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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aww..Corrie tonight,Blanche is in it.
Garage Joe Reference: I'm so tired of watching Molly and Kevin slurping at each other. It's mildly sick-making. And slimy, over-acting Dev and that golf woman who looks like a permed ferret Well at least the Molly and Kevin bit is believable. Dev over-acting? Surely some mistake. He was dreadful as always last night.. [ more ]
Demantoid Maybe we should suggest Sally and "Rerseh" die in an unfortunate mangling accident with an industrial overlocker at the factory, then. It took the forensics team three weeks to unpick them from each other, etc.. [ more ]
RZB Reference: See? Between us, we forum peeps could write this stuff I bet Granada haven't even thought of that story line, and are rewriting the Christmas plot as we speak, if we suggest, Ken has a romantic liason with the Grandad's wife, and it's in the plot, we know they are watching us. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tiger Woods injured in car crash....
Smarting Buttocks New developement from the Woods. Ambulance called to Tigers house. [ more ]
Former Member No doubt he's feeling below par today. Etc. [ more ]
Trollop Reference: I see one of the tabloids has followed up saying he'd fallen out with his wife who was raging about a 'birdie' as they put it. See! It's a pun writer's dream. Hole in one! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Amanda Knox found guilty
Demantoid Fair enough - apologies to Dave. But I think it's Knox's parents, supporters and local senator who have been whipping up most of the "anti-American" claims - the media has just given them a platform. The Knoxes have given dozens of interviews all the way through this case and love being in the spotlight - in contrast, the Kercher family have kept a dignified low profile. Curt Knox has been banging on about how his daughter shouldn't be in a "foreign" jail (why not? Aren't foreigners kept in... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Demantoid Today at 08:47: With respect, Dave, that's just silly. What "anti-Americanism"? Her nationality had nothing to do with it, she was convicted alongside an Italian and an African. But it seems certain Americans (not all) think it's only them who are allowed to dish "justice" out to the rest of the world, not vice versa. To be fair to Dave, it's all about perceived , rather than real, "anti-Americanism". It's simply in the interest of certain groups to feed that perception. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Dave The state Senator that represents the locale of Washington state that Amanda is from will surely raise some noise about the "Anti-Americanism" that tainted the trial , but she has to if she wants to get re-elected. With respect, Dave, that's just silly. What "anti-Americanism"? Her nationality had nothing to do with it, she was convicted alongside an Italian and an African. But it seems certain Americans (not all) think it's only them who are allowed to dish "justice" out to... [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sabrina Washington from I'm a Celebrity...
SazBomb Reference: However my realisation has given birth to a new kind of paranoia - my boyfriend fancies a woman who likes nothing like me But he thinks you do look like her [ more ]
RZB Reference: Do you think I shoud have taken it as a compliment or an insult? compliment for sure, she was bubbly. fun loving , a good sport, plus lovely looking. [ more ]
kattymieoww Okay , he said you looked a bit like her...not that you were her! I found her rather lame etc,the actress,,not you. Get a grip! [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
celebrity bb,not long now
Demantoid And how would he last 3 weeks in there without his steroids? [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Every time I hear Alex Reid's name mentioned for CBB, I feel like doing "who is he, who is he" in true Nikki stylee!! [ more ]
Demantoid Alex Reid isn't a celebrity, is he? Although that's never stopped the CBB producers before, obviously. Boy George could be interesting. He's certainly had a life! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Furry bums.....
kattymieoww Oh yes,the foot thumping is great! I have both their cages in my room,my niece is asthmatic.They hear things we don't,usually about three in the morning. ."Thump! Thump!" We have urtban foxces etc.probably that. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing lol! My brothers house rabbit Clyde... he had the best "don't even think about it" expression... usually followed by a Thumper style foot tapping (dunno who he was warning on approaching towel danger, but it made him feel tough) [ more ]
kattymieoww Har har! Litle gurl Cleo only has to see me approach her cage with the bath towel to give up all hope,assumes the crouched down..."Okay,lets get on with it!" pose. Big Boy Rio very rarely gets a bum wash, Cleo is a bit more of a "gutty" rabbit I'd say,both have the same diets. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Another 1700 out of work.
Garage Joe Reference: "If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear" ... before drawing their curtains in the evening Are you seriously suggesting that Mrs Crossy and I put on a show for the people opposite? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: What Civil Liberties have we lost? Look up Henry Porter. He's tracking the lot for liberals like me. The Grauniad has a site dedicated to it: Labour have been very successful in this. I only need to point you at the various people on forums who say "If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear" ... before drawing their curtains in the evening. [ more ]
kattymieoww Thatcher,,,de'il disnae want her! [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Music. Favourite era?
angelicarwen Ah don't worry fabienne I was also hoping to annoy Queenshaks if she was about. She hates me being young (love you Q ) [ more ]
fabienne Reference: Angelic I was only messing fabienne Oh, I missed the joke again. 'Tis an age thing. I don't really have a favourite era, just lots of favourite songs, from the 1960s onwards. [ more ]
angelicarwen Reference: How's that, Angelic? Some people like Beethoven, and he was centuries ago. I was only messing fabienne I am old before my time. See avatar [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i'd just like to say thankyou.
