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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thanks To Everyone Who Signed My Petition Link
Former Member Oh well done on that result Just shows that petitions do work - I'm always sceptical [ more ]
brisket Well done QOTHT and Deman. I am so glad you'v` had a good result. Babies...petitions... I don`t know how you do it. (That was a rhetorical question - I do know how you do it.) [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: It is. A huge Tesco would have literally destroyed the town as over half the traders said they would be forced to close their shops. Plus the natural vista is stunning, a dirty great supermarket would ruin that. We are so lucky to have such fantastic views. I'll really miss that when we move. I can imagine Queenie. my friend lives in a place called Bettystown (Nr. Droheda just North of Dublin), when I first went over 6/ 7 years ago it was a quaint little place, dusty roads, lovely... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nicholas Lyndhurst to play Rodney Trotter's dad
Bojangles They were fantastic,never failed to give you a good laugh. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) The chanderlier episode always makes me lol , Del Boy at the bar is the one though . Peckham Spring ROFL tap water . [ more ]
pepsi Aww this sounds brilliant! My favourite OFAH was the blow up dolls one where they kept inflating themselves and exploding [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bailifs - can they take animals??
Hugorune My sister used to be a bailiff in Newcastle. She says they cant take her pets. Even if they have been in her home they cant break in at anytime. However if you invite them into your home they will make an inventory of all the goods they see ask the householder to sign it, if they refuse the bailiff signs it on their behalf. If reciepts are provided for said goods in somebody elses name they cant touch them. This is how court bailiffs run, private bailiffs might work to a different set of rules. [ more ]
jacksonb p.s. they came after me for non payment once,and i had paid with a cheque, they got all snotty and said' course you did, send us a copy of the front and back and maybe we'll believe you'.. not in those precise words... so i got a copy from the bank, took about a week and sent it to the council and they credited my account, because they had posted the money to the wrong account. [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: she did pay it though! she paid it with a cheque, it cleared and she even sent them the receipt but they refused to accpet that she did hence her leaving it all this time to get worse as she thought "well i've paid it, they arent getting any more from me" she has to get a copy of the front and back of the cheque from the bank and send it to the council, they won't argue with that. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Feeling lonely...
The Devil In Diamante When we traced our family tree back, it turn out one of my mums cousins hung himself in Epping Forest about 50 years ago!!! [ more ]
Essie Reference: They have regular meets in Epping Forest car parking areas. Oh I remember Epping & High Beech when my husband got his first car at 17, we weren't married then, why we drove all the way there is a mystery as Wanstead was just up the Road. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: If I was still in London Saz I'd meet up with you for shopping!! awwww Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better today... I've sent away for an information pack from the place Ditty told me about (and I tink it was Dan J that provided the link ) and I think I'll start doing ju jitsu one night a week, maybe even 2 if I really like it I used to scuba dive years ago, so it might be worth looking into that again too I also keep threatening to learn Arabic so I can spy on B and see what he is... [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has that bloke been sacked yet?
Former Member I live in Leicestershire and we're pretty multi-racial and fairly well mixed together here. The clothes I'm talking about are cultural Pakistani I suppose. Longish white shirt, coloured tabard, and white chef-type cap rather than a skull cap. I think it all looks dead cool. I'm guessing you're part middle-Eastern so maybe 'mosque gear' was different for you? Bloody BNP. I don't think we've had trouble like that although the local 'Albanian carwash' had some painted abuse on one of the walls. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: You probably don't want to hear this but I always think blokes look dead sexy in those. I only just manage not to drive by my local mosque perving at chucking out time. It's ironic really as I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be the opposite of sexy PMSL bet you took a fancy to the hats then , recently a Mosque by us was vandalised with racist graffiti and some peoples houses who we knew, dubbed in paint and car tyres slashed apparently it was the BNP , that ruled out the... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: and was in my mosque outfit You probably don't want to hear this but I always think blokes look dead sexy in those. I only just manage not to drive by my local mosque perving at chucking out time. It's ironic really as I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be the opposite of sexy. Sorry. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what are you wearing..right now..?
SazBomb Re: what are you wearing..right now..? [ more ]
Mazzystar Actually...have just noticed the dress and tights are contrasting shades.Not good.I must go and sit in a shadowy place [ more ]
SazBomb Mazzy, you're one of those coordinated people I'm always jellus of! I can never pull off that put together, coordinated kinda thing... I always look a bit crumpled and disheveled Today I'm wearing dark flared jeans, a teal long sleved T, a black short sleved wrap around cardy, and black boots. [ more ]
See all 122 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
money saving thread..
