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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Being nosy.....
Abo come people, it dosen't take long [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: 1.. Time now? 16.43 2.. Best nickname given to you? Smiffy 3.. Worst nickname given to you? Titch 4.. Who do you live with? Hubby 5.. What book are you reading now? Wulf Hall 6.. What's on your mouse pad? View of Moraira 7.. Favourite board game? Trivial Pursuit 8.. Favourite magazine? None 9.. Favourite smells? Baking Bread 10.. Least favourite smell? Poo 11.. Favourite sounds? Sea 12.. Least favourite sounds? Rap music 13.. Best feeling in the world? knowing you're loved 14.. [ more ]
Abo Reference: 1.. Time now? 14:54 2.. Best nickname given to you? none 3.. Worst nickname given to you? Blue 4.. Who do you live with? OH, 3kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat 5.. What book are you reading now? none 6.. What's on your mouse pad? don't have one 7.. Favourite board game? trivial pursuit 8.. Favourite magazine? puzzler 9.. Favourite smells? clean washing 10.. Least favourite smell? BO 11.. Favourite sounds? rain on tin/corregated iron roof 12.. Least favourite sounds? screaming kids 13.. Best... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have we heard any news regarding BB10 Winner Sophie recently?
Hicky Reference: Mount Olympus 1139 Forum PostsToday at 11:53 (Edited: ) I think I have figured out why she looks so strange.. Just the one boob is bigger than her head.. the two together almost look photoshopped on her. .she's completely out of proportion.. teeny arms and head with meaty legs.. very peculiar I'm afraid you've got me there, not sure if we are looking at the same pics, but it all looks in great proportion to me, head sizes never really change, her arms and legs look fine, and he... [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I think I have figured out why she looks so strange.. Just the one boob is bigger than her head.. the two together almost look photoshopped on her. .she's completely out of proportion.. teeny arms and head with meaty legs.. very peculiar [ more ]
Hicky Well, I hope the next bus stops . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moomin The Police never came round yesterday - so no statement taken, nothing. I was hoping to get to hear what happened? Plus we need some idea of who is paying for the wall to be fixed. [ more ]
Puss blimey moomim, how scarey!!! the guy must have been hurt, stooopid idiot running away [ more ]
Moonbeams Same thing happened in our old house. Except they left there mobile phone in the car (muppets). Funny thing is the cops were going to leave the crashed car, which was blocking our driveway, were it was. Until I told them otherwise, so they moved it by pushing it onto the road (muppets). [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Robbie Williams Very Upset
Smarting Buttocks Reference: Poker Face offline 1577 Forum Posts Yesterday at 9:37 PM (Edited: ) That picture shows how wide eyed he was last sunday And possibly legless by the style of dancing he was doing prior to this unfortunate incident. [ more ]
Angel That picture shows how wide eyed he was last sunday [ more ]
RZB Reference: I like his new single, back to form I think. I like him, but can't get into the new single, not suprised it will only chart at number 2 come Sunday, I'm looking forward to the album, but if bodies is the best track [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Horny goat weed ....
littleleicesterfox Reference: 'Legend has it that its qualities were first noticed by a Chinese shepherd' And if he was a shepherd, what was he doing looking after goats? [ more ]
jacksonb ''Legend has it that its qualities were first noticed by a Chinese shepherd '' one of the first chinese shepherds to settle in wales then.. [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: Given the choice of coming home to an empty house or the bird with no neck I'll choose the empty house me too. unless some generous soul has donated a christmas turkey to my freezer. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who do babies look like?
littleleicesterfox Reference: All babies look like Winston churcill ... or Phill Mitchell. ...or William Hague [ more ]
sandra my son is his dads mirror image ma lass looks like me in my case i dont need a jezza dna lol [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference arthhoob my eldest looked like yoda when he was born..but had hobbit ears (all bent inwards as he was late, unfolded and big now lol) he looks alot like his dad in some places, curly hair,eyes for example. and has done since he 'unpruned' at a couple of months old...though now he is the spit of my brother (leccy knows lol)..i think that's cos he inheritated my family ears my youngest looked just like his dad when born...still does, but i started to see myself in him as he gets... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OTT or what?