Former Member looks like you're avvy is tryna figure out where he's landed [ more ]
Ducky Reference: bloody hell it's like the tardis in here We are the centre of the internet. Everything begins and ends in LC. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I clicked on a thread the other day Temps, and ended up on the Tesco website. bloody hell it's like the tardis in here [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Found in a shop in Aston at the weekend
slimfern Reference: could confidently say My lips are sealed..... .......... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Now that would be multitasking!!!!.... *gargling & talking simultaniously* I could confidently say...if I started talking at that precise moment...I'd be divorced [ more ]
slimfern Reference: don't make it look like I said it Slim! Now that would be multitasking!!!!.... *gargling & talking simultaniously* [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Make your very own Santa vid for the kids
Darthhoob my OH can expect santa to tell him he's been very naughty this year and will get sod all [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Thanks for that link, Fracas. I'll play with that tomorrow. [ more ]
Ells This is kinda spooky......I had just been doing my kids vids tonight on that site and thought I'd pop by here for a few mins and I see this thread What's strange is that I've never heard of it before and was given the link by a mate of mine who doesn't come to this forum.....or at least I think she doesn't [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rejoice! We declare war on Murdoch.
Demantoid Murdoch is the devil. Laughably, his spawn had the cheek to attack the BBC a couple of months back, for having "too much" control over the British media. Riiight, so says the heir apparent to a foreign organisation that owns a huge chunk of the British press and the biggest pay-for TV group. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Seems to me that the Labour party are desperate to get at least one paper on their side. I would prefer they declared war on Richard Desmond. Owner of the Express (Diana loving tabloid, OK magazine - home of the misleading headlines along with the Daily Star, and a variety of porn channels.) [ more ]
Former Member all this pay tv is corrupt - u can't even watch an England game [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It was really scarey in Nottingham on Saturday.
Demantoid There's a hoolie element in this group, Pools. A lot of former footie louts are now allying themselves to this new lot. Basically just another excuse for aggro. [ more ]
Poolshark I read that protest cost the police half a million, what was worse was that they planned it on the day Forest were playing Leicester at the city ground as well, so there would be hooligan violence as well. [ more ]
Demantoid Yeeuuchh - the "English Defence League" - we have our own regional version here in Wales too. Basically an excuse to get blind drunk and have a go at anyone non-white. Scumbags. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where has Carotino gone??
Prince CharMING Reference:`s like flies around shoit Couldn't agree more [ more ]
Moonbeams Davelori: There are pictures on this very site that show both Lori and I, in the same picture, and at the same time. Found it... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference ave/Lori There are pictures on this very site that show both Lori and I, in the same picture, and at the same time. Rubbish! I'm not listening to any of it. You've stuck random pictures on there to try and fool us. I don't even believe you are you on that picture. *sticks knowledgeable nose in air* [ more ]
See all 283 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I'm unravelling!
Demantoid God.... my family is famous for festive flare-ups. The worst one was 1989, when I didn't speak to my mother for almost a year afterwards Nothing compares to that, but she's grown up a bit since then [ more ]
Former Member I remember one Christmas my Grandad came over for drinks and we played a Question of Sport, the board game. Anyhow it was close to the end and my Grandad wasn't doing too well and one of the answers he gave was wrong....well when I say wasn't the answer that was on the card But he tried to tell us he had given the right answer that the game was wrong anyhow, he completely lost his temper, told us it was a stupid game...and stormed out of the house We have never played the game since [ more ]
Puss I remember being at my aunties on Boxing Day (as was the norm) I must have been about 9, was having a good old boogie with my cousins and all of a sudden WW3, apparently my dad overheard his mother say that ' her! she'll be in trouble before she is 18' and you know what trouble that mean't!! must have been that secshy dance I had perfected off Top of the Pops [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
E4 BB fav moments..
Demantoid Reference: subby Yeah, it seems a bit insensitive. Ooops..we're talking C4. Silly me. ~snorts~ [ more ]
jacksonb well' ch4 site is a messy one and i can't find my way around it. [ more ]
jacksonb one of the best moments for me was when dan and nadia were chained together and the banter they had. oh, and richard in the middle of the night running around screaming' not the sink, oooh no not the sink' as glyn was trying to find some where to vomit. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a day....
