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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie-"He's probably banging his head against a wall in a straight jacket"..
Former Member Her bum is looking big in everything at the moment! [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) and her bum looks big in those yellow jeans. [ more ]
*KG* She's livened up a bit, since Kris left - but I've never liked her Too 'bimboesque' for my liking and I slated Chunnel for jumping into bed with a near stranger so no way was this one gonna get away with it! She'd do anything (almost) for a can of cider - not my type of girl, I'm afraid Now, I like Marcus (for my sins ) but NO WAY would I wash his 'grundies' for a can She's just not intelligent enough to work out what she should be saying, to whom, and when She says the first thing that pops... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My god she's out bi**hing Lisa!!
Scotty She looked pig sick and desperate when Lisa and David wouldn`t join in her bitching. [ more ]
suzybean I have said this from the off, Bea needs to learn when to give up. She goes on about Freddie not having any social skills, but the greatest skill to have is some diplomacy and grace. [ more ]
longcat Lisa never bitched that much she said her piece and shut up. Bea is like a dog with a bone. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i'm very worried for Bea
strike that's the thing ali, she was never nice Bea, only because she was hanging around Freddie did people like her, she was vile to David, talked very badly about Lisa and Noireen. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hiya strike She has openly admitted on the show that she was expelled from Cheltenham Ladies' College for being rebellious, and admitted openly that she has been sacked from all her jobs in the past. All of this information is in the public domain. She definitely has a personality defect of some description imo. [ more ]
ali i wonder just how much BB scrutinize their psychological state b4 they go in. i believe the motivation for her psychology degree was her own past experience! then they cloned her and made nice bea and bad bea [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My first time with Kevin Bishop
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Am I right in assuming the impressions are not supposed to that accurate, just "in the ballpark". Yeah, it's finished and BB is coming back on !! [ more ]
fabienne I have tittered a few times. [ more ]
CheekyPixie In the last series, he was quite funny - SOME of the time, but this year I am finding it hard to raise a titter. He is a good impressionist, but the material is shit. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thought it was funny when...
Heartache You are so right. [ more ]
pepsi Lisa is wise to Bea ... and she has given Dave the nod about it too ...and if Freddie stays tonight I think they may just turn on Bea...and when they DO who will she have left in the house??? she's alienated Siavash and Freddie...and all the others will take their lead from Lisa [ more ]
Soozy Woo i'd got her sussed from the moment she spouted about the secret task .........I liked her for a couple of days ....after that - I'd got her number. Never dreamt she'd be this bad though! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Re: BEA STFU [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Why didn't you say that before? Now try and keep this thread on page 1 and it might start a good discussion, although you are wrong about her *RUNS LIKE HELL* [ more ]
Rawky-Roo See. Perfect example of given a reason on why you want her to STFU [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
God forbid that Freddie is trying to enjoy his final night (potentially) in the house
Blackpudlian Some years ago a woman said something about my late brain damaged brother which really upset me so every time I saw her I didn't make eye contact with her but remained civil with her. She squirmed a lot but she never said sorry and I didn't broach the subject with her - I wasted no energy on her as she wasn't worth the effort. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Me too Vid she's completely Toxic. [ more ]
Former Member "had" being the operative word. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Those bastards.
Shar Yes ... you're right mollie ... he will in his own way ... and hopefully Bea will be up for eviction next week ... [ more ]
brisket I like some tensions in the house. The group dynamcs are interesting and fun. But Bea is spoiling it for me. Her negativity and bitterness is coming through my TV screen. [ more ]
captain marbles Sophie is superconfident that she has a sure route to the final so she seems to be more and more arrogant. [ more ]
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