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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie working out...
Hicky Sophie used to work out 3 days a week before she went in the house. They treat being in the house as a Holiday so they just go in to enjoy themselves. She will get back to her trainiong now, she has to earn a living again. We don't know what they did in the house all day because they didn't show us, and with no live feed we haven't a clue really. I missed out on seeing Sophie in her Bikini for a whole summer, not pleased about that either. [ more ]
jennywren Is this Jonny Nutz? I want one. [ more ]
strike i find it hard to believe she is capable of working out, lazy moo she was [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The bloke is an utter twonk
Kaffs I'm been so lucky in my working life, I've never had to put up with any twonks. Then again, I've never worked for corporations or public bodies where I think that sort of thing is more common. I've always worked for private companies and/or individuals in a very informal atmosphere (no, I'm not on the game! ) and the most irritating thing in my current job is a guy who 'sprays' when he talks and slurps and smacks his lips when he's eating. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl The only reason our departmental head has his job is because no-one else wanted the poison chalice post or applied....and now he struts around like mini Il Duce who fought of a hoard of MBAs to secure his place of bureaucratic superiority. We just smile benignly and watch the hairline recede. [ more ]
PeterCat I thought this was going to be a thread about Marcus [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should i make a formal complaint? *LONG POST*
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! My GP practice now is brilliant, apart from one receptionist who was refusing appointments to patients, but she has been sacked, all the doctors and nurses there you can talk to and the Practice Manager does encourage patients to let her know if there are problems. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! to you and your problems. I know totally where you are coming from, I can't wear headphones to listen to TV, they irritate my ears so have to depend on subtitles. The tinnitus drives me mad!! 24/7 when I am awake and even affects my sleep at times, along with the dizzy spells that leave me sitting in a chair half the night most nights, I have forgotten the last time I was able to go to bed and sleep straight away. I have the radio on in bed which disturbs my husband because he has to be up... [ more ]
Former Member Mine too..I want to marry him but unfortunately he's already taken! There's a horrible cahhh at my surgery who always seems to have ap'ts free, yet my doc is usually booked up for 2 weeks or more. He's bloody brill and he always has lovely music playing [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
8.40 and it's dark..
skive I'm finding the winter is the best season for excuses. [ more ]
Guest dark? winter? wtf are you talking about? it reached 36c today and i sat on the beach with a beer watching the sun go down, and am currently debating what to wear in bed [ more ]
Guest dark? winter? wtf are you talking about? it reached 36c today and i sat on the beach with a beer watching the sun go down, and am currently debating what to wear in bed [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Extra week off
lightfoot I'll second that..Where I Live every available building space has been taken up by student Halls, and housing being converted into student flats.. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Wow good luck to your son . [ more ]
Ducky Yaaaay Darlo. Unexpected time off is always the best time off EVER! My son started sixth form college this week..... he wasn't particularly keen so I was a bit worried but he LOVES it! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
skive I haven't worn a watch for years. I hate things around my wrists (or neck for that matter) and so it has to be absolutely comfortable or I'd just take it off and leave it somewhere. When my last one broke I couldn't find one I gelled with, one that felt right on my wrist, so I stopped wearing one. I only wear jewellery when I'm dressed up and going out as well, things like that irritate me and I end up unconsciously fiddling with them all day or taking them off and wondering later where I... [ more ]
Former Member I hate not knowing the time. Everything I do is defined by time. It would absolutely kill me to go out somewhere and not know what time it is [ more ]
queenshaks I feel very lost without a watch, don't think it's a time thing, it's just a habit. I couldn't live without one. I have quite a few of them, Armani, DNKY (about 4 of those....well they're cheap ), Gucci. But the one I wear one a daily basis is Dreyfuss & Co one, about £400 (I chose, he paid) which I've had for about 2 yrs. I wear this one but I, I mean we got it from Ernest Jones. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
well done england!
jadie-wadie well done too the whole of the UK haa but sad news for the women in the europeons they lost today in the final to germany but better then the men done it a very longgg time! [ more ]
strike well done to Scotland and Wales as well ............... [ more ]
captain marbles I thought it was going to be a lot tighter but Capello seems to have turned them into a team that enjoys passing the ball. Great performance. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gorden Ramsey Hells kitchen USA...
