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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash is very sorry...
Mercedes78 I watched that video this afternoon had to watch a few times, because not listening to what he was saying but down his tights lol, but i think it's a gaurd he was flicking it last night, when i watch this afternoon, i think it's part of the press task. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon At least Siavash is man enough to admit to his mistakes, and to apologise for the same. It must never be forgotten that English is Siavash's second language. He did not come to Britain until he was sixteen years old, that being seven years in which he has learnt the language as he now speaks it. Sometimes Siavash does mumble and it is hard to understand him, but I always put this down to English being his second language. I'm sure if we had to learn his mother tongue in seven years, we may... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Siavash is very sorry... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Bea keep asking the HM's who's going tonight?
Lister_of_Smeg because shes scared and she wants people to tell her David will go over her because she knows with out a shadow of a doubt Marcus isnt going [ more ]
Demantoid She's bigger than me, so I'd hang back on that [ more ]
Senora Reyes She cacking her nappy, and I also believe she thinks she going to stay......Remember her smugness last week when Freddie went? Karma is good, Instant Karma even better. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T reassurance required!!!!!
Kaytee All I can do is send you a really big hug [ more ]
Blizz'ard figgers! Firstly, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a neurological disorders, which would explain being referred to a Neurologist. Secondly, words like Neurologist are sneakily designed to make you feel neurotic about it! Thirdly, most of my muscle is wasted. [ more ]
Demantoid I'm in the same boat, figgy, because of my creaky shoulder and numb hand. I'm on the waiting list for the orthopaedic dept and my physio has recommended neurological investigation and a CT scan. My arm also has a bit of muscle wastage (purely because I have less use of it). It's nothing to worry about really "Neurological" is just concerned with nerve growth and function - it doesn't mean they're going to stick an electrode in your brain [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Squatters Rights & Livecloud
Aquarius Thanks spongey. I will try that next time I'm over there. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing When you first go in you are on US time but in your Settings you can select your time zone and therefore have 'local' time shown. i.e. we are GMT+1 at the moment. PS Don't try and change the time, just the time zone. There are also a variety of display optins to choose. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants go to your profile and click on'll see time zone and you need to set it for,copenhagen,madrid,paris(cest)..that'll bring you onto the right time....don't forget to click the update button at the bottom! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
o/t..3D Episode of Chuck Airing Next Tuesday
lucifer wot..?? I'm an angel rememember..!! Might have fell a few thousand miles and burned me backside on a log fire..but once upon a time.. [ more ]
queenshaks Yeah alright.... [ more ]
lucifer I know..I'm not holding out much hope; but the perv brigade over on Digi are drooling over a certain femme fatale who appears in a rather *ahem* provacative fashion. It's only for the purposes of scientific development by way of customer feedback that I myself want to watch the show. Dirty gits [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just how not bothered was David?
Aquarius He was so not bothered that he spent half the flippin programme telling us he "wasn't bothered". I think also that he knew Bea was trying to wind him up and make him look worse than her. As it happens, I doubt that would be possible. [ more ]
Demantoid Re: Just how not bothered was David? [ more ]
Towno :) I think he was bothered that she was bothered that he may or may not have been bothered. If you bothered to watch it properly then you would know that. Jeez Louise. (by the way, great poll) [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moomin.... are you here?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Moomin, I know I can't help you on the clearing thingy and stuff. But, I was talking to hubby about you and your boy. Hubby was a top level recruiter (he recruited law firm partners & the like)... he looks at CV's day in, day out... and when I was talking to him about your boys results he said... "its such a shame that he has got his results and feels like a failure. B, C, C, are not failure results, I look at those results and mentally tick in my head... 3 A levels (& he, like alot... [ more ]
skive Hi moomin, sorry to hear it's all still a bit up in the air at the mo. Some of the ex-polys are really good Unis now but I know that's a separate issue really. I can totally understand him not wanting to go somewhere he hasn't visited, it's a daunting prospect leaving home under the best of curcumstances. Keep pestering his original choices for a few days as you never know. If he does end up taking 'the road less travelled' and re-sitting then once he settles into it he'll be just fine and... [ more ]
Croctacus tell him to keep looking though cos one of the unis hes seen and liked may have places available...what with the 5 day thing now that means some places that at the minute are taken may not be in a day or two. [ more ]
See all 165 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can someone explain livecloud to me please?
