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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
parents beware..
Former Member haahaa...believe me if Finn ever even hints about watching Hannah Montana and it's not because he's of a curious age , he will be sold to the gypsies! [ more ]
suzybean My older boy is really in to natural history (especially deadly creatures) so we have a good balance now of Disney Channel and Discovery/National Geographic. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) My younger bro used to love watching Hannah Montana and Zac and Cody in the morning before going to school he's grown out of it now thankfully, couldn't watch my daily BBC Breakfast or GMTV then . [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I might get the knuckle dots tattooed over.
Moonie Reference: Fern What ya wanna do that have lovely hands! You got other tatts?...whereabouts?.. I don't have any tatts And, btw, how do you know my hands are lovely [ more ]
Leccy How delightful! I recommend the swallow on the side of the neck tattoo for added authenticity. [ more ]
Garage Joe I thankyou. *doffs hat, pulls down shirt collar, exposes "cut here" dotted line* [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aspergers Help needed
subatomic partygirl Part of my research is on Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Dance Settee offered some good advice re. contacting the NAS; they may be able to point you to a local support and guidance group re. DLA / carers/ mobility, etc. I would say this though, although the ADHD diagnosis might have been a little ill-informed or hasty, it may be that your nephew has ADHD too; they are, sometimes, co-morbid (both present in the same individual). It's good that you have a diagnosis at last; now he can begin... [ more ]
lainy m Thank you all very much for the advice. I will print it all off and give it to my sister, Im sure she will find it a Godsend. x [ more ]
Darthhoob oh! forgot to say this is a forum i go to most lovely people there...mostly lol! you know what forums are like [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Seek a mouse...
SazBomb I've always liked logitech [ more ]
Moomin Can't really help with wireless mice as I've never had one - but this site is good and good prices - maybe you can find something there. We bought a lappy from them about 18 months ago, and when it played up (within guarantee) they sent a courier to collect it and it was back fixed 2 days later , so impressed with their after care service too. [ more ]
Puss oh noes, sorry xochi! [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many Buddies have you got?
Cerberus Reference: Triggers You highlight the bit you want to quote, then press 'Post Reply' The quote will come up in the box. You can name who you're quoting above the box where it says 'reference' Ta muchly Triggers [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Just counted and it's a lot . [ more ]
Triggers Reference:Elkie Aye Im a right wee lurker at times but Im usually here or in the bar I've been known to furtively lurk! I'll need to check out the bar more often. [ more ]
See all 138 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
James Reference: I struggled so much to get in here it almost drove almost more insane Gold medal for hard work and pissistants persistence , sorry I run a bar in here [ more ]
robertsam EA I struggled so much to get in here it almost drove almost more insane than I already am But I am so happy I can communicate now it makes it all worthwhile. [ more ]
Essie Glad you got it sorted. I had problems on IE here, firefox is good for me, don't know what the problem is about using multiple browsers. For the last year I used Firefox on C4BB as didn't want them to get income from ad's so used Scripts to block, I allow scripts on here. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor - classy show, classy people!
velvet I thought that Curtis lad needed a good slap. Thank goodness he was put in his place by Cowell. He might think that being a smart @rse is cool and soooooooooooo very grown up but in a comp like this it is not gonna stand him in good stead even if he gets into the final dozen. And personally, I hope he is chucked out on the scrap heap at the next round along with the rest of the rubbish. [ more ]
ZAYLEE it's gotta be right if it's in the daily mail - such a right rivetin read !!! [ more ]
Darthhoob i'd dance on tables and take me keks off for £500 a week as for the knife karma said he said he was a criminal so it's not like he lied and the daily mail found out about it is it. he has a bit of an attitude but people can learn from their past....although i dont believe he should be on the show yet. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A big hello to those locked out!
liverbird I wondered what was going on then! Actually Im still a bit confused [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Oops I forgot this bumps it up the page of the main forum *runs* [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I should have know your smug thread would be selected to be pinned to your profile. To anyone reading this... Ducky KNEW I was locked out when she started this thread.... she flaunted her forumness in my face... she knew I was watching... all sad and jellus! [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Malibu Pilates Chair ?
Karma_ Thank you ladies! There is a gym nearby that holds regular classes, but they're quite late in the evening and tbh I dont know if I would have the motivation after a days work, so would prefer something I can do at home. I'll have a look at this machine thingy [ more ]
maggiep Reference: I've been thinking about trying pilates for ages. I've got a prolapsed disc and was recommended by my physio to try it. Is it high impact? Is it good for people with injuries? Any guidance would be muchos appreciated! Karma I got my pilates machine 9 years ago,i bought the floor machine,because it supports your body,but is very low impact,you also get very quick results,i have a medical problem,and pilates is the only form of exercise i can safely do,my physio swears by it... [ more ]
Angel Reference: I've been moving about a bit on my chair. (normal chair) It seems to be working. lol Blizzie [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Where do I stand with this consumer problem?
