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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Douglas Slocombe, film cinematographer, has died
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Not yet listened to it as I am a prolific soundtrack purchaser. At the moment I have in the range of 60-70 soundtracks to play. I'm a big John Barry fan and have been buying up his back catalogue. Have you heard John Williams score to Catch Me If You Can? Love the opening credit tune. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Very nice! Certainly one of his "classic" scores... of which there are several! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Bigger picture https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance....05.56287c841c6a1.jpg [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TONIGHT on Channel 4: The Great British Sex Survey - 10pm
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I can assure you, my interest in that area stops at a nicely turned ankle. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Yorkshire - Foot fetish capital of the UK !!! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities OK - I can't write anymore. We have only reached the second kink and it's watersports and we are not talking swimming. I'm signing off now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was/is your best age?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I have never considered it, but I only remember earlier years in snatches or fragments of events. I am sentimental about events in time, especially music or film related, but cannot recall a long stretch of my life where I would say "wow, that was a great period of my life". I do think that I don't get enough out of life. I have been too focused on keeping a job and not really don't the things others have for example I don't think I have had a proper holiday since 1999. A bit like GJ I am... [ more ]
Baz I had to read it a couple of times to work out what you meant , [ more ]
Xochi Just wanted to clear that one up Baz! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a surprize........NOT!
Carnelian Whatever happens to the country, it's never the fault of the Tories. That party is pathologically adverse to putting its hands up and admitting its failings. Even in the 90s after years of office that party was still blaming the 1960s and early 70s for all society's ills. No matter how long they're in power, it's NEVER their fault! If the Tories win in 2020, come 2025 everything wrong with the country will still be spun as Labour's fault. The last global downturn, was all Gordon Brown's... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Very good Syd! [ more ]
Former Member You may be tough enough to swalllow his crap Sydlers, but I sure as hell am not He irks me so do his cronies too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think it is sad that I am going to watch this and that I am moderately excited? NOW with exciting video
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities CHECK OUT this video !!!! [ more ]
Former Member But have got worse lately (IMO) [ more ]
Former Member I've just gone for a Sony Z3 (after having a Sammy). I really wanted a Z5 but waaaay out of my price league. If I'd been working I might have considered it though. and also on the strength of a small pension that I can cash in now I'm 55. I'm gonna pay my debts off with it and this phone is a present to myself [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mental Neighbours
Former Member Or bring back an exploding cigar! [ more ]
Former Member She sounds absolutely awful You have my sympathies Cinds. Leave it all behind as your plane takes off for Cuba and make yourself scarce when you return! [ more ]
Rexi Ahahaha! I recognise the emotion behind those words! We usd to have people whose garden backed onto ours who had a yappy dog. On and on and on and on, this bloody dog went yap yap flipping yap. I used to phone the people up and ask if they were okay as their dog had been yapping outside for an hour and I thought it might have been trying to get my attention because they had maybe collapsed or something. Once I went round there at midnight in my dressing gown to check on them because 'no one... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Novelist Harper Lee
Eugene's Lair I think that's very wise, Madame. I've been trawling through a lot of old copies of Private Eye recently, and they pointed out in their review of "Go Set a Watchman" that there were good reasons why it wasn't published at the time. When Lee showed her manuscript to an editor, he was encouraging but told her that the best bits were the main character's flashbacks to her childhood, and if she reworked these on their own she could create something really good. That rework became "To Kill a ... [ more ]
Madame Arcati I've read 'To Kill a Mockingbird' many times and it remains one of my favourite reads. I didn't read 'Go Set a Watchman' when it was published recently and don't think I ever will now. Atticus Finch is one of my literary heroes and I prefer to think of him as he was in 'Mockingbird'. RIP, Harper Lee [ more ]
Cold Sweat RIP Harper Lee [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Indian leopard injures six in Bangalore school
El Loro By the way, if you don't know why they are using that version of Mac, do a google search on that version anf you'll see why [ more ]
Baz Re: Indian leopard injures six in Bangalore school [ more ]
