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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have my choice
Lockes He hasnt got a chance in hell unforunatly, BB would not allow someone who has broke their rules, told them to feck off, etc etc, People like Marcus just dont win BB, just like science and Darnell. Thats why they allowed the hms to talk about noms and not punish Sophie, they knew the hms would vote for freddie and Marcus, IMO its their way at getting the last laugh [ more ]
Luxor He is by far the most entertaining housemate this year. Apart from his episode with Noirin he has shone like a beacon the night. [ more ]
kattymieoww He would be a worthy winner but sadly it ain't gonna happen. BB don't want him to win they are going for the bland Charlie/Rodrigo/Dogface. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea want to tell rodrigo....
rusticana You'd need a tanker for the chip fat.. [ more ]
Former Member Therin lies the irony. She made such a fuss and made out she wouldn't be a part of being vindictive and sneaky, when all the time that's exactly all she's really good at. She's the rebel without a clue, and I wish we could see the others hearing about how she planned to steal from Freddie last night, with her new apprentice Charlie! [ more ]
15:10 Did she not tell then? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG I actually agree with Charlie
LGS yes sorry missed that point, how pathetic he was saying it all in a calm manner, she just didn't like a few home truths, as the saying goes truth hurts. [ more ]
LGS charlie and Bea stole it and that statement is true [ more ]
CaptVimes The reason why Bea wanted to go to the DR was because she was going to report Marcus for bullying and that he had been very mean to her. It was at the point where Marcus told her she had been mean to everyone in the house which she instantly denied whereupon he repeated some of the things she had said to him word for word that Charlie heard the laughing opened the BR door demanding to know who it was laughing. Freddie said it was me she can dish it out but not take it. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie so sure he is not going on Friday
CheekyPixie My hubby thinks he is deliberately acting up, to try and get himself evicted, by being a bit arrogant and making out he ain't going. He thinks Freddie has had enough and wants to get out now. Could be true. Not sure. It will be a pity if he does go though... [ more ]
Moomin I was very surprised after all that had gone on that he could feel so sure of himself and tell others that - that's a sure fire way of ensuring he is nominated again next week. Silly boy. [ more ]
mummymaz Marcus to stay!! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a truly remarkable man.
jacksonb i don't doubt freddie was upset,but my impression was that he was ramping it up.certainly that was confirmed for me, when he retold the story to siavash, bea kept her voice level throughout the whole exchange, but that's not how freddie retold it, maybe in his own mind that is what happened, or maybe he was making it sound as bad as he possibly could. his reaction and convulsing , at the sound of bea's voice, in fact her voice was 'making him a panic attack' made me want to throw some thing... [ more ]
Penelope Pitstop hello jackson. I can't agree with you about the reaction from forum members. Freddie, yes he was quite hysterical but i don't believe it was a forced reaction. I didn't watch the row between Freddie and Bea last night but I listened to it. I had my eyes on the forum. I could hear the true distress in his voice though and the calculating nastiness of Bea. I did watch it today and yes he was quite dramatic in his actions at times but that doesn't mean he didn't really feel the distress. The... [ more ]
jacksonb mostly this forum and a bit from freddie. 'ello. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
guilt trip Bea
Liverpoollass You could be right there - let's hope so [ more ]
15:10 I think they are using her to complete a mission, and that is to break up team Freddie/Marcus. Once the house calms down, they will talk about how she jumped ship and how she can't be trusted. You only need Lisa or Charlie to talk about it once and the others will follow. They know their next move, they are only waiting until after this eviction. Bea isn't trusted. She will be nominated. *well I'm hoping anyway* [ more ]
Mozart i think whoever survives this week will be put up with siavash next week. BB reallt needs to put the whole house up, because its way to predictable otherwise. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus "Bea caress my ego"
DanceSettee That is true, but comedy also depends a lot on the history of the comedian. Take, as purely an example, a bad taste joke about immigration. If Bernard Manning told the joke, I would be rolling my eyeballs, as he has a history of racist quips against specific groups behind him If Frankie Boyle told the same joke i would probably be pissing myself laughing Marcus is of the Bernard Manning school.boring, predictable, nasty, NOT FUNNY! [ more ]
LGS I do agree with you MM, but some of the comments made by him have been too much imo, I would rather Freddie go this Friday cos I agree within all his talking, he does make a lot of sense [ more ]
Liverpoollass I don't mind a bit of naughty talk, but at times he took it too far. I would probably have laughed at him because he does say stuff for effect. Yes, he has been a great addition to the house and it is sad that these two are up. I still want Freddy to stay though, but will be sorry to see Marcus go if that is what happens. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stick Sophia back in!
