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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
les mis..master of the house..!
stoory The second identical post is going to slide off the page, and make me look even more stupid nb......Charmer posted this twice [ more ]
Essie If I never hear Master of the House again I will be a happy mum, my son is in a Music Group, they did a turn for charity a couple of weeks ago in Marks & Spencers Romford, that was his solo song. I've started to hate it I tell ya [ more ]
stoory So good they named it twice [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
One of my cats (Storm) has just finished eating the remains from a
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Gizmo - anythng savoury, cheese and onion crisps, prawn cocktail crisps, chinese food and curry. Arnie - sweet things, cake, ice cream, but only vanilla because I won't allow her anything with chocolate in it Fudge - not really bothered, just her Go Cat and Whiskas tuna chunks as a treat. All three love fish and will have a mini fish when we go to the chippy, and won't eat any dried cat food except Go Cat, I brought them Whiskas dried cat food last week and they looked at me as if I had gone... [ more ]
Cagney My dog ate chocolate all the time and lived to the age of 19. Once in his life he was at the vet and that was because he ran out in the road and got hit by a car. He bounced and got up and ran off but we took him just to make sure. [ more ]
Hypermnesia Hee hee, I did it within a minute, you're fast, lol! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I agree with Charlie.
MoFo HaHAaHaHA noooo!! Ooooh that was too funny - he CHARGED over to number one and then ordered Rodrigo to go on number two. Then once he had his feet firmly welded to number one box he halfheartedly said quietly Rod should be number one but with no effort to actually move. Oooh that boy! Cheers for that link! [ more ]
Scotty This is the video... Watch him dash to the podium and then put up a lame fight that it should be Rodrigo. [ more ]
Clipboard What's all this about him touching his bits? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
david doing the dance
shar69 There hasn't been that many funny moments in BB this year. David and Siavash doing that dance made me scream out laughing, I laughed so much I couldn't catch my breath. It was bloody hilarious. Best BB moment this year by far. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Sophie seemed to keep the routine going at times. Often she has been the weak link during tasks - but certainly not on this occasion. [ more ]
fz Funniest bit of the series so far for me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie has terrible highlights
captain marbles He knows his limits. [ more ]
Lazybug You know when I read the thread title I thought to my self 'Eh? But Charlie has no hair how can he have terrible highlights'?... and then the penny dropped God I'm such a dufus sometimes [ more ]
Sunnie I'd like to see Judi James interpret why when asked who he thought was going to win he broke into a dialogue of how loads of other HM's thought he was gonna win, naming who was there and when it was. Hadn't thought about that much obviously.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
King of the High Teas
Former Member Oi you- do you want this Fat Rascal or what? [ more ]
Former Member The King is back- no sooner said than done passes him a nice cuppa and a Betty's Fat Rascal [ more ]
queenshaks They need their sleep doncha know or so my husband told me after I was in labour for 12 hours. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was the matter with LISA last night?
Blackpudlian The poor bitch had had her bangle bent by a gay Geordie!!!! [ more ]
CheekyPixie And well done to everyone else too. All good posts and so true. YEP, you DO indeed reap what you sow! Lisa had a wee taste of what it's like to feel a intimidated last night! [ more ]
Angel She looked really miffed about something & her interview with Davina was a joke .... it's as if they were talking different languages ... One of the worst I've seen for a long time. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tumble dryers...?
