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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
would someone give me a link please..?
brisket Shame on you charmer. Trying to blame your OH indeed. My bet is that it is you who will be on the station platform ready to burst forth at the sound of music. Watching the video invariably puts a smile on my face. It`s lovely how people can be influenced by music and dance. [ more ]
jamieboy its the same thing as the fone ads aint it? [ more ]
charmer thanks for the links everyone i showed my OH it and she hates EVERYTHING on you tube but she danced away and has made me play it 3 times so she can learn the dance moves mind you shes not long back from the pub, and im banning her from nearby train stations just incase she tries to re-create it..on her own..oh dear.. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo and breaking rules...
brisket He is in a dilemma about certain acts of rule breaking. It`s the same with me. One day I can, the next day I can`t bring myself to do it. There`s a lot of us around. [ more ]
MrMincePie See... hes breaking rules now and ignoring it. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities He is an annoying hypocrite. I am starting to loath the little turd. Hope to god the idiot public don't vote him the winner. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash made a fatal error
fabienne I have to admit, I didn't quite understand Siavash's logic in the diary room, but he did what he wanted to do, as it was his right to do, and I say good for him. Why the hell should he do anything other than what he thinks is right? [ more ]
fz They are annoyed with him because as rodders and charlie squealed....he is doing it to make himself look good and they think he has been in the diary room saying he cant possibly nominate because he likes them all . They wont believe otheriwse until they see his diary room footage. So as the vash asked them...why dont you do it too then?? No answer to that one....they bottled going in front of the public vote and are in full warp mode panic ...and with good reason...they'll get... [ more ]
SJ So, Siavash wanting to win, by - lets face it, not actually playing the game, since one of the rules of the very game that he is supposed to be playing is that you have to nominate fellow housemates every week. people on here care calling that him playing to win, but when lisa, david, sophie, charlie rodrigo and david are very clearly irritated by Siavash and Marcus, and show this by voting for them, as part of the rules of the game that they are playing, they are cheating bastards who block... [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No prize money - VIDEO
15:10 lol does she really thinks she is going to win? [ more ]
Mozart there are going to be some tempers frayed when the tasks start, woe betide anyone that doesnt give 100 percent,i hope BB make most of the task really difficult to pass. I bet Lisa would be able to tolerate the shock pads if it meant money. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Her eyeballs nearly bulged out of hear head!!! I thought they were going to explode! [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB9 Mikey: Sophie is trying to be Jade
~Lee~ Sarah led him on big style....She told him he was the type of bloke she'd go for in RL ....Straddling him while she was wearing next to nothing....Getting in his bed despite him asking her not too....I could go on. [ more ]
15:10 Thought it was bb7 Mikey, but the title clearly said.... [ more ]
TiGi I think he's spot on, I thought the same thing last night. [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Scotty Rodrigo who is totally outraged and offended when anyone tells him to shut up shouts " Oh shut up David!" He`s a bad tempered doubled standard little twonk. David`s "whatever" makes my teeth grind. Can`t stand either of them. Throw Charlie into the mix and I`m heading for the bridge. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Sick and tired of Rodrigo's "respect the rules" bullshit. Where was his respect when he was in the camera runs yesterday? Where was his respect when he poured oil over the beds? [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So in Sophies defence...
Eugene's Lair Right enough... [ more ]
carotino I had Joe Beltrami on a retainer [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Sometimes our words on here can be misinterpreted EL and I didn't really wish to imply that you were being personal with your reply. I agree with you about the lack of basic knowledge in geography with the schoolkids today. It was drummed into our skulls where most places were in the world, back in the day. I remember one lesson very clearly where the teacher asked us where 'The Wash' was. None of us knew of course but I remember her pointing it out on the map. I know now! Memories, eh? [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Odious, Snidey, Creep (longish)....
Former Member Ha! As soon as I read Odious Snidey and Creep I just knew it would be a Charlie thread [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Big Brother gathers all Housemates into the sitting room and then calls two housemates to the Diary Room - Charlie and Sophie answer the call If he hadn't been so nosey....... Would he have complained so vociferously if anyone else had gone to the DR instead of him? [ more ]
brisket Indeed. Clearly anger on display, and I suspect aggression lurking not far below the surface. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GCSE results day tomorrow......