CheekyPixie I have really gone off Ramsay. If my boss spoke to me like that; I would have the sack, because I'd ram a stapler down his throat. Then again, is anyone actually ALLOWED to speak to people like that in the workplace? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Having seen some secret filming of him in his kitchen, I'd say it's his normal behaviour. [ more ]
G_C Gorden Ramsey's a tit he only does it for shock value it is old and tired and TBH am suprised the american network bosses actully allow him to be so rude and ignorant but I guess they are trying to be hip and shocking themselves . In all honestly there is no need for the foul langauge . Maybe the americans should dump ramsey and get in Marco who IMO is far more talented in the kitchen than tithead ramsey. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you like Football?
figtree About as much as I liked Bea! [ more ]
little_mrs_bb Love it, especially my Bournemouth boys. UP THE CHERRIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS! [ more ]
CheekyPixie It's OK, but I never understand why people are obsessed and yes rawky, I agree that it's a lot of chavs seem to like it, where I come from too. It costs a fortune and the players ARE over paid, and the only time I watch it is when a really big game is on and England are playing. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Im bored
Jet Blue What a sad life you must lead [ more ]
GMA I'm bored too - waiting for the washing to finish. then there's dinner to think about - sick of washing/dusting as we're having the house done up and we've only done the LR and Kitchen (well that's nearly complete, just some wires etc then there's the bathroom and 3 bedrooms ) after all these years of waiting I thought I'd be ecstatic, but no - it must be me and the menopause or something. [ more ]
mummymaz It was a self cert i needed (although he didnt tell me this) for less than 7days so i didnt need a sick note as i am back today (only 3 days off in total) - he's still being funny with me cos we are behind in work but i am in holiday mode so i care very little for his dirty looks Thank you Pengy xx [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus puts his abusive letter on E-Bay
Dame_Ann_Average It will have to be delivered like a sheet of glass, lets be honest, he's not going to be able to fold it [ more ]
*BB* I loved that bit! [ more ]
captain marbles I like this bit at the bottom; "Q: Can you include an autographed copy of the photo taken with you holding said relic - as this could increase its provinance in years to come? A: No. That's just silly." But scrawling obscenities on a piece of paper to prove your identity to a bunch of people on an internet forum is entirely logical it seems. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michael Shields free today
Demantoid They just wouldn't listen to reason - they "thought" they had the right bloke and that was it, end of. Of course, Jack Straw's response might have been a bit different if it wasn't some inconsequential place like Bulgaria (as far as trade and diplomatic relations are concerned). [ more ]
Blizz'ard If the Bulgarians send their nurses back to Libya, the Libyans could send Al Megrahi back to us and we can send Michael Shields back to the Bulgarians. Would they be happier then? [ more ]
Former Member Phew. I heard the Bulgarian MEP bloke on R4 yesterday. He's really very unhappy about it, banging on about two witnesses and stuff. I can't really imagine what it must have been like for Shields, knowing he's innocent and banged up for attempted murder. The rage and the depression and the sense of injustice you must feel in that situation. When I was listening to the Bulgarian, I was reminded about the al Megrahi case. I'm quite suspicious about that conviction now after reading some more... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SCD v X Factor - Both shows clash times...
Teddy Bleads I wish X-factors would hurry up and get to boot camp. All these seemingly endless auditions are starting to grate on me...even the comically awfle ones. [ more ]
brisket Dancing for me. The X Factor seems worse than ever this year. I've lost patience with the programme, so I tend to catch up via forums, and highlights on the internet - it saves me ploughing through the ridiculous programme. [ more ]
Croctacus I don't watch SCD anyway so it bothers me not at all. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
will the live feed return for the final series?
Teddy Bleads I very much doubt it. The last thing C4 are going to do is spend money on a show they are about to drop. I expect the show to go out with a whimper rather than a bang. [ more ]
Demantoid The trouble is, the whole thing's being run by people with no interest in the show. If they don't care, why should anyone? [ more ]
Aquarius This year's just wasn't the same without live feed. Now that the producers have seen viewing figures plummet and media interest being non existent, maybe they will change their mind. They should have listened to us last year. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My life is falling apart
Rev. Dim Dale Last October I put up a similar post on GBBF and was amazed and touched by all of the help and just support I got from everyone. It's been like that in this thread too. CO Things do get better, they may do so slowly but they do and I hope that you can get past what it is that is making you feel so wretched. Just hearing others experiences also help you to assess what your own problems are and whether or not to take the advice offered on here. There are a lot of things that get said on these... [ more ]
machel thank you, it does feel as though i am damned if i do and damned if i don't [ more ]
robertsam Truly inspirational [ more ]
See all 232 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charity Shop Donations... why do i bother?!
Little Miss Spurs Re: Charity Shop Donations... why do i bother?! [ more ]
Garage Joe Mrs Joe likes to think of it as recycling. [ more ]
Yellow Rose When I was in my 20's I had some spare time so offered it to Oxfam. I never saw or experienced anything the OP has experienced in the branch I was in but it must be a right let down if anyone experiences that. I notice you love cats/animals - as do I -if you feel disillusioned with other charity shops maybe you have a PDSA/RSPCA or similar animal charity shop you'd get a better response from. In the end it's not really about who takes in what's donated but who receives the help at the other end [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Can anyone tell me of a Hotel in Highgate London
Cosmopolitan Glad you (and hubs & poochy) are all sorted for October. Wishing you a speedy recovery too. xx [ more ]
liverbird ^^^^ and the same from me [ more ]
Bojangles Thankyou so much heartache.I'm not going in until October,that's why I need to sort it out now.I need to look after my little dog he's 16 and I worry about him,he wouldn't take kindly if I left him with any one now,as I have never left him, always taken him on holidays with us etc.I'm not worried about op at all,only a few cysts to be removed. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Beatles....Who's ordered the albums?
