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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joe Swash in the Edinburgh Vaults....
stonks Thanks Electric, I would have to book as I'd be going over for the weekend for it and I'm in Ireland so would'nt want it messed up and missing it, thankyou for the link I'll have a mooch.... [ more ]
electric shepherd Reference: stonks:I found 2 tours online today but can't find them I think one was called the something mile, I will have to look into it more and look for the Mary Kings close one.... mary kings close... . you have to book in advance and get allotted a time. for the vaults, we saw a poster out the front of st.giles catchedral on the royal mile, which said to be there at a certain time to meet the guide. there are some ghost walks on an... [ more ]
stonks Reference: there are the vaults and then there's mary kings close which is the old street that still exists pretty much as it was when the last people moved out. the law courts are built over the top of it. well worth a visit, but make sure you know which one you want to see because we went on the vaults tour (which was ok) before we realised that the spooky streets were mary kings close... I found 2 tours online today but can't find them I think one was called the something mile, I will... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stephen becoming ostracized just like Sov was
fookat Reference: Vinnie is an arrogant, obnoxious bully. I dont know why so many people think he's great Fookat I don't thinky many like him at fact I would go far as to say I have only seen two fm's who like him, the majority loathe him on here yes but not some people I know - they want him to win! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) They soon grew out of it then Tequila . I hope Sov learns from her CBB experience . [ more ]
Tequila darloboy Darlo I went thru' the whole Kevin and Perry scenario with my two sons when they were in their teens and early twenties lol...........and I found that the best way to get the best out of them was to just keep praising them to high heaven (even when I felt like throttling 'em) and appeal to their better natures rather than criticise and order them about........that got me nowhere and only succeeded in raising my blood pressure . Now they are 29 and 24, live with their partners and... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight HL show spoiler...
Former Member Cheers Darlo,Sugar versus Tabacco,Stephen is such an idiot. Sisqo's and Alex reaction to Dane's scream was really funny,Sisqo was in mid air while Alex was in a boxing stance cha cha chaing towards the BR door.Jonas then started to get spooked thinking there were "spirits" in the room. Looks like a good show tonight. [ more ]
kattymieoww Aww I missed Dane and the screaming,I turned on the live feed saw they were all in their pits and switched over. [ more ]
justafriend hope you feel better soon darlo [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie sunk to a new low last night
Angel Reference: She's not that bad, Darlo - she was actually the only one who questioned Vinnie about it, saying she wouldn't do what he was asking Ivana to do. She's pretty bad though If she'd had any 'REAL' sympathy she would have sided with Ivana and said "I wouldn't do it" but no .... she wasn't going to go against Vinnie's word ..... Vinnie had said Ivana could do it .... & so Ivana must. Ivana should have told him to feck off ..... Vinnies a total t0sspot and Stephane isn't far behind... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Don't forget his patronising sidekick Stephanie she's just as worse I don't think Steph's anywhere near as bad as Vinnie, granted she really couldn't take to Sov but I've not seen her suddenly pick on someone verbally and sarcastically like Vinnie enjoys doing just to amuse himself [ more ]
Moomin Reference: Don't forget his patronising sidekick Stephanie she's just as worse She's not that bad, Darlo - she was actually the only one who questioned Vinnie about it, saying she wouldn't do what he was asking Ivana to do. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gordon Ramsay's new show.
Eugene's Lair Reference Amythist Today at 17:49: India is overwhelmingly populated by vegetarians so why we have a programme showing the slaughter and cooking of animals is beyond me. He is not reflecting the real food of india. Gordon Ramsay is notorious for being, shall we say, not entirely respectful towards vegetarians... [ more ]
Amythist India is overwhelmingly populated by vegetarians so why we have a programme showing the slaughter and cooking of animals is beyond me. He is not reflecting the real food of india. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference emantoid I can't watch old sharpei-face [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Stephanie came on BB to show she 's not a bitch
Demantoid Re: So Stephanie came on BB to show she 's not a bitch [ more ]
WILDER X I'm disappointed in her too. At her age you would think she would no better. [ more ]
longcat I laughed when Stephen asked her last night if she would treat a family member like she treated Sov and she said yes. I wonder how many of her relatives she calls vile creatures and non-entity's? [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are our views like everyone elses?
