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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good things about the new forum layout
Real Reference: Is it our undeniable wit and intelligence... or is it that no-one can think straight enough to post when they see your avi Real? tart [ more ]
Xochi Reference: We have more "guests" than members reading this forum each evening. Is it our undeniable wit and intelligence... or is it that no-one can think straight enough to post when they see your avi Real? [ more ]
Real Reference: The no 'views' numbers spares the lurkers Why " Lurk " when they can join in the fun?? We have more "guests" than members reading this forum each evening. Get yer asses in here, and join in the fun. I was like you lot last year, and made the jump in here- and look at me now- VIP, beating off ladies, helping others, supplying booze. Might have gone a bit far with the free booze their but--- Waiting for the fallout now. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have thirteen buddies
Real Reference: Real go stand on the naughty step Ok I lied. The Towers are open to everyone, We are not a Clique, just a home where folk can return after exploring this huge place. Others have ventured in and come back to post. Hope you will all venture in and see what you think. [ more ]
Sarum Reference: fabienne Reference: Sarum I have two... yeah, but it's quality, not quantity [ more ]
robertsam Reference: Do they not like emery boards? Reference: Do they not like emery boards? [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
where do I find the members list and
Sarum How odd. Without changing anything at all, when I logged in today I can see all the avatars, and all the smileys. Maybe it was a cookie thing; I have my Firefox set to clear all cookies (and everything else) on exit. Whatever, it seems to have worked. [ more ]
Sarum Reference: Sarum....there is a post somewhere about the little eye at the bottom of your screen..very small it it & enter livecloud in the appropriate box...worked for me & others! There isn't an eye at the bottom of my screen...I think that's an IE thing. [ more ]
slimfern Sarum....there is a post somewhere about the little eye at the bottom of your screen..very small it it & enter livecloud in the appropriate box...worked for me & others! [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Secret Millionaire
Former Member awww i really really liked this millionaire [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: It does - I've had a day of that sort of feeling today. I was moaning about a friend who I've put off getting in touch with for a while because her last few long phone calls have 'poor me' ones bemoaning the state of her lovelife and this afternoon a work colleague was telling me her friend has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. That sort of thing puts everything in perspective, doesn't it? Needless to say I've texted my mate and made arrangement for a long catch... [ more ]
Kaffs Reference: He was one of an up and coming ethnic minority determined to be the ethnic majority. If I remember correctly (God damn this false memory syndrome) Mum and Dad did sell at a loss because of fear. God that's awful - but if turned out anything like that area of Anfield, you were well out of it. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've just realised why this forum style is so irritating
Baz Reference: Look on the bright side - at least we thread killers get our names displayed True [ more ]
Leccy Reference: I wish there was a search button to search for threads I liked that instead of keep having to click on the next button Agreed! It took me ages today to find the music thread I was looking for ...I used to just type in a keyword (actually Manics...coz I knew I'd posted about them in it) I have to read down every page (and I overlooked it TWICE!) [ more ]
fabienne Look on the bright side - at least we thread killers get our names displayed. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor defenceless woman in need of manly advice. (it hurt to even type that!)
Dirtyprettygirlthing I once got off with a bloke with complicated pants on like that builder bloke! I was only young (ish)..... scared the bejesus out of me! [ more ]
vanaheim Oh no that Duck pictuer has come into my head... Duck in a wetsuit and snorkle plodding off to the duck pond... [ more ]
Ducky Thanks Sarum. Although I'm not sure the builders bum does anything for me. [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else having problems posting?
James Our intranet site is so huge and so badly put together it is a nightmare to get around. Its easier to Google the stuff than try to use the internal links [ more ]
Shar Reference: See this for a clue I think it beats what I have to look at everyday though ... [ more ]
Shar I have endless fun reading the updates on the intranet in work ... what soup is on the menu in the canteen ... reminders to turn your light off before you leave the office .... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Google Wave & google Chrome DID...
vanaheim I'm not allowing anyone in my brain, my two braincells are quite happy waving to each other from opposite sides of my cranium.... And if this works like my brain it's gonna be a bit empty... It sounds interesting though and I'll only be playing if it works like your brains [ more ]
stonks If it worked like mine I'd be either impressed or affraid.... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Caspian It's quite ambitious and it'll be interesting to see if it works like my brain or your brain or people with dysfunctional brains. My brain is a dysfunctional brain If it works like mine it's doomed... Sounds interesting though, [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Matthew Wright show today
Cagney Reference: For the sake of playing devil's advocate, I was quite bothered by the fact that the mother murdered her own daughter and the pet rabbit in really horrible circumstances. I mean, I know she has diminished responsibility for it and was obviously at the end of her tether but I think that's pretty damned awful I agree. I'd have camped out on the doorstep of the police, the council, whoever it took to get someone to pay attention. The family were going through hell but I find it hard... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference anielJ For the sake of playing devil's advocate, I was quite bothered by the fact that the mother murdered her own daughter and the pet rabbit in really horrible circumstances. I mean, I know she has diminished responsibility for it and was obviously at the end of her tether but I think that's pretty damned awful. Of course, but no-one's disputing that she did so - the inquest said so. But I'd say 10 years of constant harassment and no help whatsoever played a very big part in it. [ more ]
maggiep I'm out and proud with Ducky Maggie xx [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Sun! Who do they think they are?
