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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That was desperate were they for that money.
Angel It's Charley who gets right up my nose & I'm not really sure why ? He just acts so desperate .... bloody irritating Hopefully out on tuesday with any luck [ more ]
Angel I know & although I am starting to like David .... I listened to him in the diary room, ranting on about how the prize fund was irrelevant ... but his face painted a different picture when the announcement was made [ more ]
Tayto. That was very funny. David was first to deck it was a fake task too. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Real Moo Moo...New Zealand update!!!
spongebob squarepants veggieeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxx [ more ]
Former Member Glad that Moo is settling in, she needs to get her bum back on here in case she starts to feel homesick [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i couldn't do it!!...but they've wanted to go for ages and are finally there!! she's lost her log in details for is going to sort it once they've settled in... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nominations today( clarification needed)
bringbackthechickens David and Lisa's votes were different because she didn't have time to prepare him. I think that Big Brother should take note. [ more ]
Marguerita If Siavash and Sophie would have nominated it could have been David and Lisa up. [ more ]
jeppa Me too, but I think it might be vote to evict (I hope) BB made the decision to go for nominations in the final week, unprecedented, so to go for vote to save would make it all a complete waste of time, surely they have to go for vote to evict or else they might just as well have opened the voting on Friday as usual. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
But will it be vote to Save??
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Depends how many are up. If their are only two then on this occasion it won't matter MUCH, which way round the vote is. [ more ]
jeppa As BB have made a point by having nominations and an eviction on Tuesday I think they have to go with that point and make it vote to evict no matter who`s up. The lines will then open for vote to save, it`s defeating the issue if they go for vote to save on Tuesday after having gone against tradition by holding nominations in the final week. Just let Charlie be up one way or the other please, he must be absolutely terrified now he hasn`t nominated and others have [ more ]
brisket Well, I could cope with that - just. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The HM's decide not to nominate today
Frillyfrog I think it's more to do with the fact they thought there were no more noms, so Charlie, Lisa haven't had time to work out who they would nominate in order to protect themselves. Lisa knows she could get noms from Siavash, Sophie and Rodrigo, Charlie the same. They are just scared of going up against Vash in a one to one eviction battle. Cowards. [ more ]
Sunnie Ooh didn't think of it that way, good observation [ more ]
riversider Hilarious. I didn't expect Siavash to nominate but the others are so desperate. They must all think that it worked for Siavash, he stayed in against Marcus and maybe his refusing to nominate was the secret of his success... So they are all going to give it a try. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please Let It Be Lisa or Charlie Up For Eviction
Blackpudlian And watch Lisa's face go ghostly white then a bilious green [ more ]
Demantoid Please, please.. I'd prefer Charlie out first, because he's so sure he's loved. If it was against Lisa, and she got voted out first on final night, it would tell him what we really think of him. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair As long as it's vote-to-evict, I'll be happy. With a bit of luck, we're finally going to get a proper chance to evict one of Lisa's gang. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They`ve Refused to Nominate
Mount Olympus *Olly* 3 nominated in the end.. Lisa Dave and Rodrigo From C4 Three Up So Far? David The sudden onslaught of nominations left the housemates reeling and bickering this afternoon, as they failed to agree on a unified strategy. "I'm up for Eviction this week. They've just told us to nominate. I just couldn't do it," Charlie told a stunned Sophie and Rodrigo in the Living Room after emerging from the Diary Room. Charlie headed to the Garden to spread the news, which prompted Lisa to exclaim a... [ more ]
Mazzystar This contradicts the other thread.Am confuddled [ more ]
sinkthepink What a bunch of two-faced arse licking wankers, why the feck didnt they do this last week the scrotum shite stabbing dense twats. I fecking hope that Rod or Lisa the hollier than thou "we dont do nothing wrong BB" arsewipes are out [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Rodrigo and Charlie aren't nominating this week
SpiderMonkey They've agreed to it because Charlie has refused to nominate. [ more ]
cologne 1 Rodrigo kept reminding Siavash that he signed a contract and should stick to it. Well, Rodrigo you signed that contract too, so stick to it. Siavash refused to nominate because he didn't like the gang mentality, this lot are just running scared, no other reason. [ more ]
brisket I agree Marguerita [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Final few housemates droning on and on....
