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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nursery abuser admits acts 'vile'
Yellow Rose Reference Abo. I can understand why to some that because she's in her 30's it can seem a long time ago, but for her it's still part of her "now", always has been whatever the year, as it is for so many who aren't children any longer. Believe me another friend and I tried for a very long time to persuade her to receive professional help, she needs it, but she's absolutely terrified of what she'll have to deal with, relive, through whatever a particular counselling and their method she'd be... [ more ]
Abo Reference: Reference Abo. "The children are young & will get plenty of help & support" the woman you are speaking of is in her 30's. Her pattern of abuse was also a long drawn out sorry state of affairs which I feel so saddened about. But speaking from experience children now are given that much support & help that I've actually heard one say "can we not come here anymore cause its in the past & I wanna enjoy life (6yo)". Smart kid & still very very cheeky too. The thing... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference Abo. "The children are young & will get plenty of help & support" For any child affected I hope they receive the help they need, how long lasting it will be as the children grow up only they will find out later in life, how much will be remembered on a conscious level, and how much will be stored in the subconscious that may create problems in their life without them understanding why. It's assumed that females don't take part in such things with children, whether their... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any museum pieces in your house?
Ducky My hairdryer passed away earlier today. RIP hairdryer...... 1994 - 2009. [ more ]
forgetmenot more than can list, starting with myself! dining room Suite 60 years old, was my mothers.. carving fork was my grans, flour sieve was my grans,old jewelery,chopping board about 20 years old, sauceapans had before my son was born and he is 37, they are copper bottemed prestige and i saved thousands of cig coupons to get them, lol!! sherry glasses of my grans (I don't drink!) pottery hot water bottles, from my gran.. mirror my grandad made beofe i was born.. on and on!! love all of them as well [ more ]
Moomin Reference: sometimes, I think me Have your fuses gone? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Trying to reply but comment box appears...???
Former Member Reference: The very woman I've been trying to post to! I've been trying to congratulate you on getting the all clear for days! I'm so please for you Soops, you must be really relieved. I'd post you a hug but the system still isn't letting me do that. xxxx ( and one for Hetty ) [ more ]
Moonbeams I seemed to have that problem yesterday using FF but not having it today using IE. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: Hi Queenie, long time no see The very woman I've been trying to post to! I've been trying to congratulate you on getting the all clear for days! I'm so please for you Soops, you must be really relieved. I'd post you a hug but the system still isn't letting me do that. xxxx [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm quite disappointed!
Puss Hi Pooly, you need to go to the Beerfest in Germany! my son went at the beginning of the month, there are tents that literally hold thousands of peeps in leadenhose (sp) and women in very low cut dresses holding 8 steins of beer at a time [ more ]
LowonIQ Right, so it did go ahead, just you didn't get there in time to wet your whistle, you know what to de next year. Take yer own with ya. [ more ]
Poolshark 've always wanted to go to the festival, I keep missing t every year, but this year I had planned in advance, cleared my diary, only to be let down by the fact that it was too successful, I can't win can I ? [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie and Home&Away spoilers
The Devil In Diamante Emmerdale Farm, they dropped the 'Farm' years ago....... Gawd, are they getting the same person back to play Nicky? [ more ]
liverbird Im glad the article said Jim had left the army before he joined Corrie as I was thinking "they have had an army person before!" lol [ more ]
LowonIQ the army for thugs, in yorkshire that could be interpreted thus the army for the hugs Seriously, national service could be an answer, if there was an active service clause. I would never condone enforced conflict. I applaud the routine and discipline in the armed forces. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thug Tweed denied access to Jade's Kids
Demantoid Well done, Jeff. The less influence Jade's awful rabble of a family have on those little boys, the better. [ more ]
Cinds I'm sure I read that Jeff is also tackling the problem that is Jackiey because he is not happy with her behaviour around the children or in the way she disciplines them. [ more ]
Rev. Dim Dale Reference: He also needs to get shot of that foul mouth clingon Jackiey, umm she might come across all concerned when the camera is on her, but when she's had a drink she reminds me of someone, and its not nice believe me! I agree he needs to sort out the problem of Jackie. She has no rights being a grandparent but the kids love her so he is doing the right thing. I think that the visits to her need to be supervised though as she is not a capable person as we all know. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bruce Forsyth defends Du Beke race row!
