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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The new triffids.... looking a bit like a crocus to me!
liverbird I was thinking along those lines Sarum! [ more ]
Sarum Reference: But that stuff with the mask wasn't in the book and I still don't understand that bit. That confused me too. The only thing I could think of was that the triffids could detect the presence of triffid-venom in their eyes (since the triffids tended to aim for the eyes), and be fooled into thinking that they (the people) were triffids too, so they wouldn't attack them. But that's just my guess... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing lol!!!! Deman... if the triffids had looked like that... I am not sure which way I'd run if one approached me one dark night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celeb BB House pictures!
The Big D great more big brother well I suppose it means more pub and footie time for me [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Reference: It does look a bit like the contents of Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen's knicker drawer.. *titters* Too true....I remember the 'Changing Rooms' episode where the owner declared his bedroom to look like a Turkish bordello and demanded they change it back to magnolia pronto. It was a similar red and black theme. [ more ]
Abo Reference: Do we have a chef going in? anyone know????? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member As usual, Growly Jnr has done bugger all [ more ]
Croctacus My son drew himself up a revision timetable and has stuck to it during the holidays...he's doing 3-4 hours a day and only allowed himself Xmas Day and Boxing Day off. [ more ]
Karma_ I only revised for my music exams Dunno how you lot do it But I must also add that I never even made it to my GCSE's so nuff respeck (and ting) to those of you studying. Keep at it [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The X Factor 2009 Discussion Thread! 20/9/09 7:45pm
darloboy (Play The Game!) Louis Walsh only seems to think that their fanbase is kids and teenagers , how wrong he is . Graham Norton show with Joan Rivers and Sarah Jessica Parker soon . [ more ]
Former Member Reference: The duo will perform a three hour set from 5pm until 9pm for under 18's. 3 hours! [ more ]
Hicky Jedward drops in to St Albans 2:23pm Wednesday 30th December 2009 By Alexandra Barham » X FACTOR twins John and Edward Grimes will be entertaining party goers at a St Albans nightclub next month. The cheeky double-act - better known as Jedward - will be prancing about the stage at Batchwood Hall Nightclub on January 30, demonstrating the moves that propelled them into the live finals of the popular ITV one talent show. The 18-year-old entertainers from Ireland, who are currently being... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This is great news
Former Member Reference: Blimey, their New Year celebrations will be memorable! Lets hope he doesn't go to Trafalgar Square for it and get knifed in an unfortunate and geographically ironic incident! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Blimey, their New Year celebrations will be memorable! [ more ]
Tayto. That's brilliant. Well done all involved. Such a relief to his family and a wonderful New Year's present. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm bored
Former Member Reference: Does no-one think Bianca is pretty? Not in EE, but off screen I think she's beautiful in a Nicola Roberts Girls Aloud kinda way. Nicola? The ginger drag-queen one? Blimey. [ more ]
Karma_ Yep I must depart now too, nite xx [ more ]
Former Member I make my exit on a grinning high g'nite Karma [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
12 Inches
Leccy Reference: My hunk of love isnt here, so I wont be waking up to my 12 inches unless of course it does snow more over night lol *Faints* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . With jealousy, obviously [ more ]
Sheep in a Jeep My hunk of love isnt here, so I wont be waking up to my 12 inches unless of course it does snow more over night lol [ more ]
Saint I don't want to know wot you get up to in the morning , lol *hides* [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Box game panic!
subatomic partygirl do have to buy some kind of USB dongle / adapter for XBox (I think). Here's a wireless adapter from Amazon.... and here's instructions about setting up via a USB dongle. If it's anything like PS3 you can track decent telephone support from XBox. (E.g.) If you have the above... [ more ]
Karma_ That's brilliant Tigi! cheers xx [ more ]
TiGi The Xbox LIVE Silver Membership is free and gets you basic access free, the Gold Membership is the one you have to pay for. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strictly Come Dancing 2009 discussion thread
darloboy (Play The Game!) craig revel horwood drag-old queen for panto Looks nice, impressive [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) olas strictly outfits go up for grabs Thats nice of her , sure there will be a bidding war . Daily Hate Mail have criticised her for it , sure shut their article down when hardly anyone agreed with their rubbish story... Ola Jordan [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Found this on DS it's the average scores on the leaderboard for this years contestants . Ricky W & Natalie = 35.07 Ali & Brian = 34.37 Zoe & James = 31.43 Jade & Ian = 30.88 Chris & Ola = 29.28 Laila & Anton = 28.43 Natalie & Vincent = 28.17 Phil & Katya = 26.67 Ricky G & Erin = 25.8 Martina & Matthew = 23.0 Lynda & Darren = 22.75 Craig & Flavia = 21.0 Rav & Aliona = 20.33 Richard & Lilia = 19.0 Jo & Brendan = 18.83 Joe &... [ more ]
See all 6,030 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
2356% "Typical" APR !
