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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Giant spiders
Bojangles In the middle ages the healthiest homes had the most spiders,as they killed the flies that spread disease.Open sewers in those days don't you know. [ more ]
Cinds hahahahahaha Suzi I love that picture. We have been finding giant spiders all over the house recently, I have a picture somewhere of one we trapped under an upturned pint glass, I'll post it when I find it. Regular spiders don't bother me, but these giant beasts HOLY COW [ more ]
Heartache Reference: I don;t think I want to look at your link, Katty - I suspect it has pictures of nasties Your right there, a picture of one big nasty. Eeeeeeeeeeeeek. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MPs: We have apologised, so please love us again.
Smarting Buttocks Still don't know how so many of them can justify the expenses. The rules state they can claim for things which enable them to perform their duties as an MP. How can John Prescott claiming for his "Tudor style" beams on the exterior on his house enable him to perform his duties as an MP. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Doen't she have a ring of barbed wire to scratch her bottom? [ more ]
Garage Joe Doen't she have a ring of barbed wire to scratch her bottom? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TV Chef on Drink Driving Charge
queenshaks Reference: Nooooooooooo! Queenie! Say it isn't true! Guilty as charged Suzi... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: John Burton Race is a bit of a twat but I do like him! Nooooooooooo! Queenie! Say it isn't true! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Daniel J* When he and Ed Bains told that 14yo Ross to use lemon zest instead of lemon juice, he refused saying that he thought they were wrong and it wasn't the taste he was looking for. Quite funny as Ed Bains didn't know what to do. I think some of the camera people were laughing as Ed Bains looked at them looking bemused. I lovedit when he refused! He may have or had 2 Michelin stars, but I really don't like him and for that reason alone I would never eat anything he cooked. I... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chris Moyles
Mentalist I have to listen to Chris Moyles is the morning coz my clock radio is broken, makes me get up fast though just to get away from him! [ more ]
Garage Joe We were just saying this morning that like Steve Wright, Jonathan Ross has to employ somebody to laugh at his jokes or anything really. I'm surprised that Jarvis put up with it, but on hearing his song I realised that he was desperate. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I love Radio2 and Steve Wright Barry from Watford I thought he was just a 'character' on Steve Wright. But he's not! [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any tips for cleaning a pc keyboard??
duchess Does anyone know if its safe to take a couple of keys off at a time? I used to work in a computer centre and we used to do that at least once a month but that was in the late 70's early 80's these new keyboards might not be suitable for that.. The last keyboard we had i did take the space bar off but it was never the same, but i could've just put it on wrong..what do you think?? [ more ]
duchess Wow! loads of very helpful advice here, thanks guys!! I thought I did a good job last night, but in the daylight its not so good! The comp is by a window and its showing all the bits i missed!! I really should do it more often! [ more ]
Gel Believe it or not I've washed many a keyboard in a bowl of warm soapy water, as long as you leave them to thoroughly dry, it doesn't do them any damage. I only ever change my keyboard when the letters start disappearing or in fact if I happen to spill wine on them, which has happened once or twice [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My friend's cat's been catnapped!
Bojangles This seems to happen every so often.A friend of mine told me same thing was happening where she was living that was 10 years ago.Same thing was reported about 3 years ago in another nearby town.They are never found,neither are their bodies.With so many cats disappearing surely somebody would notice something.Another time it was dogs. [ more ]
Green&Pink PMSL!! [ more ]
Xochi Reference: Well done Pinky, you understood the thread Xochi There's still time to make it an animal abuse thread Q [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strange coincidence - or wot?
Bojangles Reference: RealLiveCloud VIP , * Love You All * offline 4928 Forum Posts Today at 18:24 (Edited: ) A Spanish city has taken my name and used it in front of theirs for their Footy team. Must just be starting out. Real means Royal in Spanish. [ more ]
stonks My husband bought a caravan and when he brought it home it had the same reg as our car.. was in fantastic condition for a 91.... [ more ]
Real A Spanish city has taken my name and used it in front of theirs for their Footy team. Must just be starting out. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cold calling. Height of cheek! :fume:
Blizz'ard Reference: Cinds Eugene knocking on a door is even worse, especially if they come armed with cheap booze and such like. Yeah! I never let them stay long. [ more ]
Cinds Eugene knocking on a door is even worse, especially if they come armed with cheap booze and such like. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Cinds Today at 22:51: Are you sure? Isn't cold calling the same as knocking on the door of someone when you haven't been invited. Now that's very rude! IMO, it's worse than that. Unless they're working from something like the Electoral Register, knocking on someone's door is essentially random. E.g. I had some window-cleaners round earlier in the week who were going round the doors to drum-up business. Phoning someone up means that they've already done some research to get your... [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Reality/Talent Shows you actually watch/watched?
