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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus and Rodrigo make up...
Former Member Bea said to Freddie stop looking for trouble when there isn't any ,stop getting involved when it has nothing to do with you ,stop being negative.Doesn't take her own advice then. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg also if anyone was acting like a 5 year old it was Rodrigo throwing his toys out of his pram again because he didnt get his own way [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i cant see how anyone can blame Marcus for tell Rodrigo to a shut up when hes trying to do the shoping list for the group with Rodrigo moaning every 5 seconds in his ear and before you say he shouldnt do it every week id like to point out that only Lisa or Marcus can really be trusted with it due to the others being very self and will put what they want in the list and not think about the group . [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T anybody got any ideas
Former Member If you want CSE results you can try the OCR exam board. If it's O level or A level results then AQA there are two Manchester and Guilford - you can apply to both at the same time. I applied for replacement certificates a few years ago and they were £35 roughly for CSE cert and a bit more for the O level ones Replacement Certificates it depends on how many certificates you have - if you did all your O levels in one session then it will only cost one price if you did them over two years you... [ more ]
Aimee think we've all lied one time or another, especially when they ask what hobbies have you got *well i like talking to people i don't know on gaga* [ more ]
Croctacus Mind you one place I worked about 5 staff admitted on a drunken night out that they had really lied on their CV' had claimed a degree when they'd left school at 16!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crystal Gaze I like Siavash but I do find his 'mumbling, laid back, cant really be bothered to speak,' style irritating. Its his flemmy voice too. When he does bother to speak he can utter words of interest and wisdom. [ more ]
charmer ive got one of them! but mines only small and spikey im on about the stud [ more ]
Nemesis The part where you're not interested in anything he has to say, but then start whinging that you can't understand him. [/QUOTE] You're getting desperate now. Can you please show where I was whingeing? I'm commenting on something I hate about a HM who I find intensely boring but would at least be able to endure his presence on my screen if he made ANY attempt to express himself properly, which he does not, ever. As Lord Lucan said above, he sounds like he's on drugs the whole time. I shall... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
People who watch LF please tell me about Lisa
Blizz'ard She's unpopular, because she was an 'in yer face, screaming bully' at the beginning, until she had warnings from BB. Since then, she has stayed under the radar, but occasionally makes sense. She is much nicer with Luvverly Dave, than she was with Snarly Karly and Krap Kris. [ more ]
Nemesis What game is she playing? I don't see her gathering or manipulating anyone. The only friend she has in there is David, hardly the sign of a gameplayer at all. If you can give specific examples to show what you mean please go ahead. I don't get why she is so unpopular at all. [ more ]
Scotty That`s funny Amythist! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo and Marcus arguing again - over CORNFLAKES!
Lion Unfortunately we don't know for sure because it wasn't shown. All we know is that Marcus said he said he would put them at the end of the list and Rodrigo said Marcus had said No. He did tell Rodrigo to shut up and this isn't the first time Rodrigo hasn't got what he asked for. One week when it happened Rodrigo forgave easily and let it drop Read Here . I expect he got a bit browned off by being dismissed and I can see why. [ more ]
Nemesis Funny that people are discussing the cornflakes more than the fact that Rod is a hugely aggressive nasty piece of work given the slightest provocation. If he had been in my face screaming at me to shut up the way he has to other people in there trust me the little runt would be six feet under now. [ more ]
The Guru Marcus shouldn't be telling Rodrigo to shut up. If Rodrigo was built like a brick sh*t house Marcus wouldn't say a peep. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brian Belo: BB is better off without press interest
CaptVimes Sophie pregnant? The papers used to pick up on funny stories and happenings on forums as a result of livefeed. Sometimes they would take posts almost word for word. Now its not worth the effort for them to do it for the HL show. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg oh please go away bellend [ more ]
Demantoid Re: Brian Belo: BB is better off without press interest [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi is freed from prison today on compassionate grounds.
BBBS i'm pleased he has been released, dont care if he was guilty or not (i think not), he was released because he is going to die, on compassionate grounds, its the little thing that separates us as human beings to the animals that carry out bombings, we have the capacity to show compassion. [ more ]
cologne 1 In light of the fact that he is dying and the suspicion that he might not be guilty, the right things was done today IMHO. [ more ]
Garage Joe Just trying to get away from generalisations. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone warming more to Lisa now?