Marguerita Reference: Threaten to sue them for harassment, that should soon shut them up! Lol Fluffy I might just do that [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Hi Marge, Threaten to sue them for harassment, that should soon shut them up! [ more ]
Marguerita I have never had a credit card I would rather do without or save up the interest rates are a rip off,the bank still keeps asking me do I want credit cards even though I have always said no never and not to ask me again.. they still do it makes me angry.... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celebrity's clothes range...celebrity's perfume...
maggiep Reference: I likes me Stella McCartney Hi Karma i love Stella McCartney perfumes and also Caroline Hererra(sp) most of what i buy is from either of those two. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes The Britney ones are ok but not long lasting. The Christina A one is ok but has poor silage. The Beyonce one was ok but not long-lasting. In other words celeb fragrances lack lasting power. [ more ]
Karma_ I did like the first Kate Moss one that came out (cant remember the name) but Kylie Minogues Darling or Twathead or whatever it's called is rank. J-Lo's one weren't bad. Prada's one is like cat piss. I likes me Stella McCartney and Coco Mademoiselle [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Demantoid Reference: I'm gonna throw my willy around - and i don't care who knows it But Willy mind? [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I'm gonna throw my willy around - and i don't care who knows it Oh you shlaaaaaaaaag [ more ]
Marguerita My New Years resolution is to lose some weight and start going swimming again it is a great excersise,also to try and get a life outside of my four walls .. roll on spring [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Most Annoying People of 2009
Marguerita Reference: Renton Jamie Oliver thinks these Sainsburys home fries are the best Lol that would have really made me laugh [ more ]
Yogi19 I'd like to nominate Anthea Turner and her equally annoying husband, Grant Bovey; Penny Smith (GMTV); Davina McCall and John Burton Race. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: brisket Oh yes! I agree. Especially James Corden. He seems to believe he is a lot funnier and more talented than I do. And he's everywhere. I can put up with him on Gavin & Stacey, because he's not being himself in that. But everywhere else, he's this loud, boorish lump that tries to dominate every conversation. There's one like him in every pub. And that Gaga creature She goes on and on about how "smart" she thinks she is, but all her songs are just about shagging. I wanna... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So...what did ya get then??
Demantoid One of these: [ more ]
Åŗтγмαģš Nothing at all. I don't do Christmas. Ba Humbug! [ more ]
Darthhoob got loads of pressies from my OH's family. Even though we made an agreement not to (so i didn't LOL). the agreement was to do a secret we only bought his sister and her OH something. course EVERYONE except us bought pressies for everyone anyway lol. so i got loads of soft wolly socks and chocolate (even though i'm diabetic now lmao). and smelly stuffs. sort of small gifts but that's the way i like it tbh cos you dont feel so guilty about buying people bugger all then least i have... [ more ]
See all 137 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Just looked at ABO's link. What's on it is just the OPINION of that site. And if these things are only being deliberated upon in November, then season 2 has already been made. [ more ]
kattymieoww It's a shame that Big American channels snap up the stories etc for so many potentially good shows etc.However they do dumb down stuff for their audiences,(not that a lot of Americans like this,going by the forums etc for shows!) FOX etc.. [ more ]
Carnelian Like Flashforward, I've quite enjoyed "Defying Gravity" on BBC2, even though it's been in a similar vein to Flashforward/Lost with lots of flashbacks and soapy elements. That series has been quite scientifically accurate and introduced an element of fantasy to make thing a bit less mundane. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where's Ducky?
Ducky Reference: Aww at Darlo's little ducky links on you tube... It was really cute wasn't it? Clever thinking with the chair/ramp! [ more ]
kattymieoww Aww at Darlo's little ducky links on you tube... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing he has his own games too... fifa, Pro Evo soccer, his online fifa clan (clan I tell ya)... and yet he has just started playing petville, island paradise etc.... and cos I came up as his neighbour.. he nags me to send him this... do that... don't steal this..... [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was the name of that show?
subatomic partygirl Hi Rawky. Yeah...I did actually. Mind you, I even liked 'The 24 Hour Quiz'. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Oooh, thats the one, thanks Subs. I quite enjoyed that show, was all devious and things. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl I think you mean 'Unanimous'? Here's something from Wiki about it. Nine strangers are locked in a bunker and told they cannot leave until they unanimously choose to award one of them the grand prize money. Contestants are isolated from the outside world, and have no access to any time references. If a contestant leaves the bunker, the amount of the available prize is cut in half (except in certain circumstances such as medical reasons). Votes are cast by each contestant taking a ball and... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forum babies 1st christmas pics
Sheep in a Jeep We had a lovely day here in the sheep household, it was mine and mr sheepys first christmas actually being together. The weird thing was our little Lamb gave him the bestest ever christmas pressie by finding her tongue and started shouting DADA and she hasnt stopped yet LOL [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Oh they are both gorgeous and I feel soooooo broody!! Hope you both had lovely days with them xx [ more ]
Rexi What beautiful little people [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christmas Presents....Kids Question??
