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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash and Marcus will both be....
cup if siavash stays he wont nominate though He said he was never nominating again so whats the punishment then could change things. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Marcus/Siavash, Rodrigo and Sophie will all nominate David. So there's three nominations out of six. [ more ]
fz yes tricky....but i dont know anyone who doesnt think rodders isnt a hypocritical pain in the drama too'll sure be interesting..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother - where did it all go wrong?
Former Member I read somewhere that this type of show has a 'shelf life' of about eight years. People have been losing interest in it for a few years now. The same thing will happen with 'The X Factor' etc, I expect. Nothing lasts forever (except, perhaps, for Bruce Forsythe) [ more ]
Former Member It's a great question, OP. Loads of media studies people are trying to answer your question. (Even PhDs.) There's a guy who says that there's a cycle for each and every audience: It goes: Innovation (BB 1 and 2), Convention, Cliche, and Self-parody. But, sometime back BB went beyond self-parody into the GROTESQUE. [ more ]
jacksonb Re: Big Brother - where did it all go wrong? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights highlight show spoiler
Former Member I always like reading the highlights spoilers - thanks Darlo Marcus is cracking up I think Hope he stays on Friday. [ more ]
Felix123 "What the f**k is so interesting in my f**king draw that you wanna f**king spy on every time I open them. Give me a f**king moments f**king peace for once in your f**king lives. Do you wanna look at my f**king pants?" He comically holds his pants up in front of the camera. "if I want bubbles, boy you better f**king believe I'm gonna have bubbles!" [ more ]
Cold Sweat Cheers for that darlo! I'm looking forward to seeing Sophie and Roddie performing their Daft Punk dance routine! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus can win £15k...
fz Long hair can look gawjuss on a per siavash, clean glossy and with a bit of body to it.....not on Marcus, it just looks like a permanent Davy Crockett hat with the dead tail hanging down the is unflattering to him. Now we know he does what he wants, but I think he is scared of change and would feel enormous relief if he ditched the ponytail and that awful beard thing that looks as tho he thinks it detracts from his jaw and over actually makes them both look... [ more ]
frenchbread But the money could have gone to charity [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg well done Marcus proved money isnt everything to you we will have to wait and see if the same can be said about the rest of the wannabes in there [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nominations announcement video
Lord Lucan All this talk of a "free ride" to the final and "cheating" has got to be the biggest load of absolute crap I've ever heard! And all because Team Lisa are still there! Well tough! Get over it! Siavash, Marcus and Freddie brought everything on themselves and if they'd used their damn brains instead of @rsing around like a load of morons, they could've picked off Lisa's team but oh no, they'd rather p!ss HMs off and break the rules instead. No one is to blame but them!! For the life of me I... [ more ]
Marguerita We will see if he is still in if he votes this week that will be interesting. [ more ]
kimota Siavash was unsure of Rods vote but did'nt want to vote dave because if Rod did the same it would mean just Dave and Marcus up. He knew that not voting could mean just him and Marcus up, but hoped that Rod might vote aginst Dave giving them 3 votes each. He was always aware that this could happen and took the risk! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Head of E4 Angela Jain interview about BB...
15:10 It was her idea to get rid of the live feed? Smug admitting it. [ more ]
BBBS i do hope they had a fire extinguisher handy to put her pants out when they burst into flames during her replies about the live feed. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I think she means BB3. She says "where I think nearly 10 million people watched it." - that would be the BB3 Final. The BB4 viewing figures remained pretty good compared with the current figures despite general viewer dissatisfaction, but they were still well down on the BB3 figures. I noticed that Jain is being a bit more cautious regarding her comments on live feed than the C4 personnel have been. She's still trying to toe the party line, but she keeps saying that she's "not sure" the loss... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carers Allowance - HELP!
Marguerita It is so true its programs like this that puts everything into perspective [ more ]
squiggle Marge and jeppa, sometimes it is hard for me to lift my chin off the floor too. We all feel down sometimes but the next bit of sunshine peeping in through the window, the next rainbow, seeing a child laughing, these are all the things that keep you going, and of course whatever are the things in life that cheer YOU up. I mentioned it on this forum at the time but when I watched a TV programme (Extreme Makeover Home Edition) which featured this little guy born with every bone in his body... [ more ]
jeppa thanks Squiggle, there are some lovely people on here and it does give my mind something else to think about. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Someone once must have said to Charlie...
