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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We're going to party like it's 999!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! It was mine earlier on this afternoon so yayyyy you [ more ]
*KG* *whoop-whoop!* GO FOXY LAYDEH! Might have to change the words slightly [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I can't think of anything philosophical or deep to say to commemorate my 1000th post so I'll just content myself with: It's been a great BB and it's been great on here! xxxx [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you value my health then you will vote Freddie out.
tupps this is the same short-sightedness that got the house into this position in the first place.. the same short-sightedness that had saved Lisa and didn't consider the long game.. Marcus may make a difference.. Freddie will not.. he's going to be up every week and you can pretty much see a final week dominated by Team Lisa.. [ more ]
old hippy guy yeah lets all be short sighted and worry about Beas reaction, FRED will have HELL of a time in there with THAT lot, I dont think the guy can take much more, but hey, I suppose that doesnt matter just so long as Bea gets a slap the effect of which will last untill the cider gets opened, OR YOU COULD keep Marcus in, who will come in for EXACTLY the SAME crap that Fred would, EXCCEPT he will be able to give it back with interest, so yeah fred Stays Bea gets a tad pissed off, Marcus stays and... [ more ]
Pwillow Sorry Rawky and i hope your blood pressure doesn't rise any more but i've voted for Marcus to go,Freddie needs to stay so that Bea doesn't think she's vindicated in the public's eyes.if that were to happen my blood pressure would hit the roof having to see her smug face! So for the sake of my health please vote Marcus out! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
under 60 - 40
Mollie wow seriously!! feck it, I only voted once ages ago lol [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Problem with Polldaddy Mollie is that it lets you vote more than once . [ more ]
Mollie Has anyone here heard of polldaddy? its been a poll going all day, at this point they are neck and neck 50/50.. in fact Freddie has about 5 more votes then marcus out of 1,954 ,,, the thing keeps updating though and I imagine during the show it will be moving fast... here's the link (my first time doing this so I may get it wrong) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
From tonight one of the guys i like wont be a housemate any more
Former Member Its definately a battle of the titans as we've seen in so many BB series before. I think both of them are great characters and bring a lot to the house so it's shame one has to go. I don't vote but if I did, I'd struggle this week. [ more ]
Yogi19 Freddie is my fav and Marcus is a great HM. I don`t want either of them to go. Why couldn`t it have been Lisa V Bea? [ more ]
Heartache Totally agree with the OP, very sad day indeed. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea turns on Charlie...
Blackpudlian Have you ever had a phone call telling you you have won the Nigerian Lottery? Did you give them your bank details? [ more ]
Marguerita She has not broken out yet not like the three eejits.. thats all I will give her [ more ]
porto Bea is doing just fine lol - the girl is intelligent and because she is her own person and wont toe the line folks want to ostracise her - well - in the end - I hope she comes out on top - she has my vote [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I won't be...
Heartache Have a great time MM and so what if you are 30 have a brilliant time, jeez l am into my 50's and l still go to Metal gigs. Stuff what people think. [ more ]
porto spoilsport Have fun MM xx [ more ]
Mozart TBH i think i would like a chinese and a few drinks than watch BB tonight. Anways have a fabulous time at Alton Towers, and you are never too old for thrills. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I Think The House Should Hear Chantings
Former Member The chanting was always the best part of eviction nights for me But I agree with KG that it's probably better that they don't know how they are percieved. Then they can build themselves up to thinking they are popular (e.g Charlie) and then it's a bigger fall when they realise the truth [ more ]
jennywren Maybe that's why they've put her in jail, so she can hear the GET BEA OUT chants! [ more ]
mandala had a think dont think it is a good idea after all [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some sour grapes ?
captain marbles I still cant fathom out why they've moved heaven and earth to save one of the dullest HMs of the series. She burps, she farts and she staggers around pretending to be drunk. That's all we get from her and I wouldn't miss her for a millisecond if she went. They are sacrificing Marcus for that. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Should have been, Marcus, Fred, Sophie and Bea then. Or as KG says, all of 'em. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Re: Some sour grapes ? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie or Marcus to win Coalition
bigbaws Looking forward to a house without a perverted know it all. The only thing Marcus does for me is make me cringe. Freddie to stay !!! [ more ]
Tayto. *Turns the Inniscrone Windmills round* Don't need to be listening to Stonks shreking. [ more ]
squiggle Just check out the vids posted on this site and you will see for yourself how much Freddie has bounced back today now he has seen how poisonous Bea is. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
News - Marcus gets another profile pic + fan mail
darloboy (Play The Game!) Nice pic . [ more ]
Free Thinking I managed to find my forgotten thread, so bumping it with new info. The new profile pic is up at the official site and it looks something like the picture I posted here a while back (which I just edited out by mistake on a previous post here). They still have the old one all over the place though, so it's only a half-hearted change. The new one definitely looks better and more real. It's similar to that, if not exactly the same. [ more ]
Demantoid What's the betting he won't like his new pic either? Sorry to break it to you, mate, but THAT'S WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think Bea was a mummy's girl?
Kaytee That's the name I couldn't think of yesterday...I was calling her whatsherface (lol) [ more ]
paace What is a panto? The fact that Freddie had an emotional breakdown in the house and was in mental agony for hours. The same for Siavash when he was in real anguish after the Norin affair. There is real suffering going on in that house, with real people. [ more ]
Puss But I really enjoyed the hug [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Still haven't changed Marcus's profile picture.
Lister_of_Smeg i wouldnt be so sure his poll pecentages are rapidly falling while Freddies get bigger on the DS poll Marcus was on 56% just this time yesturday hes now on 51% and still falling he has also dropped 6% on the BB online poll in about 24 hours . [ more ]
Demantoid Sorry [ more ]
Free Thinking So? They will still promote him with that on their website and whenever mentioned on BBBM or BBLB anyway. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T-Any tips on how to get over my driving nerves?
CaptVimes I used to drive a lot of miles commuting 750 miles a week. Ive got the ranting out of my system. I came to realise how bad my driving got when I lost my temper. I had my eureka moment after witnessing a drivers mistake indirectly causing an accident between two cars two miles away neither of whom witnessed what lead to their demise or the chain of events that led up to it where consecutive drivers got angry at each other and lost their heads. I am a much better driver for it. It took a long... [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Tell me about it.. [ more ]
Cagney Everyone who gets in the car with me now knows to give the standard answer "OMG yes" when I shout "DID YOU SEE THAT T**T?". Otherwise I go into full rant mode I'm surprised most people on the road have passed thier tests to be honest. You'd never know it the way they drive [ more ]
See all 25 replies...

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