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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee Get lisa or david out next
Mozart David does my head in especially when he repeats himself over and over again. [ more ]
Former Member Lisa is currently odds on to be evicted, with David second favourite. I would MUCH rather David goes first - every time I see him I loathe him even more. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] No No No No No - Charlie must go first. I`m not keen on Lisa either but that stupid little prat Charlie is the worst of the two evils by far. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa's house of cards has fallen apart
Former Member Better than I could have imagined.Freddie will be loving it [ more ]
15:10 All parents, take away their phones and lock them in their rooms until after the eviction! Grrr But first! Do find out if they actually watch the show and even know who Charlie is. [ more ]
captain marbles Completely agree. Fate sometimes wears great big hobnail boots and I think they're about to stomp all over Lisa's schemes and dreams. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's official
pretty_p wow that was lucky!! Thanks - I hope it goes that well too!! [ more ]
Former Member That's a shame that you've had to change your plans. But a solid year of office work will look great on your CV and help you not to feel so strange about being the new kid when you get your grad job. You never know where it could take you too. My younger son did a year at Uni then decided to take a gap year. He stayed with friends in the US for 3 months then came back and got a job as an office junior in a small international financial advice firm. During the time he was there, the office... [ more ]
pretty_p No I was supposed to go back to Uni this year but I changed my mind at the last min (long story) so it was a bit late for grad jobs this year - I am gonna start applying from September for a grad job next year!! But just looking fir anything office based for this year!! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie talking shite in the DR
forgetmenot charlie was desperately selling himslef to the viewers, don't vot for me, I am simply lovely and so so sweet and innocent lol!! under neath all that he is a nasty thug! [ more ]
Mollie I do think Siavash and sophie would have walked if the other 2 hadda said yes.. having said that,.,, what the hell would BB do with just 2 people left for the last week!???????????? seriously what would they do?????? [ more ]
strike four desperadoes backing out now. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is a bag really worth this???
Former Member I know Now I will have the image stuck in my head - which is better than having my head stuck in........never mind [ more ]
Hypermnesia My daughter was there, before she got home tonight I had sent her texts about this story, and she replied "Haha, I dropped a WHOLE loo roll down the long drop, but no way would I have gone after it, hee hee" She wasn't daft enough to take that amount of money with her, or anything more precious than loo roll, to the horrendous long drops. I do feel a bit sorry for the other girl though! Going to Leeds Festival - cost £350 all in Losing your handbag contents down the long drop - £400 Having... [ more ]
Trixy she gets what she deserved really...what kind of idiot takes £400 to a festival... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just found out my eldest daughters been up to her old tricks
ZAYLEE I agree you are not over reacting. You are just being a responsible parent and worrying that your daughter will come to harm. How can you be sure that she isnt comeing to harm when you do not even know where she is. You are not a fool just a caring parent who give her daughter the benefit of the doubt but has been duped once again. You are in a very difficult situation and I hope it resolves itself without your daughter doing serious damage to herself or giving you grief and stress [ more ]
Mazzystar sound so much like my eldest.Shes been pretty good til thinks she has the licence to do everything! [ more ]
Mazzystar I really really sympathise I have a 15 yr old who is at best of times duplicitous [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is wrong with people?
Dame_Ann_Average That's exactly why I do not use facebook, some really nice people there, but some fecking idots too! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I can't make my mind up whether the idiots who make comments like this are sick or stupid. Probably a combination of both. I remember seeing a comment on Twitter from some moron saying they hoped 10 year old Hollie Steele from Britain's Got Talent would get raped when she went to high school. [ more ]
Sir HP Well as to the post some people just don't think But to address your initial question, in my experienced it's that they do no appreciate middle aged, overweight homosexualists enough [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soaps going from bad to worse...
Lil Misz Corrie is just getting worse Molly and Kevin, Fizz and John the windarses and then Rosie bleeding Webster Id love to push that girl off a cliff. Sorry to all the old lady lovers but Emily just bores me to tears. [ more ]
Kaffs Stop it, Maz! We lost my Mum a few years ago and sometimes when I go into Dad's he's just sitting in his chair with no TV or music or anything on. God, I hate leaving him in the house on his own! That said... when we do take him out anywhere, he always likes to get back to his own house. [ more ]
mummymaz Isnt it just Kaffy! Old ladies shopping on their own, old men on the bus alone, eating in resturaunts, in the cinema, in supermarkets with food obviously for just themselves - awww its so sad, i just think what if that is me in 40 years or what if my mum or dad dies and they are like that *chokes* [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please get that nauseating little pleb out Tuesday - please everyone!!!
vikinggal I thought it was a rule that they weren't allowed to discuss what they would spend the winnings on? Mind you rules don't seem to apply this year. [ more ]
Felix123 Absolutely right Barolo. Lisa bullied Freddie but all has been forgiven! Siavash cons the public with the charity card, but they are quite happy to part with their cash! [ more ]
Barolo There's a great deal of that selfsame spite contained in most of the posts that people here write about Charlie. Bit rich, isn't it? [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Random thoughts on TV Ads
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities It all about one thing, selling you lots of stuff you don't really need. No one needs to spend loads of cash on shampoo and conditioner, but millions believe they do. No one needs make-up. But companies manage to sell millions of pounds of the stuff. No one moistuirisers costing heaps, but many women still buy it believing they can ward off the effects of aging (it don't work). We also don't need, fizzy drinks, new cars, g-star bore, magazines, chocolate....... etc etc etc. If more people... [ more ]
watcher1 LOL [ more ]
watcher1 ROFL [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus on BBLB: "I'd have nominated Charlie and Rodrigo"
Eugene's Lair TBH, I think he just thought it would be funny. I really doubt it was personal. Marcus understands the nature of the game better than most, and he's able to separate the game from "real life" better than most. He doesn't take decisions made in the house personally, and I think he expects others to see it the same way (at least in the cold light of day, if not while in the house. ) [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Yes - that was the reason he gave. [ more ]
Marguerita Rodrigo and Charlie are not the two favourites that are battling ot out its Siavash and Sophie who are the favourites [ more ]
See all 19 replies...

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