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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Broadband tax 'to be made law'
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Lacey I'll have to have a proper read of this, I'm not really understanding it. I'm a little confused too Lacey, it says Broadband then says about people using old they mean everyone with a telephone line will pay it or just those who get broadband through it? Whatever they mean, yes, it is another Tax that will rise & rise.....shameless feckers.... [ more ]
Lacey I'll have to have a proper read of this, I'm not really understanding it. [ more ]
Bojangles Another tax that will be raised at every Budget day. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shakira - She-Wolf
mary_bee It was just on the radio again and I really hate the lyrics as well [ more ]
Angel Reference: the howly wolf bit in the song makes me cringe every time I hear it, it is a bit silly ... but I kinda like it [ more ]
mary_bee I quite like it, the video is horrid and the howly wolf bit in the song makes me cringe every time I hear it, but apart from that it's alright. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole's new single
Cinds Reference: Its so shit I can only listen to half of it... my ears were offended You got to half way, I switched off at 1 min 30 seconds. [ more ]
SazBomb Its so shit I can only listen to half of it... my ears were offended [ more ]
MrMincePie shes attractive... but her new single is just bollox Doesnt sound like her at all, any moron could do what she has done, sing and then someone changes it all so it doesnt sound crap [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB7 - The whole series - re-runs at 9pm links
Saint Its great that MArk is doing this BUT i hated BB7 We have BB10 too - so if i can download it i will cos i loved it Anyone heard of JUSTIN.TV - we cud have watched it LIVE and chatted about it at the same time - where-as Mark' forum is unfortunately empty Anyone feel similar? [ more ]
The Great Leveller This was such a good series - anyone remember the prison that they had to dig into, and it wasnt a prison at all.... also the first HND... I loved BB2 - thats my favourite - helen, paul, brian, bubble and dean were good housemates and there wasnt the nastiness that year (well not after narinder left!!) I liked also BB6 (Science) and also BB5 was a great series! [ more ]
Moomin Would love to see BB 2 or 3 again - or 5 Just watched day 9 of BB7 - had forgotten Nikki started her moaning antics so early in the show, and George reckoning Grace wouldn't hurt a fly - hmmm [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i'm in the mood for telling the truth
Garage Joe Reference: the others are skint and crawling to coleen nolan and hubby - no doubt to pay the leccy How very dare you? [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL i sincerely hope that any misguided people attending this concert will have fun - but do be warned - you are not only filling the pockets of this dubious bunch but their inlaws as well - one of which gets pleasure from 'winding up' a woman with sucidal tendencies [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL i bet coleen nolan has shares in this tour - that's why she can call the shots [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a small semi-flounce..
Former Member I think I'll risk one ok-eth? [ more ]
charmer Reference: Fairy nuff. Can you do a couple of star jumps theneth? *cleans spex, gets camera ready* yes fair maiden-i will do-eth the star jumps just for thee may i recommend-eth that thouest stand well back-incase i catch thee in the eye-eth [ more ]
Former Member Fairy nuff. Can you do a couple of star jumps theneth? *cleans spex, gets camera ready* [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help needed, the Digital Switchover....
The Devil In Diamante Thanks for your replies, I do have a TV with bult in digital in my bedrooom, I also has Freeview plus in there...I just wondered if a booster would help but i guess not... They're doing our switch off in 3 parts, the first on the 30 th September so hopefully the signal will improve then.....I need Dave in my bedroom (trust Dave to be one of the channels I cannot get upstairs)...hmph, maybe I'll have to go down the getting it connected to the main ariel route, I was hoping for a cheaper option... [ more ]
Carnelian The reason why digital TV may be staggered in a house is probably due to different boxes processing the digital signal at different speeds. Digital boxes have to decode the signal (in principal, a bit like a PC Modem, I think) before showing pictures. [ more ]
Carnelian I also doubt an aerial booster will work. Crap-in-crap-out, as they say. Boosters will amplify the signal power but also amplify the distortion. It's worth a go, if you can get a refund if it doesn't work. A roof aerial (or improving your roof aerial) is really the best solution. However, one thing to watch out for is that there's actually no such thing as a 'digital aerial', although you'll see the words on the sides of vans, it's actually just marketing taking advantage of the Digital ... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: Myleene Klass: I'm glad someone else agrees with me!