bringbackthechickens Someone also must have said to him you should go on big brother you'd be really funny. You'd pobably win. Even his fellow housemates saw him as fitting some kind of winner's profile. His popularity amongst them and some of the guests on BBLB may be explained by him fulfilling certain expectations they have of a winner. Either that or they're watching a different show to me and most forum members. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I know that Marco was an overexcited Queen but I don't recall him being malicious (unless the time elapsed has caused some amnesia) [ more ]
Moomin Oh yes - that's definitely possible. Marco every time over Charlie (even though I can't bear either of them) [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kaytee Dozey Dave and Lissur had had a great day out...freedom from the house for a bit and dave was excited. Charlie was so jealous and miffed that it wasn't him that he tried to grab the attention from Dave....and failed [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs He was just SO excited about what had happened. Dont think he was ignoring Charlie intentionally, he's just like a big kid, thats all. harmless. And Charlie was mortified at the thought of what they had done and him missing out! You could practically smell his jealousy Like Siavash said, they "piddled all over their story" when they explained where theyd been [ more ]
Scotty He`s not a man of the world. Nothing wrong with that. I find it quite endearing actually. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dodgy Insurance Claims
Demantoid Agree [ more ]
Former Member Many years ago I had a summer job working in a hotel in Germany. One guest and his wife claimed that a valuable gold ring had been taken from their room and the Polizei (sp) were summoned. I was interviewed by them with the help of an interpreter and was probably 'in the frame'. Then a senior member of the housekeeping staff said she had been in the room after I had left it and that the ring had been there then. It turned out that this couple had pulled this trick in loads of hotels and made... [ more ]
charmer i once got 2 grand for breaking my toe cos i fell through a floorboard in a rented house i didnt really fall through a floorboard [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash £10k task
LowonIQ Yes I do believe he is thoughtful of others and not a selfish person. We shall have to wait and see if BB give any prize money at all if they all fail. [ more ]
Jenny I think he should do the task. He seems quite considerate of other people, and nearly all in there could do with £100,000 or less if they don't all pass their tasks. I know it's not all about the money, but it is a life changing amount. [ more ]
LowonIQ Sorry if my wording was not quite accurate, he wears the outfit until the end of him on the show. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I dont want Marcus or Siavash to go
Marguerita I have never liked Marcus and wont miss him if he leaves, I have always liked Siavash but dont like what he is doing as far as the not nominating goes, I find that very selfish and sly in my opinion ,he has taken himself out of the game for that reason he should not win the prize money,and should leave friday. [ more ]
LowonIQ Whichever of them goes it will make the show more boring, just nanna on night LF will def help me to get to sleep more easily [ more ]
Hyjean Marcus is my first choice to win siavash my second, so I like them both [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Virgin Broadband has been down
Sunnie I will give them it's the first problem we have had and I was pleased with the phone call this morning. Hubby said 151 was free too which makes a change we used to pay god knows what to ring Tiscali and it was always playing up. [ more ]
Sunnie Fab! [ more ]
Kaytee I have Virgin, and it's generally very good, although it went down for a few hours last week. Not their fault, a lorry demolished one of the cable boxes on a tight corner. If you have a Virgin phone as well...ring them on 151 and they'll tell you if they have any problems BTW, they've just upgraded my broadband to 10 whatevers, for free. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've been loyal to BB for ten years now. I'll miss it taking over my summer :(
Licky BB6 onwards have been a massive disappointment (although this year is my fave since then)...I'll definately miss it, I do think someone will pick it up though, maybe after a short break.. [ more ]
Demantoid Same here, Towno, although I'd add BB8 (the cult of Carole) to the exceptions. [ more ]
Jenny I will seriously miss it too. I don't get out much and to have this to occupy me has been enjoyable and helps make the time go. Still, onwards and upwards as they say. To where? I have no idea! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What time do Channel 4 staff get up?
SJ I know, but at least then there was live feed, and the LUT on the forum, so we didn't need them. This year its really obvious and news / highlights are really delayed. [ more ]
Former Member Does anyone really expect Channel 4 to update the news on a programme they have given up on? The news updates have been crap for years. [ more ]
Jenny Yes, they certainly seem to have lost the will to make anything of this series. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
latest news bb site
Scotty Yep, just like he begrudged David and Lisa their trip to London. I hope he worries himself silly about a weekend eviction then gets the shock of his life on Tuesday when he`s hopefully booted right out the door. [ more ]
mandala noticed that also think they should check with someone who watches the the show before they pass this for accurate news [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Well I hope he's got his nappy at the ready when they announce the rumoured next round of nominations. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know BB's been cancelled but...
Little Miss Spurs never thought of that! And I too Sunny was laughing at Dave on the phone and Lisa "answering" him! Bless. SO funny [ more ]
Sunnie I really enjoyed it, when Lisa was answering him without knowing what he was saying I was creased up, was also waiting to see if they would sit at a bus stop and light up, I bet they were dying for a fag. [ more ]
Licky I turned the highlights off after ten minutes, it was shithouse. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My god! Charlie's face is like thunder!
Scotty charmer it`s on E4 today at 1.25pm. I hope you have was a scream [ more ]
charmer cheers scotty! blimey, they actually got to leave the house! im gonna have to find the HL show on the net and have a look [ more ]
Former Member The bestest part was when BB announced there was no prize fund! Charlie's jaw dropped to the floor and he looked like he was about to cry. He couldn't blame anyone else either (as he usually does) because he took part in the rule break! I bet he went straight into the Diary Room to say he was only joking! [ more ]
See all 67 replies...

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