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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie and Dyslexia
Jet Blue This, for me, has been a really informative and interesting thread as my daughter, at the ripe old age of 28, has just been diagnosed as being dyslexic and dyspraxic. She has often struggled with things over the years but she got reasonably good grades/results at school and her spelling is impecable so we never suspected that her other problems (mainly organisational and co-ordination) were due to dyslexia/dyspraxia as we did not realise that their was such a wide spectrum of symptoms. Her... [ more ]
Joyron I thought your original post was really interesting and informative. It explains such a lot. Thank you for posting it. [ more ]
MysTerry I too, think that post was excellent. [ more ]
See all 124 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone fancy leaving some graffitti at the Bus Stop? *ninja*
justafriend Bea - Cruella de Vil [ more ]
*KG* I kinda like Dave He's just like an over-enthusiatic, over-excited, rather large puppy - so glad to be there and be a part of the BB roller-coaster. Shame he's had to share his experience with such toxic bastards and he's so lacking in being able to 'read people' that he's saddled himself with all the wronguns [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! David would say 'are u calling me a son of a bitch??? - did u read that Lisurrrrrr' [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T..Help required please..
PuppyDooDoo House sit, feed the cats, water the plants..... [ more ]
Moonie Just the one connection. His desktop. Dunno about the ethernet Yep to the wireless aerial. Sorry about the time it took me to answer Fluffy [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing How many connections does he have on his router? How many ethernet cables does he have? Does he have a wireless aerial on his router as well? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The look on Charlie's face...
robertsam Re: The look on Charlie's face... [ more ]
Free Thinking Charlie does sometimes reveal his real thoughts through his face. And he often looks unhappy about something, so it may be a more general thing. But I'm also very cautious about the way they edit the HLs. They cut in reaction shots which may have been to something else sometimes. I would be surprised if they did this with Charlie as I thought he was a favourite of theirs (but recent events maybe suggest they are pushing Rodrigo now). [ more ]
Former Member Charlie looks like a funeral director in that costume. He's also got the perfect miserable face down pat! [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa ya gonna hate it even more come Friday when Freddie stays...
Shar It'll probably be the closest one yet ... I have to say I did find it funny when marcus said he needed to go and sit in a corner all week if he wanted to go ... [ more ]
Shar Sometimes I just want to get Freddie and tape his mouth shut ... for his own good .... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Lisa ya gonna hate it even more come Friday when Freddie stays... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Who do you want out this Friday?
Barolo I don't vote - haven't done since BB3= but I hope Freddie goes on Friday. I also hope that that's the last we'll see or hear of the irritating oik! [ more ]
Former Member I'm just not convinced he really wants to go OHG....anyways, it's the voting public who decide who they want to go, not the hms, (unless C4 fiddle it of course!) Are you voting this week then? [ more ]
old hippy guy Marcus WANTS to go!!! he even got his mate to nominate him ya CANT give a clearer signal than that! I would LOVE him to stay, but I also respect his wishes to be VOTED out, note, VOTED out, even HE says only cowards and wankers walk, so I dont see where there is anything to talk about or do "polls" about, let him come out, he says he wants to watch some of it on tv before its over, AND argue about it on the forums who KNOWS he MIGHT end up HERE, I am sure he would enjoy seeing how may times... [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Endemol criticises C4 for low BB ratings?