El Loro It is thought that the lions may have seen the news reports about the leopard's escape whilst browsing on Safari. They are believed to be using Mac OS X 10.7 [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eurovision Song Contest voting rules changed
Eugene's Lair Not really, TBH. It may be a bit of a cop-out, but it's probably unsalvageable now, and we can never return to anything remotely close to the song contest it started off as. I think it's impossible not to have public voting now - it's pretty-much expected nowadays, and of course it brings in lots of money. Besides: the rot set in long before big changes such as the introduction of public voting, or the huge expansion due to old Eastern Bloc countries. My real beef is with the Eurovision... [ more ]
Former Member Do you have any suggestions to combat this then EL? I don't know what's the best way to deal with it [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Hmmm... I was reading this earlier today, and I can't help feeling that although it sounds a good idea on paper, I think it will open the Eurovision up to even more controversy than usual. Firstly, the mass point awarding at the end is likely to cause big reversals due to differences between jury and audience views - which could cause accusations of rigging. Also the fact that the breakdown of national audience voting will be effectively hidden (which I suspect is intentional ) means that... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The People v OJ Simpson
Eugene's Lair I don't know about being a "catch all", but - as with most mental illness - it does sound like a spectrum . It's also more difficult to diagnose than I'd realised: look at the problems they had diagnosing Fry himself, and I was surprised to find it can often take 8 years to reach a formal diagnosis. [ more ]
Baz , [ more ]
Aimee Well he looks guilty and I know the verdict but I was 21 at the time with a 1yr old so I didn't follow it like I did the Oscar case so it's going to be interesting to watch it with fresh eyes (if you know what I mean) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is snap chat...
El Loro EC, I only use Winzip with one client at that client's insistence. We use a password which changes of around 17 characters. The encrypted zipped file is encrypted with 256 bit AES. We use Winzip itself rather than one of the free clones. Those are more likely to use Zip 2.0 for encryption and it's those which are easier to crack. I do have to pay each year for that Winzip but when I'm dealing with confidential information security is more important. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I would avoid winzip type applications, a lot of them seem to be easily cracked. Go for something like veracrypt. It works well and can be sent in a portable version to your recipient. It is also free (open source). [ more ]
El Loro Not directly related, bu I think the EU in in the process of implementing a directive whereby business etc have to ensure that any confidential information they send in an email is sent on a secure basis. When I send confidential documents to my clients I use either password protected Winzipped files or use a secure portal which has been developed by Iris for the use of accountants and their clients. It's a bit like Dropbox but more secure. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The British Academy Film Awards
Eugene's Lair I tend to be torn with movie awards ceremonies: I'm interested in the results, but usually can't be bothered watching the ceremony itself. (Perhaps significantly, I used to watch the ceremonies back in the days when I usually hadn't seen many of the films up for nomination.) I finally managed to see "Trumbo" on Saturday", so of the "big" awards (Best Film, Best Director, and the 4 acting awards) the only BAFTA-nominated films I haven't seen are "The Lobster" (nominated for Outstanding... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Aww....and you. [ more ]
Syd! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For anyone who has to complete tax returns and the new quarterly digital reporting
El Loro In the example shown above in the Who will report? section it says that interest will not be allowable against rental income. I don't know why that's the case as interest is allowable at present. I think it's to do with the change from April 2017 in the way that interest is claimable by landlords. Over a period of 4 years, the amount of tax relief will be reduced from the landlord's top rate of tax down to the basic rate of 20%. the tax relief will be given as a deduction from their tax bill... [ more ]
El Loro I think the chances of it rolling out smoothly are less than winning the jackpot on the national lottery 10 times in a row. It will be a thousand times more problematic than RTI which was simple in comparison. [ more ]
Cinds I imagine it will roll out as smoothly as RTI did for PAYE. *HUGE EYE ROLL* [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Panthers look tough!
Cold Sweat Has the Carolina bubble burst? [ more ]
Eugene's Lair The breaks are primarily for adverts, CS. It's huge business: apparently a 30 second slot at tonight's game can cost up to $5 million! However because we're seeing it on the BBC they have to fill the slots with something-else... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Breaks like these to review footage would kill football - that last one was around 4 minutes. [ more ]
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