carotino Up there with Jason Donovan. [ more ]
Carnelian Katie Brand is overexposed since she manages to get her own TV show despite being about as funny as paint drying. At least Myleene Klass is genuinely pretty and likeable, unlike Ms Brand, who isn't genuinely funny or likeable. [ more ]
CheekyPixie Bit of a tough one for me as I like Myleene AND Katy. Katy's sketch show was about as funny as piles when it first started, but the second series was better, with the piss taking of Kate 'I'm normal' Winslett and the victorian strumpets, and the female soldier ('be the best!') amongst many others... And this season it is even funnier (IMO of course. I know some think she is shit LOL.) And I do like Myleene as she is pretty and she is a nice girl basically, and pretty decent at her job. But... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
newspaper typos and mistakes
Former Member I remember when i was teaching for this lottery funded community project thiny early last year. they spent a great deal of their budget on a timetable to go out in the free paper to all southampton. They wanted to say in big bold red letters at the bottom SUPPORT THE WARREN CENTRE and beleive it or not the printers couldnt fit it all in one line so they put a hyphen in it so it read SUPPORT THE WAR - REN CENTRE they went mental cause they thought it looked like some far right propaganda [ more ]
Croctacus Watford Observer circa 1989, after a major gas explosion had blown up a house killing two people, the paper planner did not notice, though the advertising agency did, a 25 x4 ad (quarter page on a tabloid) in a double pages (broadsheet) news story about it, there was a nice British Gas ad with the tagline 'Gas, The Heat of the Moment!' And Ipswich Evening Star chart run down with the number 1 being Joyce Simms - Come into My Mouth....(although that wasn't a typo it was deliberate by a member... [ more ]
Karma_ Also when I worked at local press our typesetters got some of the ads mixed up, and put some of the dirty girls under the bereavement section. So you'd open up the paper and under bereavement it would say 'For my grandad Stan, sadly missed by your family' and then straight underneath would say 'Busty hot Shelly is waiting to show you a good time' [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
forgetmenot Reference: put mouse over the text you want to reply to,left click the mouse and highlight the text, then click on the 'comment' box, the text will appear, then type your answer underneath the box where that tet is. think have done this bit now, at this rate, will be thinking myself literate!! [ more ]
Cinds Reference:Blizzie *** Gives Cinds a good heimliching and then retreats back to the shadows *** Ahhhhhhhhh just the way I like it, in and out, no fuss, no small talk, no cuddles! [ more ]
CheekyPixie Thanks X.. I will go sort that later [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
And people said they (management) weren't taking any notice.
TiGi Nice to know they are listening. Just wish they'd fix the avatars. I feel like a broken record . I'll shut up now. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'm off now so you're on your own. I'll be back later. So try not to get into too much trouble. To me this is the fine line between being patient and obliging, to being downright patronising! [ more ]
SazBomb You have to laugh, dont you Z? [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Strictly Come Dancing
brisket Reference: Fairfax I like Ricky Groves... I just adored his energy and 'go for it' attitude. Yes Fairfax. It was as if he had broken some sort of barrier. Rather like when Gethin did the Salsa last year after a session with the acting coach. Ricky Groves seemed to be thinking "Don`t faff about Ricky just give it some thrutch; you've nothing to lose." (Or words to that effect.) [ more ]
Fairfax I like Ricky Groves, I don't watch E Enders so can't be accused of being biased. I just adored his energy and 'go for it' attitude. He made me LOL Did you see his wife in the audience (mortified) but laughing too. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: im not likin ali at all, yeh shes a good dancer but im bettin that soewere shes had dancin training stage school probs? Looks like it, but Ricky Groves has also had stage school training you always get some every year with a little advantage but that doesn't always mean they will be perfect as they've got to master all the moves and it's so hard they need the technique, stamina and determination. Ricky Whittle has already danced on the BBC for Comic Relief though . [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Simple Pleasures in Life....
Jaggy Thistle Reference: one of my dogs smiles jaggy Melts the heart charmer does'nt it. [ more ]
charmer Reference: Aww. Either way, it's a nice warm feeling. LOL! one of my dogs smiles jaggy its a big, lips back, teeth showing smile and she sort of twists her nose aswell-everyone who comes here thinks its great the older dog is a bit more 'boring' but he's learnt a new trick-he sometimes runs around in tiny circles..stops..then changes direction-he has me in bits when he does that! so basically my little joys are my mad greyhounds and when OH buys me beer all night-thats another free simple ... [ more ]
Bovrilking Reference: Either way, it's a nice warm feeling ...brilliant [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question about bruises
charmer i went to the docs about the same thing-i fell down some stairs in jan this year-the doc said its normal (not to fall down stairs!) the bruise can stay for months or even years [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Think it's pretty normal when you've had really bad bruising Aimee- they can take years to go away! I had a fall 18 months ago and bruised my knee very badly and you can still see a faint outline of the bruise so I agree, depending on how bad the bruise, they can take some time to go [ more ]
Darthhoob judging by your Av you weren't the best looker to start with [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok...not a flounce....promise!
squiggle Reference: Queenshaks Hello everybody peeps. Am not enjoying this forum or the format at the mo, so am hanging up my forum coat. Not de registering yet cos I may change my mind. But for now, au revoir, farewell, auf weidersen...ta raaaaaaaaaa! Have fun posting you lot....there are some great great posters here. ps I know some of you won't care....but that's ok cos the feeling is probably mutual Just a suggestion QS, pop in now and then, maybe in a thread you feel at home in. That's what I... [ more ]
Former Member I hope you change your mind Q see you when you get back [ more ]
Essie Get your arse back here, we need to be mob handed to get the changes we want. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have nothing to wear!
