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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie is not happy with Marcus...
SpiderMonkey I can hear Charlie's defense: "I did nothing wrong, me." [ more ]
fookat why do they steal? its really bad [ more ]
123456 I have always been a fan of the plasma screen. I think big brother should use it more often. Like last year with the spitting incident, they could have sat all housemates down the next morning and shown them the footage, then asked Dennis to explain his actions along with Rex and Dale. If they explained it sufficiently enough and everyone agreed to let it go then it could have kept Dennis in the house. But i would have been calling for Kat to be thrown out for her part. [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moving on after domestic violence..
Little Miss Spurs Been through this myself, albeit about 10 years ago, when my son (then 8) turned round to me and said "Dont let daddy come back, coz he'll only hurt you again"!!! This was the one thing that made me realise I couldnt put my kids through seeing it go on anymore! It is very hard. My son still will have absolutely nothing to do with his father. Both my girls did for a very short time over the last year,(after having not seen him for many years- long story) but he has again alienated them both. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Thanks Evviva - much appreciated. [ more ]
Former Member Always...... You did it right, btw. More power to you. [ more ]
See all 101 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm going to endure the forum wrath for mentioning this
disley21 What a stunner... [ more ]
Tequila Re: I'm going to endure the forum wrath for mentioning this [ more ]
Kaytee Charlie was all geared up to hog the camera...whingy face with lip quivering, what a pretty girl etc etc, then in stomped Marcus and stole his thunder. OK Marcus' desciption of Bea was not complimentary, but she wasn't pretty, never stopped moaning and had a vile personality...Marcus was taking the pee. Anyway I thought Bea should have been called Dobbin [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest News
kimota Marcus would have won if he was able to use his 'lethal' blows and deadly eyebrow! [ more ]
Free Thinking She gave it to Marcus and then 'stole' it back. So I would say it was 'stealing' in a sense. Not that anyone should believe much of what she says anyway, she changes her mind according constantly. [ more ]
Former Member So Sophie didn't 'steal' Marcus' cider, she was just taking it back? Can't belive Marcus didn't win, bet he's not happy, especially being beaten by his 'love rival' Siavash [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Doesn't Sophie look great?
Jenny Amazing what an air brush and some makeup can do! She should ditch the implants, as they don't do anything for her. [ more ]
kimota I never found her that attractive in the first place, Noirin was probably the most physically attractive girl in there this year with Snarly Karly as a close runner up! [ more ]
Kaytee Her hair is awful and the boobs are ridiculous. She has a fairly pretty face....but is also blessed with few braincells and an irritating yappy voice...all in all, not up to much [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin, Freddie, Bea were the stars of this years BB
Former Member Re: Noirin, Freddie, Bea were the stars of this years BB [ more ]
BROXI And definitely Marcus. All four were THE talking points on here. [ more ]
Former Member With one or two exceptions re hms not being up for nomination I'm happy with the way things have gone so far... probably my biggest disappointment was loosing Beinazir before we had the chance to see anything much of her [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Marcus nominate Siavash this week?
jessejay I think he will nominate David and after the cidar incident Sophie [ more ]
Former Member I'd be surprised if he nominates Siavash, although I imagine he won't be best pleased that Siavash beat him in the wrestling, don't think he's ever really forgiven him for Noireen and he wants to be the coolest person in the house so he'll probably think that Siavash is his greatest rival for that award....Really looking forward to nom's this week, think they may be v interesting, but fear that it could be a Marcus v Siavash eviction vote, which would be a big shame [ more ]
Shizzlex I really can't stand Dullvash [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash and Marcus ate my cat Trixie for dinner then belched her up in the garden!
kimota I would love to see both in the top 3, a win for the muskateers team against all odds, but feel that some Marcus supporters would actually vote Vash out over Dave, just to eliminate the competition [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I'd make a lush vicar. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Siavash and Marcus ate my cat Trixie for dinner then belched her up in the garden! [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed thread
Blackpudlian Oh the joy of seeing Sophie falling out of clubs legs akimbo after she has had 2 halves of lager. They really shouldn't let the staff drink!!! [ more ]
figtree Too right hipster! and how mad is it seeing joggers running along cars that are belching out toxic fumes! or what! [ more ]
figtree This actually is an interesting one!Sophie had already stated that she does not want Siavash to go! She is unlikely to vote Rodrigo or charlie.... um that leaves Marcus,David and Lisa. I believe that Lisa is well aware of This!! Now Rodders may vote Siavash and Marcus although it may well depend on who upsets him! Charlie may well nom'Siavash and Marcus!Again!!O blimey what I am getting at is that Lisa already knows who she is going to nominate this week but is going along with everybody... [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Troll Tank - without wishing to open a can of worms...