Croctacus Daughter gets hers tomorrow but its not a huge deal cos she already has the equivalent of 4 A's and so whatever else she gets on the rest (which will probably be a mixed bag) won't make any difference to what she does next school year anyway. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs And to your little spongey too hun Hope shes ok [ more ]
cup Good luck to you all Lots of kids got some of them yesterday here and a few more to get tommorow My daughter is doing hers next year and has module results to get this year towards them. I know how you all feel last week when eldest was waiting on A level results i was nervous as hell All the best to all [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Confirmed: 'Big Brother' to end on Channel 4
littleleicesterfox I'm very annoyed about this. I sent a comment to Have your Say about this which is filled with frothing-at-the-mouth Daily Hate Mail readers being incredibly abusive about Big Brother viewers and MY comment was the one that was rejected by the moderators! I've never said anything controversial in my life and the comment was fairly innocuous so I have written to the moderation asking exactly why they felt my comment was inappropriate to stand against the anti-BB bias being shown. but... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I'd like to think so, but I seriously doubt it. Remember that many of the faults with BB this year (HM selection, weak punishments and mucking-around with the rules) were decisions made by Endemol , not C4, so they will remain if the show moves to another channel. My guess is that if another channel takes BB over, it will be in a different form: e.g. they may do away with the public vote and make it more like BB USA... [ more ]
Videostar Sky TV to take over bigbrother, they are the only ones who could afford to take the show forward. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A question for Siavash fans
jamieboy dont matter wot happens siavash is a winner *sprinkles fairy dust on siavash* [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hiya LordL Because Siavash has stated quite openly that he has no difficulty with nominating friends at this stage of the game, he has admitted that this is not his reason for not nominating. He has reiterated this point over and over again to the other HMs, some of who choose not to listen to this explanation, for reasons known only to themselves . However we, the public, have heard him and have taken on board what he has said. We have also heard his reasons for not nominating, for not... [ more ]
Lord Lucan Hi ya Twee lol I hear wotcha saying but this can work two ways. Siavash taking it upon himself to change the rules and the "no one should get a free ride" mantra of his is pompous and well arrogant as it's not up to him how things should pan out. For that, I can see a very angry GBP who will vote him out. On the other hand, they could love it and keep him in. It's 50/50 really. [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T - X Factor Divas - Who sang it better?
Angel As for the 'Without You' song ........ Leona sang it better ...... but maybe that particular song was better suited to Leona's voice. When Alexandra sang Listen .... Imo, she knocked spots off anything I've ever heard from Leona ..... Just my personal opinion of course [ more ]
Angel I voted for both Leona & Alexandra Although I really like Leona & think she deserves all the success she has had ..... I've never bought / downloaded, any of her music ...... I agree, she's very talented .... but her music / songs, are not really my cup of tea. Alexandra on the other hand ............ I heard her new single the other morning on the Chris Moyles show .... some collaboration with Flo Rida, I believe. I wasn't overly struck ..... but her voice comes across beautifully... [ more ]
Scotty Singing has nothing to do with exams PP. It`s about feeling and soul, believing in the lyrics that your singing not just singing them to prove your vocal acrobatics. Yes, Leona is probably "technically" better but imo it means nothing. Alexandra has that needed raw emotion in her voice and performance, which Leona definitely lacks. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prize money. can some one tell me please
Scotty BB told the housemates they were boring and asked them to entertain BB. They burst through into the camera runs behind the scenes. Marcus also went onto the roof. BB punished them by taking away the prize money. They will be given chances to win it back over the next 10 days. [ more ]
forgetmenot okay, thank you very much; did not know about that or much else this year with no live feed!! [ more ]
brisket It is a penalty for their so-called "escape" when they ran down the camera runs and through fire doors etc. BB has told them the money could be restored if they complete certain challenges. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just got this on my Skype PC Phone thingy...(long post)...
sweet_tooth Im sure they strongly advise you not to reply. By replying they can get other details. Also they deliberately use bad language so you think they are stupid, which then puts your guard down. You may think you're being funny but they'll most likely have the last laugh. I wouldn't bother if I were you [ more ]
Hyjean I would just delete it, they are after all your details, you might be sorry if you answer him [ more ]
porto YEP [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If only Siavash had of nominated the last few weeks.
