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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LOL's control freak Vinnie to Sov, "Go find something to do"
suzybean Some people just exude this dominance thing. I have a brother like that, everyone just seems to fall in to line with him, even my parents sometimes. [ more ]
brisket Fear. I firmly believe that most of them feel intimidated by Vinnie. How sad. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Fear I think, why? I don't know I like him but am finding him a little too sure of himself I lost respect for him last night when he & Alex were ridiculing wasn't pleasant viewing....Vinnie knows he can manipulate Alex and eggs him on, Alex is too dumb to realise he's Vinnies yes man!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I must admit, I felt really sorry for Katia
Cariad Not everyone is comfortable with touchy feely. If Sov hasn't been raised that way giving a hug would not be natural for her. I rather thought she did what she could to make Kat laugh with the beans - she was such a bag lady with her shopping trolley and random shoplifting. She'll be a natural in 50 years time. [ more ]
TiGi Reference: course old ronnie had absolutely nothing to do with his marriage breaking up.... i'm not liking katia much, her voice annoys me, but the ganging up on her and public humiliation was out of order and plain nasty Agree with you on that. Made very uncomfortable viewing. [ more ]
Shizzlex I did feel slightly sorry for her but then what happens she's sitting back on Jon ass'es bed rubbing his toes i thought, apart from Sisqo, what a nasty bunch they all were last night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Teddy Pendegrass
Fairfax Ah God thats so sad, he had a terrible time of it with the accident but did a lot of work for several spinal injury charites in the US. I absolutely loved his music, loved Luther and Barry W too. R.I.P Thanks for the link Karma, have just listened to him sing, MAGIC [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I seem to remember he had a lot of tragedy in his life, wasn't he badly injured in a road accident many years ago? He was paralysed from the waist down after a car accident in 1982. He was only 59 when he died, so sad [ more ]
Karma_ One of my favourite songs [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I found a laptop today at the bus stop
Former Member At least you know you did the right thing Aimee [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: he came back 15 minutes later and said £40 was missing, management were called, a search ensued customer went off shouting the odds and left g'f feeling like a thief. Poor lass. What a twonk. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: Demantoid 7282 Forum PostsToday at 15:07 (Edited: ) Reference: I'd phone the school and complain about the lack of manners. Or better still, the education authority and the local paper. There could have been all kinds of sensitive info about pupils on that thing - imagine if all their addresses and phone numbers had fallen into some perv's hands? Good point Deman. I hate bad manners and ingrattitude. You did a good thing Aimee, I know many wouldn't have gone to all that bother. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
being human back soon!
brisket This paragraph is taken from an article in The Guardian yesterday: "A third series of hit BBC3 drama Being Human has been commissioned for the autumn, after the second series debuted this week with an audience of 1.4 million, double that of the first run." [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Yogi19 Today at 09:42: Just checked, Series 2, Episode 1 is on BBCIPlayer, Maz BBC3 are also repeating it tonight (Mon) at 10.30pm, and on Friday at 9pm (along with some other screenings in the wee small hours). [ more ]
Abo tis only Monday & still have to wait a whole week [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not Much Go In The Housemates
WILDER X Reference: think they're encouraged to go to bed early so that we don't get to see anything on live feed. They didn't even bother putting live feed on channel 4 last night. report · permalink Must be that then. Don't know why bb forked all that money out only to show the highlight show. Thank god it's the last one. report · permalink [ more ]
Poolshark It's not Celebrity (If ya can call them that) Big Brother, more like Celebrity Big Bore, no wonder this crap programme is being put to sleep!, and to think I once used to love the show. Can someone also put the rubbish George Lamb into retirement whilst they are at it. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I think they're encouraged to go to bed early so that we don't get to see anything on live feed. They didn't even bother putting live feed on channel 4 last night. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Gone But Not Forgotten Thread
Prince CharMING Reference: Gypsie is chained to the ironing board, Princely is chilin' wiv some choons and a phat one. Gypsie picks up a bra and begins ironing it. Prince: Why are you bothering to iron that, you don't have anything to put in it!! Gypsie: Well I iron your underpants don't I [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Prince: Why are you bothering to iron that, you don't have anything to put in it!! Gypsie: Well I iron your underpants don't I? Love it, Veggie. [ more ]
Former Member OMGZ I've shrunk [ more ]
See all 164 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ch4 Beangate video
Ducky I often used to lose internet connection on my lappy and go stomping upstairs to accuse my son of breaking it.....only to find I've accidently clicked the wireless connection switch off. Don't ya just love technology? [ more ]
Abo I have also had the headphones plugged into the computer & wondered why when I've tried to play something from their to the TV I wasn't getting sound. OH was getting really angry saying I'd broken the connection between TV & computer [ more ]
Ducky Reference: I've had it on mute before & thought my sound had gone. But shhhhh Me too. Took me nearly two weeks before I realised. Shhhhhh [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where do you go to my lovely?