Free Thinking Issac dealt with Bea best. But I think Marcus can deal with her too. [ more ]
Gecko I'm calling it a night now, I should have gone hours ago. It would be nice if you were the surprise twist on friday night Night [ more ]
*KG* Stick me in babes! I'll soon plough through her old bollocks! Give me 5 minutes with her - that's all I need Guarantee we'll see some REAL tears for once! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea "That makes me really Sad"
The Singing Ringing Tree Oh I know we throw it about but in think she is very psychopath like.... she crackes her voice and says you have really upset me to distract people ... we all hate to be told we have upset someone... it makes us villan or agressor when we were in an equal dissagreement. I thnk freddie does the same. And as much as I dislike them and wouldn't have them in my house.... I think they are making this years bb without them it would be rather dull. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I know I have to say that she is the only HM that has got me to this point. I had to switch off the other day as I could feel the rage beginning to erupt I know it's only a game show but lordy lordy [ more ]
LGS I saw through her from the start schemeing little mare [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Freddie leaves this friday...
innais If Freddie goes BB will be dead in the water as far as I'm concerned. [ more ]
15:10 I hope so. It's close tho. [ more ]
Liverpoollass If Freddy does go this Friday, and there is a chance he will, it will give Bea the boost she is after. She thinks that if he goes, it will prove to everyone the negative influence he has had on the house. Him, not her Freddy has to stay for a number of reasons, and the latest reason is to show Bea that, despite her efforts, we love him and want him to stay. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Go on Marcus.
Free Thinking The conversation seems to have been about Bea's feelings about Freddie and therefore not about Marcus, so why should he discuss himself? [ more ]
Liverpoollass I didn't see it, but if he got her told then way to go Marcus [ more ]
CYBERDAZZLE I am gutted that the best two HM's are up this week but after watching ALL the LF again tonight [~and still am on E4+I now~watching the last hour again ~and am up to where Marcus buzzes the DR ~originally an hour ago~at 5-03am ~while Freddie is still in there] I have for the first time ~decided I SO WANT MARCUS TO WIN WIN WIN He really is a MOST deserving winner ~without doubt He is MY WINNER ~ and stuff like that cos he really is rather amazing comes Freddie out of the DR ~to chat... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus eviction odds are lengthening
Liverpoollass I am none the wiser As you know, I want Freddy to stay, but I don't want Marcus to go. Such a poo eviction this week. [ more ]
Free Thinking That Freddie's odds are shortening and that Marcus's odds are lengthening. Yeh, I don't understand betting terms either. But really even if it says it's close in the betting that's just because some people have had a hunch and put quite alot of money up to change things around a bit with some of the bookmakers. It's their hunch and that's all. Alot more people than them vote and decide who actually goes. My hunch is that Freddie will still get a large sympathy vote because of Bea. And... [ more ]
mummymaz Get Freddie out !!! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo sings God Save the Queen...
Leccy Freddie Windsor will do owt for a bacardi breezer! [ more ]
Yellow Rose I too really hope his letter was sent to the Queen. Someone on tv a few weeks ago who knows about such things said everyone who writes to her gets a reply. The reply may be from her Secretary or whoever but it would have her signature. If BB didn't send it that's really mean, and so is the joke they've played on him, nasty, nasty [ more ]
LowonIQ I think they can afford a stamp so should have sent his letter. It is no skin off their nose and a bit more publicity for them if he gets a reply. I thought a low list royal could have come in their grannies place, like Bea. She's supposed to be a party animal and up for a laugh. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus predicts fake queen task idea
*KG* Love Marcus, but TBH - I predicted this one too Pretty easily thought out, to get a 'look-alikey' in there and let the rest of the HMs in on the joke. Also, it had legs because Rodrigo probably wouldn't realise the subtle differences between the fake and the real McKoy - which the others would have done immediately. Biggest issue is that the lookalikey has a very pronounced lisp Something that Rodrigo wouldn't pick up on, because obviously English is not his first language. [ more ]
CaptVimes Its hard to tell without livefeed but he seems someone like Carole who spent all day speculating on what they will do next coming up with 100's of scenarios and ideas. Then when she was right about one of them every now and then put out that she always knew what was going on. [ more ]
Yellow Rose The vote to save was a disaster, and badly timed. At this rate Lisa or Charlie will win [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am going out tonight to look for meteors
The Great Leveller Ive got clear skies up here, are we getting any up in the highlands then? What am I looking for. I promised the dogs I would take em out for a late pee! [ more ]
Barolo Same here on the Wirral. The only strange thing I saw was an odd looking 'leaf' on a rock; just as I bent over to inspect it closer, the bloody thing jumped towards me . . . . sodding frog!! Nearly had a heart attack! [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Black Country report - nothing, quite a heavy cloud cover here and lots of light pollution which I expect makes a great difference. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie on the pipes.
