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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katia is a parasite
Kaytee It seems pretty obvious to me that she's parasitical....she did make a bee line for Jonas when she entered the doubt she'd have latched on to someone else had he not been there. As for Jonas, there's only one part of his body he's thinking with...and it's not his brain. [ more ]
Cinds My orchid is flowering again. That is all [ more ]
Fairfax Reference:Yogi I'm judging her on her behaviour in the house, i.e. has a boyfriend when she enters the house but makes a beeline for Jonas; simpers and flirts with Jonas until he's hooked; dumps Jonas. Oh nearly forgot, the way she laughed when telling Jonas that she helped to break up Ronnie and Jo Woods marriage. I think Stephanie summed her up quite well. Well said [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie: "Alex is a nice lad"
GorgeousMimi I really must be watching a differant show as I havn't seen any bullying between Vinnie and Alex. ...I see banter and Vinnie ribbing Alex a bit but that is all. I like Vinnie the most in there, I also would like to like Alex more if he wasn't obsessed with being a celebrity. I find him attractive. [ more ]
Tequila We don't have the privilege of 24 hour LF so his banter can hardly be viewed as relentless [ more ]
sunny dayz oh i think its just banter between both of them. Vinnie is harmless, Alex is just as bad..they are entertaining, think they would b lost without eachothers banter. I like them both! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Vinnie and Stephanie both nominated Katia???
Soozy Woo I wouldn't say Stephanie was bitching - she was just telling it as it is. FGS kat is only in there because she latched on to someone rich and famous (and old) - it appears to me that she'd use anyone or do almost anything to get on. Stephanie has her sussed IMO. [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Stephanie claims that she is not a bitch... yet in the same conversation calls anonther woman a cat - what a complete hypocrite! Don't you think that was also a play on words? It works on a few levels, her name, any sort of feline qualities...and whatever other inerpretation you want out of it. I wouldn't say it was necessarily bitchy. [ more ]
Yellow Rose But we don't know yet who nominated who, unless I've missed something [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Common Sense.....
stonks Reference: How can I e mail the passage to myself? You can copy and paste it to your wordpad and file it not sure how to email it.... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair For the record, the article is not from the "London Times" ( a bit of a give-away as to the piece's origins - who in Britain would call it the London Times?) This isn't the OP's fault, though, because although the article is all over the internet, it's almost always attributed incorrectly. It was written by an American called Lori Borgman back in 1998, and was first published in the Indianapolis Star. You can find the original piece at: [ more ]
Former Member How can I e mail the passage to myself? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ivana Trump
Fairfax Reference: And this is a woman who some housemates have just described as "instantly lovely". Brisket, perhaps they don't know anything about her recent behaviour and are simply commenting on her behaviour in the house thus far. [ more ]
brisket So Ivana Trump is a woman who has had to be "escorted" /taken off a plane following an outburst, including swearing (f***ing) at children and staff. Very recently - Google it if you're curious. She's a celebrity you see. And this is a woman who some housemates have just described as "instantly lovely". [ more ]
Former Member Brisket it wouldn't surprise me if he did - and he himself has been married a few times hasn't he? Keeps trading them in I meant to mention in my first post that her fur wearing disgusts me also [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nominations spoiler
Crunchy Nuts Reference: Why would you want to keep butch chav girl tea bag thief Sov in.? Because I like her, she should win. She's not a chav and how the hell is she butch? [ more ]
justafriend its all happening today then kat and jonas break up, nominations, nicola and stephen getting wrong with each other, shopping as well today. just to have live feed. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) 20:11 Nicola can't believe that Stephen told her that BB is lying about the rule break conversation 20:10 Nicola is annoyed with Stephen....he told her that she has selective memory over the rule breaking conversation 20:01 Nicola returns to the table after her exchange with Stephen over who should be blamed for the rule break 19:59 Tension between Nicola and Stephen is rising over the rule break If only we could see this but things are hotting up now . Oh and Nicola doesn't know who the... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it too early to predict a winner?
