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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Channel 4 Executives on BB axe...
Felix123 I can't stand those two programmes and the numerous Friends and Simpsons. Sky have three channels, again some with the usual repetitive stuff; I would think they could use one for LF and even dedicate it to a BB series. That would win a fair few over to them. I always forget to look and haven't bothered with Sky for ages. Even Virgin bragged their channels were going to be 'shithot', but never were, I think I watched Sarah Connor Chronicles, or whatever it was called, for a short while. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes They probably come up with ideas when they are high on crac-k(Just kidding before some one attacks me ) [ more ]
Cosmopolitan They actually have a creative team...? Now that's really funny! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tasks to grow back the dough
Demantoid "Wharra yerron about? I'm lovely, me, gotta hearta puure gold, like." [ more ]
squiggle They could have that filling a jar with hair thing, if Marcus agreed he could fill a humungous jar all on his own Or wait a bit, I've got a thought, what about if they told the group that the prize money would be reinstated ONLY if Marcus and Siavash agreed to have their heads shaved? Mwhaahaaa! [ more ]
Former Member aaaaarrrrrgghhh! I STILL have this phobic hatred of that ugly ugly mean pinched GASH of a mouth! That other Tyneside pillock Johnny Regan's mouth was bad enough. But Charlie's is torture to have to look at! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash's REAL intentions
porto to get 100k to send home to Iran [ more ]
Felix123 [QUOTE]Originally posted by carotino: 6. Just a tosser [QUOTE] [ more ]
SkyDragon On last nights show, some excellent truths came out regarding those vile trolls that talk behind peoples backs: Sophie (To Siavash): At the end of the day, next week, they're going to go up for eviction and they'll be knocked off one by one. And they will know deep down that the public did not want them in here. Excellent stuff Sophie, very very true, but Siavash saying the following thing was the most truthful thing said so far on BB to Charlie. Charlie (Acting like Siavash): That means... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heads they win tails WE LOSE!
LowonIQ On ch4 website, the video of taking away the prize money, right at the end bb says 'over the next 10 days hm's will be given... and this has been interpreted by someone before me that this is tasks to grow back the dough [ more ]
Lion For me the best idea of all would be the housemates all demanding to be let out of that house, watch the powers-that-be back-pedal then! Unfortunately this won't happen. Nice thought though. [ more ]
squiggle You are more in the know than me vrmaryport but I am still hopping mad that out of that house of twonks we have to choose between the 2 best. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yours truly angry mob!
porto very good and accurate post Senora - the roll-up hag will not be chuffed when there's no dosh PMSL it gets better - and being in there - no dole money either i understand ?? not available for work you see - that will incl benefits. [ more ]
captain marbles I must admit that Sophie has gone a long way to changing my opinion of her. [ more ]
SkyDragon Marcus out for being a two-faced *****. He goes on and on about not trusting Lisa and all, but sold Siavash out to Lisa and the wolfpack yesterday. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A new home for BB
Perones you may actually turn out for the best...however much viewers may have dropped, it still gets mazing figures for a relaively low budget, daily show. It could end up new and invigorated. As long as it sticks to the principles of BB - the original one and not this slightly watered down one (remember when the HM's really found it difficult to give a valid reason?) - it could be good. The only bad thing will be, on a satelite channel they are allowed to do more adverts per hour than the... [ more ]
Shar Sky are probably the only ones who can afford to buy it .... if they even bother that is ... Whoever it ends up with, hopefully they will learn from the mistakes C4 made and take it back to basics, while maybe adopting some of the more successful aspects of the show in other countries ... [ more ]
Kaytee They can put it anywhere they long as it's not C4 or perhaps ITV. Bung it on Watch, that channel only has about 3 viewers [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash, i've been reading a few threads and
Luxor I find him untrustworthy, devious and a liar. If any other housemate had announced that he was removing himself from the game yet remained he/she would be crucified on here. But because he has a nice smile and wears rejected costumes from Dr Who, excuses are made for him. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I hope Siavash stays and Marcus goes now. [ more ]
Mollie No one is picking a winner for their looks, come on don't be ridiculous!! He has contributed to this years BB in a controversial and yet honest way... he is brave, he has integrity... it just so happens he is beautiful, but that includes his personality... whether you fancy him or not makes no difference.. just a bonus! I love his hair btw!! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you always stick to the rules?
Former Member Not always but find if you dont you usually end up a cropper [ more ]
disley21 It depends on the rule. One thing I won't do though is complain, whine and act like it's not my fault if and when I do break a rule and then get caught out. Others don't make that choice... [ more ]
Kaytee Some rules are daft and are meant to be broken Some rules can be manipulated Some I keep Do I rule break for the sake of it? No [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sky news just announced BB is to be axed after 1 more series
boink Confirmed: 'Big Brother' to end on Channel 4 Channel 4 has confirmed speculation that next year's run of Big Brother will be its final series with the broadcaster. Speaking at the network's Autumn press launch this morning, C4 director of television Kevin Lygo said: "We will not be continuing with Big Brother. Next year will be the last series for Channel 4. There will be a celebrity version, plus the regular one. We've decided it's time to move on." Lygo added that the broadcaster is now... [ more ]
disley21 It's been doomed for a while now... [ more ]
demonickitten Its jumped the shark countless times. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a nasty little git, Roddy is.