Puss you wouldn't let a 6 year old kiddie walk around with a knife/pen knife or whatever, plus he takes a packed lunch [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference: Moomin Today at 20:34: I still maybe think the punishment was a bit harsh though. It probably was, but as I keep saying, that's "zero tolerance" for you. The parents wanted "zero tolerance", so that's what they got. If something positive comes out of this, it will hopefully be that all those parents who demand that their schools and politicians act tough over "knife crime" will stop for a moment to think about how such demands are met in practise, instead of just blindly... [ more ]
Moomin I still maybe think the punishment was a bit harsh though. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Derek Acorah to interview Michael Jackson
Darthhoob i have ti watch it and see him make a tit of himself loving the T-shirt...i may buy one and wear it when it's on [ more ]
Former Member Re: Derek Acorah to interview Michael Jackson [ more ]
Trollop Reference: Well said. These people are really, really sad. They take advantage of people who are at their lowest!!! Are you mad? They are finely tuned vessels that channel the voices and thoughts of the dead. I have had many a good conversation with Freddie Mercury through our local medium. How can you put a price on four hours conversation with a dead celebrety, god knows I would never have got four hours out of Freddie when he was alive! I feel like were almost neighbours now! Priceless! [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is here right now?
Soozy Woo I'm here gingerbread doesn't show up because I've turned him off. TBH ......................I'm logged in all day and only pop in intermittently ...............I'd feel rude if someone tried to make contact and thought I was deliberately ignoring them. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I don't do it, cos I'm rude anyway. [ more ]
Baz I do it cos I don't always remember to log out.... and may be somewhere else on the web...... or in bed [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a dilemma!
Angel I'd go to whoever you think will employ you for the longterm .... We are not out of the recession yet .... so go where you will be given work for the longest .... that's what I'd do anyway. Good luck with whatever you decide to do And, it's "dimella" as Jackiey would say [ more ]
Former Member for what it's worth (and that ain't much) I think you made the right decision Pooly [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Poolie, glad you've made your decison... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why the long face?
fabienne Poor Leona! There are some horrible people out there. [ more ]
Cariad1 Tsk Daniel - that's how the mad sheep rumours started. I'm not a big autobiography reader (in last 10 years managed Frank Skinner, Russell Brand and Hillary Clinton - which is a threesome I'm sure Bill would relish ) but even young Russell had packed some living in before writing his. [ more ]
Former Member Perhaps it'll shed some light on her ovine ancestry? There's got to be a hill farmer somewhere in her family history! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
AARRGH, my god!
Dirtyprettygirlthing lol.... yeah, I've done it in my youth too! Was surprised to see it at work. Funniest thing I have ever seen at an after club party back at someones house.... we were in the kitchen.. the house was rammed... it was one of those victorian terraces where the bathroom is off the kitchen.... Some bloke off his face came staggering out of the bathroom and looked at us, held up a bottle of tea tree essential oil and said "aahhhh just found a bottle of amyl in there... result".... and then covering... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: ditty hahahaha! A few weeks after I started working in the lab, the bloke who would become my bessie work buddy took me for "proper" tour of the labs. Basically sniffing all the good stuff... ether, chloroform... and amyl nitrate (the best bet antidote for cyanide poisoning).... I went home with a serious headache! Nice... Ether smells luscious, like Victory V sweets. [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: and amyl nitrate Oh I've done that! But that was in Ibiza [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Holby City, Lesley Ash....
Croctacus Who'd have employed her with that mouth though?...she'd already made herself into a joke before the 'accident' [ more ]
kattymieoww She allegedly "Fell out of bed" and broke her ribs...ahem! Aye Right! [ more ]
charmer Reference: i remember that aswell, a shady area that one. They're still together though i assume you mean her legs..? well after the last bedroom 'accident' she'd be much safer [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
National Postal Strike set to go ahead
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! You're lucky, mine delivers post to us that should go to the other end of the road, it's like Swap Shop after he's delivered the post in our road as people deliver it to the correct addresses and it's not as if the houses are new and newly numbered, don't know what it is with him. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: And not even the right doors half the time, if my postie is anything to go by. I have a great postie. When he's on holiday, it's dire as I get all sorts from other addresses and mine go missing. Actually, I say great but he's a bit dubious as far as the rules are concerned as he signs my signed-for deliveries himself and shoves them through my door. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Reference: You collect your bag of swag and walk, absurdly and unfeasably fast now, to people's doors, avoiding rabid dogs, and push the letters through letter boxes. And not even the right doors half the time, if my postie is anything to go by. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i want to stay up 'til 12..
