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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Are Only Showing Lisa At Her Worst To Save Charlie
kattymieoww Lisa is just edging it for me her performance last night reminded me how awful she was to [poor freddie for weeks,she's getting my vote..Charlie can wait. [ more ]
Crystal Gaze That was the whole intention. With only HLs who knows. Not saying Lisa isnt like that but too much of a coincidence for my liking just before an eviction!!! BB team knew Lisa was getting a better image, as lots on here were actually warming to her. Very suss to me!!! [ more ]
Crystal Gaze Well that whole nomination scam was to make sure everyone would be up except Charlie anyway. Letting them talk about nominations was also intended to set things off. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie "using" Rodrigo?
longcat He as been using him since day 1. He winds him up then when he blows he comes over all hurt and makes it look like Rod is the bad guy. He then kisses and cuddles him for the cameras so we all think "awww that Charlies a lovely boy" He isn't, he is a very nasty piece of work. At least Lisa doesn't hide the fact she can be nasty unlike Charlie. [ more ]
Former Member I agree. Charlie is a ruthless user. I noticed yesterday, when he was arguing with Lisa over the bedtime incident, how comfortably and easily the slimy little creep found it to slag her off to her face. His game plan has been copying past BB winners traits, but he's not clever enough to pull it off properly. [ more ]
brisket [QUOTE]Originally posted by felix: This was for you two You've got a great sense of humour!QUOTE] ....and this in return felix: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Rodrigo - didn`t know its rude to say `her`
Little Miss Spurs I dont know so much. Whichever way he meant it it was rude. Never heard him refering to someone as him or her before, when they were right in front of him. I wanted him to win until last night too!! Thats made me go off him big time. [ more ]
Sir HP Oh I don't think it was as consciously done as I've put it and certainly not at the beginning, but I think she definitely has a very strong survival instinct and used it sub consciously at times and consciously at others. Like I say I don't have a problem with that and think in an odd way she has won as all the others who were playing that sort of game have gone. This was an unusual BB in that there were so many players Kris and his fake romance (another largely unconscious), Freddie and... [ more ]
Nemesis I think you're giving her too much credit. She's streetwise but not intelligent. Every year I see this, when people they like are voted out they accuse someone of block voting which is technically impossible. Agree to disagree we must [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
celebs that look like they need a bloody good wash!
Cinds Pete Doherty Rhys Ifans Siavash Amy Winehouse Alexa Chung Kerry Katona [ more ]
ContessaQ yeah my mum said it a lot sprshly when the punks came on the scene. oh and i agree about the mccrirrik bloke, tho her probly would need dipping first. [ more ]
Former Member LOL Contessa, your thread title made me think of my mum, she used to use that expression. I would also go with the Gallaghers - grimy looking twosome. John Mcrirrick is also very grubby looking *checks that Growly isn't around* [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I changed my mind - LISA OUT !!!
SkyDragon After last night's HL, I'm actually starting to like Charlie a little again. Yes, he is annoying as ****, but better than Lisa. Can't forgive Lisa for all the BS she has done over the last 12 weeks, and especially all the crap she got others to dish out at Freddie and all the other "good" Housemates. Get her out now, just so that we can Boo her. Hard. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Main thing is we both have the same opinion about Charlie, as do the majority here, just wish the GPB would wake up and see what we all see, it will be a tense lead up to eviction tomorrow, personally I think it will be between Lisa and David [ more ]
LowonIQ yes that's what I was saying except you've expressed it better. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why you would be safer voting Charlie out on Tuesday
Felix123 Far from seeing Lisa wound up, her head will explode with delight. She will be boring the viewers with her dull reasons she was kept in. "Told ya I'm entertaining, me.." [ more ]
Felix123 I've got a great idea... leave him for next week blink blink.... [ more ]
Videostar I agree with you, but no one here seems to see it. And also there is no entertainment vale in evicting Lisa tomorrow as shes the only one not in the main group, her going will just see the get along gang. I also want to see Lisa wound up even more for 3 more days, I want to see her have a horrible few days. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You know you young people, you know bog-all!
~Lee~ Her IQ level is 55....A lower level than most paper bags you know....That imo is in poor taste....I know you may not have intended it to come across as so Cheeky . [ more ]
Nemesis I am old and know **** all. Where does that leave me? [ more ]
CheekyPixie Well said Cologne. I am just slightly annoyed, because this was just a friendly banter kind of thread to have a little pop at Lisa for making out young people know nothing, and it's being made out that people are berating academically slow people and taking the piss out of them, when no-one is. I've said my piece, and I'm off to bed now. Got work tomorrow, and need to get some sleep. Won't be back til tomorrow night now. Byeeee. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We were anti Charlie ,now anti Lisa,can we come together and decide who we should vot
feebs I agree with that, she has got too sure of herself. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Lets make sure Charlie goes tomorrow, because he is a nasty, backstabbing, camera hungry, fake and most of all, let's get rid of him because of bloody nana!!!!! [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! could get two for the price of one if Lisa is evicted tho... imagine it... 'c'mon Dave...' he'd bleedin follow her up the stairs the soft git [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash has outsmarted Lisa, and she doesn't like it..