sandra i have watched them all bar the restaurant my tv is planned to military precision , and somehow it does'nt fit in [ more ]
fabienne Reference: Rawky I really liked Fame Academy as it was actually about talent rather than looks and showing off 'ala' X factor I really loved Fame Academy, and I can't understand why it's been discontinued. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: Why do the BGT liveshows make you angry Rawky? its the whole putting through acts, that are clearly shit, just for the sole reason of buzzing them off and making them feel like shit. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Money off vouchers. :fume:
Moomin This is sort of connected with the thread though this is not money off vouchers, but vouchers bought with Tesco clubcard. We ordered some vouchers for a restaurant chain called Prezzo, and we decided to use them tonight - they come in £10 lots. The meal came to £58.45, so rather than use £50 worth and pay £8.45 we decided to use £60 worth of vouchers and let them keep the "change". (Bearing in mind each £10 Prezzo voucher costs £2.50 in Tesco vouchers it is cheaper for us to do it that way)... [ more ]
figtree I can understand why you were annoyed OP so I will be too on your behalf!have a [ more ]
Former Member I'm getting a bit fed up with the Pay Double Get One Free offers at Tescos. They must think we're stoopid. I've started memorising the prices of the common things they do this on ... like Pantene shampoo ... so that I can have the pleasure of being pissed off. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Water- the most difficult concept in the world?
Trixy Damn us having more standards nowdays Our main issue was that we didnt want to turn on a light and blow the electric for the whole house. It just sucks that we are in a house which was brought over the summer and the new landlord is planning a complete renovation so anything needing to be done he doesnt want to do before next summer. Twat. [ more ]
Former Member Stoodents today. When I was in digs, we had slugs in the kitchen every morning, we got ice on the inside of the bog window, and the poor girl who had the room at the back with 3 outside walls had all her books go mouldy and used to wake up with damp hair. And no broadband! [ more ]
Former Member That's good to hear Trixy [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Water intoxication
fabienne I'm sure you'll be fine with just one cupful, darlo. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Oh right , don't drink lots and lots but I do make sure I at least drink some water each day even if it's just one cup full . [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Darlo Will have to be careful then, I love water and drink lots of it its good to drink plenty of water Darlo.... these intoxication cases are when someone drinks LOADS and LOADS of water... in a very very short space of time. In the case in the OP... she did it for a contest... in the ecstasy cases, people panic and force themselves to drink as much water as they possibly can. I don't think there is a need for you to regulate how much water you drink thoughout the day... that is... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: We can't think like that onwards and upwards mr Low, he's only there for the beer Got my positive head on [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: Apessimist the FM's can commiserate with us next year when we go down again (joking) Thanks everyone for the congrats, and well done Mr Low too for winning and putting up with us. We can't think like that onwards and upwards mr Low, he's only there for the beer [ more ]
Angel Reference: LOWONIQ AND DAME ANNE AVERAGE well done & congrats [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Checking texts & mobile phones (other peoples.)
Moomin I should think OH has only sent about 4 - yes 4 texts in his whole life!! His phone is NEVER on either. [ more ]
Angel Reference: Must be about trust - or lack of it Aye .... nail on head [ more ]
Moonbeams Why would anyone do that? He'll use my phone and I'll use his but neither of us would check each others sms. I might go into his calls logs and he mine to see when we orderd stuff ie pizza or taxi etc.. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That L'oreal ad with that Cheryl Cole....
Mazzystar Reference: That hoodie she wears is vile. And those leopard print bottoms? WTF? And the look of the mysterious she tries to create with the dark glasses and the red hooded thing just doesn't work. She just looks like a right tit who's trying too hard. It looks like a cheap crap studio video that's been tarted up by some wanna be graphics designer. Poor caaah. But she's SO worth it! [ more ]
Karma_ That hoodie she wears is vile. And those leopard print bottoms? WTF? And the look of the mysterious she tries to create with the dark glasses and the red hooded thing just doesn't work. She just looks like a right tit who's trying too hard. It looks like a cheap crap studio video that's been tarted up by some wanna be graphics designer. Poor caaah. [ more ]
Cinds Weak, limp, lifeless' Yes Cheryl, but what about your hair. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ha ha ha, jeremy Kyle now....
