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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina 'unconvinced' by Beas behaviour?
Scotty This I totally agree with. [ more ]
CaptVimes She is soft on some and not on others though and just because she doesnt like them it doesnt mean they should be deprived of being shown in a few good clips as well. Every HM has their fans. Also just because she loves them doesnt mean they should get away without their nasty side being shown at all. [ more ]
Scotty There`s no logic in it. She`s playing safe these days, for her own and BB`s sake, therefore we`ll never get the interview that we all want to see and deserve. It`s a farce. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wheres Beas fan club
15:10 Although don't think anyones a fan anymore, even the founder's resigned. [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** Just watched last nights show what a silly bitch she is really shown herself up. [ more ]
Lord Lucan Still a Bea fan here . Her faux crying was a bit iffy but her retorts are legendary. She has shaken the House big time. Without her, I reckon watching paint drying would be more flippin' exciting. Go Bea! Bye Freddie! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Overnight LF footage
Luxor Of course they do not want him to go. If Freddie goes then all the news they got when the newbies entered is null and void. So it would be game on. [ more ]
squiggle So Marcus according to Charlie is the one to keep in because he is more rebellious and therefore more entertaining! And Charlie was among the many moaning and kicking off because the three musketeers were rebellious and lost them the luxury food, oh good heavens [ more ]
Senora Reyes LOL's at Lisa kissing Marcus's butt, and cadging for sweets...Selfish cow. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prizes for Sophie and Freddie
Scotty Squiggle I`d engrave his trophy with.. *Freddie..the gentleman who didn`t fight fire with fire* [ more ]
brisket I`m pleased they will be called Freddie and Sophie again by people on the programme. I have always called them Freddie and Sophie. It all seemed a daft idea in the first place. Bea has some sort of mental stoppage about Freddie. How can she be relaxed and happy within herself if she is obsessing about another person in thie fashion. [ more ]
Free Thinking They were never forced to take the names, it was their choice to. They could have taken their chance in the public vote like others instead. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Teaching Rodrigo to say "Ma`am"
Leccy It's def. Mam as anyone who's been in the armed forces/police will tell you. Hence me always calling my Mother on here me Mam...and yous just thought I was being common eh [ more ]
Demantoid Know-all Bea was determined to make him say it to rhyme with "charm" (wrong). He kept saying it to rhyme with "spam" (right). Thought she was an authority on etiquette? [ more ]
Latecomer You`re absolutely right Soozy woo. Bea seems to think she is the expert for some reason though. And re dunking... Obviously you wouldn`t dunk if you were having tea with the Queen, but I have been told by someone who used to work at Buck House, that the Queen does, in fact, dunk. (Not at any public function of course!) [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Knife
Lion She really isn't. If she has gone in to win she has gone the wrong way about this. At present she seems hell-bent on metaphorically speaking 'giving Bambi (Freddy) a good kicking' but when her actions are called into question (Marcus), she cannot hold her own and has to resort to playing her role of professional victim. Her own common-sense ought to be telling her she won't win with this type of behaviour. I have also noticed how very badly she seems to need the support of others in the... [ more ]
Latecomer Apparently she does. She moved to Bristol because she`d upset so many where she lived before. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Very interesting blog entry. She sure divides opinion, thats for sure. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, Bea fan-club anyone interested?
15:10 pigeonpie [ more ]
15:10 lol she ACTUALLY has fans?! Is there an updated list? [ more ]
pigeonpie You are not the only one Sunnie. Unfortunately Bea is not feeling the love anymore, or giving out good vibes to a lot of us. Just to formally announce I have resigned as admin of this fan club, and say I'm done with her twisted mind, she disagrees with people who don't agree with her, and then turns on them. She's a selfish soul that one. [ more ]
See all 159 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB needs to tell Bea that the "n" word is banned
Mount Olympus *Olly* you'll have to blame Marcus and Freddie for her constant use of that word. Twas them that were banging on about it first before she ever took it up **legs it out of thread**8 [ more ]
CaptVimes ***sprays some positivity in thread*** [ more ]
Latecomer You`re lucky you`ve missed it, she`s been using it in every conversation, (if you can call her going on and on and ---, conversation) and driving everyone mad! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prediction: Everyone up next week – Double eviction!
Free Thinking They always wanted to get good eviction phone votes for Lisa and Bea as I've said before, so in the next 2/3 evictions they will make sure they are up. They shouldn't have saved Lisa last week by making it a vote to save though. They have really messed it up the last couple of weeks when it was looking like it would be a reasonably good end. [ more ]
captain marbles If it's a dull progression towards the victory of the dull and the fake then I shant be bothering. Get rid of Charlie and keep Bea in so I can watch her frantic backtracking and I might have to watch again. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Prediction: Everyone up next week – Double eviction! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Future Nominations.....