LowonIQ goodnight, sleep tight, hope the dogs don't bite [ more ]
charmer goodnight im off to bed with me dogs sometimes i read them a story well, theyre orphans..! [ more ]
charmer Reference: Familiar?? lol my OH freaks cos i let them do what they want i know its wrong, but they were cooped up for years and had no fuss or love so cos i rescued 'em ( i had them for my birthdays) i think they should do what they want im really soft with both of 'em they follow me everywhere lol [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you believe in destiny?
LowonIQ Destiny, that's way ahead of me [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: fabienne There's nothing you can know that isn't known, nothing you can see that isn't shown, nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be - it's easy! (as someone once said). Donald Rumsfeld? [ more ]
fabienne There's nothing you can know that isn't known, nothing you can see that isn't shown, nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be - it's easy! (as someone once said). [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG! I have 3000 odd emails from Livecloud!!!
Karma_ Blimey that's you told Queenie! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing What should be done is actually to click the FROM heading in your in-box. This would list all your e-mails in alphabetical order, thus all the LiveCloud e-mails would be together. You then highlight them as a block and delete the whole lot in one go. [ more ]
Rexi I had the same think about two weeks after we got here Q - I thought I was REALLY popular Then I realised [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've lost Five!!
Jenny I haven't gotten around to re-tuning my set upstairs yet, so don't know if I've lost any. In other news, I have lost a total of 30lbs in the last 5 or 6 months! Still a way to go though. [ more ]
Moomin Reference: Just the usual ones about switching off at the wall and leaving for 30 seconds, then rebooting. I hate trying to phone Sky as well, their customer services have got really rubbish lately. Pink Babe - thank you!! I tried this this evening and I have Five back, - and Local BBC 1!! Weird, as it was exactly what I had done yesterday that must have lost me Five!! Seems to be the answer to all SKy problems - switch off, wait and then switch on again. It's always what SKy help tells you... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I have a sky + box which doesn't record Sawt it aaaaat bird! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steven Gately has died
Garage Joe Reference: Same way as Hendrix went. Singin': "Jimi come back!" Now come back and regulate the boy's fuzz-tone Your haze was so purple It caused your axis to be bold as love Now Jimi (feed back) gimme some feedback Come back and feed back on my knapsack You can feed back the fuzz tone from your wah-wah While you bend down And set your stuff on fire. etc etc. [ more ]
Croctacus talk about tempting fate. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I don't see the need to show the body bag being wheeled out but I do agree the press have been good this time Just after I typed that I watched more coverage and saw the body bag and also the press trying to get photos of his husband both of which I thought were totally unnecessary. Hope they leave them be now. [ more ]
See all 83 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Career Suicide
jessejay 't know how to do the quotes yet but I have gone right off Cheryl of late and don't think she has a strong voice at all, am waiting to see if she sings or mimes it [ more ]
Demantoid I suppose part of the change is also that she's lost a huge amount of weight since the start (particularly for someone who was only little to begin with) . [ more ]
GMA Reference: Demantoid online 5478 Forum Posts Today at 14:40 (Edited: ) Reference: Gawd! She looks ten years older in that pic That's from the time of the No Good Advice vid. Different hair, different teeth, different face! God knows how much work or 'cosmetic enhancement' she's had do Good god yes, she certainly has had veneers, hair extensions/cosmetics help in every dept - we could all look good after that amount of work! (Some of you might already do look like that, naturally - btw, I... [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strange on a beach - some sexual content
LowonIQ Reference: can't believe you went for a picnic in the Dunes in Gran Canaria They're famous for the 'shenanigans We went every day just about for a fortnight always taking our picnic supplys for a whole day of sunbathing. Didn't know about any shenanigans until that day. We have regularly been on naturist beaches and haven't encountered other people's antics ever again. The word must get round as we approach, 'stop what you're doing folks, she doesn't look away' [ more ]
Former Member I can't believe you went for a picnic in the Dunes in Gran Canaria They're famous for the 'shenanigans' [ more ]
sbevis a load of old biddies with orange bodies and copious amounts of grey pubes That would have gone well in the Orange Arse Group [ more ]
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