Tayto. I'm not even watching it but from reading here I think he is peaking too early and will loose out at the end. I thought the Dark Horse could be the rocker girl who wore grey on the first night. Sorry it's very vague but I'm interested to see how wrong my first impression can be. [ more ]
justafriend im thinking sisqo too [ more ]
Marguerita It is a bit early as things can happen to change our minds but I am liking Sisqo and would like to see him win [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hereby no longer support any housemate who nominates the Sov
Former Member I agree Spider, her "gangsta" persona from the first night soon faded and she seems like a lovely girl. Would be unfair if she was to go first. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I'd never heard of her either, but hearing the crowd chanting "chav" at her immediately made me give her a fair chance because I refuse to jump on bandwagons. Other than moaning a bit about her costume, she's been really sweet I think. If she carries on as she has so far I think she'll be in with a shot of winning. [ more ]
Former Member I was convinced I was going to dislike Sov but I actually think she is one of my favourites. It's strange that she is 24 and still dresses like an 11 year old though. I had never heard of her before she went in and was convinced she was a member of the public a la Chantelle. She just seemed a bit too contrived. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stephen Baldwin to win.
Former Member I liked him in the beginning but he is starting to grate on me now. Not keen on all the preaching and then getting pretty aggressive when people start questioning him. And also, I get the feeling he doesn't really believe a word of it anyway. Having said that, you could argue that he is one of the least boring and I'd rather watch him than the repulsive Kat and Jonas. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: Well I am pleased that you all like Stephen. But I can't agree. He doesn't entertain me - he annoys me. I don't think he is a good housemate: I think he is a pain. I don't think he is very nice. Sorry folks, but that's how I feel. I can't stand him. I can completely understand you feeling like that, Brisket. I agreed with him being "Housemate Gold" and said he was in my final 4 but that doesn't mean I actually like him in an all round "great bloke" kind of way. Frankly, if I were... [ more ]
Yogi19 I like Stephen. He's totally nuts and funny to watch. I don't think I'd want to share a house with him, though. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are the people in charge of BB thick?
Former Member But is live feed really going to be that entertaining with this bunch? I watched a bit yesterday afternnon and they were reading the Bible - again. [ more ]
forgetmenot I think its cos the person in charge is a double agent working for a rival channel and instructed to distruct by making it as boring and rubbih as possible.. succeeding as well so lets hope the perp is on a bonus! [ more ]
brisket I think most of the stuff is thought up by immature, childish minds. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Heidi walks will the eviction be cancelled ?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Ooooooooooooooooops wrong thread. [ more ]
Marguerita Heidi sits looking gormless all day she sits being nice to the others faces, when they walk out of the bedroom she starts making snidey comments about them she is very two faced. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I thought it had to do with Ivana, but others said they had heard she wasn't well, so that led to further speculation about the sort of medication she might be needing. Thanks EFFT [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
(NOT) Celebrity BB
brisket I agree that the grade of celebrity is very low. Sad that the celebrity status has sunk so low for the last series. It may be contentious of me, but I don't think they should be paid any money at all. Celebrity or non-celebrity they should do this without payment in my opinion. Payment only boosts their egos further. [ more ]
Baz I agree.... I have to say that I thought C4 would have been able to better than this lot for the last CBB. [ more ]
Marguerita I dont care if they are A listers or Z listers as long as they are entertaining some in there are not even celebrities dont know why they were chosen to be honest. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member PMSL at the comments below the vid, she aint very popular is she? Take this one for example: bunch of xxxxx- If a bomb went off in that room OK Mag would go bust and the production of Celebrity come dine with me would end, Then we'd have to search the globe for another Monotone voiced, fanny lipped, horse toothed woman to pretend she's a good mother and lie all the time [ more ]
Abo oh I know we all have parties but if I had her kinda money I would've made sure they were being looked after elsewhere or by a nanny or something [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie Jones - The saviour of CBB2010