Garage Joe Reference: Luckily, the Liberal Elite are more articulate and have better arguments. Indeed! But no-one pays them any attention. [ more ]
LowonIQ Doddery he's not [ more ]
Xochi Reference: If anyone then it's still the Liberal Elite but News International is in competition with it. Luckily, the Liberal Elite are more articulate and have better arguments. *she posts, inarticulate like* [ more ]
See all 231 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am furious for Danyl
Cinds The thing is she never said a word when the scottish lad changed all the he's to she's when he sang Back to Black. [ more ]
charmer my jaw dropped when she said that OH giggled then i laughed the bloke danyl looked like he wished louis walsh's bottom would open up so he could crawl in and die [ more ]
Croctacus Just read that....but since when has that been a Whitney Houston song? never, that's when...come on BBC get your facts right! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Look at this!
Croctacus I can remember watching the Nicholas Brothers on TV when I was a kid.... [ more ]
Puss Thanks for the vid Real, I can't hear it either, but looking at it took me straight back 30 years ago to Bourbon Street, New Orleans. All the fantastic blues clubs *sighs* [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Just an obtuse comment Discrimination why do it anybody, we are all people, living our lives, doing our best for all of our tribes But I want to discriminate against chavs. Especially the ones who live in a flat very close to me and make our lives a misery at times. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wow - Stacey Slater and her portrayal of Bi Polar!
littleleicesterfox Reference: LLF, I remember years and years of my Dad having repeated ECT and being hospitalised before they finally put him on lithium at my ex's intervention- it was truly awful for him ECT is horrendous Hospitalisation wasn't too bad for my mum - it seemed to really help her but some of the people there were no doing so well I remember there being a primary school teacher in the bed next to my mum and she was in a real state and on the cabinet next to the bed there was a card from the... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: She was hospitalised (in those days they still had hospitals for this kind of thing LLF, I remember years and years of my Dad having repeated ECT and being hospitalised before they finally put him on lithium at my ex's intervention- it was truly awful for him [ more ]
GMA Reference: Croc online 5581 Forum Posts Yesterday at 20:51 (Edited: ) Reference: P.S Syd is such a nasty cow For a nurse she's not very understandng is she? I though both Stacey and her mum were brilliant. Unlike wooden Samantha Janus or whatever she's called nowadays Totally agree with Syd, she's heartless, and Ronnie is becoming worse, and what's Chelsea's characrer all about, she useless - as for Stacey and Jean, they're are doing an amazing portrayal imo. Phil also acts a good drunk too. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cars should be banned except
LowonIQ good night everyone [ more ]
LowonIQ Profile, do you find it hard to look where you're going? [ more ]
profile I'm not sure I'd be bothered. I stepped in a massive cow pat in bare feet recently. Absolute monster it was. Didn't really care - just walked it off on the beach, in the sea and then the sand dunes. Plunged into a dog turd two days later - with my shoes on, thank Christ - and it was all I could do to avoid throwing up. I felt really nauseas. Thumbs up for herbivore cack. [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Reference: Since the NT took over you have to divert round the bottom of the hill and last time we found ourselves sharing a field with some over protective and angry cows Agree Crossy, I seem to always get 'lost' [ more ]
Former Member My sis just made me laugh: at mass today with my none RC friend, when they did the 'peace be with you' thing she kissed my friend, so my friend thought that's what you had to do and kissed several complete strangers! [ more ]
Garage Joe The only issue I have with MGP is that when I was a child you could walk through the ruins and straight over the top of the hill and to the chapel as a public right of way. Since the NT took over you have to divert round the bottom of the hill and last time we found ourselves sharing a field with some over protective and angry cows. Your new cross sounds wonderful. [ more ]
See all 242 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should the RSPCA appeal?
