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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Inexcusable drunken birthday ramblings!
Lacey Reference: Well I've had a few hairs of the dog and all is good. It was rather like old times actually ........still not read bak - probably never will but 'Lacey' I know that you weren't part of the problem I think as the years roll on - I'm growing into a sad old cow. Hey ho ................if I offended I'm sorry (I think). Don't worry soozy! You wait until next week when I can drink again, I'll be off my rocker posting a load of absolute poop and probably make a complete tit of myself! [ more ]
Blizz'ard *** opens another bottle *** [ more ]
fabienne That's probably true, Cags. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do I cook okra without it going slimy?
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Glad the leg is better. Can you not treat it like asparagus...chargrill it first then chop it and add it to the curry? Lol, I hope you mean the okra and not the leg [ more ]
Cagney Simples [ more ]
fracas Reference: My mum makes a mean fish curry and always puts aubergine in it...and it is feckin lovely, aubergine tres soft. Fish curry is my favourite ever, I put boiled eggs in, but some people are big wimps and think it sounds horrible, however I do assure you it's ace [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How the French cheated their way to South Africa
Former Member Reference: if it was any other team than France would everyone be so annoyed about it? if this was a match between France and England I'd understand that statement but I'm not aware that the French and us Irish disliked each other I do agree that Ireland didn't play their best but they still played France off the field in both games IMO . Nothing will be done by the governing authorities because it suits them that a country like France who can produce more revenue are still in the... [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: On the pearl of being kicked from here to eternity for saying this - I wonder if it was any other team than France would everyone be so annoyed about it? I quite like France and was annoyed when these two were drawn together. The whole process was questionable. But yes we would have been annoyed with any other team who had cheated. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: On the pearl of being kicked from here to eternity for saying this - I wonder if it was any other team than France would everyone be so annoyed about it Ah Tayto... [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
South Bank Show..Elbow
Twee Surgeon Yeah, me too Scotty. I want to watch a bit of Children In Need, then I'm a Celebrity. I will watch the SBS and post it in this thread. Oh a curry. Sounds nice. I'll be round in a bit Yes, I agree, I prefer Elbow on their own too except of course when Richard Hawley is with them lol. The background with big orchestras are always a bit too loud, but I really enjoyed this. On the CD it is quieter and more Elbowey haha. Speak soon Scotty. It's been great chatting to you about a mutual... [ more ]
fabienne Throw those curtains wide! Well not now, it's too dark, but tomorrow maybe. [ more ]
Scotty Yes it is very anthemy, I like it with the BBc ochestra but tbh I prefer it when it`s just Elbow. I don`t know why I didn`t post that version? Make an exception Twee I want to know what you think of it. Yes, 20 years together. They`re like brothers.They`re down to earth working class guys, very political too. I like their thinking. As Stoory said above, they`re now getting the recognition they deserve. You`re right, they are special. I just love them. I think I`m falling a wee bit in love... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vicks Sinex nasal spray recall
Garage Joe Reference: Only use one Crystal in a bowl of hot water,the first time I used them I put a pinch in and nearly choked on the vapour! I have to say that I use a generous pinch. Kill or cure. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Just don't confuse menthol crystals with crystal meths ROFL [ more ]
kattymieoww Reference: Normally at this point I give China Oel a mention, however for those of us who are careful with our money, small tubs of menthol crystals are available from a local pharmacy for £1-65 approx. Only use one Crystal in a bowl of hot water,the first time I used them I put a pinch in and nearly choked on the vapour! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Children In Need 2009... Friday 20th Nov
slimfern I'm with you QotHT...think it's rubbish TV....although it does a good job! I always give to charity anyways....& this is no exception! Can't abide the awful Mr Wogan or Ms Daley!... . [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Will be watching as I do every year, it's fun and for a good cause Me too, even though as QOTHT said, I don't know who half the zelebs are, but its for a great cause. [ more ]
Former Member i lurve CIN but think it would be much better with the annoying Mr Wogan [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I fell asleep on the sofa!
