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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBLB - "Please be upstanding for your BB winner..."
guku Their behaviour and attitude during the show was bad but refusing to stand when Sophie entered was just downright rude. I actually dislike them both even more now. I never thought that would be possible! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) He's always got Saffia . [ more ]
Former Member i thought he was just so rude and think your right about why it was just those two that didnt stand. well they only showed themselves up. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh, what to do?
liverbird Thanks for that. At least she didn't get stroppy with you - which could have happened! You did the right thing [ more ]
MysTerry When I 'grew up' I decided to tell my Mum about the things I'd done that I knew she wouldn't approve of...then she told me about how she used to sneak out of her bedroom window to go meet up with lads that my g/parents had forbidden her to meet. We all go through something similar when we are young, and some of us are able to handle it, but, there is always going to be those that can't or they come up against situations that we sadly read about in the newspapers .. I don't know if life is... [ more ]
Puss well there were cups with bits of string attached for me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophies` plans for the money/
Cold Sweat I think this was something they agreed upon in the house - if one of them was the winner. [ more ]
Former Member Has she really done that? Hurrah if so! Mind you, I'd have slept on it myself ... the decision not the money as I keep my money in the bank rather than under the mattress. People who suddenly get a lump sum can go a bit mad on the spur of the moment! [ more ]
*BB* Can't she just donate the 10k to charity herself? Why bother giving it to Siavash just for him to give it away? [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X factor thread?
spongebob squarepants nooooooooooo you're miles away from me.... [ more ]
brisket It annoys me when a jusge says "The girls will love you" based on their physical appearance. What on earth has that got to do with singing talent? [ more ]
Blackpudlian My late lamented cat used to bring them in the house and I am terrified of mices. I'm glad you managed to save your mouse though. Did you release it anywhere near my house? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie: Noirin is a bitch
~Lee~ She's said this has she or is it an assumption on your behalf?. [ more ]
Free Thinking Noirin liked Marcus's friendship. She got with Siavash as she thought he was more of a favourite, it was purely a move in her gameplan. [ more ]
~Lee~ Sooz I really admired Siavash for being so quick to defend her last night tbh...I had no problem whatsoever with Sophie winning but to come out with statements like she's done is a bit rich really....Glass houses and stones spring to mind imo. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope sophies mum has a word with her over Kris
brisket They just meet up for a few weeks in a television game show. Almost ships that pass in the night. So why should they be trying to imply they have had sex in the house? Why should they fall in love? It all seems very far-fetched to me. The chances of developing a serious relationship are very remote indeed. When the media attempt to blow it up into something real I usually shrug it off. [ more ]
15:10 Why did he look so displeased tho? I can't think of another word than 'displeased' lol [ more ]
Lil Misz Sophie is 20 years old her mother cant physically stop her from getting surgery. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LIVE CLOUD - who aint coming?
Former Member i thought I posted in here? [ more ]
Soozy Woo Lainy I'm like you ..........all this terminology is completely lost on me. I'm a troglodyte in these matters. I hope to see you all on the other side but believe me if it's in the least bit complicated ........................just come looking for me in 'Cyber Space'. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing No, people have been making assumptions about the migration day and then it's getting mentioned so much that other people are thinking it's definite, at the moment there is no definite date more than we are now told it will be NEXT WEEK, sometime. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GO ON: Give LIVE CLOUD a go..... Please read if you feel you don't want to join it.
Mentalist Nice Cheeky, you are doing really well. keep up the good work? Have I buddied you? [ more ]
squiggle And it looks like we might get a last post thingie as well, the same only different sort of thing. [ more ]
CheekyPixie Thanks Hyperstar, and thanks to everyone else for the nice comments and I hope that I and several others on here, have managed to convince a few people to come over to livecloud, so we don't lose you in cyberspace! [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karly and Kenneth
Koala Brother London/Hong Kong/New York - wankers [ more ]
Senora Reyes Grace Dent thinks she is some moralisitic crusader, but is quite happy to stick her beak in where it doesn't belong. Not sure about Karly and Kris, but Sophie, should give them a wide berth. [ more ]
Cinds Her interview with Chris Eubank was my favourite. I remember her asking him (regarding a fight with a someone whose name evades me) 'So Chris, how did it feel when (insert boxers name here) crept up from behind and licked you in the ring?' Followed by dagger looks from Chris and her asking 'Are you going to punch me?' She was brilliant. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So are we all happy with our winner?
