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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who Will Nominate Who
Blackpudlian This would be the fairest way - as if it is a secret task and call them in in no particular order to disguise it is as nomination day. [ more ]
Marguerita Rodrigo - Lisa- David Sophie - Lisa- David Charlie - Siavash- David Lisa - Siavash - Rodrigo David - Siavash - Rodrigo Siavash - Lisa - David (if he refuses to vote and messes up he should automatically be put up) Also a lot will depend on Siavash if he still harps on about the prize money etc I think most of them will nominate him. [ more ]
kimota I hope they give them no warning so Charlie does'nt have time to confer with Lisa and Dave. I think the votes could go as follows Sophie- Lisa and Dave Rod -Siavash and Dave Vash- He may vote this week if he thinks Sophie could be endangered and would vote Lisa and Dave Charlie- Siavash and either Rod or Sophie Lisa - Siavash and Sophie Dave- Siavash and Rod (unless he gets chance to confer with Lisa) So I make it Siavash up with Dave and possibly Sophie. The worst case scenario is Vash... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looks like we have the split three, three
kimota SIavash will know hes up anyway but hope he will see a possible threat to Sophie or Rodders if he does'nt nom. He really needs to nom this time if hes to retain my vote, particularly if BB tell him they will vote for him if he refuses and give one of these votes to Sophie. [ more ]
Essie I honestly don't care who wins, but would love Charlie to go Tuesday. I hate it when HM's think it's a done deal who's going to win. It's been assumed from the start it is Charlie, the only person to argue with him is Rod, everyone else has tiptoed around him. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Looks like we have the split three, three [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so now look whats happened
DanceSettee awww yer'll be alright in a while pet *pops in quilt for OHG ** [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I can't find the Spacehopper thread... I'm kinda leaning towards supporting the Spacehopper... *bounces off to have another look for it* (what animal is that painted on a space hopper?) [ more ]
old hippy guy PERSONALY ME, I couldn't give a flying FECK , the show was coughing up blood anyway, Marcus going was the bullet to the brain it needed to put it out of its misery, IF ya twisted my arm I would say Vash to win, but I wont be watching anyway, probably watch the mid week eviction and perhaps the final, no more late nights no more HLs. I took 'the PLEDGE' to never vote or visit ANY c4 BB related websites, and kept my word. I NOW make another pledge, that was the LAST BB I will EVER watch. Its... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aisleyne: C4 jumped ship too early
ContessaQ lol they wouldn't need to employ a ghost writer to do it, whoever interviewed her just needed to translate her gangsta speak and turn it into something legible. [ more ]
kimota How someone speaks and writes are often quite different. It would'nt be worth a cheapo mag like Reveals time to pay a ghost writer to stand in for Ash! [ more ]
ContessaQ what do you mean "it takes all sorts"? if you read what she has suposedly written then you can tell it's not her writing, she has not got the vocabulary, remember how she speaks? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Latest News...
Felix123 They all want to win They are all desperados They all have their eye on the winning post They all have sussed each other out They all want to win They are all desperados They all....... [ more ]
Cariad Who is going to nominate David? Siavash I'm guessing. Maybe Sophie. Roddy might by default but he might go for Lisa simply because he will probably avoid nominating Charlie and Sophie unless he has a row with either on Tuesday. [ more ]
Scotty Charlie`s upset about Marcus leaving. He nominated him. I think it will Be David and Siavash up on Tuesday with David to go. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Whatever happened to
Little Miss Spurs That would be practically double my age! The airships I was talking of were like the pic you posted, with the little bit underneath where people sat Im sure none of my kids have ever seen one, and my eldest is 18! Theyve only ever seen the large "balloon" ones, that are sometimes strung over shops,or events, etc advertising companies,not the real ones! [ more ]
ContessaQ yeah it was. ps that was the type of airship i thought you were refering to( massive things, about the size of 4 football pitches) then i realised that you wouldn't have seen them whilst you were at school coz that crash was 1937 and that would make you around 80 years old [ more ]
ContessaQ yucky i hate goan fish curry but there is one on this site and loads of other goan recipes [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie wants Rodrigo to win, and Marcus wants Lisa to win..
Garage Joe Any support I had for Freddie has just walked off. What a F. Wit. [ more ]
Angel & I want Siavash to win [ more ]
Cold Sweat I bet they are genuinly shocked when they find out how popular Sophie is. Earlier in the series i had a strong feeling that Rodrigo would be favourite to win by this stage, but his popularity really hasn't grown as i assumed it would have. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll. Will you be moving into our new home?