Essie The layout will be slightly different, quoting can still be done, but it's such a kerfuffle at the moment. We've got Zaphod, Mount Olly and a few others in the support forums raising our concerns, quite a few bugs have been ironed out already. The best way to be heard is to go over to the support forums and add your views. [ more ]
slimfern Will the forum be the same layout then..cos I got the impression it would be different..something about not being able to include quotes. [ more ]
Essie (There are probably a few) [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby P murderers appealing against their sentences
Clumsycat It really boils my blood, I cant have kids & when i see scum like this who are blessed with a lovely boy & do those things to him, well... words cannot describe [ more ]
Former Member That's why the conviction was for causing or allowing the death of a child, rather than murder which would carry a mandatory life sentence I suppise. [ more ]
Former Member Oh lordy. I despair. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last Night While I had
Puss silly cah! the work is drying up and she is clutching at straws [ more ]
Clumsycat I see she also claims Rodrigo is a vile bulleh [ more ]
Senora Reyes I enjoy your posts too. It saddens me that Marcus may potentially win. Even though I love Siavash, and I'd love him to win. I can't see him winning... I have always said it's between Rodrigo and Sophie, and I have a sneaky suspicion she may even pip Rodrigo. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie has a very selective memory
Senora Reyes I think she told Noirin the truth but is bactracking big time. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Yes I am also rather confused about the whole thing. Was she just joking with Noirin, and if so why? [ more ]
captain marbles I think Sophie is very cleverly keeping her options open. She probably has more chance of column inches if she conjurs up some sort of ongoing relationship with Scowlo from San Paolo. She'll be sniffing out where the money is and head in that direction. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was that a dead chihuahua I just saw?
Free Thinking Sophie has been associated with that phrase of swearing on her dog's life too, thus Marcus perhaps indicated (with her double faced nature) that hers might be dead by now as well concerning her message from home. [ more ]
stonks Why oh why could'nt they swear on the lives of yapping Pomeranians.... [ more ]
Moomin Yes - I thought she'd said that too. Didn't know she had one as well. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
are you peeps still watching this shite ?
fookat well yeah.. I am a BB fan and I watch all the shows every year. [ more ]
Mollie Oh Strike I thought you were kidding!! seriously, you stopped watching??.. it's so close to the end now... thanks for the livefeed time, you're very good.... Come on back... we need some more banter from you!! [ more ]
lucifer I've read the first paragraph 3 times. It makes no sense whatsoever, so I can't reply I'm As for 'a dig at your choice of words..??' LoLoL . It was a humourous observation at your language whilst describing his foul language..nothing more. Now behave yourself, or I *WILL* have a friendly dig at you..(still harmless mind ). Come here you cantankerous git and give me a [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could BB10 be the last BB?
Sezit Now that the magazines have been chucked in as well, it is getting more and more away from the fundamental format.The "freedom of information" the HM's have this year is obviously the shocking 'big twist' that Davina mentioned at the very begining of the series. So what is going on? You decide. [ more ]
Videostar I personally get the feeling that c4 dont give a toss about BB anymore and are trying to downgrade the show, no LF this year, no purpose built forum for the show and the whole look of the tasks and the house itself looks cheap. [ more ]
Videostar Honestly thats the best thing they could do to Sky3. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone have the latest odds,cheers
jacksonb bea's odds are getting worse and worse, or better and better , for those that don't like her... [ more ]
cologne 1 If the poll on DS is anything to go by, she'll go with about %75. [ more ]
Hicky BETFRED - Bea 1/100, David - 20/1, Marcus - 66/1. The voting the other day I though. Bea - 50%, David - 35%, Marcus - 15%. Still think thats close. When you get 3 it just spreads the voting. A lot don't like David, and of course some don't like Marcus, I'm not overkeen myself, but don't see any point in voting for him, when you have Bea and David there. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie fake drunk again.