Former Member Cheerio fur noo, an' hanks furra braw daunder tae the best place on earth! [ more ]
Former Member G'night! I'm off too.. had a tough night of meteor-gazing and whisky drinkng.. I nearly drowned trying to do both at the same time see you later! [ more ]
stoory I'll hae a stoater o a heid efter aw this Night night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
edinburgh zoo
Former Member Re: edinburgh zoo [ more ]
Former Member awww soozy you just missed a baby elephant that was born at Twycross this weekend - cute as a button [ more ]
Soozy Woo I took my grandsons to Twycross zoo a couple of weeks ago ....we had an absolutely fab time. IMO though ........nothing beats Howletts Zoo in Kent ......................I could sit and watch the gorillas for ever and a day. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Bea let me introoooduce you to ma leeettle fren"
CaptVimes He also has a skeleton made of Adamantine and can heal very quickly but has to be careful picking his nose . [ more ]
jennywren And here's what I've learnt: Wolverine is a man whose greatest fear is himself—a man who must contain the beast within while he battles to protect a world that both fears and hates him! Yea-uss! I sees what you all mean. [ more ]
jennywren Thanks. I'm off surfing to find the Xmen and Wolverine. You learn sommat new every day. Some of it useless!! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*KG* Hiya OHG! I really don't think he's ugly, but then on the other hand I don't think he's as attractive as perhaps he perceives himself to be That might be his problem, in that his ideas of himself, his persona, his looks - don't quite match what is actual reality? Just my opinion [ more ]
Leccy A trendy little boutique shop, quite exclusive, it's called La Argoooos [ more ]
*KG* I found that all rather strange as it goes I mean, its not a BAD photo really, considering what he actually does look like, which is often far worse - especially when he has his finger inserted up his nostril I couldn't see what he was on about, if I'm honest. Does he think he really looks like Brad Pitt or someone? [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is the biggest insult you have ever had?
Darthhoob was the one and only time i've had chilli sauce...that's all i'll say was soooo hungry though i ate it even though i knew i'd regret it lol. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing LOL! I upgraded... married a decent bloke! And yes, of course I had chilli sauce. Smarts doesn't it! [ more ]
Former Member i shall check back through my diary its okay it didnt get to me much i just rolled my eyes and thought bloody cheek [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So as they can discuss all future nominations
brisket They may be able to discuss them. But sadly not all housemates stick to their word. We have seen that this week. Both Charlie and Bea changed their planned nominations when they went in the Diary Room. It highlights the turncoats and betrayers I suppose. But I don`t like it. [ more ]
cologne 1 I really don't know, but it's a load of s**te. [ more ]
Mollie OK so lets pretend Siavash and freddie are up next week,, chances are siavash would stay,,, but lets say fred stays...the following week, one of the others will be up against fred or siavash.,.. they will leave whoever they are.. so either way either Saivash or freddie will be there at the end!!>>> but am thinking it would be terrible to lose either of them at this stage as the other will be lost, freddie more so then siavash... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This task...explain the Welsh bit?
DanceSettee Anyway, enough about the Welsh....Why are the Northern Irish represented as being British ???? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for our Celtic cousins to be include, but haven't the daft idiots at BB a clue about geography?? Surely the task should be about the United Kingdom and the British Flag be got rid of? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Chralie and Dave ? [ more ]
DanceSettee Nothing strange about that Capt Vimes ....we Welsh have a long and proud association with Transvestism Our history is full of men dressing up as women to chase off English tax collectors [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What if.....
Yellow Rose I think he's a genuinely nice person, his mouth runs away with him at times which in the BB house filled with suspicious people isn't a good idea. Of everyone in there I think his biggest struggle has been he feels misunderstood. [ more ]
*BB* I have never liked Freddie. I have always thought he is the biggest gameplayer in the house and I have always thought that he is a complete fake. He has been acting out his part from day one and now he is finding it very difficult to keep up the act. [ more ]
jeanoj Nooooooo! Freddie is still the best (and nicest) housemate this year and I am still hoping that he will win! Bea MUST be up next week - pleeeeeeeeeese!! [ more ]
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