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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Manga help please.
Dirtyprettygirlthing Oh and they watch all the anime/manga cartoons online... some on youtube.... Dball Z from [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing This is the Manga set that i bought my kids a year or two ago... they were into Dragonball Z etc.... and wanted to be able to do their own manga drawings... I paid about £20.... they are priced at £15.51 online from Letraset (though that is before P&P) Letraset Manga Set [ more ]
TiGi All this makes no sense to me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looks Fun ....
Former Member I'm amazed that it's in Europe, I thought it must be in South America somewhere. I can't believe that the Elf and Safety eurocrats haven't gone mad about it. What incredible views though, not that I'd go along it, not even for a million pounds [ more ]
Cinds Did anyone else's bum twitch? [ more ]
Cinds NO, NO and NO! Good god I sometimes get vertigo when wearing heels. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Housesharing Problem.. advice??
fabienne I agree about house/flat shares being bad news. Well, they were for me. Apart from the tv licence incident I mentioned earlier, my ex-flat mate insisted on splitting everything strictly 50/50. So if I fancied a bit of cheese for supper, I couldn't, because she wasn't having any. Eventually, we decided to buy our own food, which was better. However, when she went away for a week, she removed all her food from the fridge and threw it into the bin rather than leave it for me to eat whilst she... [ more ]
Sheep in a Jeep Whos gonna buy the lawnmower, whos gonna be the one that uses it, what happens when the other one sunbathes on the grass? Obviously thats if you have got a garden [ more ]
Fairfax Reference:Sazbomb Blimey I wouldn't pay £25 for summat I didn't want or wasn't going to use... dont think i'm bad news though SazBomb and Rexi, Well I guess that just proves how different we all would set my alarm bells ringing bit styleee. But different strokes for different folks as they say and I can only go on what my experiences were. No offence intented to either of you. [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
UGG Lovers! Office selling knitted ones for 90 quid!
TiGi Reference: No...nope...NO Not while there's a breath left in my body will I put UGGs on my feet I said that last year, I hated them. This year I've bought 3 pairs Dunno what's up wi me [ more ]
subatomic partygirl They remind me of The Big Slipper (from the old classified ads in Sunday papers - Billy Connolly fans will remember). [ more ]
Karma_ I heart these [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Worst decade for music?
subatomic partygirl Talking of guitar heroes.... (this makes me shiver too) [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Reference: I was trying to be witty but once again it backfired. I'll get me coat and do an embarrassed flouce for the second time two days running Don't sweat it, Crossy. Twas more a 'civil exchange of opinion'. [ more ]
Garage Joe Just been called out. I was going to say TBH I know very little about MM. I know more about his ex wife and I've seen the band that played at their wedding several times. Twas more a comment on the way the thread was going what with insults and such, it would have been whoever was there, MM, Leona Lewis, or Felix Papalardi. I was trying to be witty but once again it backfired. I'll get me coat and do an embarrassed flouce for the second time two days running. [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vandals pour paint over memorial twice in one day
Blizz'ard Reference: crossy Again! One's mind is drawn to the humorous magazine VIZ and the character Meddlesome Ratbag therein. A woman who dedicates her life to seeking out opportunities to be offended. I think she used to be one of my neighbours! [ more ]
Garage Joe Again! One's mind is drawn to the humorous magazine VIZ and the character Meddlesome Ratbag therein. A woman who dedicates her life to seeking out opportunities to be offended. [ more ]
kattymieoww Read the" Express" link Video...It was all a fuss over nothing...still,par for the course for the tabloids.An outrage story without sourcing the facts etc. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remembering The Fallen Both Past and Present
Garage Joe I rather fancy myself more as a Sgt.The Honorable Arthur Wilson type. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I suspect not. They only need people like me when it's Volkssturm time. I can picture you now [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: it would mostly have been the female forumers posting in this thread. the rest of you would have been busy in a trench somewhere I suspect not. They only need people like me when it's Volkssturm time. [ more ]
See all 74 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CORRIE; Norris's straitlaced assistant
Garage Joe Rather like HIGNFY, a different counter assistant every week? [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: The pairing of Norris and Horace was comedy genius We happened to catch that bit. One suspects that their conversation had Danjay rolling in the isle. Geigh innuendo beyond our own knowledge. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Reference: Oh and hasn't Anthony Valentine aged!....Simon's new grandad. Hasn't he just - I remember him in Raffles, my Mum had a crush on him I think Dear God....I thought I recognised his face from somewhere but I'd have never thought it him. Wasn't he in 'Danger UXB' too? The pairing of Norris and Horace was comedy genius (especially that he sacked Horace for acting like HE does). Surreal. Pity it was so short-lived. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What should I write in this card?
