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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Roddie REALLY annoys me
brisket I have liked Rodrigo throughout. I think showing different sides of his personality is good. Whereas Charlie, being less honest, tries to hide his unpleasant side. But he fails. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Awwww I love Rodrigo. [ more ]
Shizzlex One of the best things about BB for me this year has been his laugh i love it Especially the whole thing with Bea and her mate Tea i thought that was hilarious [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davinas dig yesterday?
Senora Reyes Darlo as you know, I've disliked Davina ever since Makosi's interview. Davina was atrocious last night, I hated when she had that dig at Makosi, equally I hated her staged hug of Siavash's ex, and rubbing salt in the wounds of thier relationship...Lets hope she never has to deal with her man straying. [ more ]
watcher1 and unlike Bea, she didn't opt out of a task and then take the high ground [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Well said! I did not like what happened that night Davina only picks on those she thinks she can get away with. She'll be fawning all over charlie when she does his interview; Guaranteed [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash was so kind to Sophie last night - but not included in the HL's!
Twee Surgeon yeah SR, he was being all 'umble like, ya kna, standing on his tippy toes looking all innocent and wouldn't hurt a fly sheete. He wants to win the money so much that the hurt and desperation is starting to show on his face and he would sell anyone of them down the river to get his paws on the 100k. Miaow! [ more ]
Senora Reyes LOL's Twee. Another bit on LF that peed me off with Charlie, when it was being suggested that they all not vote, Charlie was cacking himself he then said "Ill do whatever Big brother wants me"...I thought, oh shut up "Uriah Heep" creep. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon darlo, she was up to her old tricks last night gathering her troops around her: hugging Charlie, praising David to the rafters, being mummy to all the young uns, giving out sage advice. All the stuff she done in the early days to get Fred nominated. She was targeting Siavash for the chop last night, and one other to be decided [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Hey Moomin!
Moomin I am on the board of governors at a primary school, and we were kept fully informed of all the actions taken when this happened there. Fortunately the person in question is now much improved, and a bit of advice and supervision for a while was all that was necessary. However, there would have been further measures taken if this had not worked. It is easier to sort out problems with weak teachers now than it was years ago. [ more ]
skive At secondary too moomin, it's not in the school's interests to allow classes to fail because of weak teaching. The SMT will be setting plans in place asap. [ more ]
Moomin Precisely - two years ago my son was predicted an A in GCSE maths but only got a B because of a very weak teacher earlier in the year, who ended up leaving after only 1 term, but it took them the rest of the school year to find a replacement Matchs teacher, and his work suffered as a result. On the whole, weak teachers are honed in on and given losts of support and help. (this happens in the primary schools, anyway.) Too late for your son I know, LMS but hopefully not for the lower years. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I s Charlie the New least liked house mate
watcher1 I think Charlie slapped him prior to that but it wasn't shown. I'd have done more than 'poke' if someone woke me up at 4 a.m. in the manner that Charlie did. Not funny and designed to cause a reaction. Thought Rodrigo was very supportive to Marcus 2nite. I like him, warts and all. [ more ]
squiggle And what is it with Rodrigo when the shopping list is being sorted out? Did you tell me to shut up, don't tell me to shut up, on and on and on and on........................ [ more ]
Sezit I can't stand him. I laughed when he read what Bex had said about him. So he really will be upset if he reads this thread I also can't stand Rodders. I find him quite unbalanced, and he very nearly got violent with Charlie a few nights ago when he was telling him to shut up, and was poking his finger near his face. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Walk on the Wild Side - BBC1
Cosmopolitan Missed the first show, saw those fabulous ads for it and have recorded it to watch later. I just love that one where he shouts "Alan, alan, alan, alan........Steve! Steve! Steve!" Jason Manford and Rhod Gilbert do some of the voices. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Love it! Especially liked the bird who was "preaching" with his wings tonight! [ more ]
Heartache Not tonight, but l caught it on the i player, really funny, especially the meerkats. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh no, Charlie's odds are shortening again.
Videostar I supported him from week one. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs God, think it'll be the 4th year in a row Im disappointed, if that happens! Last year I couldnt care less, as I didnt particularly like either of the last 2, but Id be gutted if Charlie wins this time round [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Charlie has hopefully blown his chances and no way back of winning . [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i wish Siavash would just shut up about Nominations
Senora Reyes Channel 4 are contracted up to 2011 so there will be another series next year. [ more ]
Nemesis Allowing them to discuss noms has ruined the show. Keeping Siavash in the house after refusing to nominate has made a mockery of the whole idea of BB too. I have a feeling this is the last BB. [ more ]
cup I will not disagree on some of them on lisas mates,they have not gotton away with anything they choose the two camps,at the start it was all team lisa going one by one,now the tables have turned It is unfortunate that is the way it goes. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL - Do you think Sophie have sex with Kris?