Queen of the High Teas Really?! Daphne was very subdued for the best part of a week. She was ok, just a bit quiet. I know how you feel about the house being quiet, it doesn't seem right when they're not home does it? [ more ]
Former Member they have told me that if she had the op before dinner time we wont notice any difference in her if she had it after dinner time - she will be a bit groggy but will be the same tomorrow its very quiet here [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Aww, bless her. On the plus side, at least she'll not feel like chewing anything tonight. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katie Price/Jordan on I'm a celebrity
Kaytee They can have wrapped [ more ]
longcat Katie's career is publicity. That is why the media pay her vast sum's of money because they know we either love her or loathe her and that bring's them publicity. If her hater's had completely ignored her in the jungle perhaps the media would have begun to get the message. Instead all they have succeeded in doing is making her richer and more famous. Now the Americans want her for their version. [ more ]
Kaytee I'm fed up with it turning into the Jordan show......but I'll keep watching anyway [ more ]
See all 169 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Peter Kay!
Former Member Reference: Teddy Bleads Super, cheers. saves me from sitting through a medeley of Steps songs as sung by the cast of The BIll. hahahahahahaha I always get hooked though! [ more ]
Teddy Bleads Super, cheers. saves me from sitting through a medeley of Steps songs as sung by the cast of The BIll. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Teddy Bleads Anyone know what his song for Children In Need is or when we get to see it? Children in Need, tonight at 7:15. Sounds like it will be brilliant with102 celebrities featured. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
am i, at the ripe old age of 44
serignhugrf I was at a children's hearing yesterday and one of the panel members was in her 60s and had sparkley silver nail polish on. It looked silly. She may have got away with it on a night out, but not at the hearing. Black at 44, perfectly acceptable [ more ]
Fairfax Of course you're not too old. Don't like black varnish though. [ more ]
Moonie Reference: Puss I used to wear black varnish, had black hair, studs either side of me nose, but at the age of 46 decided to tone it down a bit, just took the studs out, did love 'em tho, but glad I didn't have tattoos done! Its amazing what 1 year can make A Goth Puss? [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now this is what Children in Need should be like every year!
Soozy Woo Absoloutely excellent as an addition to Children in Need (although I've been out and missed a lot of it). From the little I saw it was brilliant. It is something though (an event) that should raise awareness and appeal to all ages. It's only once a year ........having subsidary events is all good .............if money is raised for good causes ..............THAT'S GREAT ISN't IT? [ more ]
MrsH Reference: None of this BBC newsreaders in tights nonsense. Good evening over all, whilst still getting across the message. Maybe get rid of Terry Wogan though we get all that tomorrow Rawky [ more ]
Lacey I thoroughly enjoyed all of that! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the choir bbc2
brisket Gareth Malone the motivational man on The Choir programme, is appearing on Never Mind the Buzzcocks next week - the 25th I think. [ more ]
brisket Gareth Malone, in The Choir, is very inspirational. He knows how to encourage and to convey enthusiasm and, ultimately, confidence. [ more ]
kattymieoww I love a lot of classical music,and opera.I watched the whole of Wagner's ring cycle on BBC2 years ago. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm wondering..
Former Member Hypolimnion is a good word. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: Blizzie Don't click on it, Queenie! See, now I wasn't going to until you said that, and then I just had to. And now I wish I hadn't. [ more ]
Leccy I'm good ta Veggie, hope you are too Apparently when we have the next upgrade or something there is going to be an option to switch the Twitter feeds off (I think, though I might have dreamed that) [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I dreamed I pushed a dwarf down the stairs
Trollop Reference: I was having an absolutely filthy dream when my flatemate rang because he'd lost his keys, the eejit had left them in the door AGAIN, and I couldn't get my lovely dream back. I am still really pissed off Sexual frustration is a nasty thing [ more ]
fracas I was having an absolutely filthy dream when my flatemate rang because he'd lost his keys, the eejit had left them in the door AGAIN, and I couldn't get my lovely dream back. I am still really pissed off [ more ]
Trollop That was me me you nasty woman [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pomp and ceremony