ANNOCA "In your golden chain of Friendship - Consider me a link". [ more ]
fabienne I usually put 'thinking of you on your birthday...' when someone has had a bereavement. [ more ]
Ms Golightly I just want to acknowledge that she doesn't really feel like celebrating, and that this is the first 'milestone' she has to face without him. But still saying 'I know it's your birthday'! Some nice ideas here, thanks again x [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Bigot of the Year"
cologne 1 Reference: But they do a fantastic line in commemorative plates! And those elasticated trousers for men of advancing years. I can't belive that either you or I ever want those. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: 'The Daily Mail' is a by-word for bigotry But they do a fantastic line in commemorative plates! And those elasticated trousers for men of advancing years. [ more ]
cologne 1 I wasn't hugely surprised at Jan Moir's article. 'The Daily Mail' is a by-word for bigotry and it takes a certain kind of person to work for that rag. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Urgh! Ye gods...
Demantoid I've managed to avoid that one, Sarum. Spongeface bliddy Hotpants, mutter, mutter... [ more ]
Sarum Reference emantoid Agent for Charlie Drummond Big Brother 09! Reality TV Star No, NO, NOOOOOOOO!! You think that's bad? Every time I log in here, I'm confronted by an advertisement for Nicki Graham's book, with her face on it. I can't help wondering who wrote it for her, though... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Bet she still comes out (even if its in private) Oh, I dunno. Shy and retiring Charlie always needs a flippin audience. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shameless spoiler...
darloboy (Play The Game!) I might aswell post the link now . Debbie Gallagher leaves Shameless I know about Mandy, there was no hint about that in the spoilers, all it said was that there would be a shocking conclusion to the end of the current series, it was sad . [ more ]
RZB I hope she don't go out the same way as Mandy, They kept that welll under wraps. I just sat staring at the screen for about 10 minutes after if finished. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Yeah the show must go on... They will soon get other characters we soon get used to and it will be the same outrageous and fun but serious storylines . [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Worst DIY Project?
Moonie Oh. I do remember many many years ago. I was knocking a wall down for me sis in her kitchen. One huge swing of a lump hammer and hit me finger One hell of a bruise but no other damage to wall or finger [ more ]
Moonie Reference: Puss Thank gawd for that nowt worse than a lil dribble! Nope [ more ]
Puss Thank gawd for that nowt worse than a lil dribble! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just got back from watching MJ's: This is it
LowonIQ I hope we will get to see this as I have been a MJ fan since way back. I was lucky enough to see a live concert in Leeds, Roundhay Park, his Dangerous tour, bloody brilliant it was. [ more ]
Ducky I went to see it tonight (just so I could post in this thread.... )......I didn't really want to, but my son is a huge fan and dragged me along. It was incredible. Loved every second and ......It made me cry! I didn't cry when he died so I didn't expect to be blubbering like an idiot I blame it on the fact I loved him when I was 12. It was like watching my youth flash before my eyes.....and a scary reminder of my mortality. There were also two ladies sat behind us (when there were 100's of... [ more ]
Twee Surgeon PF, I bet it was great seeing it on the big screen. I don't go to the pictures very much so I am going to wait for it to come out on DVD. I have seen some clips of him rehearsing and he still had the magic. This film will prove that I daresay. MJ was a true artist imo. He did attract negative publicity but that makes no difference to me because he has left us evidence of his genius, with this film adding to his legacy. The film itself has received favourable reviews, and it sounds as though... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remember .. Remember The 5th November ...
LowonIQ We had a lovely garden fireworks night, all of 45 mins for £40, would have been shorter but I went for a wee half way through, it was the cold got into my bladder. We all hugged as each firework went off. The dogs were snug in their beds in the living room with the light off and the radio on playing oldies on radio Cumbria. Urm hope they didn't broadcast a firework event whilst we outside. A safe night that we enjoyed as a family. [ more ]
Former Member Milo is asleep cuddling his smelly teddy and lo the fireworks have stopped at last [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: MrsH was nibbling on a piece of chocolate cake Well poor Chuffley isn't.... feel his pain (yes, that is the name of my parents' dog) [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm feeling a bit chuffed about Live Cloud...