MrsH not wanting to take you away from this forum - there are some very good ideas in the following * Old Style Money Saving Thread* on another forum http://forums.moneysavingexper...rumdisplay.html?f=33 maybe something interests you that you can bring back here and share preparing for winter and saving money ... making your own bread ... slow cooking ... bulk cooking all seem to be the way to go and much more ........ [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Mix white spirits with black current juice and then sell it to tramps as meths. [ more ]
charmer Reference: ) Simply steal from Tesco. Free! f*cking brilliant [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Captive for 18 years - Jaycee Lee Duggard on More4
Cinds Reference: nd how accurate was the artists impression of the female in the car they did from the step fathers confession That was meant to say description NOT confession [ more ]
suzybean It must have been really hellish for the family and community, but I really felt for the step-father. [ more ]
Cinds I know exactly what you mean about that comment! It just beggars belief that they focused mainly on the step father, even though not only him but some of her school friends had saw her being dragged in to the car, and how accurate was the artists impression they did of the female in the car they did from the step fathers confession, and yet it still took another 18 years to bring her home. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Advice on teenagers please
suzybean I know what you mean ditty, but I really would be able to cope with some temporary inertia from my kids than trawling the streets after dark searching for them. [ more ]
jacksonb my mate at school was suddenly sort of tired and disinterested all the time, turned out to be a dose of glandular fever, went on for ages though. [ more ]
Cinds Reference: has she got lovebites that shes trying to hide? Hahahahahahaha my son went through a phase like this not so long ago, turned out he was trying to hide the fact he had taken a razor to his eyebrow (yes just the one big monobrow) in an attempt to make it in to two eyebrows. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blizzie's day at the museum... by Blizz....oh!!...
Xochi Reference: I have yet to see the famed 'dog with two dicks' though! Please no! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference:Xoch And yes there are designer dog sizes for that fit photo opportunities for so called celebs lol. So it all goes to show YR that we have only learnt to do what nature was already doing quite happily before we came along! Well maybe it's also a case of whatever we do, or don't do, all is as it's meant to be anyway lol [ more ]
Blizz'ard I have yet to see the famed 'dog with two dicks' though! [ more ]
See all 107 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sarum Reference: (Sorry to keep saying 'patients', I work in a hospital, do you? You said about those going thru 'your theatre'?) Yes, I do. I rejoice in the very grand title of 'clinical specialist in surgery and anaesthesia'. Which means I clean up after surgeons and anaesthetists.... [ more ]
Soozy Woo I had a mammogram last year for the first time ...........TBH I was surprised that it did nip a bit but ..............uncomfortable rather than painful. Certainly worthwhile having it done to put your mind at rest. [ more ]
fracas <div class="small_print">Reference:</div><div class="quotedText">Anyone with breast tissue can get breast cancer; I've even seen a few men come through my theatre with it. And i know it's possible for trans women to have prostate trouble; but that's usually those who transition very late in life, and/or are on low doses of oestrogen. One of my friends transitioned at 67; she already had prostate symptoms, but she's OK now.</div><br/> Of course, I'm stoopid, I... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moomin Reference: Her dad was very ill, last time she was on here. That's why I was asking, Blizzie - I have been thinking about her a lot since that thread [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Bizzie Her dad was very ill, last time she was on here. Yes, she started a thread asking for morphine patches advice. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Her dad was very ill, last time she was on here. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did the layout just change
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Hyia JAF, I would have been surprised if it hadn't been Darlo at the top of the most active posters TBH!! [ more ]
justafriend Reference: I like the wider margin to be able to read everything and that the looooong grey runway has gone on the right hand side. See that the Most active members has changed and guess who is top - our very own forum gossip and fellow Black Country person Darlo!! hiya Pink, yep no suprise Darlo is up there, our little mr full of information, [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I like the wider margin to be able to read everything and that the looooong grey runway has gone on the right hand side. See that the Most active members has changed and guess who is top - our very own forum gossip and fellow Black Country person Darlo!! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a doggie problem
Bojangles I do hope you get to keep the dog,if they are any kind of animal lover they shouldn't charge you.They should be grateful the little one is going to a good home.God bless you both. [ more ]
nanalou The only benefit you need to be on is Housing/council tax benefit. Even if it is only £1 benefit, it ensures that you can get your pet treated at the PDSA. I know this because my dogs are treated at the PDSA so I know the procedure. You can also get flea and worming treatment from them at very good prices. Frontline is much cheaper at PDSA You can have the dog microchipped for £12. If you don't recieve housing or council tax benefit tou could always ask the RSPCA for help with costs of any... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Get it stuffed. Get what stuffed you surely don't mean the dog [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For Super..