Former Member Reference: the party to where it belongs (i.e out of power before Danjay can do that one) [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: I only found out today they were'nt still a Tory propaganda rag I suppose that some might argue that as long as Blair/Brown were carrying out Tory policies and supporting an unregulated market then they would have the support of the foreign press. However now that Brown is being a bit more interventionist and taking the party to where it belongs (i.e out of power before Danjay can do that one) the Sun isn't interested. I might even rejoin now. [ more ]
stonks I only found out today they were'nt still a Tory propaganda rag..Though I've boycotted it since Hillsborough.... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fernando Alonso has joined Ferrari
Moonbeams noooooo really? I right like Alonso but he was always on the wrong team. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Darlo, I hope that Brawn take the title....I'd like Button to win, however Rubens would be just fine with me.... ...the OH is a Ferrari man, i can't stand them...I was at the Silverstone GP this year cheering Ross Brawn on, T-Shirt, Cap, the whole caboodle... [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have You Got Any Spare Gold?
Teddy Bleads Actually, I do but there's not a chance in hell they're getting their hands on it. A trip to Hatton Garden is on the cards. [ more ]
boink yep i have loads in the gold mine at the bottom of the garden next to the castle the fairies live in! [ more ]
Cinds How do you know if you have anything spare until the day you die, because up until that moment you might need it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I need a theme tune.
Scotty Show us your us your haggis! Is it a contenda? [ more ]
charmer # mr macbeth was a norty ma-an - he gone an killed anotha ma-an - thou hast a good idea, jus thou keep me near-id be so gooood for the.. scottish play# write the theeeeme toon sing the theeeeeme toon summat like that anyway [ more ]
Scotty He sings about carrots and everything The forum would be marvelous at the chorus But I can’t go back to savoury now That shepherd’s pie was stunning But I’m, halfway through my pudding I can’t go back to savoury now My taste buds would go crazy And I can’t go back to savoury now (‘caus you can’t can you?) I think this is a winner [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Scotty Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. Oscar Wilde [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Reference: Sarum 809 Forum Posts Yesterday at 22:33 (Edited: ) “If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think, but the most important thing is, even if we're apart - I'll always be with you.” - Winnie the Pooh. (Yes, honestly...) Ahhhh, that's beautiful (especially coming from a boy's beloved bear) I love quotes, I've collected too many to have a fave (Wilde... [ more ]
Scotty I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer. Douglas Adams [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Dance- WOW
Blizz'ard Fantastico! Anyone remember the two teenagers with Down's Syndrome, dancing on one of those Saturday morning kids' TV shows? I proper blubbed. They were amazing. [ more ]
Leccy I'll bump it for you, Super Profile had some ace links to wheelchair extreme sports a while back. Utterly fab. [ more ]
Former Member Is anyone else going to look at this????? Right ya bugas going to put it into the strictly come dancing thread! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whats this about?????
robertsam Reference: I'd read that bobsam! But it would have made a barely distinguishable difference if you hadn't been pissed! [ more ]
Xochi Reference: Many moons ago when I registered on the C4 forum I was much pissed and put things in the wrong boxes I'd read that bobsam! But it would have made a barely distinguishable difference if you hadn't been pissed! [ more ]
robertsam Reference: Maybe if he'd have let you win as a male? Many moons ago when I registered on the C4 forum I was much pissed and put things in the wrong boxes [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Weddings. Your first dance song
Dame_Ann_Average I can't remember and don't want to If I got married again mine would be The Boss, Diana Ross, oh yes start on the right footing next time [ more ]
cologne 1 I've been married three times. The first time we had a meal and then went home with all the guests and talked a lot of psydo intellectual clap trap about politics (I was 19), the second time, we had a meal with all the guests and later went to a great uncle's pile for an evening do without dancing and the third time, my husband and his mates where the entertainment (playing guitars), so I've never danced at any of my weddings. [ more ]
Joyron Reference: OH lord another one of my ever so masculine husbands favourites, Band of Gold Freda Payne, I think 1970 or 1971? 1970 is spot on. I celebrate 39 years happily married on 10th October. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Toast and cheese.
Mary Seacole Im allergic to cheese, but I love the smell of it when it is being cooked, [ more ]
Cerberus Oooh you've put me in the mood for toasted cheese now. Yum. [ more ]
squiggle Wow you learn something new every day! Thank you all for your answers, wouldn't it be interesting to learn all the different ingredients and methods for making it. I won't ever make the mistake of thinking it is just cheese on toast again. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone just heard that Malone woman?
