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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thoughts on Bea's eviction interview?
queenshaks She faked the whole interview. Has she no morals or common sense to know what's she's actually done. I don't think she's that stupid. She thinks we are and we will fall for her lies. She maintained the same lies in the interview as she did in the house...almost as if she had rehearsed them off by heart. [ more ]
Reality Junkie As I said Super, it was all fake shock. It was so obvious to me. She's heard it all before. Those eyelashes were put on for a reason. She knew full well she was going and knew what to expect. Don't be fooled, she's been there, done it and what's more does'nt give a dam either. [ more ]
Former Member Imo: everything was v critical, it was tough and there was not one nice thing said, although they didn't show some of the worst bits of her behaviour, (the comment about the slow talking to Freddie for e.g.) Nor did they show any 'good' bits either - sometimes she was v v funny and a great hm. Davina asked on BBBM if anyone had anything positive to say, cue silence. Think she'll get a lot worse when she's out 'though and reads some of the stuff that has been written. I do think that she was... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Lisa ever get tired of listening to her own tedious claptrap?
Kaytee I shan't quote your long quote TWEE but I agree with every word [ more ]
Former Member Yes!!! [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Lisa is a clever woman. I don't mean academically clever, I mean street-wise clever, woman-of-the-world clever, the school-of-hard-knocks clever. She is 41 years old and has been round the block and has worked hard for anything she has. But she is in a house with impressionable youngsters and she has managed to brain-wash some of them into thinking that she is this wise old owl, the know-all, the caring sharing older woman. She is none of those things. She is manipulative and calculating,... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My 10 yr old son has just run past me...
SazBomb Re: My 10 yr old son has just run past me... [ more ]
fookat i just had to take a wasp out of the kitchen cos my other half was freaking out about it - jeez what a wuss he is! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing My son came home from school a few months ago with sex ed wordsearches as homework. He was struggling with the last few words to find, so his sister was helping... I came through and asked what they were doing.... she replied "Helping him look for vagina" [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tina off Coronation Street ( . )( . )
fookat big boobies for a very slim girl - Im guessing they have been enhanced She is gorgeous though [ more ]
CheekyPixie Agree As I said, I think that she is starting to get like Jordan/Katie Price; all hair dye, fake tan, overly whitened teeth and fake boobs. [ more ]
cinnamon girl Maria by far the prettiest. Michelle should go for a more natural look, as she is a pretty girl but could look better. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If BB were to do the All Star series...
Rawky-Roo If it were all stars, they would have to do 2 housemates from each year, making 20, then pair them up so they have to nominate together and get evicted together. Plus have one boy and one girl from each series. My List would be: BB 1: Anna + Craig BB 2: Brian + Helen BB 3: Alex + Alison BB 4: Anoushka + Jon BB 5: Shell (mmmmmm) + Victor BB 6: Mary + Science BB 7: Aisleyne + Glyn BB 8: Lesley + don't really care which bloke as long as its not Brian BB 9: Darnell + Sara BB 10: Bea + Siavash [ more ]
See 1 reply...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I despair, I really do!
Blizz'ard And their parents before them. [ more ]
Former Member The problem, IMO, is that these parents do not take responsibility for their children. They expect the nanny state (who probably provides their shelter, food and clothing) to do it. They indulge their children, never teach them right from wrong, never teach them empathy, and never give them any guidance. [ more ]
Shar It's hard to believe that children can have such vicious instincts .... They don't just lick it off a stamp though .... I shudder to think what sort of example they are being set at home .... or perhaps more to the point, what sort of example they are NOT being shown at home .... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So why is Charlie so popular with the HM's?
brisket I think he is shallow and duplicitous. He lies and is untrustworthy. I suppose in that unnatural environment where most of the housemates get so many things wrong, they have been fooled by Charlie`s immature (and pretty poor) performance. [ more ]
bringbackthechickens I'm not prone to taking an unreasonable, unfounded dislike to housemates,but I really don't like him. I think it was that awful bit of bad acting in the diary room that made me dislike him and I've not really seen anything since to make me change my mind. [ more ]
Jenny I guess they don't see him (Charlie) listening in on conversations then running off to gleefully tell someone else what he's heard. Usually, it's not nice things. They don't see him in the diary room with his fake facade. The barely controlled anger on his face when he was trying to wrestle back his mattress from Rodrigo. The way he goads Rodrigo knowing he can't take it. I expect the other housemates are tired of Rodrigo's histrionics and therefore don't hold Charlie's going beyond the... [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well that was unpleasent to watch.