Former Member Reference:Joe We know you are now of sound mind Veggie but imagine if anything happened to you, and your kids, even the one who carried out the Kantine Putsch, discovered that you had left the lot to the Countryside alliance. Ah but by doing that the will would be invalid anyway by not complying with the 'I, being of sound mind' opening statement Anyway I've already told the vegkins that, should I ever forsake my vows of poverty and accumulate vast wealth, I will waste it in a most... [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Reference: Something similar could be said for spending money on, say, bottles of wine or LCD TVs. Why should I spend money to watch a Sony LCD TV and drink white wine instead of nice clean tap water when there are still children in the world without access to clean water? True enough But I do give to charity and those don't include any animal charities. [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: Like I said Joe I don't know much about the case just have a core feeling that a persons wishes should be respected after their death. When I make a will I think I should have a reasonable expectation that the way I want to dispose of my estate should be honoured - regardless of anyone crawling out of the woodwork to demand a share of something I worked hard for (talking in general here not specifically about this case of which I know nowt) Indeed Veggie! However in this case the... [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Colleen Rooney won't sell baby photos
Angel Reference: with a dad who looks like that I wouldn't sell em either I'd sell them & donate the money to charity if I was her They could make an absolute fortune for some very worthy charity. [ more ]
Moonie Reference: Darth oh i dunno, i know plenty of uglies who have had BEAUTIFUL kids me for example Thats, not so, i'm sure You ugly, I mean [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Gosh you guys are bad . [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Cheryl Cole just say...
jacksonb i agree with you lazy. [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: Ask Simon & Louis. Ah yes the Cowell-Walsh qualification - of course! Reference: Ask Simon & Louis [ more ]
Cerberus Reference:Lazybug the general vein of the replies on here seem to point at the fact she can't sing either so how can she comment on the twins singing - I was just wondering what qualifications one needed to be able to know who can sing and who can't. Ask Simon & Louis. [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Witness gives rape victim award
Lazybug What a lovely and thoughtful thing to do - £10,000 to a 22 year old would be so much money to do what he liked but graciously he's given this victim a bit of hope in humanity. Well done him [ more ]
Blizz'ard Good for him. I once got a box of chocolates for sending someone's purse back to them. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Mr Gardner added: "I know that it was the right thing to do. I would have probably spent it on an expensive car or something which doesn't seem right so I am happy with my decision." What a great young man. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Slow Forum!!!!!! Where is everyone?
LowonIQ Soozy, i hope the beginners class goes better for you both. A real shame tho' going to the first one and they knew the moves. I would have felt so embarrassed. [ more ]
Soozy Woo The teacher is doing a special begginners class next week to bring us newbies up to spec ...............................we're going to that but I very much doubt that we will join the existing group afterwards. We'll probably look around for a new class. The thing is there were three other couples who claimed to be beginners .............................................NO WAY! They had some sort of experience compared to us. We live in a village - we were among friends - we will go next week... [ more ]
LowonIQ Soozy the question has to be, are you going back? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There are currently 48 member(s) and 12 guest(s) in this forum.
LowonIQ ps or where do you wipe? [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: . €5.99 per box ... bet they're just pampers wipes repackaged or summat ... didn't know you could buy them, [ more ]
Shar Reference: aaa aaaa aaaa tishooo *Reaches for swine flu wipes* On the subject of which ... WHAT A BLEEDING RIP OFF .... €5.99 per box ... bet they're just pampers wipes repackaged or summat ... [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cosmetic surgery..
