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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mother's In Law
Lacey Reference: My mum in law died 2 months ago n she was my best friend n ilove n miss her very much I love my mum in law to bits too, she's lovely and very very good to me. She's a funky granny! [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Reference: My mum in law died 2 months ago n she was my best friend n ilove n miss her very much Aw ILWY sorry to hear that My MIL had her moments, like my wedding dress for instance, she said in my hearing not as nice as the first one (my hubby was married before) and for the first 3 years we were together spoke to me using my hubby's ex's name. After we got married though, she was great and I really miss her now she's gone and also miss my FIL who always made a fuss of me. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung My mum in law died 2 months ago n she was my best friend n ilove n miss her very much [ more ]
See all 85 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the list of recent stuff down the right hand side
Kaytee Reference:LECCY Dunno how he has time what with all the extra curricular activities PMSL.....he's a busy boy [ more ]
Leccy Reference:Kaytee He Tweets too....Mind you, I'm not surprised Dunno how he has time what with all the extra curricular activities. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: LECCY Well I saw the pencil blog...and the one with his vital stats, he was very thorough He Tweets too....Mind you, I'm not surprised [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you laugh when you know you shouldn't?
Scotty Reference: SuBe especially when the first they do AFTER they get up is look around to see who saw them fall over ... and then they stride down the road at rate of knots, straight backed with arms swinging [ more ]
mary_bee Absolutely all the time, I tend to find everything funny (apart from things that are intended to be) and the sound of laughing makes me laugh and if someone else is laughing with me I just never stop. It's the only thing I get in trouble for at college/school is laughing when I shouldn't. I think one of the worst times was in Music, the teacher was a hilarious man anyway and he was doing this call and response thing and lunging forward with this guitar and everything he was doing was... [ more ]
SuBe Reference: when peeps fall over, and especially when they try and jump up as tho nothing has happened!! That`s funny or a wee trip and they look back, annoyed at the pavement! ... especially when the first they do AFTER they get up is look around to see who saw them fall over ... [ more ]
See all 64 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I bet nobody'smother is worse than mine
**Nipple Twister** My mum inlaw was still dying her hair whilst my hubby and I were getting married couldnt wait for her there wasnt enough time. [ more ]
LowonIQ To balance the books a bit my mum babysits one night when she visits, she brings yorkshire pork pies, the sunday joint and decent steak. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference:LowonIQ Devil In Diamante, I can defo. empathise there. £100 in a pursed going for a prescription, and losing it. Must have been very tempting to say wot u really felt. I had to bite my lip Just watch her go and find it in the house now [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Avatars - A lack there of
Kaytee I changed from IE (pants for me) to Fire Fox some time back and it works much better than IE in general. Have no problems with seeing avs either [ more ]
TiGi Reference: I'm using IE latest version, and I see some, not others. Have no intention of changing or adding a browser when the one I've got works okay on other sites I visit. Surely, if you can see some avatars, you should be able to see them all? What code makes it so that some you see, some you don't? As IE is the most used browser, surely this site should cater for them? Not moaning, just commenting! And I agree with you. It's my only complaint about here really. [ more ]
Jenny I'm using IE latest version, and I see some, not others. Have no intention of changing or adding a browser when the one I've got works okay on other sites I visit. Surely, if you can see some avatars, you should be able to see them all? What code makes it so that some you see, some you don't? As IE is the most used browser, surely this site should cater for them? Not moaning, just commenting! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love the Ticker on here
Kaytee Your ticker is like a menu can see whether the post you want to reply to is in a blog, forum or group. You can keep track of threads much easier than before....If you want to hook up with an their name....If you want to on the first line of the post. If you want to move between the forum and LC without getting lost, open both in separate tabs... [ more ]
Moonie Reference: Tayto The Ticker is great. It follows the threads you post on and shows up all subsequent posts. You can check if there's a new post and saves going back to the front page all the time. I only just got the quoting and posting sorted [ more ]
Moonie Reference: Poker Face I'm sure we shall get there eventually You might but I doubt I ever will [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Had this have happened in Londson it would make the national news.
**Nipple Twister** Our local paper are more interested in clampers and parking attendants then murders and arsonists, the mind boggles. [ more ]
SazBomb They were Cinds, I nicked it all [ more ]
Cinds Reference: you'll be telling us that the London streets are paved with gold You mean they're not *unties hanky off the end of stick and puts sarnies back in fridge* [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can your local paper beat this story?
