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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sod this.
figtree Reference: If you find me somewhere on the way to you, would you please escort ourselves back to us? Much obliged You daft duck! [ more ]
Xochi If you find me somewhere on the way to you, would you please escort ourselves back to us? Much obliged. [ more ]
Essie Carot's, get another tab up & visit the 'Sinking Ships Jukebox' click on the 70's Disco Blue room, click 1st song and chill, they play on a loop so you can shrink the 2nd tab, or choose the songs you like. Here is the Linky [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My firstborn is off to Uni!
Aimee Reference: she's at Peverell on the Clifton part of the uni!! my daughter went there in the summer *to see what life at college is like* she's not far from me, tell her to pop in when she needs a home cooked meal [ more ]
Trixy Ahhhh she's a trenter She will be fine and have an amazing time, but don't worry home will be like a million times better for her when she gets to go home [ more ]
pigeonpie Trixy she's at Peverell on the Clifton part of the uni!! Going down with her friday, think we'll need a lorry for all the stuff we've got! It feels like I'm losing my best-friend. I know she'll be fine, she's really excited. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie,persian king and Marcus!
robertsam Hit the nail on the head Figtree [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference: Oh I'm geting all irrate now over Lisa and her daft sidekick Dave...pair of twats! And they so hated being up for eviction. Despite them frequently saying they weren't bothered. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks I always got the impression Charlie was the C4 chosen one. His spats with Rodrigro often showed the worst of Rodrigos behaviour but Charlie usually escaped. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Young Guns go for it... 25 years on..
Blizz'ard Avtually, he looks a bit Michael Barrymore in that picture, but much better in the other one! [ more ]
Kaffs He looks ok in the top picture - but he looks like Norris Cole getting out of the car. It's not so much that he's lost his hair, but what he has is white! I feel old.... mainly because I think he's quite nice! [ more ]
Demantoid Jeebus, is that him? He looks flippin ancient! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jack Tweed
Kaffs Ah ha! I still had last night's... and I listened with Karen Carpenter in mind. I see exactly what you mean, Subby. She needs coaching though - she was really off at times last night, but the voice is certainly there. [ more ]
Kaffs Back to X Factor - I wish I hadn't deleted it now.. I'm going to have to go and have another listen to Stacey somewhere. I know I liked her, but she wasn't quite as good last night - understandably as she's obviously had loads of time to rehearse her original audition. [ more ]
Kaffs Couldn't have put it better myself, Q! [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its good to see so many people here but
justafriend Reference: Most of the time though its just coincidance. I have noticed one thing about this place there seems to be much less argumants than many other forums I think I will hang around for a while it might end up being a pretty good place. i try to avoid the arguements lol. there seems alot of people missing but this place int so bad. [ more ]
TiGi Reference: Hi Fluffy, I must say I haven't seen many moaning threads Me either. Moaners moaning about moaners, AGAIN [ more ]
Neil3841 Reference: BARMYBRUMMIE well..... I signed in about 20 mins ago - there were at least 5 forummers online... I replied to a thread and now everyone has naffed off - do I smell or summat puts peg on nose sits down for a chat with Barmy brummie. Seriously if you anything like me sometimes you will feel like a thread killer I lost count of the amount of active theads over on IMDB I have posted in that have suddenly died it can make a person paranoid when it happens a few times on the trot lol. [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
UKIP foreign tour. Strange bedfellows.
Garage Joe Reference: How do they deal with it in the UK? You guys don't have to have a referendum do you? Or does Gordon Brown say yes/no on behalf of you all? 'Tis difficult Agent Temps. I don't mind belonging to Europe if it in some way acts as a bulwark against USA hegemony. Yet the Americanisation of Europe is underway. I thought that I had seen everything but wasn't prepared for young Germans in MuckyD uniforms with stars and everything. [ more ]
Former Member It's only because it involves changes to our constitution. The joy of being a republic, but like you say there's not much point having a vote if you get it wrong The only consolation is they have made some changes to it since last time, so at least it wasn't all in vain. [ more ]
Aquarius Oh no! I felt my heart drop when you said it looks like a yes. I agree, its like you're being treated like norty children. The only consolation is you DO have a vote ~ something denied us. It's a bit of a worry tho that they seem to be saying "we will keep you voting till you do what we want". Some democracy huh? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jack Tweed
Liverpoollass Putting the rape allegation aside for a moment, he is still a violent thug who hasn't been punished sufficiently for his last couple of attacks. He received a paltry prison sentence for both these attacks - he hasn't learnt his lesson by the looks of things. Lock him up for a while and see if he can manage to show some maturity and sense when he comes out. [ more ]
Scrumtum summat defo 'not right' with him... yea he is a twonk, but who knows if this is even true?! strangely i feel worry for him and ive never liked him! [ more ]
kattymieoww Keep the thug locked up.Jail is the best place for him. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you think of the name of this forum?