Cariad1 GMA for future reference if it cost more than £100 and you used a credit card you are also able to get your money back from the credit card company. Hope it works out for you. As long as they are a trader the Sale of Goods Act applies. Goods have to be of reasonable quality (that depends on what the goods are...) and fit for the purpose. If not you are entitled to a full refund from the retailer - that's who you have your contract with - not the manufacturer. [ more ]
rusticana The boss is ALAN KNAGGS and their shop is in South Elmsall - South Yorkshire [ more ]
Former Member BTW, if LC is anything like Gaga then google picks up the thread contents so be careful not to write anything libellous here. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I'm getting a cold.
Angel bloody man flu Hope you feel better soon Pool [ more ]
kattymieoww The horror! That feckin' swine flu by the way is just waiting in the wings for maybe sept and Oct to pass...then the basterd will strike! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: My Sister & Her fella have the flu, thanks god they're in Wolverhampton Ooh hope they enjoy Wolvo . Hope you all who are under the weather get better soon . [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baroness Scotland...
Garage Joe You have me at a disadvantage. What's wrong with being a champagne socialist? It's never done me any harm. [ more ]
Former Member I used to quite like Toynbee's scribblings but she's become too champagne socialist now. Or perhaps she always was and I never twigged. I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with championing the poor and kissing Gordon's butt but it's hard to take it seriously when you know she's probably jetting off to Tuscany after the article has been posted. [ more ]
Garage Joe Yes! Blarting, as in . The object blart would be far too vulgar for a family forum such as this one. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DanceSettee Reference: Do posh folks not eat piccallili???? rep yeah...but they probably call it pique au Lille and pay £50 a drip in some poncy restaurant for ir [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: The piccallili reminds of Carole from BB Noooooo.....piccallili always reminds me of some students on a quiz show (eggheads i think)...they didn't know what colour it was.... Do posh folks not eat piccallili???? [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: Is this one of those stream of conciousness thingies? No, it's a pictorial explanation of how Piccalilli is made.....I'm sure you've all wondered....and now you know [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone been watching wounded on BBC1?
forgetmenot any one any idea how a UK citizen can conact any support mechanism for our troops? i guess i will find some thing if I google though.. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Oh damn and blast! I forgot it was on I read about it and really wanted to see it. What brave and indeed inspirational lads they are. Makes me very humble too Tigs. [ more ]
TiGi Yeah I watched it, although I hid behind a cushion at the gory bits. Those lads are such heroes! Watching that made me feel very humble. Puts all my worries into perspective, for sure. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa Modelling for Vivienne Westwood
charmer Reference: Wonder what he is doing, he's probebly there with her, to make the tea. apparently he was a little bit wounded that lisa got the limelight [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Didn't like her in the house,nasty mare.I'm not interested in her afterward. My thoughts exactly! [ more ]
kattymieoww Didn't like her in the house,nasty mare.I'm not interested in her afterward. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT / Help wanted for school questions
LowonIQ Bye peeps and thanks for your giving your time to offer advice. We're getting ready now to go to the first school. see ya's laters [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: Just giving this a bump iIn case anyone else has any suggestions for what to look for or ask at the first school tonight. [ more ]
LowonIQ Just giving this a bump iIn case anyone else has any suggestions for what to look for or ask at the first school tonight. [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this allowed?
Darthhoob complain, even if the fire is out when they get there there will be evidence of one still i would imagine. and why should you be so considerate to those who seem to show you no consideration whatsoever. [ more ]
kattymieoww I'm in Glasgow,I'm sure you are not even meant to have garden bonfires now as the council supply garden waste re-cycling bins. [ more ]
Puss Thats terrible Moomin, could have been toxic stuff, asbestos even. Oooooooh i'm sorry i'd have got me hose going! Gives a good indication of how considerate a neighbour is going to be call your local council! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stop And Sneer
Clumsycat I`ve heard worse [ more ]
hyperstar I like it [ more ]
Triggers I love this track. It may not be groundbreaking but I remember where I was when I first heard it. I was walking the dog in the dark and it came blasting through my earphones. I think because I had time to apply myself to the actual hearing of it, it stuck. I like it but I don't know if you do. ('Stop and Sneer?') [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yay, It's starting to feel like 'home'.
