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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X FACTOR: Odds 8/1 that Cheryl slaps Simon in the face - plus winners odds *SPOILERS*
MrMincePie I just like to watch the losers who can't sing in the auditions... then when it gets all serious and they do live performances it becomes crap [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) SCD all the way . [ more ]
Demantoid Apologies to all those who love it, but I can't believe it's back already. Can't bloody stand it, load of old cobblers and karaoke [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it ever right
Luxor The prison systems top priority should be the safety of the public. If a convicted person is deemed to be a risk to the public he should never be allowed out no matter what his prison term is supposed to be. His/her rights do not overide the rights of the public to go about their business without fear of harm. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante PP, tricky one.. In the case of the Lockerbie Bomber presuming he is guilty as convicted (just put aside that he might be innocent for now), no...he should rot IMO....IF he is a terrorist, what's to say he won't mastermind something else once back in Libya? I know he is very ill, but who knows.... In the case of Ronnie Biggs, well, he has enjoyed his life and come home for the Healthcare now he is a free Man and at least that will mean it is costing the Taxpayer less to keep him and I really... [ more ]
Luxor Funnily enough I suddenly felt peckish and went off to get something to eat. I blame you and your popcorn eating friend. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie and Roddy were very amused by what was taking place on the other side of the r
CaptVimes No there was another time to that one. Definite arm shanking movement that time. [ more ]
rusticana I think I would have to frisk her for sharp objects before I let her get that close..... [ more ]
Leccy OOH I saw everyone getting in a flap about Bea and Freddie...someone posted the footage. If that was a ham shank it was the laziest one in the world. She was just moving the quilt...some people have over active imaginations. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pmsl david council tax & water rates lol
Blizz'ard I'd say he rates pretty highly on the emotional intelligence scale. Listening to him talking to Rodrigo the other night, he was impressive! Plus he can be hilarious! [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** Re: pmsl david council tax & water rates lol [ more ]
BBBS i wasnt aware that stupidity was a sign of being down to earth? he's a poster child for the its cool to be stupid brigade that now is becoming all too common. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Phew! Made it back. Anyone having problems with their emails read on..
BBBS i had to request my details to be resent 3 times before i got one email with the confirmation link, a second email turned up straight after, never got a third, looks like the confirmation email system here is a bit flaky. [ more ]
ozzycam Bet you thought you were lost forever lol..... [ more ]
Towno :) Thanks, it was doing my head in not being able to reply to posts and topics. Scary for me to realise how much I rely on this place. It was rotten being a lurker [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: My meal last night was lush.
Poolshark Yes it was, and the other reason we had a good night there was the fact that it was not busy at all, just our massive long table with about 14 of us on it, and only other 2 tables taken by couples, so we had the full attention of the staff, not like a mad Saurday night service. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I'm hungry now!! [ more ]
CaptVimes Pink rice is Pilau rice it can be pink or yellow . Starter was lamb tikka which is always lush and my favourite starter [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm actually tempted to direct my votes at David this week
Trollop Its a good waste of money...Beas a gonner this week. Might aswell save your vote and money until it will make a difference [ more ]
Blizz'ard Noooooo, not our Dave!!! He's the only one that makes ma laff! Stolen from Dance Settee. [ more ]
Felix123 There is only one more nomination week before the final I think. There will be no stopping Bea going this week, after that though, HMs might take it all a bit more seriously, if they want to be in the final. Has any of them said they want a BBLB week? [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie got a tad aggressive with Siavash
kattymieoww The "happy" features on his coupon change in a flash to a sneer.Loathesome git that he is. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen His "I love everyone" mask has slumped to the ground. So surprised he did not nominated Rodrigo this week. [ more ]
fookat yeah "cheerful chappy" Charlie soon loses it when he fears he is up for eviction eh? I wish there was someway to get him out before the final [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I agree with Sophie and Siavash to put everyone up
Hotpants Helen I don't agree with huosemates manipulating who is up for eviction bt rule breaking. That is BBs job. [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus wasn't involved in one rule break in reality, he didn't ask people to nominate himself then. They just put some blame on him to get Siavash off the hook. The other time was just part of a general rebellion and wasn't specifically about Marcus at all. [ more ]
cup The week it was vote to save the others were punished along with them i agree but why not just rule breakers it always involves the others. I can see your points on this thread spider and take them on board as valid points,but i fear he will push it so far he will go before his time like fred,because after fred went he could have been right up there for winner. It just does not sit right with me something about what he is doing,and like fred you could see him slipping more and more and... [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The "give stick to Sophie for not nominating" thread.