Rexi My husband bought our dishwasher because he was fed up of doing the washing up!! And to answer your question up there ^^^^ LL, I understand that the new place is going to be modded by the same people as here. Or do you mean, how are the blogs etc going to be modded? In which case I suppose the same way as FB and places do - and I have no idea about them as I've never used them. So ... that was helpful, wasn't it Soz!! [ more ]
lainy m I wondered that too......cos it looks a bit erm....dead [ more ]
Liverpoollass I wish I had a dishwasher [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus,"well done Siavash ",Siavash to Marcus "I Love You"
figtree Disappointed in Marcus.He fell for Lisa's smarm offensive last week! She nommed him so she is partly to blame for him sitting there! Of course he thinks Lisa is being real! [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I love man love. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Good spot. I've just rewatched the eviction and he had it on his shirt while in the house, so BB must have asked him to put it on while (or before) they were waiting. It's a little surprising, though: BB doesn't seem to have been as concerned about brand names and logos this series compared with previous ones. Perhaps it was rude? [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who else thought Siavash's ex was just as dull as he is?
Former Member What she said was v odd, and needing to stand up to do so! i.e. that her career is most important so guessing that she wants to give that a boost on the back of this. She does look amazing though, great posture, really stands out from the crowd [ more ]
Summer_Breeze I said don't take any notice of my rant Free, I haven't even seen her, i'm guessing as to why she is there. You make some very good points and I am inclined to agree. [ more ]
Summer_Breeze No, i'm not. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Charlie get all cosy with Roddy now he thinks the "crucial" time has passed
Senora Reyes And it's definately choking Lisa... [ more ]
LowonIQ Watching the lf, charlie as per after the camera time, singing whenever Siavash did. However, I degress, I think he might cosy up to Siavash, he knows the public def. like the Vash, he's beaten their IDH. I think a few of them may eat humble pie in there. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Very asture and spot on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I thought it was an act. Marcus really is thick.
Barolo In that case, your dismissal of this thread can be applied to ALL threads! The OP is expressing an opinion, that's all - it's one which some will agree with, others will disagree. I agree with the OP. [ more ]
Free Thinking Agree, really wtf is the OP on about here? He's thrown into BBBM which is a mess anyway, he isn't used to this situation and he has been ok. All those left in the house would be saying alot less than Marcus has done. [ more ]
Nemesis He's an idiot. Were you impressed by his bull? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When Charlie wins won't you all get that feelgood factor?
Videostar I hate Charlie with a passion and he is the fakest HM of all time and he should be looking after his mum if he cares about her so much. BUT I would laugh my head off if he wins because it will cause mayhem on these forums, and the BB viewers will get the winner they deserve. [ more ]
Free Thinking If Charlie finishes above Siavash I will definitely get a feelgood factor. [ more ]
fookat well i may watch one more year but thats it! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Give BB a re-vamp!
Nemesis Very slight slant on what it already is. What they need is to make it an enclosed and unfriendly environment instead of a holiday camp. Zero tolerance from hour one. Marcus would be booted on the first day. Then Snorevash for not nominating. It stopped being a social experiment a long time ago. It's now a total disaster. Who would want to buy it? [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Oh why don't you go and be a 'thread killer' somewhere else missy!! *sulks* [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Your suggesations are not really very different to what has happened in the past. I think my natural liking for BB has run it's course and I am kinda glad they are axing it. I got fed up with the introduction of new housemates, done to death. The task vary from being boring to ok to not too bad. I'm hoping SKY pick it up as I don't have Sky and never will, so won't watch it anymore. Let's face it. BB has run it's course and this year has only served to highlight the fact, see the ratings and... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash bashing on BBBM...
Crystal Gaze You seriously think David will stay over him and I liked David though he's grating on me now. [ more ]
Summer_Breeze They are dissing Sophie too and it looks like they are trying to polish up the turds Charlie and Lisa as winners. Bloody rubbish. I will be voting for Siavash to win after the debacle tonight. I know Marcus doesn't like him but I always have. [ more ]
watcher1 Well, I hate George Lamb, so there! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie The Preforming Monkey.
Crystal Gaze Whats wrong with sad looking Rodrigo tonight. [ more ]
stoory He is the only one that I can't stand with a passion, and he's still there It takes a whole lot to get my dander up, but I've disliked him from the get go. I can't understand why anyone in their right mind would ever support the odious twonk. [ more ]
Cold Sweat BB might want him as the winner though. Belo gained an extra year as resident Fool - because Rachel would not play the game ( i assume - Charlie, i believe, would... [ more ]
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