Ducky You've made me look like a right alchy now Lainy. There are four or five hard core regulars in the bar....and a few others who pop in to say hello when they fancy pointing and laughing at us. I still blog occasionally..... not as often as I'd like cos I try and wait for something particularly interesting to happen (and it doesn't happen that often ) The snow gave me a little inspiration though. [ more ]
Former Member I really only come in here - with the occasional trip to the Troll Tank Oh and I don't blog [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stephanie = Queen Bitch
Selina K Alex does come across as sweet but dumb. Sov is acting like a tantrumming teenage brat although she is a 24 year old woman. We can't always be going up to people and letting them know our criticisms of them. I don't want everyone to come up to me and tell me I'd doing their heads in. It doesn't make you a bitch just because you voice a negative opinion on someone. I haven't heard her say anything yet that wasn't what's on most people's minds [ more ]
Puss Absolutely Spidermonkey, Ivana has real class and doesn't seem to have a bad bone in her body. She really has gone up in my esteem. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Ivana is a classy lady. She's rich, successful, but also suprisingly humble. She doesn't need to put people less fortunate than her down, in order to boost her own sense of worth and superiority. Ivana is what Stephanie wishes she could be... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got some news....
Jen-Star Don't worry GMA I'm stopping at 3! Always only wanted 2 tbh, but i'm looking forward to a third now [ more ]
GMA Congratulations, I had three and wanted four, stop there Jenstar! Be well and enjoy your pregnancy tho'. I never enjoyed mine due to my horrible Mother (God forbid, late Mother) interfering - I wish she could have been more of a friend. [ more ]
Jen-Star Aww you lot are lovely! Got my appointment to see midwife yesterday, it's for 29th Jan!! I'll be about 12weeks by then! Apparently thats how they work now Nearly broke my neck taking kids to school today, think i'll leave them off tomorrow if its the same, not gonna risk it again. [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Stephen Baldwin.
Fairfax Reference: agreeing with the OP and Marg there - dont take him too seriously (I dont think lol) it was mentioned on here before that when he was on IACGMOOF-USA) - he wasnt that bad at all.... I was more scared of the Heidi and Spencer Pratts (by name my nature - they would give the heebie-jeebies..... ffs lol) Ol Baldwin knows what he's about - he's not gonna win tho - neither is Vinnie, he seems to clued up on stuff - my money is on Ivana or Sisqo.... with Steph as 'also ran's lol Barmy... [ more ]
Puss Can't forget what he said about his daughter (gun to her head, see her in heaven) just plain wrong. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Personal opinion but I think his Christian beliefs mean a lot to him and he's sincere in them. Don't think he'll win but I hope he lasts longer than some others as he's entertaining [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dane you numpty...
Yellow Rose Reference:Tequila So far I think Sisqo and Ivana have been the least vocal about their fellow hm's. Until Spidermonkey mentioned it I'd forgotten that I too haven't heard Ivana saying anything negative about anyone. So Sisqo and Ivana are the only 2 then that haven't gossiped/bitched/name called...unless anyone can add someone else lol. [ more ]
Ducky I'm soooooo tough. [ more ]
Tequila Reference: OI you! msn now! Yes Miss [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie...Hollywood 'star' yet shrewdly clued up about BB
Marguerita When he was asked if it was live he said it is on 24/7 but he had not seen it for some years.. he so wants to win [ more ]
Mazzystar I liked Vinnie before the show,but he's coming across a tad overbearing tbh.Hes absolutely the alpha male of the house and rules that house completely. I do enjoy his observations as they are spot on...but I couldnt live with his domineering manner [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: Same here And here [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will they actually be awake tonight?