Hotpants Helen Didn't know Spohie had refused to nominate. Does anyone know why? (Sorry have not seen much of the HL/LF stuff the last couple days - still trying to catch up after a few days away) [ more ]
The Guru Id never put threats of physical violence and nomination rule breaks in the same catergory of rule breaking. [ more ]
Free Thinking Consistent nomination rule breaks and physical violence are the most serious rule breaks and neither have been fully punished on this series. Verbal assaults and 'ganging up' on HMs are more of a judgement call and really need BB coming in at points to lay out the ground rules between those involved. People such as Siavash, Sophie, Charlie and Rodrigo have never even been given a formal warning, which is joke. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed thread
pigeonpie She did, desperate to look like she's a fun-loving gal, her and Charlie were trying their best to come up with some comedy gold moments for her. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I missed some of it earlier but did Bea attach a fake spider to the mic hanging above Siavash's bed? [ more ]
Cold Sweat Over the last week the 'sleep' camera has spent so much time focused upon these two. Is it a sign? Roddie now back on top of his duvet. [ more ]
See all 236 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
guku It's definately worth seeing, Marcus's little squeak of delight as he runs out of the DR is funny as fook. Yet another chunk of comedy gold from The Dark Horse. [ more ]
Fan of the girls You should watch it..very funny clip of marcus air guitaring to iron maiden..he's like a little kid on xmas morning coming out the diary room, to shuffle his to small for his body legs into the kitchen fr some broom handles. [ more ]
old hippy guy DAMN!!!, C4 site, I took the PLEDGE and therefore will NEVER visit THEIR sites, but thanks anyway OP. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
siavash is making himself look a fool
Hotpants Helen Loved his reaction when BB told him him they would be chosing who he had nominated. Especially after he had said to Bea something like "what bit of the game do you not understand." This nominating flouncing has lost Siavash the big prize. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) , they've turned on Bea now she's helped get Freddie out. Siavash makes his own decisions and some of them do want a free ride to the final he doesn't but BB decides ultimately. [ more ]
cup Freddie is gone now,he did say those things and the rest as well he was not happy with the way they were going for bea [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
if markus walked in the toilet to watch norin avin a piss
Blizz'ard Oh no, I think it far more likely that Neanderthal man was wiped out by the ancestors of Marcus Erectus, with their killer move eyebrows! [ more ]
Fan of the girls Or imagine the uproar there would havebeen if he (MARCUS) had asked Sophie to sit on his face like she (LISA) did. [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** Re: if markus walked in the toilet to watch norin avin a piss [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What did I miss last night?
Towno :) Marcus told Rod that he was off for his seventh tommy tank. Rod then went to the bedroom and got Siavash and Sophie to go with him to interrupt him, ahem, on the job. They burst through the door and the next scene was marcus looking a bit confused but at least seeing the funny side of being caught in the act. Sophie Rodrego and Siavash were in hysterics. It was funny. Didn't see any live feed though so can't tell you what happened overnight. [ more ]
15:10 Mracus was in the middle of W****** when Soph, Charllie? and Rodders walked in on him. That was pobably it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
15:10 ******* fantastic Math! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Hahahaha! [ more ]
DanceSettee Great pic Maths ...something really strange happened while I was reading this thread about W.A.N.K. Suddenly I heard a noise at the window and the SPLOOOSH!....lots of white coloured splashes hit my window....I kid you not Thought Marcus might really have super powers after all, but no... ...bloody landlord's only arranged for the walls to be whitewashed by the messiest builder in Christendom [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can anyone think of a real reason why Bea behaves the way she does.
jeanoj She is a spoilt and selfish person. She has a very manipulative personality and is used to being the controlling one, both with her friends and in her relationships. I think she expects people to do as she wants all the time and, if they don't, then they become her "enemy" and she will do all in her power to bring them down. Basically, she is just spiteful and nasty! [ more ]
Summer_Breeze Oooh she had better not have sex with Marcus! He doesn't like her personality so she will say she'd been used and try and make a storyline out of more "emotional pain". Where was she when Freddie was suffering? Driving the nails in, that's where. Goose/Gander. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Oy vey.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love it when Siavash screams over a spider lol
Blizz'ard A buzzard's head is half the size of an ant's, you know? [ more ]
DanceSettee yeah...but given Marcus' knowledge of the natural world, it could well have been a buzzard [ more ]
Mercedes78 I didn't see last night but i went on the sun website just now to read about what happened last night and the first thing i read was Siavash is in bed and didn't see the talc or the spider i burst out laughing, because i know he hates spiders and his recation would have been funny [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I really wanted to like Bea...
captain marbles I did like her when she came in, and enjoyed her dry wit with it's hint of cattiness. I went off her a bit until I saw that her self-centredness made her a good catalyst for much of the arguments and rucks in the house. Unfortunately, due to her penchant for high intensity self pitying she's become a bit of a bore. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Hmmhmmm. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Watch it you! Bea's never been cocksure, nor taunting....The over-acting however [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So let me get this right!!!
captain marbles There's always the "surprise" eviction on the Wednesday before the final that got Kat yanked out of the house. I think that one might have already been booked for Lisa though. [ more ]
kattymieoww Spot on OHG! [ more ]
nanalou my daughter and granddaughter think he's hilarious......I just don't see it myself. I keep telling them he's sly and manipulative but they won't have a word said against him. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this ridiculous task doing anybody else's head in?
MysTerry I can't think of any task this year that has been interesting let alone entertaining. Mind you.. I did like the mini-task where they all got electric shocks [ more ]
charmer all the tasks have been rubbish,daft and sort of chucked together for the last couple of years a sign of the BB staff giving up and not been arsed i reckon the b@stards dont mind taking our 'vote' money though [ more ]
Barolo That's exactly what is was, skive! Couldn't stand it! [ more ]
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