LowonIQ Goodnight linky Pam sweet dreams [ more ]
Xochi OK... glad to have some thumbs up around here. But I'm off to beddy-byes now... been an exciting night! If you read this, thanks again Chris... it's made a world of difference... already used my linkability in Book Club! [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: Moving to LC was yet another big change for us but I don't think people like Chris and any others behind the scenes get enough credit for all the extra work they had to put in to sort out all the problems that were needed at that time and on occasions have still been needed, so for Chris and anyone else who deserve our thanks and appreciation I'll second that Yellow Rose, they have made improvements so we can get to the last poster on a topic and see who is the OP. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jan Moir - nasty pointless bint
LowonIQ Reference: A late addition to the "Bigot of the Year" award was Jan Moir. Lo and behold! Jan Moir won it. So according to Stonewall - Jan Moir is "bigot of the year" So some justice there [ more ]
brisket Boyzone were nominated "Entertainers of the year". (Pity, I wanted Russell Tovey to win it.) [ more ]
brisket Tonight, in London the Stonewall Awards were held. Stonewall is an organization working for equality and justice for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. A late addition to the "Bigot of the Year" award was Jan Moir. Lo and behold! Jan Moir won it. So according to Stonewall - Jan Moir is "bigot of the year". [ more ]
See all 185 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Holiday Cottage Voyeur Jailed
Bolton Fan Really ironic that he covers his face with a newspaper when he gets a camera pointing at him. I think he should be kept in a cell with CCTV monitoring his every move, including using the toilet and see how comfortable and relaxed he feels then [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: What a lovely thought, his beating his meat in front of a PC to livefeed no, not in myworld [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Maybe that is why they split up? When she found out? Perhaps, but it doesn't indicate that in the article . Anyway, its a horrible situation and he's a right perv, she is better off without him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sharon Osbourne launches attack on Boyle
Trollop How dare she slate the hairy angel? [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Sharon Osborne is no oil painting herself, with her Zippy-type mouth and her cold soulless eyes. She is also devoid of talent, latching herself on to more talented people to gain publicity. She was showing off to those awful people, by being crass and ignorant, and using Susan Boyle's appearance in a cruel heartless way. I've never liked SO because I think she is not a very nice person, she is emotionally cold, and she has no generosity of spirit. But she has managed to get herself back in... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: find it sad, and feel sorry for Sharan as she is just making an utter fool of her self and showing a meaness to her character that will not enhance her popularity. silly woman.. Very well said. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
5 british soldiers killed
Former Member [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Danyl I read that earlier. The Merkins in the comments section weren't very impressed with what they call the Vietnam and Domino Argument he was making. Was it in a newspaper? I saw him on my tellybox, I must confess! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Danyl We're just one of 192 or so members, albeit a permanent member of the security council too. I realise that. I meant 'we' as in all those countries involved in the UN mission in Afghanistan! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts. [ more ]
MoFo Reference: Swindon Town is the only team in the Football League not to contain any of the letters of the word MACKEREL I absolutely LOVE that one!!! [ more ]
Garage Joe Steve Wright and Jonathan Ross employ people who laugh at everything they say. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Family
Yellow Rose Reference: Gypsie ohh see now there was somthing about the daughter in law that i thought was a bit fake. But loved the mum It's always possible I suppose there were times when she played up for the camera just because she enjoyed the novelty of knowing she'd be on tv, hard to tell as it was the first prog. I liked that she was so affectionate with her in laws, she genuinely seems to care about them - I wonder how her own Mum felt about that if she saw it. TiGi - yes the pillow fight, and... [ more ]
Moomin Have I got deja vu? I could have sworn I had already posted on this thread. Anyway, I saw a trailer and it looked quite good so I gave it whirl and really enjoyed it. [ more ]
TiGi The bit where they had the pillow fight was funny. Can't wait for the next episode! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ronnie Corbett with Piers
liverbird I watched the CIlla one I like the fact it's an hour- gets lots in then! [ more ]
LowonIQ I thought Piers did and excellent programme on Cliff too. Once over I didn't like Piers thought he was too arrogant, now I like his interview progs. maybe age is mellowing him into a good mature Morgan's rum. [ more ]
Fairfax Thank God, a true entertainer at last. I have watched and hated his interviews with Jordan, Dani Minogue and awful diva Katherine Jenkins. The best so far has been Boris Becker, but having said that he had no competition with the other guests. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is Who List!
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Veggieburger You were also Smart Butt for a while when the mods went all puritan over names. I remember TanyaHyde losing her hide Yes I was. C4 never gave me a proper answer why they altered my name. Ophelia Dixon Sachs was also altered. C4 moderation was not always very consistent. [ more ]
Moonbeams Reference: DJ Whatever happened to Bumhug? Or is she here? Don't think she's here! Haven't seen her in ages. [ more ]
Mazzystar Ooohhh...a calorie fascist!!! *starts new list* [ more ]
See all 126 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Domestic Abuse
Karma_ Mental abuse can be more scarring than physical. Hopefully this has been recognised by the police and they will take any further threats and presence seriously, especially as he has been convicted in court. I hope it turns out ok for her [ more ]
Saint yeah the cops are aware of his violent past BUT he is clever - its more threat, intimidation - pushing - harrassment etc . . . So he has very little actual violence in his history i fear he will kill her one day [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: He has assualt charges against my friend in 2006 assualt against naother woman in 1998 Handling stole godds Etc . . Cops are fed up being go-betweens tbh I can understand why they may feel that way but the difference is she's taken action now so they should be a bit more helpful. I was only asking if there is a violent history so the courts and police can truly ascertain just how dangerous he is. [ more ]
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