Leccy I just had a fleeting thought of how awful it would be if any of the aforementioned women saw in this thread how many other women agreed with me that they are evil harridans. Then I thought, nah stuff 'em. [ more ]
Demantoid The more I think about this, the angrier I get. I'm not on anti-d's, but I know people close to me who have benefited from them. I'd trust their judgment over Carole malone's any day. I bet Carole Malone would be the first to open her big trap, jump on the bandwagon and say how awful the case of Pilkington family was, who were harassed to their deaths because of the two kids' learning difficulties. And yet, it's perfectly all right to label anyone with even a suspicion of any mental health... [ more ]
cologne 1 I agree that Andrew Marr seemed to 'pin' it on the back of the interview, but I disagree that he should not be entitled to ask the question. I also agree that taking 'pills' doesn't exclude anybody from doing their job, but I question that a Prime Minister who appears to have violent mood swings is the best for our country and as much as that might be gossip, it's persistant gossip. Having said that, I don't like the Malones, Patells etc, either. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remember when we first left the C4 BB forum
Demantoid Reference:JacksonB and not forgetting raggy doll and her lol cats... I luv teh lolcats.. [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: It was/is odd to be given a free rein. I'm not adverse to an odd cuss or two (or three) but ......................unless really provoked I dont find it really necessary on here ........just because you can - doesn't mean you want to. OK .................when you're feeling really crappy it's OK but i don't like it 'willy nilly' - if you get my drift yeah i now what you mean sooz, fucks me off no end when people fuckin swear for no good reason,fuckin arseholes the lot of them... [ more ]
Soozy Woo It was/is odd to be given a free rein. I'm not adverse to an odd cuss or two (or three) but ......................unless really provoked I dont find it really necessary on here ........just because you can - doesn't mean you want to. OK .................when you're feeling really crappy it's OK but i don't like it 'willy nilly' - if you get my drift [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would you pay for a forum
James I notice a few more 's are appearing. So some people are voting with their hard earned cash... Cors if it's to continue there need to be fresh incentives. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Yes because it costs to run a good forum and it's only fair to spread the cost and make sure that the work people put in is compensated. [ more ]
Essie Reference: It depends what you do, I suppose. Users can be banned at the channel level (e.g., just GaGaJoyJoy) or globally (across LiveCloud). OMG, Essex Angel goes into hiding in case Sticky Steve has his bopping stick out. [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where Is Everybody?
Joyron The joys of motherhood!!! I'm well past that now. My grandchildren are aged 7 and 4 but I DO know what you mean. It's a wonderful time so just enjoy it. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: Nice to see you around. How is that wonderful little baby doing?? She's great thanks. Just thrown up on my shoulder. I don't even care. [ more ]
Joyron It certainly does seem quiet in here at times. I often wonder if there is anyone else logged on. As others have said perahps it will liven up a bit once Celebrity BB starts. Nice to see you around. How is that wonderful little baby doing?? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Essie I have similar to these in beige with one row of fringing, I wear them under trousers and no-one can see the fringing unless I cross my legs. [ more ]
SazBomb no its not that.... I'm just thinking it all sounds too good to be true, and wondering if they are real but yes, you'd probably get clobbered by customs too [ more ]
justafriend Reference: Am I the only cynic here? oh custom charges, is that what happens? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've never had this problem before
Jenny Reference: EFFT Apparently there were two (at least) display issues with IE. One that Spidermonkey's fix seemed to solve. There is another display issue caused when a message is first compiled in Microsoft Word and then copied to the reply box here. Seemingly this creates codes that IE cannot interpret and thus a page containing such a post (even if it's just one post causing the problem) cannot be displayed. You would think, if the message was created in Microsoft Word that another... [ more ]
Hicky Reference: Tayto 5765 Forum Posts Today at 15:20 (Edited: ) When I use my PC it's very slow but it's fine on the newer laptop. So maybe it's not the fault of my pc at all. I used to get that message about Flash Player as well with Firefox. I regularly get a message on the laptop saying I'm running out of space and need to use the CC Cleaner. Is that what you're talking about Hicky? The CPU thingy. Hi Tayto. The browsers can slow the CPU down, you can usually tell by the sound of the fan... [ more ]
Tayto. When I use my PC it's very slow but it's fine on the newer laptop. So maybe it's not the fault of my pc at all. I used to get that message about Flash Player as well with Firefox. I regularly get a message on the laptop saying I'm running out of space and need to use the CC Cleaner. Is that what you're talking about Hicky? The CPU thingy. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will you watch the BNP on question time?
Garage Joe Reference: I just found out the programme will be aired October 22nd. I'm sure I saw in a paper somewhere that Jack Straw was a contestant. I would have preferred Eddie Izzard or that Dave O'Brian one off Mock the Week. These brown people don't like being laughed at. [ more ]
Poolshark I just found out the programme will be aired October 22nd. [ more ]
jacksonb i don't object to the bnp expounding their views in a debate,it's what democracy is meant to be about.many will have their disgust with the party confirmed and others will nod along,thinking what a great bloke he is.nick griffen has learnt to wrap his policies up in more acceptable terms and that's where the problem lies,he is able to come across as reasonable and patriotic, so i am hoping that when he does appear the beeb have selected panelists that can expose him and his party for what... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...

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