RZB V happy, and even happier with the 71% she got out of the final 2. [ more ]
fabienne She didn't seem kind hearted at all to me either. She was a bitch to Freddie. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox She will never have to learn to be kind and have a kind heart? We were watching the same programme, am I correct? The one where she joined in the verbal abuse of Freddie, the one where she made the 'strait-jacket' comment and the one where when she STOLE someone's alcohol it was OK because she doesn't like him? And then went into the DR and has a rant because he, quite correctly, called her up on it? If those are the signs of a kind heart I think I'd rather be a nasty cow with my flawed... [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Drinking games.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I would pick Dot Cotton No fears of making a t*t of myself there then. [ more ]
Guest the Eastenders drinking game is always fun, you have to do it for the omnibus though. You pick a character and match them drink for drink. Especially good when Phil or someone is really hitting the bottle [ more ]
Guest the Eastenders drinking game is always fun, you have to do it for the omnibus though. You pick a character and match them drink for drink. Especially good when Phil or someone is really hitting the bottle [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: Medical advice/what would you do?
mummymaz Thanks PinkBabe - i've been blessed with a softie for a BF it seems, he rushed here from about 30miles away to get my tamiflu, sat outside the centre for ages waiting for it to open then came here with all i could need in my sick bed. He's given me a list of films i should watch, made me toast (its all i could stomach) and made me numerous brews... being far from home is never as emotional as when you are sick, i really want my mum (yes i am 30 haha) but he's a decent and welcome 2nd best! [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Glad to see you've got the tamiflu, I had to have them earlier this summer and they do help, all I can suggest, having had swine flu, is what everyone else is suggesting, lots of bed/settee rest, whereever you are comfortable, I couldn't manage the stairs inmy house so spent a week on the settee all wrapped up, keep warm but have a window open somewhere for fresh air, helps to make you feel less stuffy, don't worry if you feel sick or have a tummy upset, it can be a side effect of the... [ more ]
Garage Joe One doesn't like to dish out medical advice and I have no experience of this particular virus. However I hope that you are fit and raring to go to the states as soon as...... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your favourite moment of BB10
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Marcus and some of his Diary Room rants David - just being David Charlie not winning!! Seeing Freddie until he sadly got evicted [ more ]
kazzy Without a doubt Siavash in the DR in the barrel outfit I laughed for hours Hubby thought I had totally lost it Marcus rant in the DR about the Sree accusation was fantastic. Cant get excited about the Aliens in London. I thought it was a bit crap but everyone on BBLB loved it [ more ]
Licky Siavash in the diary room with the penis. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lowest rating final ever
15:10 yep serves them right. Tho I hope that doesn't mean that others won't consider picking it up. That might have been the deciding factor. And the results might be the final nail in the coffin. [ more ]
Baz That'll will teach them to pull LF and perhaps persuade them put in better HM's!! [ more ]
Latecomer It certainly does. (I think we`re both checking out the news in the same place. Lol.) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina showing her bias against certain HM's again.
Hotpants Helen None of the interviews were that great. She banged on about a relationship to Rodrigo. Charlie talked over her. David just shouted. Siavash could hardly be heard due to losing his voice. [ more ]
bigbaws She certainly didnt like Siavash, thats for sure. Since when was it a bad thing to be benevolent. For all she knows Siavash could be the most kindest person in the world on the outside. The worse interview to date, I would say. [ more ]
Angel Agreed .... same goes for George Lamb too [ more ]
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