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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
At what point does freshwater become seawater or vice versa
GMA I'm 51 - just. I have studied A level Cookery and have been amongst Veggies/vegans for most of my adult life. I was a 'strange person' in 'those days' with regards to soya - but it came up on my A level exam in those days! I will go to extra lengths to omit any for of 'animal' stuff I can think of - I can't eat cheese unless it's veggie (no rennet) yoghurt (Apro) etc - yet I'm not a fan of fruit. I will eat it as in fresh figs, bananas etc' exotic fruit (old English apples/pears too! ) I... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Both as long as I can drink it . [ more ]
Bovrilking Blimey lad, you wanna get off of them, its like life in pause mode [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
disley21 This planet is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. What do you mean, "biblical"? What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff. Exactly. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! [ more ]
Poolshark I've got to see that, it looks wicked! [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I saw the start of 'I am Legend' last night and that's set in 2012 as well. The merkins are really pissed off with us getting the Olympics that year aren't they? [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Everyone seems to strongly dislike Kris
Demantoid And a malicious one, as well. That "quip" was plain spiteful, designed to make fun of and alienate another HM. [ more ]
brisket I agree with this Free. Kris was probably advised on the basis of "least said, soonest mended." As they couldn`t communicate neither would know what the other was thinking. Sophie lied, leaving Kris to decide `do I go along with the lie or deny it?` Losing situation whatever he did. Sophie made a ridiculously stupid mistake by lying about having sex. Their joint behaviour was not nice and they deserve each other. [ more ]
15:10 Re: Everyone seems to strongly dislike Kris [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a nice thing to do..
charmer at least the kid will have a nice time-the moms have paid for a little party for her aswell i think the moms have an ulterior motive cos its at the pub still fair play to them [ more ]
MoFo Blimey I cant get my head around that one! [ more ]
Croctacus Just as well the mother never took the kids if that's how her mind works..what a bitch! Nice gesture by the other mums though and I bet they get as much enjoyment out of doing it as the kid will from getting the bike. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last Night of the Proms
Garage Joe Exactly. [ more ]
brisket Indeed Joe. I thought it was quite touching to see flags of other nations being waved together, yet all being united. David Robertson mentioned a similar theme in his speech - how instruments can be so different and diverse and from different parts of the world, and yet can come together in harmony. Sickly patriotism can make me squirm, but the joy of many different nations together last night made me tingle. [ more ]
Garage Joe I enjoyed what I saw (apart from that Chris DeBore one) Nice to see a bit of pride in our flag and flags of other nations. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
On BBBM, Issac nominated for best HM but not Freddie.?
15:10 I agree, Vash should have let Sophie have the money. Although it is Sophie who was boasting about giving it to him. Afterall BB have already donated £30K to charity. If Vash wants to donate anything, he should have done it himself from his own money. Think he should stop trying to steal others limelight now and do his own thing. And this is coming from a Vash supporter while he was in the house. [ more ]
Reality Junkie I agree. Considering Vash came 2nd, its disgusting. However maybe she doesnt like him taking 10k from Sophie, which I am not happy about. Smacks of arrogance to me. Very shifty. [ more ]
charlisock I forgot he was in the bloody House One look at the title and I thought "Who the hell's Issac?!" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBM lastnights reunion - Where was Sophia?
15:10 Do they have to 'legally' go to these things once the show has ended? If so, can't imagine how Kenneth got out of it. And if not, wish Freddie hadn't bothered. [ more ]
Sky Thanks again for the info Pepsi, and a for you. [ more ]
pepsi Sophia Brown Hey everyone. Just so you know and cas a lot of people are asking, I wasn't at the reunion cas I was in hospital... Hence the delayed facebook updates!! Please don't ask why as I'd like to keep it private for now until everything's completely sorted but I'm back now baby... YAY!!! ;-) Yesterday at 17:42 · Comment · Like SHe obviously wants to keep it private, but I was wondering if it was something to do with her lupus....just an assumption on my part cos I have a similar... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
machel watched most of ER and it was great, definitely one to be repeated. [ more ]
Katerina I seem to remember they re-ran some early episodes on More4......can't recall if they were full seasons though. I'd watch it again on weeknights, there's not much to watch most nights at the moment! [ more ]
kattymieoww I liked the older shows, I went off it the last couple of series. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you support BB, go and sign....