DanceSettee Reference: OAP can I pretend to be to get my discount well you have to prove it by blathering on about the war or teddy boys for a bit [ more ]
Former Member Reference: That's fourpence ha'p'ny Pengy.........10% off for OAPs though OAP can I pretend to be to get my discount [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I'll take that green one - it's a cheeky little number That's fourpence ha'p'ny Pengy.........10% off for OAPs though [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blizz'ard Night night yous two! Don't worry about me! [ more ]
Xochi Think I'd better bail tonight too Real... I'm getting chucked out a bit at the mo'. Not adding to my general sense of bonhomie... or hormonal disruption! Seeya too Blousey... [ more ]
Real Need my bed now folks. You two have cracked me up with laughter tonight. Love you all Night and god bless. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blogs, Cliques, Moans...
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Veggie, this'll take you to Profile's profile. The PM function is called DIALOG and the link should be near top right. Alternatively click on his little gingerbreadman (doesn't matter whether he is on or off line) a box will open and one of the options there will be 'start a dialog with him' [ more ]
Former Member Yeah I tried that Tiddles but had no luck - I should spend more time here just pottering around and then I'd probably know whats what. I've left a message here for him in the thread and I can get him in other places so no worries Thanks anyway hun xx [ more ]
Lacey No worries lovely x x [ more ]
See all 129 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lazybug I just wrote my 1st Blog Well its more like a letter from the heart but still its something How do you know if someone writes on your blog? I have turned off all email notifications but I wondered if you got a thing on here...? [ more ]
Mary Seacole ELLow hinny, how ya copein doon there,bet your missing your ma,you no what they say ,when the cats away,so hope your having fun. [ more ]
hyperstar Blogs are good [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moonbeams I'm a lady and I get fluff, look. *points towards collected fluff ball* [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: OMG mys terry and dame ann she was a tortoise shell-do you have her? she was 18 when she 'left' i have a shiney new five pound note it yours split it as you will can you put her on the train and send her home..? Tenner plus train fare and it's a deal This cat could answer to tiddles, tabby. minx, Ivaebeendone and a few more...she's a clever pussy this your cat is [ more ]
Lacey Nope just had a bath and it was all clear! I thought only boys got it coz of their hairy bellies! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why is this country so good at building people up..
suzybean I agree about Alesha, she needs to be given more of a chance to give her insights. But in general, most of the people that the press hassle have got a little above their station, let their egos run riot, and forgotten about all those umpteen calls to the press and picture desks that they (or their) representatives have made to get them in the papers. (And that includes Diana.....) I think Brits prefer humility and grace, to swagger and bravado. [ more ]
Karma_ But even if she had done that they would have offered it to someone else anyway. (Probably Darcy Bussell or summat who in all fairness is probably better qualified). Arlene fell out with the BBC and they had no intention of reinstating her. I would have done what Aleisha did and took the job. What's she likely to be getting paid? 60 -70k? Plus I think the Beeb are trying to do a Cheryl Cole on her aswell. [ more ]
squiggle I think Aleesha was a bit silly to take the job once she realised what a hoo hah it was going to cause. I think if she had said no Arlene will be better than me she would have had immense respect from us all. I am not a fan of Arlene (and I really like Aleesha and thought she was fantastic when she won) but when you keep Brucie and Len and ditch Arlene I'm sorry that's sexism. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
charmer Reference: mmmmm has to be a nice fresh warm loaf ...... drools lol report · permalink [ more ]
MrsH Reference: marmite or bovril on bread and butter mmmmm has to be a nice fresh warm loaf ...... drools lol [ more ]
charmer Reference: Now I'm gonna have to have a packet of Ready Salted on a slice of Warbies Bread with best butter.....mmmmm... listen..if ever..ever! i get invited round yours for tea-id be so happy with that [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wot are the HM's doing now?
Saint I saw Noiring (yuk) and Sophie on Nuts mag selling their bodies, yeah Didn't buy them though [ more ]
jeppa Lisa has become a model for Vivienne Westwood at London fashion week I posted a couple of pics in a thread on here. Siavash was at London Fashion week. Marcus is happily selling a bundle on ebay and Sophie put her clothes she wore on entry and eviction on ebay plus her suitcase and the collage Angel made and didn`t make a lot of money. She`s also been airbrushed to the death on the cover of nuts or zoo [ more ]
See all 2 replies...

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