The Devil In Diamante I also meant to add about them being allowed to discuss nominations....hardly fair is BB not get it? If THEY chose THEIR winner, say Charlie, it won't create the Media Circus they desire....I refuse to buy anything (mags etc) with a detestable HM on the cover... [ more ]
Senora Reyes I'm praying becaue if not we risk losing Siavash or Freddie next week, even both if it's a double, and if that's the case I'm switching off. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Devil In Diamante Yes, after not mentioning Sophie and others in the breaking of the rules punishment, they effectively took the blame for it all... [ more ]
Former Member That's right, but it's only because the producers now believe it's good viewing to put the nastiest ever, scheming people in the house, who's behaviour in the real world wouldn't be tolerated or accepted by ANY social standard and they'd be exposed and berated for what they are. Don't get me wrong though, it IS only a game show and a certain amount of scheming is required in order to win £100,000, but not so much as to sadistically make another players life tortuously painful. A sociopath... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Was the sick in a bowl? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any indication yet of who is most likely to leave tonight ?
BROXI I received this e-mail from survation this morning Marcus vs Freddie - Who Goes Tonight? After collecting over 2500 responses from our survey group over the time period of Tuesday to this morning - Friday morning August 14th - we now feel confident in making a final estimation of who is likely to be leaving Big Brother tonight. In our view Marcus is so far ahead of Freddie in the actual vote that he is almost "uncatchable", even if the swing in votes to evict Freddie continues this evening. [ more ]
Mollie I think Marcus is more likely to go, very close though... Hope Freddie stays just to really teach Bea a lesson! [ more ]
Angel Been away for 2 weeks so probably WAY out of touch .... although, I did pop into the internet cafe in Sharm to see who got booted out each week (Noirin & Hira, since I've been away) Anyway .... good to be back ... and hoping Freddie stays [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie will win after the letters from home.
kattymieoww Charlie is utterly repugnant. [ more ]
Senora Reyes He's been doing it since he stepped foot in the house...Why go around telling everyone about her illness? Issac wasn't in the house longer than a full day and he managed to spill his guts to Issac. This the main reason I destest Charlie, it's his emotional blackmail tactics which I find pretty low..I for one would never go on BB, knowing my mother is so ill. Craig Phillips will always have my respect, because no one knew exactly why he did BB until he won, and I love him for that. [ more ]
Senora Reyes He'll get his five minutes of sympathy but doubt he'll win because of it. He's too fake, too, shit stirring, and basically far too bland to illicit any long term interest...I still think it will be between Sophie and Rodrigo in the end, although I'm still not counting out Siavash and Freddie. [ more ]
See all 121 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which nomination twist should BB use?
BBBS great idea as long as marcus picks charlie, bea-tch or lisa [ more ]
Zleet I would say have a series of trials of Hercules style tasks to win immunity (rather than anyone nominating) but the fact is the tasks have been rubbish so far. They need something where each HM draws a number or colour from a hat so as to be paired up. They then compete against this other person for the right to not be up. Do it so that the other HM's watch from the living room as the tasks take place in the garden. Imagine Fred v Charlie doing one of those Krypton factor style build a shape... [ more ]
jennywren Yeah! (But I still want Freddie and Marcus to stay and someone else to go.) [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They think Freddie is going
figtree Nice try hippy....... If Freddie has stayed despite the poo being thrown at him the last 10 weeks he will certainly manage the next one. Personally I would hate the vipers pretend to be nicey nicey to Marcus. Freddie and bea up together would be a good one! Sorry and all that hipster guy! I lub you though! [ more ]
squiggle I am shocked at you saying he hasn't been treated that badly recently. Have you been seeing the live feed or the vids posted on this forum or just the heavily biased H/L's that BB want you to see? [ more ]
Free Thinking And it's really quite normal for HMs to get along best on a pre-eviction night, so I'm surprised that anyone is surprised about that. It's a time in which they normally bond more if anything. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea and Lisa must stay until the final.
Luxor Never mind it is just what I think. I have stopped watching the programme and only watch what I find interesting online. So for them to remain in the house makes no difference to me. [ more ]
Scotty Sorry luxor, I see what you mean but I don`t agree. The programme is what we are watching, after that I don`t care. Bigger crowd or not, they don`t deserve to be there on the final night. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I'd rather watch paint dry, no thanks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Special gifts for David, Bea, Freddie and Sophie...