Gabriel Pennywise My mother once took me to see a fake Beatles. That was a fun evening. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Loved The Beatles and The Stones respectively. The Beatles Blackbirds, Hey Jude, Yesterday Let it be. The Stones: Under my thumb, Satisfaction, Beast of burden Brown Sugar Waiting on a friend [ more ]
jennywren Never liked Satisfaction. Can't Always Get What You Want is the Stones masterpiece. (Along with Sister Morphine and Moonlight Mile.) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
where's the logic in this ?
Gabriel Pennywise The RSPCA are my mortal enemies. not because I enjoy drowning puppies, I must add. [ more ]
Demantoid I think each village has a few. The ones in mine (in Togo) have had a clinic, immunisation programme, water wells and school paid for by sponsors, which is great. [ more ]
Former Member To be fair, you're donating to the community and you're given a personal comtact to bond with rather than a name on a map. I think I'd rather just do that really and have a picture of the whole village. It crossed my mind that there's one kid in every village who is selected to be The Kid for all sponsors. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nikki Grahame on JK show tomorrow?
Yellow Rose Oh dear, that's really very sad then. It's such a difficult problem to deal with as it's so hard to break through the psycological barrier of their attitude towards food, and yet from what I've understood about it over the years there's also an underlying emotional issue that's often related to either feelings of self worth, or issues related to parents and that environment while growing up. I truly wish her well [ more ]
*BB* I've just watched the excerpts on YT. She is still desperately thin and it doesn't look to me like she is recovering and eating. At this rate she won't last long. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I really can't stand Nikki but that's not to say I don't realise Anorexia is a serious problem and difficult to treat for so many. It's also extremely worrying for family and friends, I really hope she's either come through it and can now eat properly or is seeking help if she still needs it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
england match tonite!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Well done England!!! Lampard was superb tonight as was Gerrard and I don't usually like him, in fact all round good performance from England, showing belief and passion, all I expect from my national team!! Whisper it, but I could actually see England doing it next year and then finally they will stop mentioning how many years it was since England last won the World Cup (43!!)!! Can't understand why Heskey started though, Defoe would have been a better option for me and Rooney was a little... [ more ]
captain marbles Back to my original point. SWP was the worst player on the pitch in the friendly and it was an act of mercy that he didn't come out in the second half. Lennon and Walcott are by far and away the best options on the right in the World Cup but Beckham can play in several positions so may well be on the plane. SWP can save himself a few bob and book his beach holiday right now. [ more ]
captain marbles In defence of Glen Johnson, there's no way he would have spent so much time in the opposition half if he hadn't been told to do exactly that by Capello, and what a brilliant job he did of it. When was the last time we saw an England right back who terrorised the opposition defense and created so many goal scoring opportunities? As to his defensive capabilities, there's no way he'll be able to shirk those under both his club and international coaches. I thought he showed glimpses of the world... [ more ]
See all 221 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't take kids away .. punish their parents
Aimee haven't read the whole thread, but council estates get a bad name imo, i was brought up on one and my parents have never claimed any benefits in thier live, but have lived there for 40 yrs, i had a great up bringing there , i now live on a council estate *after a nice house* with my daughter after spliting with her dad *i was scared at the time* but i have the best neighbours ever and my daughters grades haven't suffered, she's still top set and i love my council house [ more ]
Darthhoob it has, you think hitting kids is acceptable [ more ]
Bojangles I was cained as a kid and had the clouts round the head.Hasn't done me any harm. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can you help an old dolly please
jennywren I've got a Skype telephone, but it's not mobile, it's plugged into the puter and I hate sitting still on the phone! I don't use it, now, though, cos we have a free landline phone deal at the mo. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Hi Dolly we have Skype, yes you need a webcam and mic to speak to your friends and family, we also have headphones. An earlier version wasn't as good as the one we have now, enjoy the free calls [ more ]
Dolly Thanks for all your help [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More taxes....
captain marbles Put Ryanair in charge of global warming taxes. They'll charge by the fart. [ more ]
velvet According to the news tonight its only a few quid extra so if you can afford to go on holiday presumably you can cough up another few quid for the xtra tax. Mountains and molehills spring to mind here [ more ]
ANNOCA Here in Ireland, we have to pay €10 per person if we want to fly OUT of the country!!! Would make more sense to tax people to ENTER the country!! [ more ]
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