Eugene's Lair I've no idea about the viewing public's general attitude, or how BB would measure it (assuming they do at all), but as far as the voting public's attitude is concerned (not necessarily the same thing, of course), the one thing that BB10 proved is that none of the fan sites can claim to accurately reflect how the GBP will vote anymore. This forum is probably too small to be representative anyway, but even the larger sites (e.g. DS) got some of last year's key votes badly wrong. [ more ]
WILDER X Reference: Fed up with George Lamb dissing the HMS he does not like, and telling us all how great Vinnie is and that he is a legend .. Maybe it's to do with george dad playing the vilian in eastenders. I can't think of one nice thing to say about vinnie. [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh I hated that moody mare Ulrika last year. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katia: I can't wait to kiss Jonas again
Moomin I don't think it's about that though, is it? It's Katia's response that people are upset by, no? [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: It was the bit about Who gives a S*** - I'm sure Jo Wood does? Silly shallow bint Katia will have to deal with these questions - they will be asked everytime she is interviewed I wonder if Jo gave a S*** when hooking up with Ronnie while his then wife Krissy was pregnant? [ more ]
Moomin Reference: “I don’t care if people say I stole her husband. I’m above it. Who gives a s**t. It’s in the past. F***ing get over it. I was 19.” I got to that bit, rolled my eyes and stopped reading Can she disappear back in to obscurity now please? It was the bit about Who gives a S*** - I'm sure Jo Wood does? Silly shallow bint [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Celeb BB really worth it?
Kaytee I had never heard of Sisquo...and if he's a singer....he wouldn't get past the audition stage on X Factor. Alex...goes out with Jordan at the moment, but he's due another public dumping Nicola...will disappear at the end of CBB thank gawd Jonas, Katia,Sov and it for the money Steph and Vinnie....heaven knows their motives The one that surprises me is Ivana...she has more cash than she will ever need or want...why the hell would she do CBB? To sum up....CBB is a waste of heavily... [ more ]
Fairfax Howdy Baz, off now to physio...see you later for hl show [ more ]
Baz Reference: Very true Baz, I had never heard of Nicola before. Now she's a zeleb LOL... I've never heard of most of them..... Hi Fairfax [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I no longer have a favourite or particularly care who wins!
Blizz'ard The Tree of Temptation, for me. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Demantoid Stephen's way too bonkers and judgmental, so while I'd like him to stay, I don't want him to win. Vinnie's a gimlet-eyed tyrant. Dane's becoming his attack dog. Jonas is duller than one of his own records. Nicola is harmless but boring. Stephanie has a permanent 'just swallowed a turd' look on her face. Ivana's OK, but a winner? Not sure. Brilliant. Couldn't have put it better [ more ]
kattymieoww I'm not fussed who wins,I don't vote anyway.Sisqo promised much but is now a bit of a damp squib.Stehanie too, I did like her at the start. Last year I really wanted Terry to win. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stephen: its a sign
Demantoid Reference: If ONLY they'd bring in Richard Dawkins as guest for a day! Or, when Stephen goes into the diary room for his daily bible fix, substitute it with a copy of The Blind Watchmaker instead.. [ more ]
Åŗтγмαģš If ONLY they'd bring in Richard Dawkins as guest for a day! [ more ]
Åŗтγмαģš Reference: Demantoid Well, this year's theme is "Hell lies in others", after all! They've certainly picked the right HM to drive the point home! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
haha dopey dane.
stonks Reference: Utterly bizarre. Dane had a "mental people make me nervous" look on his face. Priceless stuff PMSL that was my thinking aswell.... [ more ]
Demantoid Utterly bizarre. Dane had a "mental people make me nervous" look on his face. Priceless stuff [ more ]
suzybean ahahaha that was funny........."i just find it funny that the joke's on you, tum tum tum twiddly twiddly deeeeeeee". [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Vinnie wanna perv?
longcat I think he just wanted to humiliate. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: What about when the men had the competition wearing mankinis etcVinnie insisted he should compere as there was no way he was going to embarrass himself. True! I'd forgotten that. What a hypocrite! [ more ]
Amythist What happened to democracy? Vinnie just dictated that Ivana should do it. I was very uncomfortable watching the sheep just going along with it.So she should accept being humiliated because of her fee?What about when the men had the competition wearing mankinis etcVinnie insisted he should compere as there was no way he was going to embarrass himself.Hes full of it,cant stand him. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie's making me want to crush grapes!