Garage Joe The weather couldn't have been better for you Super, and sunflowers are so uplifting. We lunched at the chippie on the coast. The charity shops took some punishment, I can telll you. Fantastic day but damn cold in the shade. I hope you have some sun, it can't quite make up it's mind here. [ more ]
Former Member Had quite a good day yesterday, all things considered Blimey, get tired so v easily 'though, a 500 metre walk felt like 10 miles! House full of v lovely flowers, wonders if posting pic of one of my fave handties will work?.....Nope, I need to be a VIP!.....Picture sunflowers, berries, deep red lilies and several other v interesting/unusual things I don't know the name of! [ more ]
Tayto. Hi Super. Didn't know you were having an operation. Take care and Get Well Soon. Don't be trying to do too much. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it only me?
Jenny Reference: Ok, I think I've found that option jackson. I'll give it a try! Now I'll probably crash my pc! Now that didn't work! Can anyone tell me how to set my browser (IE) to open links in a new window please? Thank you. Apart from right clicking and telling it to. I'll never remember to do that! I've got to go to work now, but hopefully, some kind helpful person will have posted some help here when I get back. [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: I used to be able to put my mouse cursor over a tab (when I have a load open > 12 I think) and the scroll wheel would slide them left and right... somehow it seems to have got disabled on this PC running Version 3.5.3 but not on another... since then I have learnt Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+8 will jump to tabs 1-8 respectively and Ctrl+9 takes you to the last tab Now you see when I was reading this all I heard in my head was the noise that the teacher in Charlie Brown made when talking -... [ more ]
Croctacus I don't know if i ever had that.... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
does your bird or boyfriend kno u come on ere?
jacksonb bubble's posts are the best. [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** This is my husbands forum name we share he shared my name on the old forum so yes we know each other comes on here. T he only thing is I used to read his posts but on this forum I cant find them. [ more ]
kattymieoww I am a free agent,I do what I will.Even if I wasn't a free agent.I still do what I will.I will not be tamed. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will all BB forum friends join me in posting a special hug for our friend Squiggle!
Former Member So sorry to here of your v sad loss Squiggle [ more ]
figtree Reference: There aren't any words that can help at such painful times but hopefully just knowing people genuinely care helps just a little bit. I hope you can find strength and comfort from those around you right now. God Bless, much Love to you [ more ]
Yellow Rose Dear Squiggle, although I left a message here yesterday just wanted to pop in and say I've been thinking of you today as well. A dear friend is going through the same painful loss of her hubby as you, her loss was 2 weeks ago and was very sudden. There aren't any words that can help at such painful times but hopefully just knowing people genuinely care helps just a little bit. I hope you can find strength and comfort from those around you right now. God Bless, much Love to you xxxx [ more ]
See all 106 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB10 Finland- watch this...
littleleicesterfox Reference: Don't know why they beep, can't understand wot they're saying anyway I love how they bleeped it but the subtitles were still complete! [ more ]
Leccy I didn't understand the language but I understood the sign language [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Lowon Don't know why they beep, can't understand wot they're saying anyway It was pure filth! Probably. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karma_ Bloody hell Katty I just tried getting to the kitchen. Didn't make it. At the moment I'm a bit like that Paula Radcliffe bird who keeps trying to finish the race but never quite makes it I tell you what if it weren't for the net I'd be going up the wall! [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh,my poor cousin,she's ten years younger than me, and feck she's got all the crap that could be thrown at her.Next week she's to attend the gynae clinic for bleeding etc and,the neuroligy hospital specalist due to spinal problems and loss of feeling in her inside leg etc.She has been told that her spinal problem needs a major op etc.This is now her getting her appointment after two years waiting. She has been seen before this but this is now the neurology specalist. [ more ]
Essie Reference: That's interesting you've had probs since your pregnancy EA, I'm the same. Karma, he only weighed 4lb, I can't even lift up a saucepan without thinking my arm is going to break, I blame it on my excessive dieting when I was young and now, plus I smoke 50 a day. It's Karma so to speak for my stupidity, I'm being punished. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Make Up Advice Thread
LowonIQ Urhm makeup advice.... goosefat, been done to deth for sore throats, wot about boiled toothpaste, fridged overnight then applied to warts? [ more ]
Leccy Reference: You're bloody mental But I loves ya Am not And ditto Bojangles, I have really crap skin that gets irritated by the slightest thing. Even some so called moisturisers burn and leave my face falling off (not quite that dramatic but I mean LOADS of dry flaky skin) Even aqueous cream has started to fry my face (On Drs recommendation too!)...the only cream my skin is tolerating at the moment is the 2 quid a pot stuff from Aldi Trust me to be contrary. [ more ]
Bojangles I use Rimmel Eyeliner pencil to do my brows,They come in all natural colours,they are soft to use,I find eyebrow pencils difficult to get the colour on they seem to in the end scratch the skin.I think as long as you use good make cream on your skin,it's ok to use a cheaper product on the top. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ever been drifting off to sleep and then opened your eyes in a moment of clarity?
