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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have changed my mind (Poll)
Liverpoollass Re: I have changed my mind (Poll) [ more ]
squiggle Look how many times Freddie has bounced back. He has been treated like sh*t in there by so many of them. He deserves a chance to see them out the door one by one. Please give him that chance. KEEP FREDDIE IN. [ more ]
old hippy guy nope I aint, over 24 hrs after "the row/tantrum" I STILL think Marcus is the man for the job, I LIKE FRED he has been a brilliant HM, and has made me laugh many times, but his time has come, I feel, and its time to step aside and let Marcus stay to take on team bastards, either way NEITHER of them can win it, its going to be Roddy OR Charlie, but probably Roddy (sorry, but get used to it) Cause Rod has ALL the RIGHT "stuff" to be a BB winner, he is good looking so he will appeal to grans,... [ more ]
See all 85 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tjat fake 'queen' looke like . . .
Liverpoollass I thought Jeanette Charles was great as the Queen [ more ]
Pwillow Hi Lori Sorry i took so long in replying,i went to bed just after posting that! How much is the admission? I'm willing to pay it,it's worth it,this forum is great I can pay in mushy peas if you prefer [ more ]
Lori Hi, Pwillow! Did anyone inform you about the price of admission? I'm collecting the mushy peas... [ more ]
See all 97 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
has anyone
pretty_p I'm really scared - they said yesterday it was an infection and she would probably be allowed home today but today they are saying it isn't an infection and there is swelling in the kidneys - I am so scared - I can't stop crying!!! [ more ]
Former Member I'm sure she'll be ok PP, they will get some pain meds into her and then sort them out. And, in the unlikely event that there are any complications with them, she is in the right place to get it dealt with Don't stress [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing It lulled me into a false sense of security for the up and coming birth (I thought I'd felt the worst pain possible) I think I may have called a few doctors lying barstewards during my time in the delivery suite! (also I'm now feeling robbed that I missed out on the decent painkillers you lot are talking about during my stone experience!) [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why did Freddie come out...
Scotty Oh I see. *googles willie* [ more ]
Penelope Pitstop I wasn't trying to make Freddie look bad. I happen to want him to stay this week but i also want Marcus to stay too. The confront remark - well he did come out of the bedroom and did say what he said, surely he knew that could possibly prompt more confrontation with Bea? even though he may not have directly talked to her. I don't believe he did to be agressive, it was an impulse. And the brave theory - well i believe knowing marcus is his supporter in there it did give him the courage,... [ more ]
Scotty Re: Why did Freddie come out... [ more ]
See all 270 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ha: Bea, Charlie still think Halfwit is gone!
theAteam Thanks OP, Thats more votes of thrown in Marcuses direction [ more ]
Former Member Siavash has 'fought Freddie's corner' as much as Marcus has, not much, but a little. Make no mistake they are in it for themselves, Marcus has criticised Freddie behind his back plenty and repeatedly reminds people that it's not rl it's a game show [ more ]
bigbaws Its one hundred grand talking, Lisa has suddenly seen Marcus's soft side ( because she wants Freddie to leave ) In the history of BB there has never been such nasty evil hm like Bea, most words that are coming out her hypocritical mouth, are an attempt to put the public against Freddie, the woman is deluded. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlies Hatred of Halfwit is because......
old hippy guy dont worry, some of us NOT FROM the north east but who LIVE up here ALSO know that Charlie is in NO WAY AT ALL typical of the folks in this neck of the woods, [ more ]
Liverpoollass Re: Charlies Hatred of Halfwit is because...... [ more ]
Zleet Charlie is just a twonk. He has used the fact Freddie can actually string together a sentence as a negative on more than one occasion. He also has ramped up the dislike since latching himself on to Bea, like one of those little lamprey fish you see on the bellies of sharks. On behalf of all the people of the North East with an IQ higher than that of a potato I'd just like to say we disown him. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG! Bless poor Rodrigo, Was watching through my fingers !!
DanceSettee Gangbang biscuits they made me cry myself laughing awwwww Rodrigo was cuter than a busful of orphans with beribbonned kittens in wicker baskets ....i had the hugest smile watching him...poor bugger [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Re: OMG! Bless poor Rodrigo, Was watching through my fingers !! [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Really? Shame they didnt do it just before the end then! Would love him to win at this moment. Way too much "negativity" in the house right now [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The 'brilliant' special prizes....