Kaytee Rodders has been a devious HM. Flew under the radar for a few weeks, then became mildly amusing, then irritating, then a goody two shoes and now an hysterical little twonk who needs to SHUT UP! [ more ]
watcher1 Totally agree, and for different reasons, I like them both. [ more ]
Anita Biernow funny. look at all the Rod supportors jumping ship. he has been a volatile tosser from the get go. I've never appreciated him. It's about time people see how vile he is. he's psychotic. he flips more than a coin. [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T you couldnt make it up!!
Former Member I've never been convinced that the returned ashes are who they say they are. I bet they just scoop a load out of a communal bin. [ more ]
Former Member I've seen one [ more ]
Summer_Breeze I read that during cremation the skeleton sits bolt upright in the flames and then afterwards the bones just get ground up in a huge mincing machine. Read that in New Scientist. It certainly put a few people off being cremated! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Of course they do, they want to keep the favourites to the end for the vote to win, they must make there money then.They should make a few bob this week too. Tuesday will be interesting to see how they manipulate it to get the least favourite out, which probably will be David [ more ]
*BB* Ooow! I hope so! [ more ]
Summer_Breeze Is Brit logic that shite? They like an underdog until he grows a pair and starts fighting back? Marcus has been consistently nominated, like Freddie was and is an underdog in that house. He should take them all on in the final week and just win the bloody thing - for the sake of Freddie AND Siavash. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 'to be scrapped'
Luxor Channel 4 destroyed Big Brother the year they decided to put Nikki back in. That was the point where the producers thought they knew better than the public. Since then they have tried every trick in the book to get the public back and failed miserably everytime. They just did not get the fact that interfering is the wrong way. [ more ]
Kaffs Riiiiiiiight. So they haven't worked out that THEY are the reason people aren't so interested any more? Roll on the 'scrapping' (which isn't a scrapping at all it's the end of a contract) and hopefully someone who CAN run a piss up in a brewery will take it on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Regardless of their reaction Siavash
Lord Lucan I absolutely agree. Charlie was spot on in a lot of things he said to/and about Siavash and then went off on one because Siavash said he was cruel to Bea by nominating her behind her back so Charlie hit back about him cheating on his g/f. The funniest thing of all is that Siavash is now up against Marcus, the one thing he tried to avoid AT ALL COSTS!!! [ more ]
Free Thinking Endemol challenged Siavash once when they blew up his showmance with Noirin. Since then they have been easy on him and allowed him to play the game however he wants. The twists of putting all HMs up, of nominating those who touched him and of nominating HMs specified in advance to him have not really punished him enough. They have just turned other HMs against him and enabled him to play the sympathy card. [ more ]
LGS say what you see, I see it differently on many occasion He has been forthright with his thoughts and observations to all the HMs. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Mario and Nini
LGS In 2001, director Chloe Ruthven got a job in a central London primary school, working with children who were failing in class. Nini and his friend Mario immediately stood out as two, bright adventurous children, and Chloe began working with them, encouraging them to use her video camera as a way of exploring their own lives. Over the next seven years, the three develop a special relationship. But as the boys grow up, the lure of the street begins to prove too much, and only the director can... [ more ]
Demantoid I saw the preview trailers, but I didn't watch it, sorry. To tell the truth, I'm bored with the number of programmes being made about kids, and how tough they have it these days. [ more ]
queenshaks Didn't see LGS, which channel was it on? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie: 'Is George Bush the King?'
*BB* So was I when I saw what she was wearing. I thought it in rather poor taste that she was made to dress up like a schoolgirl, with those plastic over-inflated breasts sticking out and the high heels. What kind of school uniform is that? One a porn actress might wear? [ more ]
Lauren I was cringing while she did the geography task on highlights last night Just embarrassing. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I didn't see the episode of BBLB where these results were announced, but I read about it on DS, and apparently George Lamb listed a few provisos: - The tests were not taken in controlled conditions; - Some test papers were spoiled or incomplete; - Some of the HMs do not have English as a first language (IQ tests are meant to be "culturally fair", but often aren't in practise.) In other words: the results are pretty meaningless. (In particular, IMO, the bit about some tests being incomplete... [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash. So he's BB's blue eye'd boy they want to win....
MrMincePie Yes, as she told him before... she does not fancy him. He knew it was possible that she is going to like other blokes in the house... At times he was abit of a control freak The next Sree you could say... But she didnt exactly help the situation either by hiding it all for so long. [ more ]
Videostar And you expect Marcus to just be blindly happy for the Vash and accept that his friend has rubbed the fact that Noirin prefers Siavash to himself with total happiness.? Be serious, this is the real world we are talking about her, real feelings. [ more ]
Videostar Oh well, I might as well get some kip too, nanight everyone...have a good one. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed Thread
Senora Reyes Deffo. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I'm not sure they'll show it, Nana's been cut out of every highlight show, BB wouldn't want Charlie to look the numpty he is [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I will go so far as to say 'I did nothing wrong, me, effing hell, I better move all this stuff out of the way of the doors and pretend like I dont give a shit me - coz me mother is ill and I'm lovely I am me' [ more ]
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