keeping up the happy chappy facade. It has slipped quite a lot over the weeks and what you see underneath is very ugly indeed. It is always a very bad move to go into... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FAO fracas
Comrade Ogilvy Cheers, could you send your PIN with that ? Sometimes it can come down to endurance, did I hear correctly ?... Did the commentator say that the heads up game lasted 9 hours ? or was that the duration from the full final table ? still... [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Did you see the game when he went all in blind every hand (or almost every hand) winning time after time when called , he done well in that game, can't remember if he won or not but he took out a lot of the table. For pure entertainment because of his trash talking I like to watch Tony G. [ more ]
fracas YOU STOOD ME UP COMRADE! I don't feel so guilty for going offline and watching it in bed now I was so knackered. Yes, Mr Chirpy Negreanu was first out, shame after the good run he'd been having. He didn't look too gutted though Thought my lad was gonna take it, but seems the long game wore him out in the end. I knew it was all over when he went all in with the 3,4 (okay, he was looking for the flush, but I didn't think he had much chance). He just wanted the match over in the end, which was... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest news...
suzybean oh thanks, will take a look [ more ]
Flossie I have a variety of garden furniture and on my forum there are some pictures of me leaping over it which has amused many forumers over the years. People like Tupps seem to think such an innocent act is something to criticise and snipe at. So much the worse for them. You can look for yourself at [ more ]
Flossie AAAaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Thank Goodness. Errrrrmmmm....... do you have any ointment? This posting lark is more dangerous than I realised. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting odds update - Charlie slipping. Rodrigo climbing.
darloboy (Play The Game!) Increase means they go up, decrease means they go down. Sophie has dropped down to second on Oddschecker level with Siavash . [ more ]
jennywren OK, what does odds increase and odds decrease mean? For those like me who don't understand betting stuff at all, how can we tell which is best and which is worst? [ more ]
bigbaws ask a penis surgeon [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TWO of the least aggressive male Hms?
frenchbread I didnt see the hug in the bathroom on the h/l's. I missed the lf but i heard that Vash was really supportive of Freddie but not much of it was shown on the H/l's [ more ]
kimota I liked the way siavash gave Fred such support the other day, pity they did'nt show much of it on HLs. I found it quite touching, especially when they had a big hug in the bathroom! [ more ]
frenchbread Bump [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A few days ago Lisa complained about Marcus not team playing!
Moomin I have noticed for a long time now that in the tasks, she always seems to have an easy part - eg the spinner rather than the top, the pixie or whatever it was rather than the caterpillar, she never seems to have anything to learn or practice in the shopping tasks either. [ more ]
kimota Me neither, but you have to hand it to her, she has played things perfectly for weeks now. I would never have believed she could get to the final week, but it is obvious she will, barring a double eviction with the top 4 nommed people up! [ more ]
squiggle Lisa and Bea have one thing in common. Others might think that either of them are their friend. Wrong! Each of them would stab anyone else in the back to gain an inch, oh and include Charlie in that line up too. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ofcom complaints already about tonights show?
Ruddy Rudy III Overreaction much? [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* hahaha True Ditty it just beggars belief why anyone would complain about human interactions being shown on a 'reality show' and then why only pick SOME events that distress them and not others to complain about.. seems like nasty behaviour is ok if it is directed at some but not others.. [ more ]
Canicant a case of if i can't have it my way then i'll spoil it for everyone else... thats just selfish not everyone wants the show closed . [ more ]
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