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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Still same errors on this forum has back in August hahahaha
Eugene's Lair Reference madamski Today at 19:48: only problem i have is that i cant see anyones avatars and some smillies I'm assuming you're using Internet Explorer. If so, then this is a known problem. See Spidermonkey's thread here: [ more ]
fabienne Yay, that's great, madamski! [ more ]
sandra fabienne it worked the magic really worked [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My last Post
liverbird I'm sorry to hear this Real - I don't know what's happning in your RL but I hope you come back As others have said this can be a good escape. Also to Lacey - sounds like you need them. [ more ]
Angel It's a shame if you feel you must go ....... but if you insist ..... bye & take care xx [ more ]
Lacey Reference: Actually, I have the best advice ever. It's: Don't do handstands in the shower after you've washed your hair. Always wash your hair at the end. It makes a big difference. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm very annoyed with my mate!
jonono I had a mate who got wed and went through a mini fling with a YOUNG guy at her work at the same time. STupid caaah! I have no idea what she was playing at, also her hubby was a good friend of mine too, one of those couples where you genuinely like them both, know what i mean? Anyway one time she turned up with her workshag when she was meeting me and I just left, couldn't be arsed with it. [ more ]
Leccy Gyps! Ho Avengers! [ more ]
Former Member I used to go crabbing on Brixham pier when I was younger. With a bucket and a line. They didn't look like those critters though! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RIP The Equaliser.....
darloboy (Play The Game!) , what a shame. RIP . [ more ]
cologne 1 We sort of claim him as ours, although he lived the 'wrong' side of the Tamar. I saved his wife a trip to the mechanic one winter when she parked outside the co-op and left her lights on. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! That's quite sad, loved him as the Equaliser and remembered him as Callan showing my age there!! RIP Edward, 2009 is a bad year for celebrity deaths. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question for you ... How would you feel ?
fabienne She should be giving you a medal if anything. 4 hours solid housework! [ more ]
Shizzlex 7 years and this is the first hiccup well done you this day and age it would be hard to get smeone in your home you could trust plus duvets are very cheap these days i once burnt my moms carpet with an iron and asked my german exchange student to take the blame she wouldn't [ more ]
Soozy Woo Maybe the 'lady' in question sent out the hit squad after poor old Cherish .......................after all A BURNT DUVET COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
brisket A light-hearted version of The Dying Swan by Les Ballet Trocadero de Monte Carlo. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I love watching them.... I love the stories. I wouldn't call myself an avid ballet fan... but what I've seen I usually like. My random ballet factoid is that Mr Ditty grew up as the boy next door to Darcy Bussell. They were friends til their teens when she went away to White Lodge. I liked Copellia best...out of the handful I have seen. But all the ballets were so much better than the classical concerts & opera's my parents used to make me go to as a child. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: The problem is it is difficult to find a partner who is up to my standard. Ah the lament of many a fine wo man! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question of 'Class'.
Former Member Reference: It struck both of us as unecessary to mention this. What difference does it make if she was from a palace or a council estate? It's the reality show 'journey' theme again I imagine. She's the most high profile of the members and she has the most 'aspirational' story: council house girl made good with WAG lifestyle etc. I don't think it's a class story as such. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Bringing Coles to Newcastle? [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Fairfax, from what I remember the red hair one (don't know her name) my favorite is also from the same back ground as Cheryl. I believe her family are still living where they lived before she became a member of Girls Aloud. Maybe, they think Mrs Cole has arrived at the ultimate height of stardom and they want to remind her of her roots, whether to her advantage or not I can't say. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Broken - yet coping
Former Member noo i didnt think that Thats what i use it for, but ive got so used to not having one that i dont even remember to use it for that. Once i thought id never live without a microwave. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Gyps Didnt miss it at all, and still find myself using the hob. I need it for defrosting mainly. The stuff we really cook in the microwave is veg (the spoon of water & clingfilm covering steaming method), scrambled dgg (when the kids make their own in a morning)... and for reheating meals when one of them decides to be late / go to the loo for half an hour / forget to mention they are off to a parish council meeting, when the meal I have lovingly prepared is being served! I... [ more ]
Karma_ I couldn't live without my laptop, phones, car, mascara and lipstick. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have this problem with 'The Sims 2'....
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I'm in stitches here. The two adverts at the top of the page are for Child Protection courses. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing You do realise that the neglect of little Darren was purely for research purposes? Otherwise how would I be able to inform you of what will, or won't, invoke a visit from the social worker? I have just discovered that if a 'child' stays too hot for too long the social worker takes all the 'children' away. However, I noticed it happen right away (difficult to miss when 4 people from a family of 6 disappear!) so I was able to ditch that session and start again, this time saving the child from... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: Mine is like a soap opera with all the affairs and pregnancies. Some of mine's a bit like that....remember the 3 brothers, 4 sisters and the Lone Female? Did I say the first brother and the lone female got re-married? And had more children? He's an elder now and the lone female's a few days away from becoming an elder too. And they've still got a few kids who are only just at the 'child' stage. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Event: How racist are you?