LowonIQ Reference: I like to sport a hoodie at times, makes me feel 'down wivvv ittttt'... I do really I'm a 36 year old Female BTW DID I wear them too, but I was meaning the teeny weeny boppers that worry me. I do know that most young people are great. [ more ]
bigbaws I welcome any newspaper that does NOT have Jordan's mug on it [ more ]
vanaheim Devil <<< Nice hoody DS Looks just like my Grandad.. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emmerdale (possible SPOLIER)...
The Devil In Diamante Reference: I'm with you - it has to be Charity! I love Emmerdale, can't wait to see their/Debbie's face! It should be good, Charity is a great character...Emmerdale should be back to it's best. On the other hand, i can't stand the 'posh' family...their acting is dire and their story lines even worse, will be good to get another Dingle back.... [ more ]
Angel I hardly watch soaps these days .... just can't be bothered with them any more ... & on the odd ocassion I do see 10 mins here & there, I never know what the hell is going on, or who half the characters are either [ more ]
GMA Reference: Yes it's true. Thought it must be, should be fun! Irrelevant, but I prefer Charity with short hair, a pixie cut. Don't think long hair suits her face. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Coronation Street (spoiler)
LowonIQ I love Corrie, only soap I make the effort to watch and keep up with. I love footie. The answer imo is ITV have enough channels to put the footie on another channel, and leave corrie alone. Footie fans will find the footie, dead cert. [ more ]
Garage Joe Are no-one interested in the Street no more? [ more ]
Garage Joe Extensive research leads me to believe that. Monday X 2 Wednesday Thursday Friday X 2 So don't miss out on Wednesday. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Most Active Members??
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: i can't get the hang of this ear forum lol The more you use it, the easier it gets [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL i can't get the hang of this ear forum lol [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: DA Thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering about them too. Just didn't have the brains to click and check em out, you're soooo clever smart ass You're welcome Low, that's why were at the top of the league since I came back...not [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could someone please check this for me?
Essie Thanks peeps, I thought it was my puter and was about to chuck it out the window. [ more ]
Leccy Reference: osts Today at 01:10 (Edited: ) Yep, I get Sazzas too. For what it's worth I remember reading silverlight's post but I cannae remember what it was it can't have been too marvellous/controversial. Maybe they've been bipped, deleted their post, de-regged or there's a glitch. Or even bopped [ more ]
Leccy Yep, I get Sazzas too. For what it's worth I remember reading silverlight's post but I cannae remember what it was it can't have been too marvellous/controversial. Maybe they've been bipped, deleted their post, de-regged or there's a glitch. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whjen will i see you again?
Tayto. Chrome is brilliant Soozy. It's very simple and you don't get lots of toolbars at the top of the page. It's all hidden in the little spanner at the side. I love it. Glad it worked for you. I find IE very slow. [ more ]
Soozy Woo And I still said it like an Eastern European ..........................................must be the Sauvignon Blanc it came from the Baltics in disguise! [ more ]
Soozy Woo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh just switched to Google Chrome and I saw you and you and you. There's no placve like home [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can't stop laughing
Soozy Woo Reference:Lazybug You see now all I can imagine is the Nan in Catherine Tate going over to the OAP's and saying take what you want and then coming back all huffy and saying "Well what a f*cking liberty" lol Now you're getting me ...........that's exactly what he did ................i then added 'The robbing/greedy effinn Northern bastards'. [ more ]
Lazybug You see now all I can imagine is the Nan in Catherine Tate going over to the OAP's and saying take what you want and then coming back all huffy and saying "Well what a f*cking liberty" lol [ more ]
kattymieoww I have a garden and grow some of my own veg.Carrots,peas,spring onions,lettuces,onions,chives.they taste great,not perfectly washed uniformed supermarket stuff,but organic etc,you have to just wash the slugs off etc. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Greetings from Florida!
LowonIQ Maz, have a lovely time you lucky thing. It's cold here. If you go to seaworld, I'm sure Shamu could sort out BF mother. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! You lucky so and so, glad you're having a good time, can't you persuade your MIL onto the worst ride you can find, and make her so sick you don't see her for the rest of the time, failing that - a bus for Mexico?? [ more ]
carotino Maz [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
VIP status...
