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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Garage Joe Alas! We will always need tax inspectors. [ more ]
Luxor I find the whole tax system crazy. It needs a complete overhaul. Anyone earning under £15000 PA should not pay Income tax. After that it should be one rate, e.g 25%. No loopholes, no credits, no anything. The money saved on not needing the legions of tax inspectors etc would save the country a fortune. [ more ]
BBBS all these tax avoidance schemes really piss me off, i've always paid my uk tax and i really dont see why all the so called loopholes arent closed as that would bring in plenty of extra taxes without the need to increase the tax on those who already pay it, that said some cuts could also easily take place, does anyone earning over £75k really need child benifits or tax credits and at the other end should those who pay taxes be paying them to support baby making machines. [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone watch UK border Force?
Former Member I love UK Border Force! It makes me laugh when the force are all hard and forceful in their raids and then bail the illegals they arrest. The roundup at the end usually says that the illegals failed to turn up for the hearing. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Lol! Unlucky It amazes me some of the food stuff that folks try and take into the country, one woman ages ago had a pigs head in her suitcase...of course she suddenly didn't understand the lingo when questioned! They are very good at working out who is genuine and who really does have something to hide... ...our borders seem so lax towards the Australian borders.... [ more ]
Aimee i watch it too on living, they are really strict about food being bought in, a woman got fined 200 dollars for bringing her apple of the plane that she had been given with her lunch [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Patrick Swayze has died
Angel Yeah ..... he had pancreatic cancer which is what took my bloved mum too. I knew when I first heard he was ill with this particular cancer, that he wouldn't last too long ..... but he's done well, bless him. R.I.P Patrick xx [ more ]
Aquarius How's your mum doing kettle? I really hope she's holding her own. Hugs to her and you. [ more ]
Getthekettleon Im so sad too, he was a top bloke and he fought hard.He has kept my mum going for a long time. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help with Vista - Please.
Tayto. Guess what? My pics miraculously appeared today. I uninstalled some stuff last night so I don't know if that had anything to do with it. Thanks for all the help specially you Squiggle. [ more ]
Tayto. Sorry Squiggle I've been out until now. I'll try that. Thanks. [ more ]
squiggle Tayto does this help at all? In the currently open folder, click Organize in the toolbar, and then click Folder and Search Options. In Folder Options, click the View tab, and then click Apply to Folders. (To switch these folders back to their default settings, click Reset Folders.) [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
have you ever
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I absolutly agree with you over the pupil and parent making a difference, I was encouraged by my mum to learn, and was always academically enclined, my brother was not so good academically, but is very technically minded and my mum has often said she wished the two tier system had been in place as I would probably ended up at grammar school and my brother at a techincal/sec mod school and had the type of education that would have been more helpful to him. The reason I would go into the... [ more ]
Lazybug Yup And I failed it My dad went nuts as I got into the worst school and he sent me private instead When I sat the test I didn't have a bloody clue what was going on. I was so oblivious as to what I was doing it for! [ more ]
Kaytee I sat the 11+ and actually passed. We still have it here in SW London too [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Morphine patches help/advice.
frenchbread Its very sad especially to watch some of them eagerly checking who walks through the door at visiting hours and then looking lost and really upset when visiting hours coming to an end. [ more ]
frenchbread Same here [ more ]
myopic mouse Lee I have read this thread from the beginning, and cried the whole way through, it brings back so many memories for me of people i have loved who have died from this dreadful disease, my heart goes out to you huni, you have done the right thing to get your family together. I will be saying a prayer for your dad and your family and I pray that his pain is eased by the patches, but I do know those driver syringes work really well when things get bad. Take care of yourself huni and may god be... [ more ]
See all 111 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I saw Holby City for the 1st time last night.