CaptVimes It did but its been 10 weeks some HMs pointedly call him halfwit I would have had a few choice words to say about the double standards since none of them call Sophie dogface. BB was expecting them to get upset about it like Noirin did with her glasses but credit to Sophie and Freddie they have taken it well. BB really has come accross the most childish in this. It was really most embarrasing for them when the line "Halfwit, BB always treats HMs with respect" was trotted out to Freddie for... [ more ]
DanceSettee awwwww bless him [ more ]
Free Thinking Those in the house? Quite a few of those who didn't like him sometimes called him Freddie anyway. It was interesting in which situations some HMs used the term Freddie or Halfwit, that was part of the interest of the interactions in the house. The name changes DID contribute to the show and what was happening in the house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you think of all the housemates?
littleleicesterfox Siavash - I must admit I don't get the attraction, I'm not keen on him. Cheated on his girlfriend and I have occasionally found him to be a little duplicitous. He's better than most of the other HMs in there though so he's in my top three. Charlie - a liar, a coward and a thief. That says everything I need to know about him. Lisa - I don't like Lisa. BUT she has actually contributed more to the house this year that others in that house and I suspect that without her HM would be a bit duller. [ more ]
Mozart I agree with your evaluation of the HMs [ more ]
Mozart that is so true. Either way BB has got rid of one of their biggest pains in the arse. And i think it is really unfair for BB to blatently intervene in the way that they did by allowing noms talk, if they dont put all the house up next week then it will be the survivor this week vs siavash. Love or hate this threesome they have made the show a much talked about show here on the forums, the others well what have they actually contributed. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie and Rodrigo are happy...
Marguerita His biggest downfall in the house was hanging around with Marcus and Bea the TWO NEGATIVES in the house. [ more ]
justafriend thats made my day to actually seeing freddie smile and someone like rod taking the time to actually have a conversation with freddie, and not just taking the p at him all the while. and well done freddie for letting rod know it wasnt all bad about the fake queen. [ more ]
cologne 1 Freddie seems to be on the road to recovery. Hope he stays and proves it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Positively Bea
Scotty Me too captain! [ more ]
Scotty That`s coz you iz above all dat innit? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Positively the worst female ever to darken doors of the Big Brother house. Grace Adams, Makosi(who I loved) Charley, Alex, Noirin, all pale into comparison to Bea; a long faced,snaggle toothed knock knee'd cow, who thinks she's all that. I don't usually cus HM's on thier physical appearance, but since she so loves to do it other HM's I made an exception. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can't believe we are about to lose one of the...
Fifi29 yeah I wish BOTH Marcus & Freddie would walk today - that way Bea, Lisa et al wouldnt know who the public voted out. The only person then that I think could win the show would be Siavash. And while he wasnt my first choice to win, he is in my top three, so I could live with that. [ more ]
Zleet I just thought if Freddie stays and Siavash doesn't ruffle any feathers then we have a good chance of a Freddie vs Bea eviction next week. That would be beyond amazing. [ more ]
bigbaws Out of all the hm's behaviour, Marcus does deserve to be evicted, not for breaking BB rules, good on him for that, but his disgusting sexual language to the production team. ..and people forget how he stalked, perved, would not take no for an answer. For that alone he should leave. I know other hm's behaviour has been questionable, but none, not even Bea has stooped to his level. Not a good hm in my opinion, cringeworthy. It will be nice not to listen to him talk about wanking, mingebags etc... [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They didn't show Freddie beating his chest?
squiggle Freddie has stood more abuse in there than any other HM I can remember in the history of BB. Bea has ranted on and on and on at him, one vid I watched she went on for OVER AN HOUR. Charlie talks to him like he is dirt on his shoes. Dont touch my things Halfwit on and on for 15 minutes just because Freddie put his towel in the wash and then thinks its funny to steal his things. Lisa sneers at him every chance she gets. I don't want those people to feel they have won tonight. [ more ]
kazzy A grown man having "panic attacks" because a girl talks behind his back. A grown man that wants to go into politics... Now that would be messy What an absolute tool [ more ]
squiggle Marcus advised him as a friend, there is a difference. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well, sadly I have done it... :(
CaptVimes I wholeheartedly agree with this and each time one falls the others grow stronger. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox To be fair, if we want one of the three musketeers to win (bearing in mind that I'm meh about Siavash) then it would be better if only one of them remained on the final night because I suspect that the other two's fans would vote for them to win. I would personally prefer that to be Freddie, I think he has been treated horrendously in the house - most of which has been instigated in one form or another by Lisa and her coven. But this is my pact that whoever goes tonight, whoever goes next... [ more ]
jennywren Marcus already has the status of being a legendary housemate. Clever, interesting and weird, all in one package! I'd love him to stay, but I want Freddie to stay more. [ more ]
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