Abo like I said there are some things that are brilliant secondhand but there are just some things that should be binned once pieces have been lost or broken [ more ]
forgetmenot many years ago, I often got my son second hand things and sometimes I could have got him new. I felt that if I got him grander and grander things and new, his expectations would also just grow and grow and then he was headed for a fall. I did find he valued what he got, highly nadnow he is a man he think swhat i di was right and great. [ more ]
Tina got my 2 lads 2nd hand laptops [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If I could Just..................
Sarum Reference: Just wanted to say thanks, Sarum, and how I wish it didn't influence my life entirely but how can it not? It's a basic human function and I remember reading in a book when I was a kid that said " We live to reproduce and reproduce to live" Makes me being here a bit pointless TV, you're not pointless. I know how much it hurts not to be able to have children of your own, but, as Leccy said, you are making a huge difference to the children you care for. You're one of life's angels... [ more ]
serignhugrf Okay, I feel a little bad cause I effectively called everyone without kids, pointless! It's not what I meant. I just meant it in the context of that book that I read. I loved that book! It was made into a TV series - The Living Body. It was probably that series that made me become a midwife. Hmm, gone off topic a bit, ermmmmmm, If I could float on a rainbow, I'd be happy [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Tarty Veg And thanks fatty in a tent x But there aren't enough foster carers (especially good ones) as it is! I know I would feel the same as you though. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dirtyprettygirlthing a nok list (and that could be spelled well wrong)... its what they all fight over in films like mission impossible and stuff... a list of secret agents and their real names... like a decoder! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Annoca.... I am sorry.. I just assumed you'd know me as Ditty... I get so used to people calling me it I forget about the full title. I requested you, and you accepted me on Ditty Bird (but I look the same there as I do here) [ more ]
Karma_ Ditty that smilie! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All star impressions show
sandra only bit i liked was the ant n dec sketch rest was shitty specially sally WTF is her name from corrie .. tom jones i think not [ more ]
cockney-chick One of the worst programmes I have ever seen, If this is the best pitiful excuse for a tv programme that itv can offer on boxing day, then they need closing down. Chris Tarrant and Gary Barlow in the bath together FFS! All of the 'impressions' were appalling, and the material was shockingly bad! It was like a very badly put together year 9 school concert! Some of the best Crimbo tv has been 'repeated' stuff, like 'Christmas Lights' and 'Alan Partridge; knowing me knowing Yule' Class But... [ more ]
Croctacus I watched that the other day...a bigger pile of poo on TV I have never seen [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where's Annoca?
ANNOCA Thank you all for your good wishes. I know this is a horrible thing to say - but I think, painwise, a break would have been easier to cope with. I am totally black and blue on my right side!! Sorry about moaning. [ more ]
stoory What rotten luck Annoca ......Torn ligaments are REALLY painful. Good to see you back on here though [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Aww Annoca, how rubbish for you having to spend Christmas in hospital. Glad you're home now though, and hopefully you'll be feeling better and more mobile soon. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I have eaten half of London
liverbird Reference: I'm still a bit peckish though We had soo many tins of Quality St etc at work I really couldn't face anymore!! [ more ]
Croctacus I had egg and bacon muffins for breakfast about 10.30, lunch at 3 was turkey, roast pots, roast carrot, parsnips and shallots, broccoli, sprouts, stuffing with sausage meat, yorkshire pudding and gravy, just had some jaffa cakes (ok, it was a whole packet) and will be having me pudding shortly. I'm still a bit peckish though [ more ]
Saint Never eating again - ever - mine belly is xploding [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Next sale
SazBomb Reference: ...sorry onetoo... we struggle to get stuff long enough too... was a blessing when most places started doing a longer length size on stuff sorry onetoo [ more ]
liverbird Reference: But at least if you are not tall, you can buy longer length trousers (and other clothes) and shorten them. People with longer legs can hardly buy short length trousers and lengthen them - there is rarely more than 1" in the hems But sometimes it spoils the shape of the thing - like bootcut trousers for example! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Don't get me started on sizes why do the makers think we are all 'leggy' models But at least if you are not tall, you can buy longer length trousers (and other clothes) and shorten them. People with longer legs can hardly buy short length trousers and lengthen them - there is rarely more than 1" in the hems [ more ]
See all 43 replies...

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