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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Theres an atmosphere...
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lisa and Charlie make up just in time for the eviction , childish prank by FC though. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average they nominated a day early and they know someone usually goes mid week in the run up to the final. [ more ]
longcat Charlie as used that same speech every time he as upset someone. But we know that his jokes have just been him being nasty and hiding behind the "I was only joking like" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now The Nations Cretins Have Acted Atypically..
Tequila I can't stop thinking of your appendages being given right of way on the open road [ more ]
lucifer Just looking at the list of topics (now *NOT* BB related) here on Page 1 is proof positive in itself of how Britains brain-dead voters have once again assured a final week littered with dullards. Cameron. Rachel. Anthony. And now another utterly pointless amoeba to join their ranks this year. [ more ]
lucifer I don't swing. My testicular appendages have a singular penchant for the open freeway - not smashing head on with oncoming traffic. As for spinning..? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T NEIGHBOURS - rant warning
Koala Brother & she's over again but there is a huge padlock now. I've called the dog catcher [ more ]
Koala Brother dog jumped over again, so we locked her in the backyard & brought our dogs inside. Waiting for the neighbours, waiting, waiting, waiting. 45 minutes later ding dong 'have you seen - oh there she goes running down the road'. One of their kids had opened our back gate & let her out then left it open for my dogs to escape. Inconsiderate bastards [ more ]
Nicky I respect and understand what you're saying but......if the dog warden takes her she may be put down Could i adopt her do you think? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Overnight "Latest News"
LowonIQ Siavash is laughing at the hypocracy of people ganging up on ppl for their actions, and then doing the same actions themselves. In this instance imo fm's are jumping on a particular unspecific word, namely 'they'. siavash uses the word they, it doesn't necessarily refer to the whole list of hm's including Sophie, I think he has more insight than that. But hey ho, if we're clutching straws just don't suck too hard. [ more ]
Felix123 I can't get the headline 'Conman SeeTheCash Impresses Infatuated Followers With His Bottom Bile!' out of my mind! ..or 'SeeTheCash Really Can Talk Out Of Every Orifice! As for Charlie, good for him telling Lisa what he really thinks of her. I remember when he was chatting to Freddie and Lisa Kris and Karly marched over waving fingers, his face was one of shock and disappointment. But let's be clear here, before the masses curse the lad, had it have been wimpvash, rods or marcus, they would... [ more ]
cologne 1 Correct. I really don't think he's set out to fool anybody. It's been a thankless task for him to stick to his guns and the only time he might have had confirmation that he was doing the right thing came last Friday. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa v Charlie
brisket Yes, I believe that is so. It was mentioned that she is doing speech therapy. [ more ]
Crystal Gaze Trouble with that is when will Charlie go???? Next I really hope so. I'm starting to feel ill already at the thought of him getting so close to the final, even before Lisa, and that's saying something. [ more ]
captain marbles I never thought I'd say this, but well done Charlie.It's so good to see Lisa spewing bile about being used by Charlie to slither through to the final. She thought that she was the top player in the house and it's making her sick to her stomach that Charlie has dropped her like a stone after carrying him for nearly 3 months. It's also bringing out the true nastiness of Lisa's nature and I'm hoping that it's enough to send her off to the Jobcentre tomorrow night. [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM's 'laughs'
Angel Rodrigo's is the worst by a long chalk, imo ..... talk about canned laughter I don't mind David's laugh, tbh [ more ]
Kaytee Up to a point all their laughs are fake...none of them have done anything remotely funny in there. Am I jaded and cynical?...hell yes! [ more ]
Saint Awww Sink the Pink - i know BB has lost its sparkle (blame CH4) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Save Big Brother Facebook campaign
Kaytee I would like to save BB, but from Channel Four Not interested enough to join a group about it [ more ]
Koala Brother just like on here we get trolls so do you there - unfortunately [ more ]
chilligrape I know it's absolutely disgusting. That Korean person is obviously a pervert in disguise. The trouble is with perverts like that they thrive on people having a go at them so they come out with more and more disgusting things. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Always said I would never vote again after BB a couple of years back
Jenny I said I wasn't going to vote again, but I shall break that pledge if it's a vote to evict. Charlie out on Tuesday, please! [ more ]
ContessaQ dunno why anyone would consider giving money to bb/c4 after the way they have treated their viewers this year. [ more ]
sinkthepink I would chuck my vote towards Sophie or Vash as they get away with everything yet BB still pussy foots around them. So i wont bother voting as it will be wasted [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Simon Dee RIP
Former Member The name rings a bell. I read his obit earlier. Fancy becoming a bus driver after being a celebrity like that! [ more ]
Garage Joe Good point! However if you look at the British Commerce Chambers site their latest seminar seems exciting. The briefings will demonstrate to businesses how a close working relationship with their regulatory services department may: •save them money •help them to achieve regulatory compliance •create a closer working relationship between businesses and local regulators •gain a clear understanding of the work LBRO is doing to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses •gain an increased... [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose I couldn't have put it better - I remember him as a dishy blond man - very sad [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
United front required to evict Charlie
Jenny If it's a vote to evict then I'll be voting for Charlie to go. It's too risky to keep him in as he does have fans outside of this forum, and could end up winning which would be a total disaster. Lisa has no chance of winning so it's better to keep her for now and let Charlie face his public. [ more ]
Marguerita If it is a vote to evict I think it will be a vote to save,it always is on the last week they always say who do you want to save to be in the final, I still think there could be a twist perhaps ask the HMS who they want to evict they have done it before, they are not giving the public much time to vote considering someone will be leaving tomorrow. [ more ]
Antichrist Lets get the little twot out ASAP. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any TAs or teachers returning back to school on Tuesday?