Nemesis She sees herself as older and more mature. She is and she isn't. Most of the time I think she is but her reaction to Rodrigo's 'her' couldn't have been more childish. [ more ]
fz I loved the way lisa kept saying 'ah but i had real reasons to nominate', as tho anyone who nominated her didnt have real reason??? [ more ]
Nemesis That never happened at the beginning. It was a psychological life study. Things have changed. The HM's have become increasingly predictable and desperate it has become just as easy for viewers to suss them out. Or not. 50 per cent do. 50 per cent don't. It's no longer a life study it's spot the actor. Probably why the show is dying. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa's playing a clever game.
Nemesis Night night take care [ more ]
Twee Surgeon ok then nem. It sounds like you, at least, agree to disagree. I never forget the Voltaire take on differences of opinion, when applied to the forum .. 'I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it'. Goodnight nem. [ more ]
Nemesis I will never concede defeat as fast as he's concerned. I will however admit it's quite a feat for a man with no personality to be in the house with final week approaching [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Surprise surprise.
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I really REALLY wished they had followed thru with it and all four of them legged it!!! I think it was Sofie who said 'it would be history' or something like that - and its TRUE!!! Oh to see Hinge n Bracket left in the house, sitting at the bus-stop for a few days... I have to agree with others up above that Rodderz and Charlie werent quite up for the challenge [ more ]
figtree and there endeth the bank holiday weekend! [ more ]
sunny dayz oh I totally agree video star. BB have been very soft on them. They should have told siavash that if he didnt vote he would automatically put sophie up, see how he would cope then. I think we may well have seen him nominate! [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do it for FREDDIE - enough with the moaning already, we got a second chance!!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I want to see that smug look knocked off her face, but I'm sooooo hoping for Charlie "I love everybody, me" to go kicking and screaming tomorrow. [ more ]
Summer_Breeze YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ more ]
Videostar Marcus was my second choice, im gutted he went. I have no favourites left now. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wouldn't it benefit you to be evicted tomorrow rather than first out on Friday ?
Mazzystar Marcus had right idea.Win win.Hes the series winner anyhow [ more ]
strike that's what i was thinking, who wants to read about the 5th 4th 3rd and 2nd place in the Sunday rags, it's win or out tomorrow if you want some cash [ more ]
cologne 1 Lisa has nothing to give. Anyway, I'm disappointed that the show has gone that way. Why would HMs automatically think they come out and make money. It's a crock. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie/Siavash/Charlie are all weak characters
robertsam Siavash to win for me. [ more ]
Shar See ... I disagree on your definition of speaking your mind and showing emotion ... Charlie ... I'll make no excuses for him ... he's a twonk as far as I'm concerned ... Sophie rarely shows emotion, but I think in recent weeks she has shown herself to be 'gutsy' ... Siavash is the the most honest and sensitive person in there ... and his emotions have been real, if at times understated ... you may call that boring ... I call it being himself ... [ more ]
cologne 1 The only 'gutsy' people in there are Siavash and Sophie. They've put it on the line and BB didn't call them for it week in and week out. All the others are just yes people. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Erin & Wilder are spot on...If you are a Siavash/Sophie you need to vote Charlie out!
Reality Junkie Siavash and Sophie were the only ones outa the 4 who genuingly would have walked. so they deserve to be in the top two. Also Rodrigo for nomming the other two who nommed. Still if theyd all have nommed then Charley wouldnt have been up. Probubly the only one. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Erin & Wilder are spot on...If you are a Siavash/Sophie you need to vote Charlie out! [ more ]
Former Member Thaks SR,I was having a moment of madness,a knee jerk reaction to ONE HL show ,Charlie has my vote for eviction. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
15 year old stabbed at Notting Hill Carnival
~Lee~ Poor kid I hope he recovers. [ more ]
Sir HP Re: 15 year old stabbed at Notting Hill Carnival [ more ]
Shizzlex I've been a few times the fights are usually in the same spot tbh i've seen a fair few fights and most of the time its the 13-16 years olds that have caused the trouble perhaps they are totally off their heads but some are fearless. I've had some great times but seen some nasty stuff as well never forget a crowd of youths surrounding an old bloke selling a few cans and robbing him nasty [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The nomination videos that BB showed...
cup sophie had charlie bang to rights in week one before any of us maybe [ more ]
Cold Sweat It was an attempt to influence nominations and it partially worked - David, for instance, was given an excuse to nominate Sophie. Amazing how thorough Sophie was with her Week One nomination of Charlie! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average They should have showed the Marcus one and then voiced over times 9 [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T music help please
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Thank you, I loved it too when I saw it and had it as my small atavar for a little bit, but you couldn't see it properly, so put it there instead, it reminds me of Fudge when she was a kitten. [ more ]
CheekyPixie Pinkbabe I LOVE your avatar.... don't try to understand me, just love me soooooooo sweet! [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Thats the one - thanks x [ more ]
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