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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT/ FLOYD, OUR new puppy,
Dirtyprettygirlthing oooooohhhh! *gets broody for a puppy* [ more ]
old hippy guy HAHA when my brother used to visit he ALWAYS refered to Charlie my cat as, the dog, as in wheres the dog? the dog wants feeding, [ more ]
Sarum That's just of my cats (black all over) was called Snowy...until our daughter decided she didn't like that. Mind you, I did call one of my cats 'Dog'. Our vet hates me... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Bea really that bad?
Saint BEA is sooooo dramatic For being so positive - why has she had so many runs in with people? Cries too readily to 'win' wen she is actually 'losing' GROW UP BEA - YOU'RE NOT TEN ! [ more ]
Demantoid The other thing that strikes me about her (apart from the lying, histrionics and strategic attacks) is that she's so JOYLESS. She seems to have no sense of humour at all - every time anyone tries to have the most innocuous joke with her, she takes it literally and goes off on one of her "poor me" crusades, in that bloody awful whining voice.. [ more ]
squiggle Do you think being annoyed by someone is sufficient reason for Bea's behaviour. She went on and on at him the other night for nearly an hour. She constantly belittles him and talks behind his back. He has hardly ever even raised his voice to her. She and Charlie stole his things, cider and tea. They put the tea back and she was actually going to put the empty can back into Sophie's drawer to get her into trouble. Her behaviour is reprehensible. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie & Bea taken Freddies cider???
squiggle They did actually drink it Tiddly, they put back the tea and then said it would look odd if they put the empty can back. [ more ]
15:10 Re: Charlie & Bea taken Freddies cider??? [ more ]
Former Member They only put it back because Marcus saw what they were doing! They would have drank it otherwise, and they also planned to hide the empty can in someone else's drawer to stir up even more trouble and put the blame on somebody else! All for the fun of Freddie baiting! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tayto. When I said two sides I meant in the argument last night. I don't like her attitude overall but she had to defend herself last night. No harm in that. [ more ]
Kaytee I liked Bea at first and voted for her to stay this week, just because she stirred the house up a bit. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE and I'm regretting the waste of 50p...she isn't worth that much [ more ]
Trollop I keep waking up in the morning muttering 'kill her, hurt her, make her bleed'. She does my mental health no good at all [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo is now third fav with the bookies to win
brisket Amazing how things change in group dynamics. Rodrigo was being heavily criticized and disliked a few weeks ago. Now he is popular. I have liked Rodrigo and Freddie throughout. [ more ]
Kaytee I don't really care about Rodders, but if he beats Charlie in the final, it's OK by me. He'll be a default winner though a la Rachel [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I suspect Freddies odds have been lengthened because there is money riding on the eviction odds since it's so close, so if he stays on Friday I think they might go back up whilst Charlies will go down, down and down . [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No more nominations for the rest of the show
Luxor BB will not take the chance of their chosen ones being kocked out. They engineered it so the dark side would remain in tact this week, and the two Hm's that they do not want in are up for eviction. Channel 4 are guiding the viewers to the winner that they want. [ more ]
Kaytee As if BB would do anything as sensible as that Maths....Charlie and Sophie (the biggest pair of numbnuts) and BB's preferred winners [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - What's the wallpaper on your pooter?
Sarum Well, I suppose cheating is OK as long as it's constructive... Lazybug, Fracas and's the Trans Pride flag. I got all fired up and activist-ish after I went to the Bourne Free festival. I might even set it as my avatar... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan LMAO..! [ more ]
rusticana I bought some of that once - three days hard graft until some told me you're not supposed to 'join the dots' [ more ]
See all 182 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You know how BB will often cancel an Eviction if a HM walks? Well...
captain marbles What ever happens it will be deemed Marcus's fault and one way or another he will get his marching orders. They are gagging to get rid of him to the extent that they seem happy to tear up their own rule book and alienate a large section of the viewing public to get rid of him. [ more ]
BBBS maybe bea-tch will suffocate in a cloud of her own smugness or charlie might finaly grow a pair and the extra weight might drag him under in the pool. [ more ]
Zleet Hope Lisa says something massively racist and gets turfed out so the evictions are cancelled. Chances are with the live feed gone they (HM's) have been saying things that never see the light of day so it would be a long shot. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Team Lisa: Lisa, David, Bea, Charlie, Dogface, Rodrigo...All peeing me off..