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I keep forgetting it is on, changing over to ITV2 now.. [ more ]
brisket Another thing Jeremy Kyle has added to his phrasebook is "Can I say something?" (He says it a lot.) Well of course you can "it's the Jeremy Kyle show" as you are so fond of reminding us. But when he says "Can I say something?" I would dearly love a guest to reply "I'd rather you didn't" or even simply "No." [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Have you ever seen the film Deliverance,...the banjo people... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Convicted thug to appeal..
Former Member His agent has just been on Sky news bleating about how as a member of the FA union, he should have been better supported. He also wants to know what are they going to do if his appeal isn't successful and how are they going to help him when he is eventually released. He didn't actually say it but he hinted (the agent) that he believed that it is a case of mistaken identity and that whatever happens, as a good goal scorer, clubs will be falling over themselves to hire him when he does get... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Letters to British Viz Magazine, just for fun...
Bojangles Made my day. [ more ]
Scotty Brilliant DD I love the Viz. One I remember from years went something like this... I`m a school teacher and one day the children said to me "Miss, you have a big ladder in your tights" They`re always joking with me so I ignored them and told them to get on with their work. Throughout the day they kept repeating it but I didn`t fall for it. Imagine my surprise when I got home and found a six foot aluminium ladder and Mr Smith the janitor all tangled up in the autumn my tights. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I know Queenie, i'm going to start buying it again [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Queue Jumping...
The Devil In Diamante Reference : It's most definitely not petty dev .... it's downright rude imo I would have been livid ... I'm glad you took your custom elsewhere good for you Lol, a Lady from Customer Services has just been on the phone to me, she apologised and said she is sending me a £5 gift voucher in the least they listen, though I am still boycotting the place.....I can get what I want from other shops so I really have no need to go in there... [ more ]
Angel I do think queuing is a british thing though .... a couple of years ago we were waiting for a bus to a market in Greece. We were first at the bus stop .... by the time the bus came there were about 20 people waiting to get on ... but when the bus pulled up, people just proceeded to head straight for the bus door with no regard whatsoever for who was first in the queue. [ more ]
Angel Reference: I know it's abit petty It's most definitely not petty dev .... it's downright rude imo I would have been livid ... I'm glad you took your custom elsewhere good for you [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joke of the day
Moonie Hahahahaha Pooly [ more ]
Poolshark A man goes to bed & reaches over to his wife. He starts sliding his hand slowly across her shoulders, then down her side just glancing her breasts, then carries on down her sides and legs. He parts her legs apart & slwly runs his hand up and down the inner side of her thighs. He moves back towards the top and stops. His wife gasps "Why have you stopped?", he replies, "I've found the remote, now go back to sleep!". [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Renton What virus only affects women? BIRD FLU - ha ha ha !! That rates in my top ten of the worst jokes..ever! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Really love it here...
Scotty Reference: Prettycocoeyes @Scotty Teehee I remember we disagreed alot during BB Anyhoo, its ok here maybe I would just have to spend more time in here. Disgreed? We were at loggerheads! If it wasn`t about BB it was about singers..we never agreed All part of the fun though coco..yes, spend more time here and we can battle on.. as usual [ more ]
Fairfax You all have so many post counts.Think I must have the lowest ever. [ more ]
kimota I am a rare visitor these days but will probably increase my posts once CBB starts! [ more ]
See all 108 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pants Off Dance Off
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I still watch them even though I have seen them before a lot to get my Captain Slow fix!!!! [ more ]
Real And racing those double decker cars there. That German lady presenter on there-- i remember her shitting Hammond up going around the Nurbergring in a Transit van--- overtaking Porches and Motor bikers-- [ more ]
fracas Reference: I am surprisingly wet (being a glam-ma and all that) at the thought of your pot goth boots. Velcro straps. You want me. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Got my new switch card before the Post strike!
Sheep in a Jeep I had normal post including new bank card, (only reported it lost monday afternoon) before 8am today and special delivery with Parcel Force before 9am, I was shocked as I thought they were on strike. [ more ]
Karma_ I wish the bloody clothing collection people would go on strike. And there's so MANY of them now, this charity, that country, this cause, that appeal..etc, half the world's on the bloody want for one thing or another. Go away As you were [ more ]
Former Member Are the post people on strike now? My postman delivered stuff this morning. Should I shout "SCAB!!!1!" through my letterbox next time? [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I miss my sig!