Moomin Reference: Hi Moomin, love your new av! Thanks, PJ - I was thinking of changing it actually - now I can actually see the thing, I might have a look for another Moomin. [ more ]
lainy m Reference:Smarting Buttocks This forum is still too slow for me. It's cos your buttocks are smarting. That would over ride anything [ more ]
Puss Hi Moomin, love your new av! Am still getting the odd red X [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sorry but it has to be said...
jacksonb i.e. was crap on the old forum and on ch4. and it's crap here. how about complaining about i.e. rather than livecloud. [ more ]
jamieboy Reference: Why change from a functioning forum to one that despite looking like it's designed for primary school kids is unecessarily complicated and to me anyway is full of bugs lmfao at made by primary school kids ur right tho the quotin thing is chuffin crap [ more ]
Scotty Xoch, your smilies discovery is a great tip! Thankyou x I`m off too..nite nite [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
First new Sugababes photos released
jamieboy grrrrrr they aint the sugababes anymore im gutted [ more ]
suzybean yeah temps, they turned 1 in July....they are real (different) characters. One is a real tomboy and loves wrestling with her brothers, and the other one is really prissy and doesn't like getting messy. Back on topic soz......I'm loving Amelle's shaves half a's a hard look to get right. [ more ]
Karma_ Oh no that Jade gets right on my tats. All teeth and air kissy shite. Why doesn't she just piss off ffs. She didn't win Euro, she's done bugger all since (except land a part in a group where everyone leaves anyway). Go away you friggin annoying horse faced twunt [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where do i find the list of avators?
stupidcupid Wow! it worked! Thank you all you clever people. [ more ]
stupidcupid Wonders if I've learned here how to get an avatar. I'l just press submit comment to see! [ more ]
Xochi Reference: your just trying to make me look more silly, aren't you *walks off in a huff, the teenager will sort it* Aww! I'm not Aimee... I'm a Mac... should always qualify anything even vaguely useful with that... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
its chilly..
Xochi It's a ghost! There is resident one in the Bar in the Sinking Ship in LiveCloud groups Name's Willy... but we lubs Willy! [ more ]
fabienne It's warm. My husband kicks out a lot of heat though. [ more ]
Cagney No this is the other sister who I didn't have the chance to domesticate before she ventured out on her own. The one who lived with me can do DIY, cook, clean...all sorts after living with me. I don't think she actually does (she has a new BF for that) but she does know how [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quarter Pound Of ...
vanaheim Ohh MRsH I haven't read the whole thread (sorry, will come back later and do that) for now I'll just tell you the ones I remember.. Flying saucers, Black Jacks and fruit salads. Everton Mints Gob Stoppers Pineapple chunks (me too) swizzle sticks and sherbert dips . (when you used to get a liquorice stick poking out of the tube not a lolly pop, though it always looked like a straight bananna to me, or a stick of dynamite, [ more ]
maggiep Reference: Only just found this thread again! Has anyone mentioned pear drops yet? My all time fave! They made the roof of my mouth sore so did cherry bitters and acid drops Maggie [ more ]
Xochi Only just found this thread again! Has anyone mentioned pear drops yet? My all time fave! [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are you here?
Twee Surgeon Reference: skylark thanks Twee, will try tomoro, again, my head munched, had 16 month old granddaughter and i cant think no more!! xxx At this time of night my brain starts to slow down sky. Try again tomorrow when you are fresh. Little people of 16 months old can be quite tiring, what with running after them and watching they stay out of danger. No wonder you are tired lol. Hyper has started a thread for learning how to do things, so go in there and ask. [ more ]
Former Member thanks Twee, will try tomoro, again, my head munched, had 16 month old granddaughter and i cant think no more!! xxx [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Reference: skylark nope i didnt do it, was trying to do what Twee did and failed miserably !! i.e quoting and putting avatar in post , will keep trying. This forum is hard work, we were spoilt before, werent we lol Scotty took the hard sharp approach to explaining how to cut and paste avvys, and it seemed to have the desired effect on me after reams and reams of dissenting posts, refusing to cut and paste. She is a good teacher, albeit a bit tough in her approach to learners All you have to... [ more ]
See all 320 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pay for BBC iPlayer says TV chief
captain marbles We already pay for iPlayer. it's called the licence fee. I'm personally furious that various lowlife politico's in all the parties are trying to destroy the breadth of entertainment that we get for our 3 quid a week. For me BBC4 is worth a fiver a week on its' own. [ more ]
Darthhoob he's not thought it through. i think the fact that you can watch tv on telly for 'free' (i say free but we pay a license!) has probably cut down on illegal downloading a little. making people pay upto £2 a show would just make people download instead....then it'll be harder for them to crack down on illegal downloading cos practically everyone will be doing it. [ more ]
hyperstar Reference: It's bad enough having to pay the tv licence. I dont mind telly tax. BBC4 wont exist without it [ more ]
See all 6 replies...

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