Former Member Reference: I think there's a bit of a difference between favouring family, and believing them to be physically or intellectually superior, isn't there? Well, that's 'scientific racism' you're talking about. I don't know anyone who has that attitude but I know quite a few who racially or ethnically discriminate at some level or other simply because people are different. If we're inclined to in-group/out-group thinking and behaviour then all it takes is for someone to be different. I suspect... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Seeing as it's Sunday... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Daniel J* Today at 09:13: Reference: As Elliott puts it: “You are not born a racist. You have to carefully be taught to be one.” Is that actually true? Aren't we born to favour kin first, then kin-bonding, then tribe, and so on? I think there's a bit of a difference between favouring family, and believing them to be physically or intellectually superior, isn't there? There hasn't been a lot of discussion here about the other material surrounding C4's series. My understanding was... [ more ]
See all 126 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noooo, just when I thought X-Factor was bad enough...
liverbird Reference: Ant and Dec aka pride of London, can be switched off. they are from Newcastle! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: Well you don't have to watch it What would you suggest they show instead??? I suggest you change channel... Unfortunately I can't....I'm not allowed to touch the remote control on weekends. As for suggestions on what they could show, its the weekend for crying out loud - some good films to relax in the evening to would be nice. [ more ]
Gel Reference: It really is the chavviest channel on t.v. I really have to disagree, that title surely must belong to eastenders, yes? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X factor related: Cheryl trying with Danni?
Saint Cheryl seems to be coming across as everyone's guardian - if not Mother figure Is she the up and coming Barbara Windsor of the future? [ more ]
Real Reference: It's the bitchy men who have the problem. I reckon they all get on in RL It's all put on for the cameras and papers to pick up on--- They are all laughing all the way to the bank [ more ]
Blizz'ard No, I think they get on fine. It's the bitchy men who have the problem. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My summer pudding isn't looking good TBH!
Ensign Muf Reference: Rescue the fruit and make a crumble. Damn! I knew I'd left something at my old house No home grown blackberry & gooseberry crumble on christmas day this year [ more ]
Leccy Reference: it tasted like Benylin That's why I can't hack that cranberry energy drink stuff everyone a red bull type thing? All I taste is cough medicine *shudders* [ more ]
Essie I made a Sussex Pond pudding once, it tasted like Benylin. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Scores Hurt at Christmas Lights Switch On
LowonIQ Reference: Blimey was supposed to be taking the kids to that, and didn't due to the bad weather, that was a lucky escape Glad you weren't there. Nice to see you back [ more ]
LowonIQ That sounds horrendous and must have been very frightening. I suppose it is hard for the police to get their numbers right for these events. So many kids would have been there too. [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose how awful - hope everyone is OK [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cannibals Sell Body To Kebab Shop
Former Member Reference: carotino 3617 Forum PostsToday at 19:58 (Edited: ) Was he a doner? That made me laugh so much a bit of wee came out [ more ]
stonks Reference: Was he a doner? [ more ]
Darthhoob gone off alot of food. completely off pasta of any kind (ok with noodles though lol) tomato sauces make me wanna hurl and chips make me feel queasy. loving fruit the most atm. sadly chocolate and chinese roast duck too LOL *mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chinese roast duck* [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone here do alot of gaming
subatomic partygirl Reference: Subatomic party girl....I have already checked 'em out, if It was for myself I would be tempted...but I aint thinking it is really on spending THAT much on christmas pressies for kids (specially when it aint even for me own kids!) Very nice tho! Indeed. Yeah...a bit pricey for a child. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl We've never had any problem, Temps. And the processors / graphics cards in their gaming machines are to die for. [ more ]
Small Mac Para go instore and look a lot the time they have special offers going , MAKE sure you get dedicated graphics (YOU NEED THIS FOR GAMING ) and also if you can get the Windows 7 with it , its newer faster and a better version than the previous ones , good luck . [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Computer help please
Former Member Virgin sent me a wireless router too which is a Netgear one but they're buggered around with its software so that you have to use a program on the PC to configure it. It hides the username/password and stops you mucking around with the security and the VCI/VPI or whatever it uses. Really annoys me. I guess they do it to stop people selling them but I like to be in control of all that stuff myself. [ more ]
MrsH Reference aniel J Yes yes, I know, it's all just big technical word Thanks for this info Dan J as Zaph says cable is a different ball game same as Vista is , I have dabbled with Vista not for trouble shooting though but have never worked with cable so hopefully this will be of some help to aimee [ more ]
Zaphod Thanks for that Daniel.. neither MrsH nor myself have cable modems so were finding it hard to diagnose the problem. Z. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bizzarre ... but true!!
Moonie Reference: Moonbeams She's been doing it for 15 years now Second sight then [ more ]
Saint Bought a new radiator for me car - never told him my name - cash in hand to keep down costs. Wen i got it home - it bore my initials, w-h-o-a-h [ more ]
LowonIQ If we are expecting a parcel, it will so often arrive on a Saturday when hubby wants a lie in. It happens loads sadly, and the mad dash to find a dressing gown, I shouldn't laugh [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone watch MisFits on E4 last night?