Ensign Muf Reference: (actually typed dirty muf first time, read back, shuddered & then edited ) [ more ]
mary_bee Reference: Oh, I haven't tried them - will give them a whirl next time. Ooh definitely do, they're brilliant [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Darlo - I've been there today ... wasn't it fab Yeah it was Rexi , glad you enjoyed it . DJ I might have walked past you,you never know PMSL . [ more ]
See all 103 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
figtree Ta muchly for the input guys so we all agree that we have now got ratgate!Well let's hope that the producers of the show think a bit more carefully about the way they use creatures in the show! [ more ]
Trollop Did anyone else notice that when they dropped all the spiders in the compartment with Kims head, that it was the spiders that were actually trying to get out? [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: I too don't like them using live animals even insects etc Same here, I have to leave the room as it disgusts me that creatures are used for entertainment, it doesn't entertain me, I prefer the other tasks. It's always surprised me the Australians allow a a tv crew and all their entourage to go into a natural habitat and allow them to kill so many insects or eat live ones, If a complaint has been made I hope action is taken to stop it in the future. Let the Producers come up with... [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celeb BB...
Former Member if they want to be good - that Shilpa Shetty could be given another crack - guess Davina is bound to be in [ more ]
Real Reference: NORFOLK in USE offline 292 Forum Posts Today at 01:49 (Edited: ) previous cbb winners? - may be one of their choices That would be good. [ more ]
Former Member previous cbb winners? - may be one of their choices [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rod Stewart: One Night Only
Former Member Reference: went for the menopause market Crossy!...... Loved him for as long as I can remember, seen him more times than I can count, both here and abroad. Thought tonight's show was great, apart from that bloody Penny Lancaster, why does she always have to get her backside onto the stage? [ more ]
Kaffs Reference: Rod was fantastic as I knew he would be! He still has what it takes! I think he gets better looking as he gets older. My fave song of the night "I don't wanna talk about it" my all time favourite Rod song! Agree with every single word, Nana! I loved how he was gutted at having to take Penny to the doctor's when Gordon Strachan was visiting! [ more ]
nanalou Rod was fantastic as I knew he would be! He still has what it takes! I think he gets better looking as he gets older. My fave song of the night "I don't wanna talk about it" my all time favourite Rod song! [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bonkers people who phone in radio shows.
Moonbeams Reference: Dublin was suffering a water shortage last year so it was considered that we should perhaps take water from the Shannon River (over the west). The country folk were up in arms (Dublin isn't popular with the farmers ) and refused point blank (like it was their river!) anyhow last month a huge storm hit, the Shannon overflowed and thousands of homes were destroyed And still they keep it. Anythings better then helping the Dubs. *spits* [ more ]
Garage Joe The "We need ter mek more rivers!" is already being used as our new catchphrase everytime they mention Copenhagen on the voicebox. We always listen to the J. Vine show [ more ]
Leccy Reference: I was once listening to a local radio phone-in, when I realised that one of the callers was a woman I used to go to discos with. She had been a right little raver in the past, but here she was on the radio ranting on about how she had turned to God, who had forgiven all her sins, etc. It was really weird. That's spooky, I went to college with a born again Christian woman (that's how she described herself) and she said she was drunk in a nightclub when God spoke to her and said he... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone else noticed with the Iceland
Former Member We've got two icelands, a Farm Foods and an Ice Cooler all in the same High Street I prefer M & S Party food or Sainsbury's [ more ]
Darthhoob Aldi are quite good for party food. but our Aldi is pretty small. Sainsbury's aren't bad either. my mum used to shop at it was in town where she worked! and most of their frozen stuff isn't bad.....avoid their fresh stuff though! like sausage rolls and ham dont know if i've tried their party food...probably have! but never bought it myself lol. [ more ]
MrsH Reference:gypsue i still quite fancy those chocolate covered strawberries I quite fancy those as well we dont have an Iceland anymore a lot of the pre prepared foods are not at all like the ;picture on the box and are usually a lot smaller Asda have a nice range of party foods in at the moment and their christmas frozen cumberland sausage rolls are really nice Farm Foods took all the business away from our Iceland - but I dont miss it [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave! Where you been?
slimfern Reference: been living a monastic life lately. I've heard all about that lot.... ...they make wine in one of our local abbeys.. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Try Shock-e-Kite-zal' yo, what's that about? [ more ]
Dave Reference: What kinda pictures ? I shall leave that to the discretion of the reader, but do remember that I have been living a monastic life lately. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Hubby Has To Sack Someone Tomorrow
sandra thanx purleeze dont worry tooooo much about this guy, it may be sad but he brung it on hiself xx you n hubster just look forward to looking after NO 1 the angel that is wee hetty [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Thanks Madamski. Hopefully this will make him turn his life around. Love the new avvy btw. [ more ]
sandra i hope he's in the pub , thats his problem not your or OH please remember that [ more ]
See all 26 replies...

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