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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
is it true this place will be closed on finals night
Shar Yes EFFT ... I know it's a problem with IE ... unfortunately I can't use any other browser with the lappy I'm currently using ... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing As far as I understand it it is a display problem, so you might not be able to see it, whatever page it is on. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Shar, are you using IE? If you've got another browser it'll work. The known problem is with IE apparently. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Maoams sweets sex expression outrage!
frenchbread Sorry but i agree with Mr Simpkins the lime does have a lurid expression like he's having too much of a good time. Its unacceptable to have a sex pest on childrens sweet wrappers. He seems to be having a good time with the lemon, tongue hanging out etc and then there he is again licking the boobs cherries [ more ]
Scotty This is the full version of the letter... The Daily Mail Tuesday, 25 August 2009 Is Haribo Corrupting Our Nation's Children? The other day, while doing our weekly shop, I bought for my two children, Benjamin and Ofelia, a packet of Haribo Maoam lemon-and-lime confectionary. It was only after I was leaving the check-out that I noticed the appaling illustration on the packaging. This consists of a lemon and a lime locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. The lime, who I assume to be... [ more ]
Shar PMSL ... these people need to get out a bit more I think ... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT driver gets chased away from helping toddler he ran over.
Darthhoob well exactly, accidents happen and a 3 year old should never have even been near a road without an adult holding their hand. the mind boggles really i dont know how the driver was driving ofc but i'd imagine it isn't very easy to see a toddler running out in front of you.....hence why we dont let little ones near roads. christ i still hold my 7 year old's hand when we cross the road (you'd think he'd be embarassed but he isn't (yet lol)...mind you he has bad road sense himself [ more ]
*BB* It's shocking. Allowing a 3 year old toddler to play with his pals on a street. I wonder how old the pals were too? [ more ]
hippychickxxx wot the hell was a 3yr old doing playing on a road anyway, who was watching him, who was making sure that he was safe, getting knocked down by a car is only one danger of a small child being left unattended sorry for the rant [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, it's all about MARCUS!
Senora Reyes Totally agree Lee. [ more ]
~Lee~ Sometimes being in a crowd is the loneliest place in the world to be BB...I hope he finds true happiness in his life lays the ghosts of his past to rest and moves onwards and upwards. [ more ]
*BB* He seems to have full life Lee. Have you looked at his website? As well as a job he likes doing, he has lots of friends and many interests. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok I asked the ladies last night, now its time for us guys:
hippychickxxx be fair - lisa doesnt want or try to be attractive to men last nite you asked the ladies about marcus who does want an try to be attractive to women hardly a fair comparison - lisa is attractive to the kind of woman who goes for that look as a bi woman i know who i find the most fanciable an it aint marcus [ more ]
mrMiller pass me a duvet [ more ]
Rawky-Roo bump [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Odds update please
strike no back Siavash to be evicted at 3/1 then back Marcus to win at about 5/2 ish works out about 13/1 [ more ]
Eugene's Lair You can't trust the odds. The odds only reflect how punters are betting. They provide a good indication of how people expect the result to go, but they are not directly related to how people vote. [ more ]
figtree Please let it be Lisa or Charlie that gets booted out on tuesday..... that at least would be some recompense! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa: 'I'm glad I missed the break-out'
figtree That's deviousness,manipulation and controlling! [ more ]
Summer_Breeze Some anarchist Lisa is. She isn't fit to wear those piercings. The Sex Pistols would be turning in their grave if they could hear her mincing voice exclaiming "Oh no Big Brother, I never break the rules!" [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Goodness, so I am, she would have put a right old damp squib on proceedings. No sense of humour that woman. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus the guitar hero.
*BB* He IS a good guitarist! I have seen and heard him play on a clip. I just wish I had saved it to my favs. Does anyone have a link please? Anyway, here's proof that he's good! One of my parrots has been off colour this week and he lost his voice. Tonight while Marcus was playing he started whistling along to him, bouncing up and down and head banging in time to the music and doing his Big Bird impression with his wings. My parrot was brought up on heavy metal in his former home for his first... [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I liked it when he started playing Fear of the Dark while BB was talking about copyright. [ more ]
old hippy guy I also thought it was funny when HE was talking to the camera while in the background you could hear (the beautiful people) or as I call em the PLASTIC BORING WANKERS singing their shitty songs, [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash and Marcus Fans
littleleicesterfox I made a pledge that if only one of the three amigos was standign come final night, as is turning out to be the case then I would support them. I hope it's Marcus as he'll be easier for me to support but if Marcus goes then I'll support Siavash. But Freddie still won in my eyes and it's criminal that Lisa, Sophie and Charlie are sitting there whilst he is at home watching (especially as Sophie should have been up that week for bloody rulebreaking) [ more ]
MrMincePie Its not Siavashs fault alone Bea and Dogface continued to break Big Brother rules by discussing nominations. Big Brother has decided to take action. From this afternoon, Housemates will be permitted to openly discuss nominations, past, present and future. This information was revealed to the house moments ago. Marcus and Halfwit reacted by laughing. Other Housemates seemed less sure about this development. Rodrigo was upset by this... [ more ]
Videostar BB were fed up with all the nominations chats that Siavash was starting. The prison break business had nothing to do with the noms discussion "punishment" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Anti Siavash threads I can only think they are put up by
Felix123 What with ponytails and sideburns [ more ]
Anita Biernow # SO IT GOES!! anytime ANYONE posts something negative about a forum member's favourite.... that poster gets slated, reported, insulted. Welcome to BB forums! you don't have to agree with what everyone says, that's the purpose of a GOOD forum: loads of people posting things DIFF from what you see/saw/believe/feel. It IS a tv show. These contestants are NOT your mates. (or are they?? ) [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Re: The Anti Siavash threads I can only think they are put up by [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quick Poll: Who's the biggest moaner . . .
