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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thankyou to everyone who gave me advice about contact lenses
PuppyDooDoo It wasn't that bad, and being able to see all around without being restricted by the size of my lenses was amazing. [ more ]
fookat i am extremely short sighted and contact lenses were a revelation for me. At first I felt like I was going to faint putting them in - now its a piece of piss [ more ]
MrMincePie I wear glasses as im short sighted, im worried my eyes would sting if i got contact lenses fitted It is a pain I keep losing at badminton to the personal trainer because I can't see anything [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Is the winner of the women's 800m a geezer?
Sarum Cocoa eyes, I'm truly sorry that I offended you with my post. I was referring only to a particular body shape that might make some women better at athletic sports; I didn't mean to imply that this made these women unattractive or unfeminine (If you know my history, you'd realise that I'm the last person who could get away with calling anyone unfeminine; and I wouldn't even think of doing so). Please accept my apology. [ more ]
Garage Joe There is a long history of our sports stars becoming leaders of rogue states. Roy Keane par example. [ more ]
Angel Exactly .... especially before the race ... very unfair, imo. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
£75,000 of credit card debt!!
Darthhoob you'd think that would be an obvious lesson really wouldn't you [ more ]
Mazzystar It was only when mine got into double figures they became more trend concious. WHat are these parents teaching kids with those examples..We tell ours if you cant afford it you dont buy it :s [ more ]
Croctacus I used to work for Cable and Wireless and once had a customer shouting and screaming cos her cable TV had broken down and she had an 8 years old with a birthday party..she was going on and on about how the hell was she supposed to amuse them if she had No cartoon Network. My suggestion that she played some games or took them to the park didn;t go down too well! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kaffs I even like the boppings here. (I don't mean the choice of them Crunchy!) I like that they say it's a week and what for.. they don't just lock you out, send you a standard email then sit back and wait for your to grovel. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts I'm not the bad guy in this Mitchell.... I'mmm the victim!! [ more ]
lucifer 'Abusive forum fighting' Sorry that had me literally howling. Sounds like an unofficial Olympic Foruming event. My juvenille humour aside, glad you completed the Endurance stage and back to the fray [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wish Siavash Would Leave The House
Heartache Marcus's mum was on BBLB and quite happy to support him, he is all bluster, and all his lanquage etc is a front. [ more ]
DanceSettee Such a shame, Siavash was my runaway favourite for ages.....but now he just seems to be biding his time till he's thrown out Come on Siavash pull yerself together man...she weren't worth it [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg like i said Marcus doesnt mean half the things he says i agree its of bad taste to say thoes things about your mother on TV but in no way is it as bad as cheating on someone and i dont believe Siavash feels bad about his GF he feels more sorry for hes self that he has been made to look a complete prat on TV . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Geoffrey Beattie NOT on Eviction Panel Tonight
captain marbles "Hello Bea" "I cant believe you said that! What have I ever done to you? You're nothing but a bully and you are so negative. I'm not going to talk to you any more.....Why are you ignoring me? you're deliberately ignoring me......." etcetera etcetera until the audience has either fallen asleep or sneaked off. [ more ]
DanceSettee ah well [ more ]
LowonIQ I doubt it matters who is on the panel sadly. Davina and co, never seem to press the points home or go in for the coup de grass. They dilly dally around the critidisms, and are manby pamby at quizzing them on the problem areas. It is always a major disappointment. I don't think Bea will give a flying fig about being booed. Sincerely hope I'm wrong, and will still be glued inbetween glugs of red wine and muching on nibbles. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie and Marcus most nominated housemates in BB history
sinkthepink Didnt say there was anything wrong with Darlo You are the darling after all [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) And , most people like them [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus said in an earlier conversation with Freddie in this series that they were both people who wound others up just by being he said LET'S WIND THEM UP. I like that kind of gameplan it makes it entertaining and those HMs who are on the fence and under the radar get their feathers ruffled. It's funny seeing those who are playing the big brother game according to the guide on How To Be A Successful HM being tested and exposed. The HMs may not like them so much but alot of the... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rumour Noirin has split with Isaac
Mollie I think she was in love with isaac but he wasn't with her... what comes around goes around... who knows maybe she will be there at the final to greet Siavash!!! [ more ]
Joyron I sincerely hope he is not that dim. I'm not surprised with the news at all. It was obvious they were both doing it for the publicity. Glad they didn't try to keep the lie up too long!!! [ more ]
Mercedes78 I won't be surprised if Norin and siavash pop up in a mag somewhere in the next couple of months saying it's love [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone else think that David can become quite aggressive?
Little Miss Spurs No, think he's just getting piddled off with Bea. He was annoyed at the fact she told him a bare faced lie, she went on and on and on about it and tried to make out he was bothered coz of being up for eviction, and tried to twist it all to make him look the bad one, then she went on and on and on about the shouting over the wall! Cant wait till she goes tonight [ more ]
LGS Me too but then I don't go along with the majority anyway and in answer to your question, yes I can see it and he is also very dismissive of anyone not agreeing with him [ more ]
sinkthepink The only aggressive one in that house is Rod [ more ]
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