Aquarius What a brilliant idea Senora! Those two would be great together. Can you imagine the clash of egos. Would be great viewing tho. [ more ]
Darthhoob dont often watch it (i always forget to watch programmes on telly then forget to catch up on iplayer lol) but i do like holby city. the ONLY soap type thing i like [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I might start watching Blue Peter again. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My thought for today
justafriend wow amazing. me sis and a few friends are having a dirty dancing night tonight, gonna watch the film and have some wine. [ more ]
Ells I was wondering why there was so many threads on PS today Had posted in the Dirty Dancing thread before even realising what had happened Had a big crush on him for years. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Did you see the clip of the couple on Oprah Winfrey on TV this morning? They did that dance at their wedding and went on the Oprah Show, half way through it he came out and danced with them!!! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Summer has definitely finished....
Mazzystar Its chilly here in the Thames valley [ more ]
Moomin It's a bit breezy here, but otherwise nice. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Cold here today, and overcast but sun keeps trying to come through, central heating been on now for the last couple of nights, and need to find my fluffy boot slippers from Primark out again. Watch it rain here on Saturday as I am taking my dog to a big dog show, she is going to be promoting rehoming greyhounds and both of us don't like the rain!! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ch 4 Dispatches - help
Saint thank you soooo much - greatly appreciated - i'll let yoo know [ more ]
BBBS if you have usenet / newsgroups access then if you need a filename for a search on places like rapidshare then try The.Millionaire.And.The.Murder.WS.PDTV.XviD-FTP if you get completely stuck then pm me (but do it before we get sucked into deathcloud) [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBM Reunion thread
feebs Charlie said both in the house and on BBBM he had promised his Gran/Nan he would not swear, he had promised his sister he would not cry. [ more ]
brisket Apparently his mother was no longer in a coma when Charlie entered the house. He said that she was undergoing speech therapy as well as other things. He was telling Marcus one night about how his mother had been practising how to say Charlie`s name again. [ more ]
Former Member Havent read all this back, but has it been mentioned that Charlie, after been asked by Davina what his mum asked him to do in the BB house, said, she said for him not to swear nor cry to spoil his eyes. Did Charlie not say his mum was in a coma and he hadnt seen her for a bit? He apparently did and she couldnt have been in a coma if she spoke to him before he went into the house [ more ]
See all 226 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie Tony spoiler
darloboy (Play The Game!) I'm so happy the character I dislike the most Maria is going for a while , if only they could get rid of Michelle and Sean also . [ more ]
Yellow Rose I like the David Platt storylines and he comes across as believable. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I wish they would get rid of the Platt demon, Michelle, whoever told her she could act and Sean, sorry the camp gay is just not funny any more!! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How will you spend your retirement?
lightfoot Take the confidence..sign up to a what you are interested in holiday.. My Mum did that and went to Oxford Uni, during the uni holidays, and fulfilled her dream (which was interupted by the war, but she did work for the bouncing bomb team)Proud of my Mum..You bet!!! [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise cruises look rubbish anyway, it's probably for the best. [ more ]
jeppa I`m in the throes of my retirement now and still don`t know how I`m going to spend it I give myself big ideas of cruises and holidays but it`s quite hard now I`m on my own, I wish I had the confidence to go on these single holidays, as it is I spend my days reading and on my laptop [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
government aims to ban kids under 14 on TV
paace Makes me laugh when I read the Government are going to do this and that, as if its some alien Monster which can do as it likes. The Government is just a clueless scotsman and a few of his cohorts who have no authority to do anything unless we say so. If they act against the wishes of the people they should be booted out. [ more ]
Cagney So next time I tell my kids they are grounded till they are 18 with no tv or music, no magazines, no going outside the front door unless it's for school (which I will take them to and pick them up from) and they laugh at me for being overdramatic I can tell them it's ok by the government? [ more ]
Blizz'ard My OH is far too keen on Konnie Huq. Does that count? [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
darloboy (Play The Game!) , never slagged them off in public and she had no hard feelings towards them I can remember her saying although she must feel happy inside after what they did and breaking her heart . [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Absolutely right. Aleisha's one classy lady [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Yep SR on Friday I can't wait to see her . It certainly has proved to be the thing that has changed her life as her career was going downhill also but SCD gave her a chance to try and get back on track and she did with style. So pretty and a lucky man will have her on his arm soon . [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who in their right mind?