Anita Biernow who's the most disgusting to watch eating on BB? with their mouths full of food, never keeping their mouth shut, food spitting out, food all over their face, pig pig pig? yes, sophie, you need to learn some table manners. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I think Marcus has the edge tbh because from what I've seen he moans 24/7. At least VM went to bed at a reasonable hour but Marcus stays up all night. So, for long term moaning and for services to moaning in general, I have voted for Marcus But I still quite like him. [ more ]
Barolo And a great deal funnier! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus is no longer entertaining
Videostar It's better than CONSTANTLY discussing nominations. [ more ]
frenchbread I guess it depends on what you call entertainment. Crude remarks, putting others down, wingeing and hugging a duvet is not what i call entertainment [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus continues to be entertaining, funny remarks every program. One of the very few people in the house who is actually willing to say out loud what he things to people. Loved him calling Rodrigo 'Boring Roddy' when he questioned them about whether they should go into the camera runs as it broke the rules. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why are BB protecting Lisa..
captain marbles Do they still have some vague hope that they'll somehow be able to manipulate Charlie into the winners spot if the alternatives are even worse? [ more ]
theAteam You have to ask, why when that first week she was up that they changed it to a vote to save? When clearly on a vote to evict she was the most disliked housemate. Blatant Save tactic for her and again this week she would have most likley been out on Tuesday but this time a vote to evict and she and charlie make the final. She had 2 offical warnings that were never shown, when other housemates (Freddie) get every teeny weenie bit of negative highlights shown. They never showed her in a... [ more ]
SpiderMonkey We had our chance to get rid of Lisa, in the week of the vote to save. We decided to keep her. We have forfitted the right to complain about her still being in the house, because the week she was supposed to go has been and gone. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Breastfeeding Update
Cariad I think the important thing is NOT to feel guilty if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. My son didn't want to know (born by emergency section with me under general anaesthetic and I'm convinced they gave him a bottle) but daughter never had a bottle in her life. Today they are both bright, articulate teenagers. So glad it's panned out though. All that sterilising hoohaa was a real bugger. [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Brilliant news sheepy I breast fed but it was hard to persevere and keep going - worth it though [ more ]
*BB* Thats good news Sheep. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think Sophie would stop eating...
Videostar Im only pointing out that all the HM's have a weak spot about something, something they would be hard pushed to give up or lose for money. [ more ]
~Lee~ Don't we all?....TBH I'd be more concerned for folk who see eating as a chore....Given the amount of folk with eating disorders seeing a young girl eat may be very benificial . [ more ]
Videostar When did I say anything about her size? I know shes not big, but she does love her food. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG what happened to you lot?
Liverpoollass Hiya Dolly Good to see you. Hope Canada is keeping you happy and well [ more ]
Former Member Dolly I haven't been watching it tbh, didn't see the point with very limited LF - don't like the idea of C4 rigging it for their faves to win by manipulating what is being shown. This forum is moving to Livecloud in case you haven't heard. I have re regged there but I'm not sure that you have to if all you want to do is use the forum - some fms have said that when this forum is moved there you will just be able to log on as usual and you will be redirected there. I have no idea if that is... [ more ]
Dolly I have kept away from the forum as I cant get BB here, was doing live thing on internet but service provider not happy with that. I have seen the BB USA but its not the same. Has it been a good BB so far? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: I've been overcharged - have i any rights??!
Twee Surgeon omg, that has lasted you a long time hyper. I tried that type of machine you've got but couldn't get on with it. I like my fags a certain thickness and I get it with my wee gadget, but they don't last very long as they are made of rubber and rip after a certain amount of time. They are only £1.50 so they don't break the bank to replace. [ more ]
Hypermnesia I've had my Rizla machine for about 7 years, it was given to me by a friend when I said cigs were too expensive but I couldn't hand roll. Has saved me a small fortune. I get through about 50g a week, so all in all, weekly cost is around a tenner. I've never tried any other filters than Swan [ more ]
jdcoke Is that a euphamism for something ? If so I had one last night , thanks anyway [ more ]
See all 81 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't forget the site is down again tonight guys n gals
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing All I saw them say was that it was still scheduled for the first week of September. In my book that means it could happen as early as TUESDAY 1st September, or as late as Monday 7th Septenber. Therefore there is a slight possibility it might happen after BB finishes after all. Though the end of the next week would definitely be better. [ more ]
Angel Oh no [ more ]
Sunnie Ohhhhh! [ more ]
See all 31 replies...

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