carotino Reference: I love my cat (obsessively) but in the space of a week I've dreamt twice of killing her; once I kicked a snake into her basket and it bit her and the second time I was climbing a long spiral staircase and she was following me and fell to her death. I blame Profile. [ more ]
kattymieoww My morning dream was... I in a deep kiss tonguing session with Vincent D'Onofrio (Goren in Law and order,criminal intent),most enjoyable.. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Suzi Q The strangest thing that ever happened to me was when everything went black whilst sleeping. No dreams or anything. Just blackness. I thought I was dead. I wasn't though, but it was really spooky You dreamt about blackness... nothingness? That is so scary, has properly freaked me out! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Drive Time.What do you listen too while driving?...
Former Member Just got a new car so I've got music again! Mostly hollering along to Teenage Fanclub, Longpigs and The Distillers. [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: We do get some funny looks in the traffic queues on the A30... You wanna be in a black cab with Chas and Dave blaring out!! [ more ]
Sarum Reference: Yeah its the best station I've found down there... And we don't have to retune cos its on the same frequency as Smooth! It's the same frequency as our local radio station (Spire) too. When we're driving down there, we have a CD of sixties and seventies hits...which we sing along to...very loudly We do get some funny looks in the traffic queues on the A30... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
'FlashForward' 'not similar to 'Lost'
Former Member Not sure if I like this programme I think it's gonna take watching a few episodes before I finally make up my mind. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference: "FlashForward is definitely not a sci-fi show. It doesn't have the mythology of Lost. We have one major event that happens that you are asked to buy into. After that, you're dealing with very human ripple effects - how people deal with it and how they come to terms with it." Hmmm. Strange comment. Sounds to me like she's been coached by the show's publicity crowd so as not to frighten off potential viewers who don't like Sci-Fi. FlashForward is based on a Sci-Fi book which won a... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Episode one is repeated on Fiver in about 40 minute and again on channel five at about 5 to midnight. Episode 2 's first showing is tomorrow evening on C5. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lesley Brain :)
fracas I am one of the 7 people who thought Seany was ace. I loved his litttle dance. Lesley left me cold, found her to be smug and superior. And she was a quitter. Wonder if she's still spamming DS members with PMs trying to flog her book [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Seany was a complete prat,nothing worse than someone who thinks they are extremely funny and totally fail to be. [ more ]
kattymieoww Seany was a complete prat,nothing worse than someone who thinks they are extremely funny and totally fail to be. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anton Dubec.
liverbird soooo obvious Matt is gay!! I always thought his dancing partner was his sister [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Reference: Morning Subby - he's the love child of Brucie and Rob Brydon. SO right! (G'Morning, Kaff. ~xxx) [ more ]
Cinds Reference: does he have a private appreciation society cause hes another one i have never heard of He'll only get his own private appreciation society if he is mistaken for a cartoonist. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll: Feline. Deceased.
subatomic partygirl We have to talk about this cat humiliation thing, Pro.... (Rumour has it that the APA are looking to include you in the next DSM). [ more ]
Mazzystar Reference: but if your in southampton its where you will find lots of kebab shops and drunk students, lots and lots of drunk students, and vomit, and rooms with flags at the window You have met my daughter?????? [ more ]
Blizz'ard I was just removing finger prints from my weapon! 'Etiquette' sounds like a South African Feline BBQ idea, or sumfink! [ more ]
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