kimota I've occasionally nosed around in there. Its a good idea I think. A friend of mine jokingly suggested on another forum that he would love to mod a section where 'trolling, flaming and personal attack were expected and any outbreaks of reasoned debate, civility or maturity would be dealt with harshly!' Aside from the idea of a seperate mod, it sounded just like our very own Troll Tank [ more ]
TiGi Re: The Troll Tank - without wishing to open a can of worms... [ more ]
Kaytee I only visit the TT occasionally (when I remember it' there) to say Hi to the sitters, but I'll go today and look at the picture thread [ more ]
See all 90 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The X Factor 2009- ITV 7:00PM -Discussion Thread!
hyperstar Bump [ more ]
Croctacus That was Blast from the Past [ more ]
brisket Double standards Cowell. Saying (rather pompously) to the Irish twins "Why are you talking in an American accent?" Trying to put them down, I thought. But hang on, Mr Cowell. Don`t the vast majority of the acts that you nurture and praise and make money from sing with American accents? Yes they do. Forked tongue Simon Cowell. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Sun: Marcus - Sophia fancied me!
Blizz'ard She must have fancied him too! [ more ]
Free Thinking Yeh when Sophia was in the house there were so many other HMs there that you didn't really get to see her except in the arguments. I remember her showing some 'dirty dancing' to Sree as well. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I have trouble remembering anything about Sophia apart from her having arguments with that other person with a similar sounding name. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor 9.9m / Big Brother 1.7m
prettycocoaeyes I even forgot xfactor was on... I saw the xtra factor and the format is exactly like BGT... They should just call the show Britain's got the X factor .... I think reality show may be on life support at the minute... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities It's not a surprise really. I don't watch X-factor, I might see the odd singer as I pass through channels. Don't really like X-Factor, I just think it's a cynical vehicle for the likes of Simon Cowell to produce an identikit singer to make him more cash by releasing drab unoriginal songs which the sheep like nation buy in the millions, play it a few times and stick the cd's in a box for the next car boot. [ more ]
Moomin I like the X Factor - but like to record it and skip through all the crap bits/sob stories. Don't like the new audition format at all though. However for me BB will always be the best. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo: My parents will be shocked
Puss Nothing to be ashamed about at all, but I guess it would have been nice to actually hear it from him rather than be broadcast all over national TV. Siavash is a fine one to talk, look how unhappy his relationship is with his father because of the way he presents himself, and he knows how much his father is hurting but didn't stop him flaunting his feathers either. Respect, nah [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i always laugh when i see a headline in the papers like... 'so and so in i'm secretly gay' shock they might as well print... 'so and so in..i'm secretly a leo' shock cos it isn't a shock to me. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus drinking milk . . .
darloboy (Play The Game!) It won't work with the loyal fans that he has and I still say he is in with a decent chance of winning despite him slipping down the odds . [ more ]
Kaffs Good! I don't see the two issues as related though, Darlo. I've liked them both.. but the Vash is a bit quiet at the moment. I want Marcus to win with The Vash second. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) More like the anti- Siavash brainwashing is working , most people are all pro Marcus now. [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Sun: BB hottie Spurs on Jermain
MrMincePie Send him to City We will take him... [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs I have to agree with you on that one. He was engaged to that really pretty girl and then that went all tits up!! And he looks so innocent too! [ more ]
slimfern My lads are all Man Utd fans..and your girls could be right..he does seem to like the BB cast offs..he also likes a bit of cheating.(according to papers that is)..Loooser! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie and drink
Rawky-Roo But when charlie gets drunk he turns into 'Nana', kinda like that kid who eats a banana and turns into Bananaman [ more ]
Marguerita Meant to say Charlie and Sophie appear to be greedy with the alcohol. [ more ]
Marguerita I really dont like Charlie when he has been drinking he starts trying to be funny at the expense of others and carries his jokes to far,I also dont like Sophie when she has been drinking the others seem fine . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just because I'm pregnant...
Lazybug I think you're probably right [ more ]
Lazybug FFS - I don't believe for a minute she is pregnant I thought it was a strange thing for her to say about it OK??? Alright? [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I think Sophie because of the 'career' she has chosen to persue is like one of those dolls that when you pull the string on it's back comes out with one of a series of phrases. She has been told that she has to say certain things to titillate men and, although to me she doesn't have the right kind of personality to say things she still says them because being a glamour model with huge norgs that's her job. Maybe I'm just reading a little bit more deeply into it than is really there but she... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone watch TV on on the puter?
jeppa thank you [ more ]
Essie Hi Jeppa, bring up one window in either IE or firefox in the top right hand corner you have _ Box X click on the box then resize the screen by dragging the side bits across, then open up a new window in IE or firefox & do the same, I usually have them side by side. [ more ]
jeppa how do you split the screen please EA. I was trying all ways last night to work out how to do it when I was watching HLs [ more ]
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