Amythist yes you are right , having wound her neck in does make you forget how bad she can be/once was [ more ]
Garage Joe No. That's an easy one. [ more ]
Yogi19 I haven`t forgotten the way Lisa bullied Freddie in the early days and encouraged her minions to do likewise. She showed that she was nasty, spiteful, aggressive and hard-hearted. After two warnings from BB about her aggressive behaviour (and a friendly warning from Kenny that the public didn`t like her), Lisa decided to wind in her neck and lie low, thus avoiding nominations. Whilst it was good to see Lisa tell Bea exactly why she nominated her, that doesn`t cancel out all of the horrible... [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gordon Brown is an utter TWAT
Former Member I don't think for a moment the UK is primarily fighting for the freedom of the Afghan population as a good in itself. Afghanistan was hit by a coalition of forces at the beginning because of the terrorist training camps. [ more ]
squiggle I don't think either of us are naive enough to think that if we, by some miracle, make a difference in Afghanistan it will affect our security one jot. [ more ]
Former Member Or fighting for our own security, depending on whose word we accept. Or, I suppose, both. [ more ]
See all 93 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG latest betting
Former Member Re: OMG latest betting [ more ]
CaptVimes Yes I expect some bookies have taken large bets and dont want to take any more hence the wide range. This is the same for every eviction night though. The average seems to be around 1/40. 1/20 is one of the lowest. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I think she'd have walked if it was just her and Marcus, but she may be hoping David's more unpopular than her [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus: Housemates are nodding dogs
SpiderMonkey Tom told Marcus some home truths when he correctly pointed out that the way he was relentlessly chasing Noirin made him come across as a creepy perverted weirdo. [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus told Noirin plenty of home truths about herself. That was something Sophie would never do. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I'm not sure... you tell me - provide some recent examples, please? (Given that my comments relate to, and are referring to, an up to date incident). [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Man robbed after scattering ashes
Former Member I rather think the culprit/s should have their hands chopped off. Seriously! Where the chap had been or where he was going, or what he'd done really doesn't come into it, the bottom line is that the b@stard thugs that do this to people, especially older people, should be punished severely enough to make others think twice! [ more ]
Canicant I couldn't agree more but at least when Dick Turpin robbed you he wore a mask... these little bastards don't care if they get recognised because they know they will get off with it . [ more ]
skive I'm sure you'd find such callousness in the 20th, 19th, 18th etc centuries too. These are just mindless thugs who'll get their comeuppance in the end. Poor man, he looked really poorly in that pic. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I feel sorry for Bea
prettycocoaeyes Classic case of Karma....She jumped ship last week and ridiculed Freddie to his enemies just to avoid nominations.... [ more ]
Former Member I'd really like to feel sorry for her but as much as I try, the way she's spoken to and treated other HMs keeps getting in the way I'm afraid Had Bea shown an iota of genuine remorse for her actions toward those she has treated so badly, I might have felt differently, but she's just so arrogantly sanctimonious and takes it all in her stride as if it's all normal, everyday behaviour. I'm hoping she'll take up any offers of help when she leaves the house, because her future looks pretty bleak... [ more ]
captain marbles My sentiments exactly. She not only changed her allegiances from Marcus and co in order to avoid being nominated but she cynically created a hate campaign against Freddie in order to ingratiate herself with Lisa and co. There's a kind of justice in the fact that it's all gone pearshaped for her since her huge smirk at the eviction of Freddie. There's an air of hopelessness about her which does evoke a certain amount of sympathy but it's tempered by the knowledge that she is the sole author... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T: What would you do?? Insulted and fuming!!
demonickitten Ignore her as shes pond life and no doubt wears vest tops in October,and ignore him ,purely because he seems a cad. [ more ]
mummymaz everyone was having an opinion so i did too (unwise i know) - he just picked me out of about 7 people to pick on [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Tell her to eff off... and have nothing, NOTHING to do with her ever again. She sounds like scum anyway! [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am feeling realy old.