darloboy (Play The Game!) Vinnie is having lots of sly digs at people, he's just decided to say what he thinks as on that fee for a couple of weeks it's easy work . Alex is laughing it off as he thinks it's all a joke but there is some rather unpleasant tones when Vinnie is speaking... [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I guess he'll be nominating Alex today then as he dislikes him so much, and likewise Alex will be nominating Vinnie because of his mean bullying... [ more ]
Heartache According to IMDB Vinny has been in 46 films and 56 TV appearances as himself. I Was so pleased to see him in there, but like others l'm not enjoying him picking on Alex all the time. Regardless of whether l like Alex or not it's not showing vinny in a good light, and turning Alex into a victim. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Serious me
Former Member The gesture the video is trying to promote is quite interesting. Ironically, it looks Arabic to me. In Morocco, that hand across the hand, moving downwards, and a slight nod is a thank you or sign of respect. I've used it there myself. I wonder if some service people have picked it up in Iraq or Afganistan when dealing with the locals? That hints at an origin of the video to me. [ more ]
Former Member There's fears expressed too about Wootton Basset becoming a political point-scorer.. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: What makes you think that Dan? Some news reports and interviews on the BBC and this from the Times (back in July): "On Monday evening this week the Mayor of Wootton Bassett and representatives of the RAF, the Royal British Legion and the police met to discuss how an atmosphere of “dignified respect” could be maintained. Anxiety over the ceremonies began with a vague feeling that with the repatriation of July 14, and the massive... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could Vinnie feel threatened by Alex?
Marguerita I dont like the way Vinnie is picking on Alex I wish Alex would tell him were to go, the more Alex tries to laugh it off the more Vinnie will keep on to him, he thinks he is a superstar and they are all beneath him with the exception of Stephanie, 50 films [ more ]
nanalou Reference: justafriend 4881 Forum PostsYesterday at 11:37 (Edited: ) if Alex is gonna come out with comments about him and katie being bigger than michael jackson then i think hes going to become the butt of alot of jokes Alex didn't say that. What he said was that last summer, all the news seemed to be about Michael Jackson and Alex/Peter/katie which it was, you couldn't open a newspaper without mention of the alex,katie and peter triangle [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Acutally, that's rubbish I am most definitely not one of those "that's bullying" people - do not jump to conclusions Settle down sweetie , it was meant to be a joke [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rate the housemates!
Former Member Sisqo Sov Heidi Vinnie All the others undecided,apart from Alex ,he is last after the snowman! [ more ]
stupidcupid I must admit that there is no one that I totally like or dislike so far. Sisqo is my fav so far because of his engaging personality in the magic task. Plus he has a magnifique bum! [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Vinnie Stephanie Sisqo Heidi Ivana (couldnt care less about the rest of them lol) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dannii Minogue pregnant
Kaffs The link didn't work for me - and anything else I've tried to find on the internet about it says 'page no longer available' Do you think she's had the stories pulled? I hope it's true... I like her. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: Worse thing they ever did Why? [ more ]
Jen-Star Knew this was coming after seeing Danni on Piers Morgan's show, when talking about her relationship she hinted that they were ready to start a family. I'm happy for them think they will make great parents [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gavin & Stacey fans....
Moonbeams Reference: Saz Was anyone else disappointed with the last series? Completely. The first on was brilliant, second one was alright but the last one was pants. They had lost interest and just wanted it done with. [ more ]
cockney-chick Never taken to this programme, or got the hype. [ more ]
sushilover Should I wait and watch the first two series or should I go balls out and go BBC3? (ello xx ) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone ever seen...
Dirtyprettygirlthing I think its just that with the successful, well done surgeries we don't even know its been done.... its the botched, overdone, had way way too many done & bizarre ones that we can't help but notice [ more ]
Moomin I must admit Twee that Lulu does look fantastic. But she must be one of only a handful who do look like that after the surgery [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Re: Has anyone ever seen... [ more ]
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