Lazybug Reference: Do the VIP's get a free plasma telly. No but I think they might get a duck island or a moat... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference: Lazybug offline 1274 Forum Posts Today at 8:19 PM (Edited: ) Is it just me or does anyone else think that the VIP badge looks more like MP? Just something I noticed lol Do the VIP's get a free plasma telly. [ more ]
MysTerry does look like *MP*... [ more ]
See all 86 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where do you keep your eggs?
pigeonpie In the fridge! [ more ]
Leccy Night It was a worst case scenario-if that helps (it doesn't really does it?) [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Noooo. But (and this is true, me and Saz had a proper personal convo this week about me and the Widdecombe getting jiggy...I can't even elaborate because the more I type the worse I look) Saz is a babe...we look like the number 10 stood next to each other. Or 18 if I wear a belt. Oh my! I've got to go to bed now. If I have bad dreams, it's your fault! (Not about you, but about you and Widders, I mean ) [ more ]
See all 74 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie wants to have the biggest breasts in the world
Soozy Woo Reference: Sophie seems to be the BB10 housemate still generating interest with the media. Usually it's about the relationships at this stage - but with none of note to speak of, that hasn't been an option. Sophie is heavily featured in at least 4 magazines this week (Nuts, Zoo, New, Star), the usual ones that cover Big Brother - so no real surprises. It will be interesting to see if Sophie makes it back Unfortunately it has absoloutely nothing to do with her personality's all... [ more ]
Cold Sweat She has the talent to win a RTV show with the highest ever winning percentage. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Won't be long till her 15 minutes runs out because lets face it she has no other talent than getting her boobs out , I wonder if she has heard off Hugh Hefner yet . [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
George Lamb is getting off his head on BBC3
Smarting Buttocks Reference: George Lamb is getting off his head on BBC3 by Dirtyprettygirlthing online · August 30, 2009 2:12 AM · 25 replies .... maybe this explains his inability to buy trousers with the correct leg length? He always looks like his cats died. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: dave looks like he's not related to anyone Aww! [ more ]
jacksonb yes i new archie was george's dad. dave looks like he's not related to anyone. alan lamb has a squeaky girls voice so probs not related to him either. he's sef efriken anyways. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok what DON'T you like about here?
fabienne Reference: I don't like that list of "Most Active Members" on the upper right side of the page. When I go their summary, I see no comments, no blogs, no buddies, no anything. Where are they active? In some other site? In a dark room by themselves? They are scary people for sure. Edit: sorry, I messed up the quote there. [ more ]
sbevis Reference: I think the list must be back to front! Perfect answer. Now it all makes sense. Back to the Sig debate [ more ]
Lazybug Just going back to the sig debate. I used to hate it when the member didn't have a line between their post and the sig so therefore you end up reading the same bloody line all the bloody time. It used to drive me mad! I actually like that there are no sigs cluttering up the replies Pinkbabe - don't leave because of some numpty just ignore them. I'd love to know who it is though so I can give them a wide berth... My page up and down buttons don't work for me but the button top left one under... [ more ]
See all 284 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help needed regarding my pooter.
Former Member Thanks for the replies everyone. On the overheating side of things - I do think one of it's problems is overheating. If I have it on my lap for even a short length of time, it is really hot and so is my lap I think I might ask for my money back. And I will never buy an acer laptop again [ more ]
Abo Reference: Abo - Try asking them about Macs that gets them upset never thought of that [ more ]
James Abo - Try asking them about Macs that gets them upset [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just accidently ate a bayleaf
Blizz'ard Reference: Cinds 2235 Forum Posts Today at 11:55 AM (Edited: ) I would just like to add that I love fingering rosemary and basil in the fresh produce aisle, I spend the rest of my supermarket visit sniffing my fingers. Filth!! [ more ]
sbevis Reference: I would just like to add that I love fingering rosemary Who, pray tell, is Rosemary? [ more ]
Zaphod Very accommodating shelf-stackers at your Supermarket, Cinds Z. [ more ]
See all 119 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
you are stuck with me today.
Leccy Reference: the kid at the end who is clearly channelling Sid James And he looks like Charles Kennedy! [ more ]
Cariad1 Reference: Leccy I have just had a chucky egg and soldiers, 2 mahoosice cups of tea and I'm not planning on getting dressed today. Later I shall have a bath and put on clean jammies. I'm not poorly though, just veeeeeeeeeery lazy. Eggs are good for the squirts so I understand. **nods** How about egg and soljeers J? We'd planned a pj day too - then brother and OH turned up with 3 week old daughter so we all got dressed pdq. Not sure why as the little mare emptied her nappy over me. Very... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: who is clearly channelling Sid James Gotta love Sid! [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crap forum.
Ensign Muf Reference: 15:10 And were's my sig?! Grrrrr You could always keep it in a box next to your pooter click click II Thank you First rule of Bunny Club : Don't talk about Bunny Club !! Citizen # 01001101 01110101 01100110 01100011 01100100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 .....And it continues........ [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing YES!!!! This thread is back.... I love this thread! [ more ]
15:10 I'm 50/50 willing to give it a chance but I agree, it's too fricking slow for my liking. And were's my sig?! Grrrrr [ more ]
See all 76 replies...

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