Free Thinking If you've been watching this series you'll know that influence from the outside has been there through most of the series. If others, like Freddie and Siavash, have been given the knowledge, advantage and confidence of knowing that they have been among the favourites for some of the series then I think the very least Marcus deserves is a bit of a confidence boost with some fanmail. [ more ]
Scooby doo That would be a truly special prize for me. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs AIMEE!!!! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Marcus REALLY want to go?
Lord Lucan No he doesn't want to go. I think over the last few years there have been more blokes playing the "I want to go and I don't care if I go, vote for me" cowardly card than the girls. The girls just go. [ more ]
Reality Junkie Err I thought we were in week 10 - its a 14 week show!!Think folks are getting tired [ more ]
Real For the sake of us late night viewers i hope he stays. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Letters from Home ... what would you write?
Liverpoollass Dear bea, You are bringing shame on the family and your friends. Please tape your big mouth shut until you come out and preferably afterwards. from your family and friends. Dear Freddy, Hang in there son. You have been a source of joy and pride to us. Whatever happens, you can hold your head up high. Love Mum and Dad [ more ]
mummymaz pmsl!! [ more ]
Hypermnesia PS, at the time I posted, I didn't know Marcus had fanmail from someone called Cat Woman [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Breatheout Feeling loads better , ta I know what you mean , i've just started posting regularly in here & find it a really nice place . Good to see ya back [ more ]
Tequila Aww Im sorry to hear that Breathe....are you feeling better apart from the tiredness? I'm ok luv thanks.....I think I just needed a bit of a breather from forum life after Divas but I'm really happy to be here now [ more ]
Breatheout Awww , thanks Tayto [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For those that don't stay up till silly oclock in the morning
Tequila Yes I agree......surely BB are not going to sit back and let that happen......its far too predictable [ more ]
Yellow Rose After Freddie or Marcus leave Team Negative will set their sights on the one who stays and Siav. What an utterly boring end to BB if this happens [ more ]
Tequila It would be the perfect time wouldnt it Yellow Rose....after all theres still 3 weeks to are they going to keep it alive until the final? Ahh well I guess we can only keep our fingers crossed that BB have something up their sleeve eh? [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
well, in amongst all that.
jennywren Yeah, and when she did have a hairstyle, it was the worst hairstyle since 1967, never mind 1982. [ more ]
jeanoj He is favourite with the bookies now [ more ]
jeanoj I don't think I have ever disliked a housemate so much as I dislike Bea - even Charley in BB8 made me laugh .... sometimes! Bea is just nasty, spiteful and up her own a*se. The irony is that she just cannot see any fault in herself whatsoever yet she has been expelled from school, sacked from several jobs and is not liked in her local area - she really believes that is everyone else's fault! [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
humiliation of the highest nature!!
brisket Why did Bea, Lisa and David try to teach him how to say "Ma`am" in an English way? (Although each of those three said it differently.) He is Brazilian and would speak "Ma`am" like a Brazilian. The Queen would know that (real one or look-alike.) [ more ]
Soozy Woo That's my take on it. Bless him .......................he took it well and has gone up BIG TIME in my estimation. Let's just take a minute to remember ......................IT'S BB FGS! [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] I reckon its all an act [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Loved it when Freddie asked her how she would feel if he left
Free Thinking Freddie is definitely a very clever gameplayer. The big chink in the armour though is the arrogance he sometimes has, it's not done in humour ever (as with Marcus at times) it's like he really feels that way. By default he's my second favourite still but really I this big-headedness means I don't really feel comfortable about him winning now either. [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh Pinky and the brain.She is foul.At least Lisa has been upfront at all times in her hatred of Freddie,soon as she heard his accent ,that was it!.Bea has buttered them up and toasted them. TOM had her sussed in a few days."Falser than a fake leg!".Gawd I do wish he has stayed now! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Again - he asked her how she would 'feel' not if she wants him to go. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea`s eviction interview - Please show her ALL her nasty put-downs about Freddie
Rawky-Roo And Freddie's best bits good be his overacting and hypocrisy. [ more ]
Mozart No worries there jeggo, because that is all they have to show her anyway. [ more ]
bigbaws ....and Marcus's eviction "best" bits should be stalking, perving, talking about wanking, being sexualy aggressive, his disgusting sexual language to female probuction team. hope they have it ready for tomorrow. yeah they should show Bea in that NEGATIVE light [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo learns the truth...