Former Member Great isn't it? Some right sad buggers! [ more ]
Mary Seacole that should have said, omnipotent back scratcher. [ more ]
Mary Seacole Loved this one,Q.if required would the key make a good back scratcher,would you say it would provide adequate relief from most minor itches. A.Itis my belief that the key would make an omnipotence back scratcher. (pure Marcus) [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
question about tony blair
Garage Joe I'm not sure that the good women of Greenham Common were protesting about Nuclear power (although give them the chance!) Twas more to do with Cruise Missiles. : pedantic : [ more ]
jennywren And, surprisingly, the Greenham Commen Women, of which my mother was one. No more nuclear power stations. No more coal. How are we supposed to power our computers, eh? [ more ]
squiggle But the reason that we ARE in such a dangerous position is that first of all not enough power stations have been commissioned and our energy companies have been sold to mainly French and German companies. Very very shortsighted policies both of them. The windfarm brigade certainly bear some responsibility for this state of affairs. [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gingerbread man
Karma_ Hands up if you fell for it when you were a nipper I had the bloody stuff comin out of me ears And once ate half a packet of Cookeen cos I thought I would fly Those adverts were damaging [ more ]
TiGi Re: Gingerbread man [ more ]
Essie Hi Rosemary thought it could be because all my computers are the same ISP, I've just got someone to log in as a guest who is not a member of Livecloud and lives 30 miles from me and they could see my gingerbread man glowing. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cagney She was in a very serious car accident a few years ago. It not only dislocated her eye but she had to have major surgery on her face. I couldn't watch her when she was crying on EE coz my kids were doing an impression and I was cracking up laughing [ more ]
Leccy Her, P-Do and the Winehouse should be on posters all over schools. Crack is whack yo [ more ]
Darthhoob she's only meant to be 35, not look like an OAP this smiley looks scarily like her [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help with Vesta
Saint They bloody DO do a paella one - i loves 'em - i have them regularly [ more ]
Baz Ooooo I used to love those when I was younger... a lot younger .. and before I had tasted a real curry I liked the veggie one and also the prawn curry one Oh and I think they did a paella one as well. [ more ]
Moomin I seriously didn't know that these meals still existed!! I can remember having them as a treat when I was young. But they were a treat then, as pre-made meals were a rarity then. How times change. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karly's Ferrari
TiGi That's a wig [ more ]
Former Member I've said it before and I'll say it again - there's a word for women who are bought and paid for and it ain't gold digger [ more ]
Kaffs [QUOTE]Originally posted by Poker Face: I was just watching her VT again ..... she says she would never be ruled by a guy QUOTE] They must have cut the bit about 'unless he was loaded' then. Common knowledge here that she dyed her hair for her millionaire boyfriend who preferred blondes.... long before BB started. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is your favourite sandwich?
LGS mine has to be cheese and pickles onion or chicken, bacon and mayonnaise [ more ]
Teddy Bleads After much deliberation, I'm plumping for Ham, Cheese ( chedder), Mayo, English mustard, lettice, spring onion, and dill pickles finely sliced. I've been musing on it all day and keep comming back to this one. [ more ]
Kaytee Wow! That sounds good......and pickled onions, beetroot and red cabbage [ more ]
See all 80 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB fans petition for final series live feed
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг I bet all the people who moaned about the lack of live feed this year won't sign the petition, they seem to LIKE moaning about all things BB related [ more ]
Felix123 Yea let's have a bit more LF at earlier times. I wouldn't really mind if it was sporadic LF during the day, just as long as they could allow for some earlier evenings. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Name a big thread that you have never entered.
GMA 'Footie' one... [ more ]
CYBERDAZZLE I have never entered any of them -Non of the bigger thread titles interest me - although I have just noticed there is a Freddie fan thread~ which I have not noticed before~ and I do like Freddie The one I have read is:- The Live Update thread and I have looked at the sticky~~ help thread [ more ]
charlisock Re: Name a big thread that you have never entered. [ more ]
See all 80 replies...

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