15:10 You didn't watch?! I was in the crowd, and yeah it was pretty full-on for Bea. I agree, she did handle herself well. [ more ]
disley21 I've said it before, I'll say it again. Horrible housemates deserve horrible interviews. There is nothing more infuriating than seeing someone who has been odious to the extreme get off with a nicey nicey interview a la Makosi... [ more ]
fookat personally me ( ) I think the nasty characters usually get off too lightly so was glad to see her have a hard time [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fz Out of all of them Sophie is the one who wants to make a career out of being in the red tops....she knows the love interest angle would sell copy.....fgs last night she was saying how poor kris must have felt watching her slate him the night before....she is not going to lose the photo shoot with him.They'll be splattered over the mags before you can say free trip to the beach poses [ more ]
kimota You could tell that even Lisa is getting fed up, telling her very nicely "forget about it, don't talk about it" last night. I understand she feels upset and wonders whats going on out here, but it is getting very boring! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Nobody has offered anything better - yet Sophie is at the forefront of criticism... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joanna Lumley Northern Lights TV O/T 9pm Fri
bringbackthechickens It is a wonderful programme. I loved the bit in the Ice Hotel and the Aurora. Possibly anyone's best opportunity to see the Northern lights at the moment as the sun is seriously inactive. [ more ]
LGS ah well never mind, it as brilliant though [ more ]
squiggle I changed the title on this thread (as it was still on page 1) to make it clear it was yesterday. So disappointing to find out you've missed it!). [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavsh/Marcus will not get their wish for them to be all up
Jenny If I'm right this is the last time they have to nominate? BB should now step in and make sure they play the game properly. They should announce before nominations that anyone not voting as per the rules will be removed from the BB house. However, that might suit some, so they should also add that they will not be able to take up the personal appearances on BBLB or BBBM. Why should they be entitled to the glory, if they can't play by the rules. Or, as someone else suggested, tell them that if... [ more ]
fz Marcus is playing the I dont care if I am here or not card now....he has held back until he survived a couple of evictions to play that one...he knows the format well. I dont mind him in third place after the Vash and Lisa. [ more ]
kimota Most of them don't seem to mind being up. I think only Charlie and Dave are worried by it, but will probably go along with Rod's idea of all of them begging BB to allow a public vote this week. If not it will probably be Marcus vs Dave or Dave vs Marcus vs Siavash.. As long as both Vash and Marcus survive I'm not bothered! [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie just now on LF.."I'll do whatever Big brother wants"..
Dirtyprettygirlthing Oh yeah! Doh! [ more ]
kimota I would'nt blame Charlie for not trusting the idea of them all nomming each other. After all last time he agreed to do this the others shafted him and had BB let the nominations stand , he would have been up against Lisa. Rod's idea of them all asking to be put to the vote is good though! They should try that. [ more ]
Yogi19 Re: Charlie just now on LF.."I'll do whatever Big brother wants".. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash's (ex) 'girlfriend' on BBBM
Koala Brother she tried to be all coy at first with her head down & turned away from the cameras. She's just like him - out there attention seeker [ more ]
SpiderMonkey You don't just happen to be in the BBBM audience. It was all carefully set up. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Pretty obvious that they got her on BBBM to stir up dislike towards Siavash. Watch him get evicted on Friday. It's so predictable. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus Has Overtaken Siavash In The Betting Odds.