brisket Why on earth was Bea and Lisa and David all trying to coach Rodrigo in how to say "Ma`am". He is not English. He would obviously say it with his own Brazilian accent. The Queen would know that (real or look-alike.) Why were the idiots trying to make him sound as if he is from a country other than his own. Of course Bea, Lisa and David are more experts on etiquette than I will ever be. [ more ]
Lil Misz Aww I was hoping that hed just go on believing forever that was the real queen. Glad he took it so well. [ more ]
Former Member awww hes just lovely. him and his little cup *squishyfeelingsmiley* [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A vote to evict Freddie will send the message to Bea
bigbaws The Public will boot Marcus out regardless, he thinks he is so so important that the public would keep him in to be shit to him, bollox, he has never wanted to leave, he's rubbing his hands thinking Freddie will go, hahahahaha. Bea helped Freddie tonight, majority dislike her, and will vote Marcus off. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] But its funnier to let her think she`s winning [ more ]
Former Member No ,vote Marcus out not Freddie don't let Bea win. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie thinks Freddie and Marcus ar the bullies????
brisket Does he really? More likely said for effect and expediency. But he`s not bright. The Bea/Charlie relationship is indeed fragile and expedient. [ more ]
Barolo Charlie likes Marcus - last night they contnued talking til the wee small hours and were getting on really well. [ more ]
bigbaws Bea has doled out the worse treatment to anyone in the house (Freddie) she has accused Dave and Marcus of bullying, Marcus is am aggresive arse Dave is Dave [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fifilapew I was starting to really like Charlie i was falling for his cheeky chappie ways and everything...WHAT A FOOL i've been!!!! I don't know about the Roddy thing but what a t**t after the marcus/bea thing wtf was that all about? I'm rooting for marcus now, and i'm hoping n othings gonna change my fickle mind! lol [ more ]
Free Thinking It's hard to read exactly what is going on in his mind in those moments. Also reaction shots sometimes are manipulated by Endemol and are not related sometimes to a particular moment. However Charlie obviously does have problems with Rodrigo and their showmance seems completely false. [ more ]
kattymieoww I really can't stand that eejit! If he wins this feckin' show I really will damage sonething! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus ...
Shar That'll only backfire too stonksy ... [ more ]
Shar I'm actually beginning to come round to that way of thinking now too ... Freddie v Marcus was always going to be a bitter pill to swallow, but up to now I had been 99% sure that freddie needed to stay before marcus ... now, though, I'm not so sure ... plus, if marcus goes, Freddie is virtually on his own in the house ... Siavash will not defend him to the same extent as marcus did ... [ more ]
stonks I think we're cursed year I'm backing my most disliked FM.... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What Will Charlie Do When He Recieves His Letter
Mozart and all the voting public will be sucked in, and he will be the fav to win Booooooooring [ more ]
Xochi Nah! He'll read out his letter... realise what he's done... then laugh and tell the HMs "Ah was only joakin' abowt me mam" [ more ]
mandala it wont be off his mum she is in a coma isnt she so it will be off his nana telling us all how well his mum is doing to get all sypathising and let him win [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus recieves his individual prize
Blizz'ard Are you calling him a basket case? [ more ]
Canicant Are you sure his name is Marcus and not Moses . [ more ]
Bojangles I think Marcus was positively upset when he noticed BB hadn't airbrushed that piece of hair. Infact Bea has taken a course on the subject negatively speaking that is.We must be positive about these things you know,or is that being negative again. [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T...Just been to the quacks...
Pwillow Sorry to hear all that DD and sorry to hear you've been suffering for so long,glad it's sorted now and i hope you're feeling better soon [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I have exactly the same as you and strangely have been to the doc's tonight as well. Just got antibiotics for mine though, doc said it didn't need drops. Hope you feel better soon. [ more ]
CaptVimes So the forum out diagnosed a Dr that could see you face to face. Thats some going . Hope it gets better soon . [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Got bitten by mosquito last night
Mozart essential lavender oil is really good for mozzie bites. [ more ]
Lacey Hope it settles down quickly for you. It's awful, I trod on a wasp the other week and the pain, itching and swelling drove me insane. [ more ]
Hyjean Got a mossie plug, you fit a tablet in and keeps them at bay, but haven't used it this summer. Put Anthisan cream on, but being allegic doesn't stop it, I see how it is tomorrow, [ more ]
See all 12 replies...

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