jacksonb why did they all let him decide who was doing what in the task? why did no-one,except steph, try to argue the point with him? why is he such a tosser? why do i care? he's a knob. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Good on Ivana i thought she did really well, and didnt complain at all,not everyone in her shoes would have done it I agree ozzy, she's a good old sport [ more ]
ozzycam Reference: It's offical...I cannot bear him. He nearly induced a heart attack in me this evening, the final straw was his ordering Ivana to be a life model. That really bothered me tremendously, telling a woman of her age to get on with it ( put on underwear and pose)...I could have smashed his face in and I am not violent by nature. Good on Ivana i thought she did really well, and didnt complain at all,not everyone in her shoes would have done it........ [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie reckons Stephen has a game plan!
Tequila Reference: oh translated means That is who me and steph will vote for next Well I'd say its more a case of "This is who I want YOU to vote for next"............then he (Vinnie) doesn't nominate them so when they ARE evicted he looks like the good guy [ more ]
cup oh translated means That is who me and steph will vote for next [ more ]
Noty They all have game plans. Much as I like Vinnie, his nominations reek of tactics. Much as I dislike Stephen, his game plan is probably just the same as his life plan. Get as much attention as possible, no matter what he has to do to get it or how negative the attention. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight HL show spoiler...
Fairfax Reference: To get awareness of Help for Heroes I haven't heard him mention them. I apologise in advance if he has but I genuinely haven't heard a peep out of Vinnie on this subject. [ more ]
Former Member Cheers Darlo. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Some of the housemates are discussing Celebrity Big Brother and why they did it. "To get awareness of Help for Heroes is one reason", says Vinnie. "There's a few people out there that have said things about me, this, that and the other which people can only believe because they haven't had three weeks to scrutinise me. Now, make your own decision. I'm not acting, this is me". Failed [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie and Bitch turn up the nastiness towards Stephen
Angel Reference: I cannot stand that steph now for voting her mate ivana what a sneak I know!!!! ..... just shows what a sneaky cow she is I could not believe that when she nominated Ivana [ more ]
Angel and they are STILL trying to blame Sov for things .... & she wasn't even in there .... just shows how they jump to conclusions ...... I suppose they need someone to turn thier attentions to and thier target is obviously now Stephen [ more ]
cup If they had any wit they would all vote steph and vinnie Put the wind up them I cannot stand that steph now for voting her mate ivana what a sneak she is desperate to win Vinnie and steph are the worst back stabbers and mixers in the house They play the old game rip people apart but in other words just letting everyone know who they are voting for. What rubbish reasons she give for ivana for all 10 people in there who she has no time for she picks ivana her mate,what a game player [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie says if Big Brother push him too far he will walk
LowonIQ Vinnie is good at the verbals and then doesn't follow through, he'll be there until BB announces his eviction. [ more ]
Scotty 18:04 - Dane asks Vinnie if he should put chilli on the potatoes! Vinnie suggests maybe doing a separate sauce for the potatoes! 18:07 - Vinnie tells Dane that his sauce looks nice.... POOOOOOOOSH!!! [ more ]
Former Member Walk? To the garden, chat to the birds and then walk back again [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gothys Super All New Coffee Shop
Gothic Angel Sorry guys But I think some things are best left finished off and this is gonna be the last post in the coffe shop from me.... I'd like to say thanks to everyone who came both here and on Ch4.... It was fun and I have made some really good friends, all things come to and end and the Coffee Shop has run its course me thinks.....turns the sign to closed and turns the lights off for the last time ....Byeeeee coffee shoppers and everyone it was good [ more ]
Former Member Looks like the snow has caused havoc with the deliveries and the staff! *comes in and puts the tables together and begins laying out lots of nibbles for tonights eviction* [ more ]
Former Member Waves at Gothy and makes self a nice peppermint tea with a slice of carrot cake [ more ]
See all 3,238 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll time :D -- 4th/5th eviction
Fairfax Reference: Yogi I don't really want any of them to leave, but Sisqo is my favourite so I voted Stephen and Ivana. I wish it was Jonas, Nicola and Vinnie who were up Same here Yogi. Such a shame that those 3 are up, I'll miss barmy Stephen when he goes. [ more ]
Tequila Difficult one for me as I wanted Sisquo to stay but Stephen is now beginning to stand up to Vinnie [ more ]
kattymieoww Pity it wasn't that plank Jonas and dull Dane for the chop. [ more ]
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