machel marcus has slowly moved up in my estimation, and now i would have him to win with siavash second, however david is looking like the best of the rest and if vash continues to be a prat david could easily move into second place and i never thought i would be saying that! [ more ]
Former Member Marcus has been entertaining at times and has imo, been a good hm overall, but he's also been revolting, unpleasant and excessively foul mouthed too. And as for all the masturbation stuff- jeez can you imagine the outrage if a female hm had been making such a big deal of that? [ more ]
Moomin I hope he doesn't win - at times he makes me smile when he has said some funny lines, and I like the way he has most of the things sussed in there. However, I can't cope with his constant swearing and attitude, and I don't like the way he was with Sree. Plus he IS revolting. I would still rather he won over David, Lisa, Charlie or Sophie though. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus could pip Siavash to win
Sunnie Morning Mollie I don't want him to win, I want The Vash but I just got that feeling watching last nights show. [ more ]
Sunnie Yeah I saw that, she gave the impression much earlier she wasn't a fan but love him or hate him, he's been a good HM to watch. [ more ]
Mollie He is the last person I would like to see winning... well actually thats not quite true... Charlie is the last person Marcus comes after him! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They should do a special task this week.
Clipboard They should make them nominate only the HMs they haven't nominated before and NOT allow them to talk about it. Also BB shouldn't give them the results until late Friday afternoon by announcing that their suitcases are ready for collection [ more ]
Blizz'ard They could tot up how many swears they use and the two with the most go up. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Of course it's against my fav HM; she's bound to be the worst at it! Personally, i don't think your idea makes the sort of financial sense that is the major concern of those that run the show. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone catch Siavash's ex on BBBM?
Clipboard I just hope Noirin isn't lurking now the "big" romance with Isaac is off cos I think Vash would fall for it again [ more ]
Mollie thought it was a shame she was chewing gum while talking to Davina!! He was seeing her for about a month, and he is not in love with her or he wouldn't have fallen for someone else so quickly... can you imagine, if you are in the first flush of love, no one else could get in the way, not even Noirin... people need to chill out about his ex g/f.. sounds like he hardly knew her!! [ more ]
ozzycam She said she dosent want him back..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think that if Siavash knew...
jacksonb is oe french>? [ more ]
Azure. Siavash is a wimp he is a small man with a small endowment, why involve the rest why does'nt the coward just do it, he wants the house up as he thinks this will secure his safety, I cant abide the comic cuts cartoon character, the GF betrayer, the mumbling munter, what a pain this wimp is, if he does'nt like the rules why enter the house. [ more ]
jacksonb i'm with you/ [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash leads a group nominations revolt...
Videostar Sophie and Siavash didn't nominate last week, the whole house wasn't up. [ more ]
Marguerita Same here it is the person I like nothing to do with how they look,could not stand them two last year forget their names but loved Darnell looks are only skin deep just happens loving Rodrigo this year. [ more ]
CaptVimes Whoever wrote that for C4 isnt the sharpest tool in the box are they. [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh gawd - Davina declares her love for Marcus on BBLB!
Cold Sweat Quite telling that she referred to Bea and David by name - but then the IDH - that would have been scripted for her - or at least cleared, i would assume. [ more ]
old hippy guy BLOODY hope you are right, cant stand the woman hearing SHE likes the IDH AS WELL AS Bex and Luke, is making me question stuff.....NAH even oxygen thieves have their moments of clarity I suppose, [ more ]
CaptVimes I didnt think she said she wanted him to win. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why you should vote for David rather than Bea to be evicted
Summer_Breeze She did that for the benefit of the public and it has obviously worked its "charm" on some. [ more ]
porto erin oh well - we'll soon know [ more ]
lucifer That's a good way of putting it. Bea has tried a little too hard all too late to save herself; but ultimately has shown herself to be a pretty wretched person during her stay in the house. David is hardly a trend setter for entertainment himself, but he scores far above Bea on the public perception radar in terms of the Brownie points (lack of votes) needed to assure him another brief stay in the house at least. [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
yummy! got fish and chips from chip shop !
Darthhoob i had roast duck and special fried rice...i scoffed it ALL then had the whole packet of prawn crackers and two oranges i've started waddling a few months early mind you i look full term now [ more ]
angelicarwen You scoff it all my love. Baby NEEDS it [ more ]
Darthhoob he's not hungry really, so it's all for me though i bet he'll get hungry when he smells the shop lol [ more ]
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