queenshaks Well they originally put me in yr 5 then they realised my son was going to be there, then I was verbally told yr 3. THEN the TA list comes out and am in yr 4! [ more ]
Mazzystar How dare anyone say you're not good enough??? GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRR!!1 If you want to work woih kids...whatever the level.....there are openings from full time mum upwards. If you love your job spongey...thats great....takes a team to raise a kid...but how dare anyone even imply you can't do a classroom post.I know teachers who started as pot cleaners in preschool.If you want it dont let anyone tell you its not possible xx [ more ]
Mazzystar Almost same as going back to yr 3 from 6 [ more ]
See all 108 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor so far
Angel I dunno if it's just me this year ? ..... but I'm feeling like I'm really hard to please. The judges look blown away sometimes ... but for me, as yet, no one has been that good I was rather hoping Rozelle (the black girl from Trinidad) was going to belt out a bit of a tune .... but even she, wasn't that good .... well not as good as I hoped she was going to be There's time yet, I suppose. [ more ]
Tom Bennett last year - Dan with his wife 2007 - 14 year old black girl 2006 - i think their was a women in a wheel chair [ more ]
Angel Here here ... my thoughts exactly I knew it wouldn't be long before the sob stories came a rollin out Like you say, no disrespect, but why try for a sympathy vote? ... just the vocals will do thanks [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed 12:05 E4....Any takers?
LowonIQ a lucky outcome for us, I think Roddy just did it in temper to defend his bud charlie who was now up for public vote. Don't think their party tonight can have been that good as they went to bed so damn early. [ more ]
fz aha I missed all this today/tonight.....amazed rodders thought so quickly....good move rodders, well played. [ more ]
Cold Sweat If they show this incident in full - including the afters at the bus stop; surely it sends Lisa home? [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oooh - Lisa turned against Charlie!
brisket Lisa telling David at the bus stop that she is not an idiot and has seen through Charlie some time ago but has not said anything. She has watched him running between different people stirring up trouble. (For example reporting the events in the Diary Room to Noirin and Isaac.)She has seen it, she claims, and Charlie does it to cause trouble. [ more ]
AngnLis Yeah, sounds like she was pretty damn angry already with the noms thing, but wouldn't be able to say too much about that incase she ended up looking like a numpty, so instead, she's gone OTT about Charlies prank....and ended up looking like a numpty anyway! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lisa and Charlie both as bad as each other, but Cruella Lisa doesn't like the fact she is up and not really about Charlies prank. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who do you want evicted?
Yellow Rose Voted and I want Charlie out on Tuesday, Lisa has no chance of winning, Charlie does, how come some aren't getting that if they don't like Charlie, or maybe they do [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I'd love it if the general election ballot paper had something in brackets after one of the names... Labour Gordon Brown Conservative David Cameron (COCK) Lib Dem Nick Clegg (I chose the Tory one to be bracketed pretty much at random btw.... it was a tough call ) [ more ]
jeanoj Re: Who do you want evicted? [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Charlie's Up
figtree De' is right!but a lot of kids will vote for charlie to win! [ more ]
brisket If Charlie has enough support to keep him in the house, I am saddened that so many people think he is a nice man. (I hope they show better judgment in their personal relationships.) [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Do people really fall out with their FM friends over a housemate? Once BB is over and in the cold light of day, surely we all know none of them are worth that much bother? Oh, and I'll fess up to not minding Dave; don't want him to win, but I think he's my 2nd placer. *runs out of thread* [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have Lisa/Roddy and David turned on Charlie for refusing to nom
Former Member The hms usually get told on a Tuesday who is up,can't wait to see his face,he will not think for one minute that the eviction will take place that night. [ more ]
cup charlie has seen how the public kept in siavash over marcus and now he thinks public like this stuff I love my mates i am going to be fair to all stance that has worked for siavash and he wants a bit of that I hope it is only those three up i do not think he will beat siavash or sophie [ more ]
maggiep Lovely innit?[/QUOTE I am loving the sound of it all,can't wait for highlight show tomorrow Maggie [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa knows everything.
cup DaVE said when we walk in it goes down lisa said lets all go out then dave and lisa cracked it And rod was still telling charlie to jump on pogo stick [ more ]
stupidcupid OOPS don't know what happened there. What I wanted to say was I thought that Rodrigo said first that everyone should step out of the task room. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon All Lisa needs now is a crystal ball to predict the future. She seems to have a handle on every situation and a solution to every problem, and can foresee things before they happen. She needs to buy herself a headscarf and shawl and sit in the Bullring telling fortunes when she gets out of the house. I wonder if she can predict that she wont win Big Brother unless hell freezes over. [ more ]
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