longcat I don't think she is a fake drunk even her mom said she was a lightweight when it came to booze. Sophie isn't that good an actress. I did find her and Rod funny at least they are having a laugh. [ more ]
kimota I don't think shes fake. She just gets drunk easily. I actually did'nt think she was that drunk last night and I liked her slagging off Kris 'little fk'n grease monkey'! [ more ]
Hicky I don't think she would play/fake being drunk, what would be the point, she obviously can't take the drink, but to say she's acting, please, bet that's one thing she has never thought of being, an actress. She is great with Roddy, and I think he fancies her rotten, have a feeling they will be together when they leave. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus is absolutely spot on about Siavash
kimota I think its true that Siavash has played it safer than Marcus , but then again he is a naturally more laid back guy who likes to get on with everyone and is less confrontational. I think a lot of Marcus' dislike comes from the whole Noirin thing! [ more ]
Noty I think his views on Siavash are a bit tainted by the whole Noirin episode, but I think there is more than a grain of truth in it. [ more ]
bigbaws Marcus is still harbouring spite towards Siavash over kissing Noirin, who was never interested in Marcus anyway. Also Marcus is doing this as he knows Siavash has a chance of winning now and wants to point things out to the public, got to hand it to Marcus he has played a good game, still can not stick the creep but Ithink he will win [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can't seem to log out of livecloud ???
Hicky I couln't log out days ago, so I just stay logged in now. It said there was an error, can't remember the words, but think it mentioned the database. [ more ]
kattymieoww Ditto! [ more ]
Angel I have, on this website & in the internet options thingy me jig & it still hasn't worked .... I'm still constantly logged in I've e-mailed the powers that be in the hope maybe they can help [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie spoiler...
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! That will be very interesting!! I know he will be leaving the show for a little while to go into panto and thought the storyline was being resloved at the start of next year when he returned and Samia Smith comes back from maternity leave. [ more ]
GMA I didn't realise he was married to Leanne in RL - all I know is the story of Tony the murderer is supposed to come out by the end of the year! [ more ]
Kaffs Thanks darlo... when I was looking at the link I saw the one about Joe too! Did you catch that one? [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What has been lacking in this years BB?
Former Member We are missing livefeed, diary room uncut and nominations uncut. In other words we are seeing sod all except for the pathetic amount of live feed that I record at night when they are mostly in bed. [ more ]
Ruddy Rudy III Good tasks; likeable, fun HMs; LF; decent evictions; laughs - to name a few [ more ]
Nemesis I think it's been one of the better BB's but without live feed we'll never know if they're feeding us highlights designed to make us choose the winner they want or not. I think this series has been quite a laugh. I mean look at the housemates left. Combined IQ of 10 if they're lucky. Always makes for great comedy. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea's feeling more confident after hearing David's name being shouted..
innais Brilliantly put! [ more ]
Soozy Woo I dunno about that ...........i'm not usually a violent person but I have the overwhelming urge to smack her in the face with a frying pan .........or an iron ...............or any heavy object really. I really cannot stand the superior, snobby, smug bitch. [ more ]
carotino Bea is some operator. If I was a friend I'd be thinking twice [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
off/T: I'd like to thank.........
lucifer Never mind the hairy ar*ed guys..though hypocritically I have to admit that Anna Paquin is supremely watchable. Excellent cast, acerbic dialogue/story, dark & funny..oh & did I mention Anna Paquin..?? [ more ]
Mike Strutter The FBI an LEA (our Police are after those naughty film stealers ...(paying lip service ...they w*nking silly in FBI guys /Gals ) Anyways oy sordid USA our Mate Nigel runs off as we get busted downloading a Bril tv show ... will never happen [ more ]
Koala Brother Re: off/T: I'd like to thank......... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT Silverville
*BB* It's all beginning to get too close to home for comfort. [ more ]
queenshaks Absolutely agree... [ more ]
BBea I have it on series link and I’ve been watching every week. There are some very sad and poignant moments (dealing with death so there are bound to be) and it exposes how selfish some people are (like the lady who put her – at 55 relatively young - husband in there against his wishes because he’d had a stroke). I wasn’t keen on the 91 year old woman OR her daughter who featured last night, complaining about the elderly people there who hadn’t bought their own property. Those two women... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...

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