sunny dayz ill be supporting live feed for next year definately. I actually liked this years BB. [ more ]
WILDER X Not bothering. Channel 4 have no intentions of fetching live feed back. Not watching next years. This years was bad enough. Channel 4 should hang there heads in shame as there ruined bb. [ more ]
janito Thanks Figtree for keeping me company. I hope a lot of you sign the petition to bring back LF, you never know, it might do some good. I would love to have LF back for the final series. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash got a poor deal on bbbm tonight
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг Re: Siavash got a poor deal on bbbm tonight [ more ]
brisket I have no opinion about whether the BB team have given Siavash unfair treatment. My general feeling is that the attention-seeking Siavash has had too much attention. There were many things about Siavash I did not like, so I now find it difficult to find any positive words for him. [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг I don't think Siavash got a raw deal at all! Davina spoke to him about the Noirin thing, they then showed a whole VT devoted to him and Cairon, and that was his time dealt with. When Davina started to talk about Bea and headed towards her with the mic, Siavash was nearly pushing her off the end of the seat he was leaning that far in front of her to get his face on TV! There are other housemates apart from Siavash and they all had their own segments (apart from Beinazir) and their 3 mins or... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash thinks that Bea has been misjudged.
Videostar Your right, how stupid of me to use my eyes that noticed Freddie looking less than pleased with Siavash's ill chosen remarks about Bea being misjudged. *slaps own wrists* [ more ]
Flossie Huh? Marcus was remarkably restrained considering he was having to deal with a self-indulgent, self-obsessed, selfish, social inadequate who would lie and refuse to take responsibility for his actions and had a ridiculous idea of self entitlement such that he thought he deserved priorities in all matters and disregarded the feelings and entitlements of others. Sree was an A1 tosser. [ more ]
Senora Reyes And mature. Davina showed herself up again with her insufferable ego, her constant patronising, bad jokes, and rudeness. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBbm Reunion
pigeonpie Surely Sophie will be moving into the Playboy Mansion any time soon??? [ more ]
Cold Sweat As much as Sophie may want to live with Roddie; surely her career will dictate that she needs to move down to London? [ more ]
Leccy I think she least she can get a lad who likes her for her rather than £££££ flashing in front of his eyes. There's a lid for every pan and all that. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For the next half hour I will be talking to myself thread.
Gel Indeed! [ more ]
SJ When you can't sleep, do you have to still be up and about for work the next day? Or is it classified as an illness? I ask because if you don't have to work, how about having a beer or wine or two before bed? That always knocks me out, but cna be drowsy the next day, so don't advise it on a work night. [ more ]
fabienne Tape some of Derren Brown's progs for next time you have insomnia. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB7 Launch Night footage
The Guru Oh Good!! I did watch this series, one of my faves but i have a memory like a sieve. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Nikki loves Pete, everyone is nice so far . [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) NIKKI RANT- she's hurt her foot and trood on the door . Not happy about her suitcase and going to bed with her mascara because she can't get to her make up remover . She needs her waterproof eye make up remover, £16 pound a bottle and only thing to get her make up off . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strange request for help please...
Former Member Why not try it out on one application and see how it works out. I don't see why you should tell them. It's something in your past, it shouldn't affect your present. No one reveals all their cards in an interview. [ more ]
vikinggal Thanks to all you lovely peeps. Lots of good advice there.I have been saying "due to a bereavment etc" so maybe just to say nothing thanks.I should look into voluntary work that is definitely an option on how to restart my life. By the way I was just getting a bit pie eyed in the afternoon sometimes, while doing paperwork.etc.At no time did I ever put any patient at risk.(was always aware enough to know that) [ more ]
Saint Struck off wot exactly? Have you asked people why you have not received an interview? That way you can find out where your going wrong [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GMA Borage in ice cubes as suggested above is a great one! Will use that! [ more ]
GMA My basil hasn't been able to survive for years, (Tesco's pots of miniature Greek Basil are wonderful - My Turkish MIL had one in her LR as a fly deterrent? They don't know how to use it culinary wise there) anyhow, neither has my coriander - I really think it's the weather as they tend to like Med conditions - my variations of 'Thyme' however are also suffering? OK, some patches I might think the roots of mint are 'strangling' them. I don't know how to use herbs in creams etc - google might... [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise might try parsley tea. [ more ]
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