kimota The main problem was that the muskateers were always just an alliance for mutual survival and did'nt have the cohesion Lisa's lot did, barring that wobble in week 7! [ more ]
Latecomer He also knew that at least some of them would get angry, (cough, Rodrigo/Charlie and possibly David) which would make him look like the good guy who was trying to "help" his friends, and getting picked on for it. And it seems to have worked doesn`t it! [ more ]
PeterCat "Of" is not a verb! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash reveals that Producers push hms in certain directions!
fifilapew I really don't understand why they do this. the first 3 bb's were imo the very best. I'm sure they had less HL shows for them though. Could it be that now they have 7 1hr long slots to fill, there is more pressure to create drama? Most bb fans i know used to enjoy the silly mundane stuff on LF best. BB 4 was a wash out imo cos they tried to recreate bb3 by putting 'normal people in trouble was they were complete dullards. [ more ]
captain marbles I was impressed with her during the row, but I do think she's pushing the "dumb blonde" angle much too hard. Without it she's quite intuitive and funny. [ more ]
lightfoot At the moment I think I would prefer to watch Little House on the Prairie.. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Major channels say no to BB?
captain marbles These stations dont want to look too eager before they enter into negotiations. I think they'll want a radically different set up from the one that's ballsed this series up so royally though. [ more ]
BBBS five could kill it stone dead next year by buying in bb usa and showing that [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Cool.... not any of the channels I want to pick it up then. Personally, I think Living TV could do it (they do reality shows.... and they already had an interest as they covered the Jade series). Also happy for Sky, Virgin any of them to pick it up. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Before nomms even started, the 2 that bottled it were ....
Angel She just employs more restraint than the others ...... You can see her cogs turning ...... It's all going on ...... she's just more controlled with her actions ........ she gives nothing away .......... you could see that quite clearly when the argument was going on about Siavash not nominating .......... Lisa sits right in the middle of the argument ........ says nothing ....... & then adds her bit right at the end ........... her minions do the talking for her. [ more ]
bigbaws For whatever reasons I'm glad Siavash never nominated. Glad Marcus made the comment 'he does not want to be up against me cause he'l be out on his arse'.... a slip up from the gameplayer..... [ more ]
Blackpudlian Wasn't it Charlie who did this in his nominations in the early weeks of BB? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa and Siavash - the two HMs most obsessed by nominations.
bigbaws Good on him working it out verbally.....the rest no doubt done it non verbally Siavash showed balls, stcking to what he wanted to do, for whatever reason [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** I think David is more obsessed [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Is that why Marcus has had is little rant about the two faced people in the house. He should have listened to Siavash instead of thinking there was something underhand in his thinking. Siavash told him time and time again that they were all going to get a free ride, and guess what Marcus you were wrong. You hopped onto the bandwagon and it pulled away while you had one foot on it! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's all gone horribly wrong...
Anmarie BB has done everything in their power to save Lisa Charlie and David. This years BB has been a joke from day one. The final is going to be shite and i never thought id say this but i'll be glad when its over. [ more ]
kattymieoww It's limping to a washout final,I'll not be tuning much, if at all. [ more ]
Hyjean Chanel 4 have ruined BB, not the public, they have stopped putting in normal people, fun, and entertaining. They should have punished Siavash only for not nominating and for contining he should have been given his marching orders,others have been kicked out for continuing breaking rules, there was one last year. Nothing against Siavash, as he my second favourite, but how many times has he broken rules. If he had nominated in first place, we might have won the battle of Lisa and Co and got... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest News
brisket Exactly watcher. I'm glad you spotted that. He said he only wahses his hands after a poo. He doesn`t wash after urinating. So I presume he goes on to touch housemates, food, kitchen worktops and utensils, items in the fridge... Charlie, the great unwashed. [ more ]
captain marbles They later talked about their trip to London, saying how 'weird' it was being back in the House, leading Charlie to tell David he'd only been in here 5 minutes anyway'. Charlie then said it was a joke. "I wus oonly joakin'". How many times have we heard that excuse from the twerp? [ more ]
The Guru They were joking. Did you see it live? They were having a bit of banter. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saturday morning, who will we have left.
prettycocoaeyes Now that would be funny [ more ]
Luxor Lordy lord imagine anyone of them picking up £100,000. Talk about money for doing nothing. I wish on the final night, the doors opened and some security guard shouted into the house. 'OK you lot time to go home'. On leaving there is nobody there except for somebody sweping the car park. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes ... Its a hot mess.. BB should just cancel the show and give the money to charity because the housemates left do not deceive one dime...... [ more ]
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