Marguerita Reference: Also after checking the option be sure to hit the Update Settings button It has always been ticked and updated chris it will show if you start a thread, but it will not show in every post and that is what we are asking for [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Can you actually have sigs on here? Yes 1) Sigs only display on the original post (blog or topic) they do not display on replys or comments 2) Set up your sig in your profile here: 3) Enable display of signatures in your posts here: [ more ]
fabienne Can you actually have sigs on here? [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Waterloo Road
liverbird I love Waterloo Rd but am a bit gutted Eddie has gone I think Tom Chambers is gawj but his character isn't very likable!! Yet! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Duchess.. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: I think she was in Casualty, DID. She was the husband of the alcholic who was Abs's mate - does that sound right? I remember her in Casualty now, annoyingly pretty as well... [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There's Just Been A Car Crash Outside My House
The Devil In Diamante All he can do is tell the truth Queenie...the police aren't daft I couldn't tell a lie over something like that. My friend was once in he BFs car and they had a minor bump...she claimed whiplash (not true) and got over £2k. She thought it was funny, i didn't as my I'm one of the mugs whose insurance premiums go up because of liars....she doesn't even drive therefore doesn't have to fork out for insurance. I was so angry at the time I could barely speak to her, I told her what I thought... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I hate liars to DD and I also hope she gets a huge bill Moomin. Hubby didn't actually see the crash but he heard it and turned round immediately after it had happened. He says that he knows she was driving way too fast and the lad was definitely indicating. I know accidents happen but she should just have fessed up and admitted liability if it was her fault instead of trying to stitch the kid up. [ more ]
Moomin Women drivers, eh Queenie? Seriously though, that poor lad, he must have been chuffed to bits with his car, too. Thank God he and his passenger were ok though. Hope the woman gets a huge bill for all the trouble she's caused, [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halloween - Trick Or Treat...
MrMincePie Reference: lets see who knocked you out of the cup, oh yes wire did lol. And who won the cup Oh yes wire did. Wigan: 17 Challenge Cups, 1 Super League winners, 3 world club challenge winners. Wolves: 5 challenge cups, 0 super league winners, 0 world club challenge winners Case rested [ more ]
Anmarie lets see who knocked you out of the cup, oh yes wire did lol. And who won the cup Oh yes wire did. Only messing mate. Im missing the rugby loads roll on next season [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: i bought my treats for the kids the other day And even though i dont like sweets i cant stop eating them. Cant wait to do my pumpkin tomorrow night ready for the big day. Might put a sign on the door asking them not to knock during the x factor lol. Ugh, Lanky Warrington... Wigan till i die [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vanessa George names Children..
kimota I agree with Suzi Q that given the sickening young age of some of these children, if they had checked out ok with the doctor, then I would rather not know for fear that I might treat them differently in the future! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: I have no words to describe the perpetrators of such evil crimes.It's the only time I feel my blood boil..and if my kid was a victim of such a sick crime,I dont think I could suppress a very violent urge towards these people. Same here, I'm not a violent person, i hate violence, but things like this, well, i feel so much rage and anger towards these people, I do understand why people take matters into their own hands in cases like this.. [ more ]
Mazzystar Reference: I cannot express my hatred for this thing! Same...crimes against kids baffle me on so many levels. For many crimes I can see how it someone got drawn into the chance of making some easy money,how they became hooked on drugs,etc which drove them into a spiral of crime and depravity,but I just cant see how anyone could plan to hurt a kid. I'm loathe to describe any human as evil..for the most part I'd like to think we were good but sometimes make bad... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it me or..
Demantoid Reference: I just found it a bit of a strange choice of name. Is it war or research? It's supposedly going to replace the space shuttle (for launching satellites, etc), which is too expensive and a bit of an antique these days. All I can say is... aaaaarse [ more ]
cologne 1 I just found it a bit of a strange choice of name. Is it war or research? [ more ]
Demantoid Thanks, figgy, I appreciate it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fairfax Reference: They are normally available from sellers in the city centre. I got mine from a seller in Rathmines. Because of the many Irish people who went to England to join the troops, that is the reason why they are available in the ROI. Hi Annoca, thanks for the reply, I'm from Rathgar, which some would consider one of the bastions of former Anglo Irish dwellers and haven't seen them on sale in Rathmines or anywhere else. Must look out for them. [ more ]
ANNOCA They are normally available from sellers in the city centre. I got mine from a seller in Rathmines. Because of the many Irish people who went to England to join the troops, that is the reason why they are available in the ROI. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Reference: They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. These are the lines I find especially poignant. [ more ]
See all 102 replies...

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