MrsB Oooh..Congrats My Dad says being a Grandad is brilliant! You get all the good bits and can give them back for the bad!!!! My boys are off for a week away with my parents tomorrow...they all love it!! [ more ]
ozzycam Nice one i cant wait to be a gran, my girls just laugh when i ask if theres any announcements [ more ]
Luxor Good grief, not only has my youth passed me by it seems my masculinity disappeared when I joined here. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone remember what Bea did say in the DR regarding the reasons for noming David
Demantoid It wasn't about boobs, it was about Dave saying whatever he thinks the person he's speaking to wants to hear. [ more ]
Former Member I have watched the episode and she nomed Lisa,then changed her mind and nomed Roddy for being insensitive regarding her being upset over the message from home .She then went on to nom David,didn't look like it troubled her at all .She nomed him for being 90% genuine but the rest of time he is playing up to the camerss. [ more ]
kimota We did'nt see and were'nt even told Marcus' second nom. But I figured it was Dave from the numbers of noms given. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave Dropped
kazzy I dont mind David.. sometimes he gets on my nerves, but I think hes one of the more genuine ones in there.... I've been racking my brains as to who he reminds me of then *BINGO* its Stretch Armstrong!! Have a look.... go on.... tell me I'm wrong [ more ]
Kaytee And the Ariston award for droning on and on and a tie.....David and Bea. [ more ]
Heartache Spot on [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea: Freddie was in love with me
Mount Olympus *Olly* Freddie was in 'love' with anything that made his little man stand to attention.. which was pretty much anything in the BB house [ more ]
GMA As many of you have said above - Freddie thought he had a kindred spirit, true crush etc., I doubt now he's on the outside he feels anything. If he has any sense that is. [ more ]
CheekyPixie Bye folks. Gotta be at work at 2, so I better fly [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remember just shortly after C4 told us to quit....?
Former Member Honestly peeps, it's absolutely fine over there. I've been casing the joint all morning and it does look and work a little different, but if you spend half an hour mooching about it'll all fall into place quickly, I promise [ more ]
Kaffs I love this forum it really is and has been a lifeline for me I will give it a try when we move, if I find it is to confusing or I really dont like it I dont know what I will do .. this move does scare me.[/QUOTE] Marg, it's not scary, honest. To be honest, I find it ok, it just looks different, I can still read it, I can post and I can quote - I don't tend to bother with links and fancy smileys, but I'm sure I can work it out if I have to. I'm not interest in the other Facebook-y type... [ more ]
jacksonb have you been over there yet? [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave's feelings towards Bea go a lot deeper than her nominating him..
fookat hmm i must admit he did go overboard and i really didnt buy him saying "i dont care about being up" a million times. On live feed last night he seemed really upset to be up for eviction. I am suspect about him to be honest [ more ]
Former Member Sorry, Senora, but I have to disagree. David knew that at least two other people nominated him and he didn't go after any of the others. Bea lied to his face when he asked her previously if she had nominated him. [ more ]
Senora Reyes bump [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
VOTE: Marcus - Bea - David
Summer_Breeze Errr yes, you do think it is unworthy because you use the description in a derogatory way to describe a man you don't like and want to put down. "He looks like a bin man". How would you interpret that? There is only one way when the context of your Marcus posts suggest you have absolutely no respect for the guy's appearance and no respect either for honest working men who do a job people take for granted. [ more ]
bigbaws Marcus and his filth hole of a mouth [ more ]
Saint Bumpage [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Teenage Mothers - The problem & the solution (according to the BNP)
Garage Joe Give us back Lionel Blair, you fascists! [ more ]
Darthhoob oh dear my spellings gone majorly downhill...time for bed me thinks [ more ]
Darthhoob sad situation for the youngest why can't parents think of their kids before themselves. you'd think it would come naturally wouldn't you. i've known similar mothers, i tended to make friends with 'wayward' kids when i was a kid i just watched that show (all 5 episodes so far) and those young mothers all seemed to just crack on the get it done and learn alongthe way. parenting is something we ALL learn along the way...young or old. there are no rule books or instructions and all babies are... [ more ]
See all 148 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kimota Thanks Squiggle! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing You will have to 'LOG-IN' to the Live Cloud site then click on 'Sign-in' near the top right. if you have completed your profile successfuly then you will be asked to set some preferences (I think) and then will be free to play around. If however, you have not successfuly completed your profile, then after logging-in and signing-in you will be asked to complete your profile again. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Thank you peeps. I'm pretty sure I have filled in that form a while ago ........God only knows though as I appear to be registering for all sorts of stuff Now when I try to fill in the form it keeps rejecting me .......i was thinking it's cos I'm maybe already registered. Just an enquiry ......what date is the shut down on here? And i will keep trying although I have to say I don't much like the look of it TBH. [ more ]
See all 236 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Awww poor Bea's face
Blizz'ard I think Lisa's reason - that Bea's moaning about her message from 'home' had ruined everyone else's joy - actually made Bea think, and I think she may have felt a bit guilty about it! The reason David was so upset, was because he had really believed that Bea had valued his friendship, over the last week. He had stood up for her and comforted her all week. Even though Lisa had warned him about Bea, his natural empathy had taken over. It must have felt like a stab in the back, especially as... [ more ]
Saint Good point jackson - i agree i think both David and Lisa recognise Bea as a formidable foe - so they get her on side .... And vote for her anyway, lol Clever [ more ]
kimota I found myself having some sympathy for Bea last night, I must be getting soft! [ more ]
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