Puss Don't care what its called, but its good that old posts are shown and then old fm's will get the e-mails and hopefully find there way here. Well done Flossie [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Why are these site workers doing such a rubbish job of running this place??? It's a question that will baffle even the most intellectual and witty amongst us. You seem to be very unhappy with this forum. Why do you bother posting here? [ more ]
Liverpoollass GaGa is ok as it sums most of us up. The name Livecloud is poo though [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dwight Yorke spills all about Katie Price to the NOTW
Liverpoollass I am surprised it took him so long. Katie Price is a nasty piece of work and needs to get her priorities right in her life and get her act together. She is a grown woman and a mother and should stop acting like some slapper. Dwight, don't know much about him except that he doesn't seem to have been there for his child, but that could be because of Katie. He seems a right one though. [ more ]
*Irish-Princess*1 I think a lot of people are blasting him without even reading the article, I can imagine that he might have blown it out of proportion but I can't help but think a lot of it is true and makes her a bigger bitch than I previously thought. Especially the part about the room Dwight has in his house for Harvey but she won't let him stay. [ more ]
nanalou Reference: Karma_ 2818 Forum Posts Today at 1:39 (Edited: ) Dwight's a prick. Andre's a saccharine prick who's starting to really annoy me with his 'I am not worthy' attitude whenever he talks about his friggin album (but in the same breath doesn't disguise the fact it's ALL about his ex missus). Sorry, but I'd love to snap his nice new halo and shove it up his rectum. Yep yep yep!!! Totally agree! am so sick of st Peter Dwight moans that Katie wouldn't let Harvey spend the night with his... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do the Americans ever venture in here?
Essie Do the Americans ever venture in here? The Americans own this site, we venture on their turf. Channel 4BB chucked us off, Gaga gave us a temp home, then a permanent home, Like it or lump it. I like it. [ more ]
SuBe Reference: Poor Ned Beatty though... That spot on the river is now know as Beatty's landing. Ouch! [ more ]
profile All empires must implode. It's in the constitution. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does a forum survive on the people who post or on the subjects discussed
Xochi I am whole-heartedly responsible for killing this forum keeping this forum alive with my repartee. Wanna fight? [ more ]
Blizz'ard What was the question again? [ more ]
Former Member I am in no doubt its because of the people who post. If you have a good bunch of mates you can talk about shite (litteraly) and its fun. if its a bunch of tossers its just a chore and you wouldn't post, therefore forum would die SIMPLES! [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Come dine with me
Baz LOl.... I started to watch the afternoon series today.... but realised I had only seen it quite recently..... but yes, the presenter makes the programme [ more ]
Aimee Reference: baz LOL... i know what you mean.... I missed the first meal.... but from what I have seen that Stuart is just horrid!!!! can't believe he won think i've had cdwm overload today, i was watching a repeat on more 4 from about 5.30 and when that finished turned over to ch4 at 8 love the programme and dave lamb is brill [ more ]
Baz Flippen heck... he won!! [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK you have it....prove it.
Former Member I can be very compassionate, unless I feel the person is faking it, or isn't listening, then I lose all sympathy for them It's nice to be forum nice too, sometimes some one could be having a poo day and it doesn't cost much to offer a bit of comfort. [ more ]
Cagney Reference: God no, I'm evil. And yet such an angelic face [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: I knew you were compassionate! well...its any excuse really [ more ]
See all 143 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BLOG posts at the side...