Senora Reyes I don't think Sophie knows.. [ more ]
Former Member Dont really care [ more ]
Free Thinking She's saying she was drunk when she made the initial remark. Sames a strange thing to to have made up, disrespectful to Kris (not that I like him anyway) and for some of the audience probably not reflecting well on herself. So why would she joke about it and make it up? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Domino i like duck liver pate on toast with a poached egg and maybe a few spinach leaves, topped off with a dollop on Branston pickle. ultra quick mini ploughman's. [ more ]
Girlrider29 Now THAT is a killer! Anyway - this isn't pate talk. Mmmm pate... [ more ]
Girlrider29 Will only need the North Circ when going to and from work. To and from home will just be M40/A40. Oh joy! Ya nearly panicked me there with the date mix up [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa: Bea would have slept with me
Eugene's Lair I was listening to Lisa talk about this last night, and she clearly had her tongue (metaphorically) in her cheek. Having said that: considering the sexual histories of both of them, it's not an entirely ridiculous notion... [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i can have anyone Lisa is at it again tbh Bea did flurt with her but thats all it was i cant believe a woman of Lisas age can be so deluded [ more ]
fabienne Oh, she would have done it, but I think Lisa would have regretted it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Twee Surgeon Maybe he asked Sophie to read the magazine for him because his understanding of written English is not as good as Sophie's. Just a thought, bearing in mind that English is Siavash's second language and he has only been in this country for seven short years. [ more ]
The Guru I don't think Vash is duping anyone. He's liked in the house. That's why the hm's are more forgiving of him. Not because of any apologies by Vash Freddie and Marcus are very much disliked That's why the other hm's were less forgiving. I've not seen any acting. However he is a bit of a fanny in stressful situations. [ more ]
fabienne He's good looking and nice in many ways, but such a poseur, and for me that's a turn-off. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin speaks to Sky news
Mollie I do feel there is a lot of truth in what she says, whether she actually said it or not is incidental... Without the livefeed the HM's are at the mercy of the edit, and we have all seen some live footage and seen the edited Hl's and realise they missed the point so much sometimes it's shocking.. to remind you the night Marcus and Noirin were in the kitchen, he was being ridiculous and pushy with her, she trusted all he said and became like a puppet around him as she stopped trusting her own... [ more ]
Former Member Noirin was close to Roddy,does she forget that we have watched them together,she used to stroke his hair ,when he had his first hissy fit it was Noirin who went into the kitchen and spoke with him because in her own words he was "Special" to her. When she was in the house she wanted Roddy to win.Then she came out the house she wanted Charlie to win .Then she went on BBLB and she was back to wanting Roddy to win. Noirin knows she blew it big time,she knows that Isaac coming into the house did... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I agree, although the Daily Star has to share the blame here. The whole story was a classic Daily Star front page "scandal": a massive headline claiming that BB was covering-up racism and bullying. However, when you got beyond the headline and actually read the article, you found that (as usual) the substance was somewhat lacking... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa's breasts - A question
Summer_Breeze How do you know Blizzie? I'm being serious. Lisa doesn't like Bea. It seemed an odd thing to do. Lisa is a lesbian also. It may not mean much to you, but sometimes you need to think a little deeper and not take much for granted. I was never trying to scrape the barrel with my comment, it is sincere. If you don't believe me, i'll just have to live with that. [ more ]
Former Member That's what I assumed Joods [ more ]
Former Member My take on it was that Lisa thought she could see a hair or something inside an old/redundant hole from a piercing and simply asked Bea to check it out. Don't know how good/bad Lisa's eyes are, but at 41 it's possible her boob was too close to focus properly. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus: I'm not enjoying it in here
Azure. if Marcus was'nt such a control freak and a petty manchild Rodders would'nt need to get annoyed, if Marcus is bored get him a camera so he can take more photos of himself at the toilet. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey There's only two weeks left. I'm sure he can hang in there. [ more ]
Free Thinking Rodrigo has caused Marcus huge annoyances several times with his rants. Marcus has shown great patience having to put up with this infant. Just because he tries to score points by cosying up to Marcus for a change doesn't change Rodrigo's pathetic general behaviour. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Overnight LF..Videos
justafriend ok watched 5 and shes saying giving it to the public now, shes not frightened of the public. fair enough. [ more ]
justafriend watched the fourth, reading between the lines, lisa david and charlie want to really nominate as normal. sophie saying she dont know who to nominate, she would marcus but doesnt want to nominate siavash, i felt lisa gave her a look then anyone else? [ more ]
Scotty You`re welcome Jenny. Yes, it should be Charlie and Marcus talking about travelling. He`s posted the wrong one. He`ll maybe notice and fix it later. [ more ]
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