Moonbeams I loved it can't wait to find out what the black haired guy's special talent is. So excited. [ more ]
serignhugrf It was almost so bad it was good. It's not like me to still be awake by 11, so it must have had something to keep me from dropping off to sleep. Will be watching next week too (and not only cos of all the sex scenes ) [ more ]
Former Member Yes, I did. It was alright and I'll watch it again next week. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You won't be laughing if they win...
Fairfax Reference: Jedward by no stretch of the imagination are better than most of the others there Thats obviusly a matter of opinion as folk keep voting them in AND I thought they performed better than Lucy in the sing off and are way better in every way than Lloyd. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Please tell me you don't vote Darlo! No I don't, although if I act quickly tomorrow during the show I might do online for free . [ more ]
Yellow Rose Darlo is it not a singing competition then lol?, if not what sort of comp is it. It's called X Factor which to me means discovering a singer/entertainer that has that extra edge over the other competitors. Jedward by no stretch of the imagination are better than most of the others there, certainly not better than some who've left. Both Simon and the show has now become much more of a joke than it's been before. It may be paying off for Simon atm but he and the show are at risk at losing all... [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Faves games!
ContessaQ backgammon, chess, scrabble. any puter game there are so many i can't choose. fave console game was alien trilogy [ more ]
Cagney FB has a thing called Make me a celebrity and it has great games. Gem Swap, parking mania etc. Love it [ more ]
Rexi I don't do any consol games - I admit to being newly addicted to Bejewelled Blitz Board games though ... love 'em. Love Scrabble Othello (I have only just got to the stage where I can beat my 15 year old daughter, she is sooo good at it!), Cluedo, but I've only played the the Simpsons verson Backgammon [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For all the "Guests"
slimfern Hello Guests!!!!!!! [ more ]
LowonIQ Re: For all the "Guests" [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: You dont have to be,say a Darnell fan, to visit the towers as its more like a SIT.So those places are usually good to start with.Theres footie and music threads and,of course, xfactor.Dont get too upset if people dont answer you straight away That is right Mazzy, that is where I started on here as a first home, and now they probably wish they could kick me out. Just joking I hope [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Ads are taking over.....
Marguerita I find the strip on the right hand side a real pain sometimes I get 2 or 3 inches of forum and the rest of the page is taken up by the side bar, what a put off especially if new members join and see this problem a lot ..they will run a mile [ more ]
stonks I find Magnum mans very informative and eye opening.... [ more ]
disley21 Reference: Please-- can we have seperate Blogs/ tweets I'd agree with that, proper blogs just get lost in the ultimately pointless twitterings of idiots. For example, there's one over there on the side right now that says 'ok got work to do, shall be back at 12 to do my #FF' and another that wonderfully informs us that someone has been on twitter for 1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes, and 34 seconds. Pointless drivel like that is potentially stealing space from... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's looking forward to Christmas (part 2 cos I cant be bovvered to find the original thread)
Darthhoob Reference: Ella offline 984 Forum Posts Yesterday at 06:25 (Edited: ) Reference: had to get a small loan out for christmas..but least now we can afford some pressies so beginning to look forward to it Same here but I borrow every year for xmas, I could probably get through xmas without getting a loan but I hate the stress of wondering where I'm getting the money so I'll borrow it and get the kids toys then but everything else out of my own money. that's what we did. bought most of the kids... [ more ]
GMA Since the kids are in their 20's plus - and it's only 'my side' who know of Christmas - I wish that no one would buy us pressies and we won't buy them- so we can all enjoy a money/debt free Christmas and enjoy the meal and 'programmes' and time off. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Annoca Yes Deman!! Remy will get her Christmas stocking filled with all her favourite treats. She gets one every year - and she knows exactly where it is placed under the tree. When I give it to her, she will open the wrapping herself. Sweet That's the funniest thing about dogs - they really are part of the family because they love joining in and getting involved [ more ]
See all 87 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gift of the Gab
Demantoid Ditty's right. There are people with an inner "something" (charisma?), but they're outnumbered by self-promoters who are all surface, no depth. Personally, I can't stand the "centre of attention" type. You know the sort, they have to be the loudest in every room, pride themselves on being the "life and soul" of every event. Mostly they're just pains in the arse. [ more ]
brisket Nice post Ditty. I like how you contrast 2 kinds of gab - the charisma type and the one with an undercurrent. Xochi also indicated it is how the gab is used which makes the difference. [ more ]
Former Member I really do not have the gift of the gab, i barely speak [ more ]
See all 111 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm a celebrity lineup..
Demantoid Reference: Will Jimmmy manage to keep his wig on? He doesn't have one. D'you know what he did? He had the bald bit cut out and the raw edges stretched across and stitched together Instant facelift and funny hairline all in one go.. [ more ]
Former Member they've scraped the bottom of the barrel for this lot haven't they? Jimmy White to win (he won't thank me for saying that because I'm the kiss of death to anyone I support) [ more ]
Fairfax I actually like the line up this year, better than last year anyway. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...

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