Demantoid Fluffy... [ more ]
littleleicesterfox The only other final week in my recollection anywhere near this bad was BB8 with Brian Belo and the twins just going on and on and on about nothing. At least we had Jonty with his incipient naturism to keep us amused there. This year there's no-one interesting left in there at all. i think I'm not even going to bother watching. [ more ]
Blackpudlian That's the guy who was charged with smuggling blackpuddings!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"I'm glad there were people like us in here this year"
Demantoid Actually, most of that was pretty spot on [ more ]
Demantoid I don't mind if Dave's a thick as mince. But there's no doubt in my mind that Lisa had an automatic downer on Freddie simply because of his background. She totally judged him from day one, and never gave him a chance. Nasty, inverted snob. [ more ]
Sunnie It fitted like a glove, I was a true believer. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Let's play: GUESS WHO!!
squiggle Front row, tie all skewiff? I'm gonna sulk now, I've come late to this thread and it looks like you've already solved it. Humph, I will have to scroll back to see if I'm right now [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Secondly, I DON'T HAVE A BEA IN MY BONNET (oooh i see what you did there ) and thirdly, its a new round luv! You gotta find my good mate. [ more ]
figtree Are you the one with the bea in your bonnet? [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB = the newest member of Team Lisa
kimota You're partly right, in that this is the first year that the group least popular with forum members has triumphed, but this year is very different to last year where the groups were pretty well balanced for most of the show and usually it was one of one group up against one from the other and the voters favoured the B blockers. Even Luke had to admit that little fact eventually . This year the dominant group easily picked off those outside their group and lets face it, Team Amigo, made it... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average It always seems to be the bitchy group that block vote year in and year out. If you look at this years nominations, Siavash Freddie and Marcus hardly ever voted exactly the same. Lisa and crew have continually voted the same people with the odd exception week in and week out. [ more ]
kimota Yep, after restraining themselves pretty well last year they are back to the same old tricks! I think they have lost me as a viewer and voter for next year's show. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do we think Siavash will nominate today?
Former Member I hope he has the sense to realise that at this stage he has to try and save his own neck and nominate. It wouldn't be fair if he refused and they used the previous twist of "first to touch him" goes up etc. I'd like to see him through to the final day. [ more ]
kimota I think he would only nominate if he thought it might just be him and Sophie up if he did'nt! He will want as many in the mix as possible, both because it helps his odds of staying and also because he believes it should be 'all up ' at this stage! [ more ]
Yellow Rose He shouldn't tell them whether he's voted or not and keep them guessing. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who Nominates Who?
SpiderMonkey BB have orchestrated it to be Siavash v Sophie, so that is what it will be. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Charlie: Siavash, David Rodney: David, Lisa Lisa: Siavash, Rodney David: Siavash, Sophie Sophie: Lisa, David Siavash (if he votes): Lisa, David David = 4 Lisa = 3 Siavash = 3 [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Charlie Siavash and Dave/Sophie ? Rodrigo Siavash and David Siavash (if he does) Dave and Lisa Sophie Dave and Charlie ? Lisa Siavash and Sophie/Rodrigo ? [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT Techie help needed
Rosemary O'Neill I would do a screen's the fastest and keeps the page intact as it case the HTML has parts that rely on other pieces from Geocities. Also, even after pages go "down" from live action, you can find them years later in the "Wayback Machine" at 's also a fun time-waster....lets you see web pages from the deep dark past. [ more ]
Former Member If it's a simple HTML webpage then open the page in Internet Explorer, use the View menu, and select Source. That's your HTML. Save from that window or cut and paste into notepad. To save the pictures separately, right click on each picture and use the Save Picture As option. [ more ]
*yogi Bear* the save page as didn't work my do the paint option [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa "Crafty Siavash"
Demantoid She could have stormed around and acted as aggressively as she liked, and it wouldn't have done her a bit of good if JUST ONE of them had told her to pack it in. [ more ]
Kaytee Well at least Lisa admits that her success was due to her Team rather than the public...aided and abetted by BB of course. If there'd been more HMs with an iota of sense in the house, she'd have been out by week three [ more ]
Puss BB would have found her by now, there is no ex!! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
anyone listening to this folk thing?
Blackpudlian Don't forget to stick your finger in your ear and sing, "Uuuummmnnnnaaaa" [ more ]
Mazzystar I'm going to the local folk festival next weekend.It has steam trains and real beer so must be authentic [ more ]
profile Quite. Just seems a bit of snobbery attached to it - it's somehow more authentic. Like the twats who nob on about "real" ininstruments. Newsflash: compared to our cavemen ancestors whacking out rhythms on rocks and mammoth's heads, there's sod all real about an acoustic guitar or a violin. [ more ]
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