MrsH 23:17 Nicola has headed to the diary room. Most HMs are still chatting in the bedroom. Could it be that they aren't really that tired [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Like I can kind of understand them wanting them up early when there was live feed on all day, but now there isn't, I can't believe that there's no one involved in the running of that show that hasn't worked out that they need to them lie in bed til whenever they want. The early BB's the hm's were left to pick and choose when they went to bed/got up and I think it worked better. As well as the fact that they could pick and choose when to drink alcohol (and how much off their shopping list)... [ more ]
MrsH Sov's walked 22:42 Sov is getting under the covers [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heidi: "They're a pair of bitches"
Angel Reference: she should check her lips in the mirror before she cusses Sov about her teeth. she didn't need a mask for the Last Legs task .... she's wearing it permanently [ more ]
Marguerita She is nasty how she talks about others .. behind their backs. [ more ]
Senora Reyes She nominated Sov because said Sov's extra teeth look like fangs...It ain't right but sorry I PML...Hiedi I quite like her, but she should check her lips in the mirror before she cusses Sov about her teeth. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Only Like 3 Housemates
Former Member Sisqo is my fav,Stephanie I just do not care for.Ivana is really growing on me,she is spot on when she says "she is not a fool" [ more ]
Former Member Sisqo, Nic and Ivana [ more ]
Angel I couldn't pick anyone for this years winner ? I guess Vinnie will win ..... but I don't think I'll bother to vote .... no one I like enough [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why don't BB just admit they want Sov out and Katia in
Crunchy Nuts Reference: If I'd done that, then I suppose I wouldn't want her to be evicted, regardless of what a twat she was making of herself I think you might lose your money though I actually really like her though. I started Sov's Drawer before I put the wager on her. I think she's got so much more to offer as a housemate and I genuinely do think she's getting harshly edited by BB [ more ]
Marguerita The same way they wont admit they want Vinnie to win they keep saying on BBLB what a great guy he is [ more ]
Former Member Reference: You would be if you'd drunkenly went online and put £800 on someone winning. If I'd done that, then I suppose I wouldn't want her to be evicted, regardless of what a twat she was making of herself I think you might lose your money though [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie: "They're bang out of order"...
Scotty Reference: Fairfax Absolutely, what a two faced git. He's a real sh** stirrer. You bet! He may think he`s playing a clever game but WE have the last say. [ more ]
Selina K He (and Dane) egged him on, stoked the fire, and then put all the blame on the hapless idiot. Alex is a prize plonker. A harmless one in fairness. Vinnie's very quick and Alex is his foil. I'm enjoying it. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Scotty Notice how he didn`t pipe up to defend her while it was happening. Absolutely, what a two faced git. He's a real sh** stirrer. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie whining about the quality of food...
Scotty Reference: Not quite, but I think he has a problem with anyone who doesn't actively sing from his hymn sheet. Exactly. If he can`t control them he tries to isolate them within the group by bad mouthing them. The others are so intimidated by him they either say nothing or join in. I`m hoping when it comes to nominations, they`ll show some courage and put him up. [ more ]
SazBomb Vinnie is a plank [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: I think Vinnie has a problem with the human race Not quite, but I think he has a problem with anyone who doesn't actively sing from his hymn sheet. What I mean is notice how Stephanie got away with any ridicule for her part in the cooking, because she is always agreeing with him and always bigging him up. Notice how he no longer ridicules Alex because he has become painfully submissive towards Vinnie. Now notice how he's disliking the young female housemates who have failed to... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the big men
subatomic partygirl Reference: it's up his arse that's why he's shoved his head up there. *smirks* I suspect think he doesn't give a rats for anyone there (or anywhere), fairplay, winning or ANYTHING except himself and his family. Can't fault him on that basis but he has betrayed a few less than savoury streaks. Most of the time, he's done a pretty good job of polishing a t*rd though. [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: subatomic partygirl offline 995 Forum Posts Today at 18:56 (Edited: ) I can't quite figure Vinnie's moral compass it's up his arse that's why he's shoved his head up there.. [ more ]
stonks Reference: At least he's been downgraded from Bully to Unpleasant. PMSL I wonder who the best B word will be?.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The house "EXPERT"
Angel Reference: carole BB8 you took the words right out of my mouth Aimee she's the first person who sprung to mind .... then I scrolled down & saw your post after the OP's. [ more ]
Puss deffo Stephen, hope he accidently shuts it in his bible [ more ]
Former Member Past years it has been Carol/ Mario,this years know all for me is Stephen.Forgot about Elizabeth who could I forget her " Teaching" Dean how to taste wine. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Basshunter really fancy Katia?
Angel I'd definitely say so ..... yes I thought it was genuine on his part .... but not on hers. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: name's Kevin Bacon Oh theres a blast from the past...footloose!!! I loved him [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: I always thought he was an eejet, but he has proven it by showing an interest in that strumpet/user Katia. Shallow music, shallow values, shallow bloke basically. The pair of them deserve each other and he's only really "upset" because he got publicly dumped. sinkthepink: "puppet mouth"! Very apt. I don't fancy blokes with no lips, unless their name's Kevin Bacon [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That's it Sov, you have made THE LIST!!
Fairfax Reference emantoid I started off liking Heidi, but all I'm seeing lately is her spiteful streak Thats exactly the right word 'spiteful'. A real nasty side to her. [ more ]
Demantoid She had a proper tantrum, didn't she? Very disappointing, but at least she had the class to apologise to Ivana later on and admit she'd been rude and stupid. Pity her so-called elders and betters (Stephen?) don't feel obliged to do the same, when they're wrong or mean to people. I started off liking Heidi, but all I'm seeing lately is her spiteful streak. [ more ]
Kaytee What a little pain in the arras she was, but on the other hand both Katia and Sov can least Heidi's bitching keeps me amused. [ more ]
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