Dame_Ann_Average I considered breast reduction, but when I found out they replaced your nipples I decided to just stick with big ... I'm a coward [ more ]
Sarum Reference: Veggieburger Hey Sarum, is hair removal not included as part of gender reassignment on the NHS? Did it work well for you? No, it's not; although I've heard that some people in Scotland have managed to get it funded, the rest of us have to pay. And Yes, it worked very well, although there were a couple of times when I looked (and felt) very sunburned for a couple of days afterward. Of course, Laser doesn't work on white, or very fair hair; that has to be dealt with by electrolysis. [ more ]
fabienne Cariad, you're beautiful [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dot Dot Dot
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Shame there wasn't a badge for that lol yeah!!! They stripped me of my rank first though! Took me stripes they did... took me out of the Pixies and made me a minion in the Elves! And Brown bliddy Owl wondered I didn't seem to be embracing the brownie guide! lol! to which I responded "wit effing woo! [ more ]
Ducky Reference: *flicks hair over shoulder and puts nose in air* Shame there wasn't a badge for that [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Aw Sarum... you weren't missing anything... they booted me out of the Brownies! Their loss I say *flicks hair over shoulder and puts nose in air* [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Spaghetti Bolognaise
fracas Reference: meat balls Oh, I love to make spiced lamb meat balls (LOTS of cumin, cayenne+paprika to own taste, finely chopped onion, bind with 1 egg and lil bit of breadcrumbs) with a sauce made from just tinned tomatoes, bit o' puree and a tablespoon of honey. Lob in a few boiled eggs. Moroccan kinda thing. Serve with a dollop of yogurt and some rice. Nom nom nom nom NOMMY. [ more ]
Lacey Reference: I've been thinking about the same type of thing, but doing nail art and manicures as a "from home" business. Lots of young mums in my area who find it hard to take their kids to the many manicure shops. You should go for it Pinkbabe, I want to work from home too eventually when qualified. ooooh I had delicious Spaghetti and meat balls last night with a gorgeous cherry tomato and cream sauce made by my own fair hands! ! [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Tip 2. I found a blinding replacement for tomato puree; Napolina's pizza base sauce. Richer and more flavoursome. [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Zaphod Reference: That gives your age away. Like that was a secret .. hang on... how do you know it too? Z. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: "You are in a maze of twisty passages all alike.. there is an axe on the floor" That gives your age away. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I can think of lots... but no clean ones! Mine is usually: "Take the second exit". [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Stacey seems to have gone downhill pretty quickly Stacey from when she turned up 5 years ago was mouthy, moody, wild and fun but when Jean turned up and it was announced that she had Bipolar and that Stacey had been caring for her seems like the signs were there, it seems to have stemmed from when Bradley forced Stacey to abort their baby, Sean leaving, Danielle dying and that affair with Max. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I think she has been showing SOME signs of it in the run-up, but it can quite quickly manifest I believe [ more ]
Cagney Having no knowledge of the condition apart from what I see on TV......has it been portrayed in an accurate timescale? Stacey seems to have gone downhill pretty quickly [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree supporters gather here
Twee Surgeon There is a poem in the pipeline but my muse has deserted me momentarily. Hang on in there Scatts .. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hiya scatts and welcome back. Tis a bit late to start a poem tonight (it's quarter to 12) and my poetic brain has blown a fuse. But never fear, tomorrow is another day and I will put on my Lord Byron frilly shirt with the big lapels, and go to work on my masterpiece tomorrow. Caitlin has given me inspiration. Also, Strike may start another recruitment drive with Caitlin as his next member of the Club. I better get cracking on my poem in case he pulls the mat again .. I have left a message... [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Scatters has had a little girl And Twee is doing a great big twirl All the Sree supporters want to say A great big hip hip hip horray! We wish Scatts and Mr Scatts the very best With the nappies, the feeding, and all the rest This tiny bundle of joy and beauty has come To make your lives so much fun Dedicated to Caitlin Amelia. [ more ]
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