Senora Reyes That's what peed me off too, I had a feeling he was serial nominator of Freddie but wasn't sure, thanks for the clarity! [ more ]
kimota Rod annoys me with his 'this is why I voted for you Freddie' , as if he did'nt usually vote this way.In fact he consistantly voted Fred out right up untill he realised he was popular in week 7!, where he had a temporary change of heart. [ more ]
old hippy guy thats been MY reason for supporting him from the start, I KNOW he can be crude, and he needs some "tweaking" in the attitude towards women dept,etc, but I dont think he LOOKS for fights he just speaks up when he feels he needs to, and as you say he IS a thoroughly decent bloke at heart, as for those who constantly go on about his faults....can the first perfect human step forward please, I think SOME people expect OTHER people to be bloody saints, he aint perfect by a LONG way, but IMO he is... [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: Marcus was wrong about one thing last night...
Demantoid Oh yeah - and if the public think he's a knob, it's all the fault of THAT PIC, right? [ more ]
sandra oh dear thanks [ more ]
Demantoid BB showed them their headshot pics (the ones used on the site and all their biog stuff) for the task. Marcus had a hissy about his, because they hadn't photoshopped his hair properly, because they'd caught him smiling, and because it didn't do him justice [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea has saved a flagging show.
rusticana Trouble is she is trying to save it all for herself. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs She may be good Tv, but she is one nasty too. Shame on her the other day when she was slagging David off all over the place, and then cried on his shoulder a while later! If only he knew. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo but you still watch to see what she's up to next You got to admit, even though you hate her, she's a darn sight more interesting then others in there. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea: Freddie has lived a sheltered life
Blackpudlian And doesn't let people finish a sentence. [ more ]
Zleet Anyone who uses the term 'negative aura' in an argument has instantly lost any credibility. [ more ]
Summer_Breeze I fail to see how his character is considered flawed because Bea considers him to have led a sheltered life. In comparison to what? Bea has led a sheltered life in comparison to some. Freddie is fresh out of school, fresh out of uni where he would have been with other people of the same age and intellectual capabilities and it is true he hasn't yet become "worldy wise" or street wise or whatever was said. What's the rush? People grow at their own pace and will find a niche somewhere in life... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea being a numpty with charlie
Blackpudlian I thought Freddie did this as a courtesy to her - it gave her an extra nanosecond to interrupt him as she doesn't let the poor bloke finish a sentence. [ more ]
Latecomer You`re not the only one, I was taken in by her for a while as well. Now, the politest word I can think of to describe her is detestable! Scotty has posted the vid of the live feed last night, which shows her up for exactly what she is. (And Charlie too!) I`ve been following the MSN blog, and it`s obviously not just us who can`t stand her... (Have a look at the comments on the side as well. it looks as though she had to move to a different town because she had made herself so unpopular!!! )... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Told you she was full of crap, didn't like her from her first entrance into the house...Knew she was a complete fake, and when she dropped Kenny, Tom, and David in it with the secret misssion, I knew she was a trouble maker. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I thought Bea couldn't stand Lisa?
pigeonpie Oh, I would love that. She seems to have forgotten all the things she's said, Marcus said to her you will have to watch it back when you get out, and her reply was a surprisingly positive, I won't I'll be having too much of a good time. [ more ]
Senora Reyes BB should play all her nasty viscious comments she's made about her new mates on the plasma screen lets see how she gets out of that. [ more ]
rusticana 10.35 On Friday - Lisa will eat her alive - Bea has seven days left. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Migraine advice
Ells Worst headaches ever Gypsie. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt stop crying which made it worse. My OH didn't know what to do with me because I wasn't even thinking straight and couldn't talk for about 4 hours. The doc said once you experience one it's likely you will suffer again and I am dreading it. I wanted to go to A&E and evrything at the time I just wanted either some strong pain relief or someone to punch me to knock me out. [ more ]
Former Member i haven't had a migraine in its usual form for about 3 years now but its been replace with cluster headaches which is a form of migraine i believe. Evil things they are, wake you up in the middle of the night with a pain like someone is sticking a knife in your head. [ more ]
Hyjean Chocolate can cause migraine as well. also if I worry about something, it brings it on, I have suffered from migraine, since 1963, but luckily only get about 6 a year [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you find the final lineup pleasing?
Marguerita I would love Rodrigo to win but I know he has no chance but more than happy to see him make the final, Charlie or Sophe will win just hope it is not sly Charlie. [ more ]
captain marbles I'm pretty resigned to him going even though I think Freddie's time is up. I wont be voting (or viewing) though as it would be validating BBs' blatant stitch up. [ more ]
Moomin No I don't [ more ]
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