CheekyPixie Not just me then Miss S Anyhoo. Gotta fly now. Nice chatting to everyone. See ya all soon. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I agree Miss S. FB is OK with me, because I pop on 4 or 5 times a week for about 20 minutes at a time, and catch up with my penpals, extended family (who live overseas in the states and Canada,) and ex work colleagues and friends and so on, but I don't 'get' why people wanna keep updating their life on the net every hour of every day! LOL. Each to their own I guess... Not for me though. I'm an oldie though so Facebook/Myspace thingies are really not for me at all - although I do... [ more ]
CheekyPixie I agree Miss S. FB is OK with me, because I pop on 4 or 5 times a week for about 20 minutes at a time, and catch up with my penpals, extended family (who live overseas in the states and Canada,) and ex work colleagues and friends and so on, but I don't 'get' why people wanna keep updating their life on the net every hour of every day! LOL. Each to their own I guess... Not for me though. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Most Active Members!
Lazybug Reference: Still not, seemingly, 'our' deegs and beso! Click on them. They are totally inactive. Most bizarre Another Deegs and Beso...? [ more ]
Former Member "SpiderMam" [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Lazybugs Well its changed now and *deegs* is there along with Beso and a great name Phil Edelphia and a few others... Still not, seemingly, 'our' deegs and beso! Click on them. They are totally inactive. [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fabienne Reference: Try your spidercatcher next time.... they are really good I promise x Will do - I'm actually looking forward to my next spider now. x [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing lol... yeah.. running around with what looks like a balding loo brush! Try your spidercatcher next time.... they are really good I promise x [ more ]
fabienne That's the one! I'm so glad to hear this, and how great that your daughter is able to deal with spiders while she's away. I bet she's very popular at school. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Two BB Contestants Coming To Live Chat in October
Former Member I'm in a good mood, thank you, Suzy. I'm a little disappointed that my guesses weren't correct. If the question had been about Strictly Come Dancing I would have done much better. (Well, not that much better, I suppose.) [ more ]
Videostar I hope it's Freddie and Marcus. [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Leslie was my favourite I was gutted when she left I loved her dry humour Me too She had some great one-liners. [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Listen baby....
Sarum Oh well, if we're doing lyrics.... I can see When you stay low nothing happens Does it feel right? Late at night Things I thought I put behind me Haunt my mind I just know there's no escape now Once it sets its eyes on you But I won't run, have to stare it in the eye Stand my ground I won't give in No more denying I got to face it Won't close my eyes And hide the truth inside If I don't make it Someone else will Stand my ground It's all around Getting stronger, coming closer Into my world I... [ more ]
fabienne Reference: I’ve been undressed by kings And I’ve seen some things That a women ain’t supposed to see. Counselling's the only solution. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I’ve been undressed by kings And I’ve seen some things That a women ain’t supposed to see. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The ageing process
maggiep Hi PB ,nice to see you around again,hopefully that means your SIL is on the mend.i use the collagen gel,but my favourite is the arnica gel,i could never be without it for aches and pains,i too would like a smaller bust,I'm not massive but only 5ft 1inch,so they look bigger!!.Never happy are we,some people would pay a fortune mine,and they would be very welcome to have them Maggie xx [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Maggie, I swear by SBC stuff, having very, very sensitive skin and prone to outbreaks of eczema, I find it's the only body care range that I can use that never gives me an outbreak and in fact helps it if it does, I use the Cotton bath time range and the collagen moisturiser and Vitamin A moisturiser as well as the cellulite gels, all brilliant, all natural ingredients and more expensive but I think that it saves me money as I haven't had to renew my eczema cream since using the stuff, I... [ more ]
maggiep Reference: Maggie, don't tell me hubby, he thinks i get all cheap off ebay. Same here,But do love trying different stuff on there,love a bit of Decleor or L'occitane Maggie [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Picture a FM.
Former Member Hopeful, when they stand in front of a camera. Slightly more confident when they are sitting - backlit and all that jazz. Couldn't care a less when they are completely drunk. [ more ]
Puss This was me at the tender age of 9 months, awwwwwww [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Hey, we could team up! Do you think the world is ready? [ more ]
See all 89 replies...

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