Former Member Reference: I think the French had the right idea... Yes! Heads in baskets. Vive La France! [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Reference: Queen Well I'm hardly like to find out personally, but nothing that Dan does would surprise me. Yes, he does seem to take a cavalier attitude towards most things (only joking Dan!) but I can see him in a jaunty hat with a feather, for all that [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Deej I was watching Phil The Greek during the 2 minutes silence at the 'membrance service on TV. No way was he thinking of the fallen! I love that man. He should come fitted with thought bubbles. I think its a sign of becoming middle aged.... appreciating ol Phil. I pmsl when he was at Chelsea Flower Show and ask one of the specialist stand holders what type of plants they were. The stand holder replied using a couple of sentences... to which Phil responds "I only wanted to know... [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Botty burps in front of your other half
Darthhoob Reference: SazBomb online 2027 Forum Posts Today at 08:05 (Edited: ) Reference: and he is at that age where he laughs manically if he hears a fart noise Do men ever get past that stage? probably not but it's cute when they first start finding it funny...gets tired quickly though [ more ]
liverbird Reference: Vulgar - my mum uses that word, I love i My sister used to say "vulgarity" [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: and he is at that age where he laughs manically if he hears a fart noise Do men ever get past that stage? [ more ]
See all 121 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Reference: Almost Temps but well done! Now put the avvy next to the reference: See above ^^^^ we`re waiting [ more ]
Scotty Reference: whoohooo Almost Temps but well done! Now put the avvy next to the reference: See above ^^^^ we`re waiting [ more ]
Cagney Reference: The route to a great forum is that everyone gets on I don't think everone has to get on but I do agree with the sniping part. We don't all have to like each other but surely it's best to ignore the ones we don't like rather than snipe and make digs all the time. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Puppy Killer Jailed
Former Member I can't open the link cos I'll 20 weeks is no where near enough [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Why was she even left with 10 dogs after the initial RSPCA visit, she should not have been given a second chance. [ more ]
Former Member This is very distressing, no doubt about it. I cannot understand why anyone would do this to animals. Fair enough, if you do not like dogs, then don't have one, but to do this is beyond just cruelty. 20 weeks is not enough. However, it makes me wonder why the woman who left 4 kids under the age of 5 alone for 24 hours was given a suspended sentence? [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help Admins......
myopic mouse Thank you so much Lori, thats really helpful. xx [ more ]
Lori Hi, mm: That's OK. Makes perfect sense to me. Even if you use that link, you can get to where you want. In the upper lefthand corner, click the link that says GagaJoyJoy (under Forums on the green bar). Or, go here: and then save THAT page as a favorite. [ more ]
myopic mouse it was just a link i had at the top of screen. it take u to the old message that sayd gaga is no longer there and should then bring u here. Sorry not good at explaining huni. [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else not getting onto DS?
Lazybug Yeah thanks Slimfern I just got this message which I wasn't getting earlier... Hi, We're experiencing very high levels of demand at present and have had to take the step of closing the forums. We'll open things up again as soon as we possibly can! In the meantime, please check out the day's entertainment and digital TV news . Normal service will be resumed as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it. The Digital Spy Team [ more ]
slimfern It says it's down for maintenance Lazy...only the news channels are available! [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marguerita Well done PP sorry to hear about your mum I hope everything turns out to be okay [ more ]
pretty_p Reference: Good for you PP, hope your mum is back to full health now too She's over the kidney stone but now she has a weird lump under her armpit which she has been referred to the hospital about - so I'm now terrified about what that might be!! [ more ]
Former Member Good for you PP, hope your mum is back to full health now too [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That Geordie lass on 'This morning' now
Trollop Reference: I don't think she's as amazing as everyone makes out, her idea was genius but her skills are average. I thought she looked a bit She Devilish.....I wonder if shes got a video of that make-up? [ more ]
TiGi I don't think she's as amazing as everyone makes out, her idea was genius but her skills are average. [ more ]
Fairfax She seems very sweet but I thought the choice of models today wasn't great. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you look for in a jumper?
Real Thanks Dave Be glad when/if we integrate with FB on here. Just got FB on the XBox360 today--- Thought it would be the full Monty- but it's not the same as what we get on the internet. Why couldn't they have made it the same as we get when we are on FB instead of bits of it. We also have Twitter, Talk.Fm and Zune. [ more ]
Dave I think you want this, Real. [ more ]
Real Reference: NGB the police Real (PS Glad you're back Thanks Super 2nd night back and get me wallet lifted Would miss all these great laughs --- thats why i'm back. [ more ]
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