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Losing live feed IMO has been the main problem this summer, at least you could see most of what was going on and form your own opnion of the housemates, this year, half the time by the time live feed actually starts, they are in bed and it's not worth watching. We all know that when live feed is available, it is not totally live to allow for bad language or unacceptable behaviour, so C4 should be able to work out a way of time delaying slightly, so that if problems occur, they do not have to... [ more ]
Former Member IMO, this is the core of the problem. Too many phone calls to Ofcom, which began in BB5 with "fight night". [ more ]
Free Thinking You notice how many different timeslots they have used for the show as well, 9, 10, 9.20, 9.30 .....they must have lost some viewers through that as well. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T The Tudors
Shar Hi TS .... It was shown here earlier this year and finished maybe about 2 months ago ... Yes, it's filmed in Ireland, which is a great for the Irish Film industry and there have been a lot of Irish actors in all three series ... [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Has it been on Irish tv shar? Lucky you. I know it's been shown on American tv already and they post about it on IMDB all the time, saying series 3 is great. It's all mostly filmed in Ireland too, isn't it Shar? I know the Irish Film Industry sponsors the making of it, but it's made with mostly American money. [ more ]
Shar I love The Tudors ... This series has already been shown on Irish TV ... It's as good as the first two ... IMO ... I'll go for great drama over historically correct anyday ... [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This morning's repeated highlights
jennywren So it wasn't my imagination, then. It was chopped around. Thanks for your replies. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs They always do this. The other night when BB was on, I was in hysterics when they panned to clips of Bea slurping out of a jug and then Marcus, looking like a creature possesed, gurning, while eating from his "half a bowl"! My daughter went to watch it the next day and only the Bea clip was left in!!! Cant see why the hell they took that bit out? It was SO funny! [ more ]
figtree It was very much more edited. very disjointed did not have the impact of the night previous!But then I believe because some people have complained they have retouched the evidence! Sort of air brushed it to pretty it up! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eastenders a vexing question..
Senora Reyes Once again thanks darlings. [ more ]
Moonbeams Yeah she found out last week or whenever the little one won the talent contest. There was a whole episode where Whits mum was blackmailing whits older brother over some knife. [ more ]
Former Member He is Whitney's half brother. Whitney is not Bianca's biological daughter, but was the daughter of Bianca's ex who died and was not the daughter of Tiffany because Ricky is. He came to Walford when Whitney's real mum came to Walford to see Whitney, but was really running from him because he gave the mother the knife that he killed some drug dealer with. Whitney threw the knife in the canal and Dirty Den did not surface (Thank God). I hope that clears it up! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why Does Freddie Have A Problem With Dave
Free Thinking I find him loud and annoying. He comes up with all these stories which are meant to make him entertaining but just seem stupid often. He probably does act stupider than he actually is. I think it's natural for HMs to be suspicious of the new ones and Bea and David especially went in with clear plans to latch onto particular HMs. That helped them in the short term but over the long term they will still have the problems new HMs normally have. [ more ]
DanceSettee Re: Why Does Freddie Have A Problem With Dave [ more ]
Videostar Why shouldn't he have a problem with David? it's hardly as if David has ever made an effort to be friendly to him, all that guy does is bitch about him behind his back with his puppet master Lisa. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm shocked
Former Member That's the really horrible part. How do we, as a society, prevent this from happening again? The terrible thing is that Baby P is NOT an isolated case, but it is one that has gotten the most publicity. There was a case in Leeds a couple of years ago, where an uncle raped and killed his 2 year old neice because he got into an argument with his brother. Before then, he was a loving and caring uncle and his brother and partner had no qualms about him spending time with his neice. In Doncaster,... [ more ]
Blizz'ard True, but that won't prevent it happening again. [ more ]
Mentalist Thanks Suzi, I just couldn't understand why he didn't do more, but it seems like he tried. I have to say breaking the law or not I don't think I would have given back my son if I thought he was in any danger. Then again I have never been in that position. [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was Sophie Punished?
Canicant and that is the reason for Mucus and Co's sudden demise... I'm glad she did it because I disliked the other lot (Team Mucus) but its definitely down to Bea playing the numbers game . [ more ]
cup I actually think after 10 weeks the housemates love to get it for their chest to each other how they nominated them. Its all done and dusted then and no one really cares,if it were in week 3 now that would be different but not this late in game i think it is a reward And if someone wants to go up its perfect chance for them to asked to be put up for eviction And the numbers in both teams would always dictate that lisa and mates have the biggest say,as is why bea jumped ship. [ more ]
Ducky But no one was angry about being able to talk nominations. A couple didn't want to but that was their choice. There were no repercussions for anyone. No anger, no whipping. Whether BB thought it WOULD is another matter.... if so, VERY bad planning on their part. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...

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