kazzy My son moved back home last week he arrived with 6 black bags of dirty washing. Turns out he doesnt wash boxers and socks just buys new every week My tumble drier was going non stop for 2 days!! He will be getting the leccie bill when it arrives [ more ]
Former Member Line dried sheets. Mmmm. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Thats what I hate about tumble driers, you can use a really lovely fabric conditioner, but they dont smell the same as off the line. Think the heat kills the fragrance [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa : "I was being me"
kazzy Yes Lisa you were And thats why you are OUT!!! [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Lisa was being herself. No doubt about it. She was being a 41 year old woman influencing young minds to do her will. She will be remembered most for this, for the woman solely responsible for spoiling our enjoyment of the final week by eliminating the true and worthy contestants of BB to be there in the final week, by her unfair block nominations tactics: Freddie, Marcus, Angel, Noirin and Sree. Shame on her for being her! [ more ]
captain marbles I certainly hope she was herself. She couldn't be concealing an even more unpleasant alter ego could she? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash: 'Housemates in for surprise'
cup Too true would it be too much to ask for first out as well,then 5 mins off him and straight to ad break He spend that much time waving to crowd and shaking hands there will be no time for his interview. Hope it is cut to 3 mins and that is charlie finished Only thing that is keeping me going he is in the final no shows on his own [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) They will be surprised when Charlie does not win . [ more ]
cup Maybe they will send in a luxury hamper on friday to get them ready [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
darloboy (Play The Game!) Got it wrong about the prize money . [ more ]
cologne 1 ...and one of the nastiest comments this series: He'll be sitting in his straight jacket rocking. [ more ]
cup She gives the same answers for no matter what questions are asked I WAS myself I do my own thing DEFINATELY DEFINATELY Thankyou I like a cuppa and a cig Thats it on bblb bbbm and interview thats the height of it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fabienne Very good question. It's all a bit Twilight Zone, isn't it? [ more ]
cup Davina said on noirins eviction night that there were loads of extra press as usual on eviction. The press had requested to bb to send more photographers Noirin was on the mags star nuts papers etc but that is about the most i have seen out of them all. [ more ]
Rexi They are probably actors [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa reunites with ex- girlfriend
Former Member Ye've gone soft lass- STOP IT NOW! [ more ]
Former Member Awww, how lovely. They should have a cup of tea and a cigarette to celebrate. [ more ]
Heartache Yeh colour me cynical too, lisa had said in the house she use to spend all her money on her ex, by buying her presents. I expect future prospects seemed very attractive to her. I like the way she said her ex watched her every night on LF. Apart from the Greek task, and 3 trips a night to the bus stop Lisa was usually in bed snoring whilst everyone else was making merry. Or looking like CHAD peering over her duvet, if there was any noise. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lets face it people Sophie is going to win
littleleicesterfox Agreed. It's a big old bag o' crap though. She's rubbish [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Nooooooooooooo Sophie is not like Samanda . I refuse to hear Sophie being mentioned in the same sentence as the true winners from BB8 . [ more ]
brisket I hope Sophie doesn`t win. She has done nothing particularly inspiring or entertaining. I have found her rather dull. Rodrigo has entertained me more than anybody else. (I have loved his outbursts too.) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus interview with his local paper
old hippy guy YAAAY nice one, good to know that he gets lots of people wanting to pose with him or shake his hand, keep being yourself Marcus, and BOLLOX to those who sneer, the MORE HE pisses em off the MORE I like the guy, MY ALL time favourite BB HM EVER,!!! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing “If someone said to me how long have you been in there I'd have said three weeks, not 13. It's like being in The Matrix because everything looks real but its not, its scripted." I want to hear more of this kind of stuff from Marcus.. I want him to whistle blow the whole show out of the water. Cos its the bliddy scripting that is ruining it!! Its pointless.... just give us reality... that is all we ask for (and send the scriptwriters back to Hollyoaks/Eastenders to continue their... [ more ]
Kaffs The Globe in Roath.... wouldn't have been surprised if I was accosted by vampires... scary looking place, with a very peculiar odour about it..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The final hurdle...
cologne 1 When Hira was evicted, the next highest % went to David, but if memory serves, the last two standing were Hira and Lisa. So it's probably not indicative. [ more ]
Jenny Davina did say "in no particular order". From that, we have no idea where he came in the voting order unfortunately. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I wonder if he was left with Lisa because they were the ones with less votes to save (or whichever way it was), or do they just pick another random HM alongside the one being evicted..? [ more ]
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