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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie and the Ateam have lost control of the noms.
Former Member Yes ,we are voting for who will be the winner,so Vinnie can no longer canvass noms like he did against Sov,Stephen and Ivana. Just a few nights ago Vinnie/Stephanie/Ivana discussed being prepared for the next round of noms because BB had sprung noms on them and they were not fully prepared. [ more ]
carpet Erinp, isn't it voting for you winner now? And the two with least by Wednesday, go on Wednesday. And I think Vinnie, Dane, Nicola, Stephanie & Alex will be the final 5. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I never for one moment thought it was a group thing. The A team are simply a group of buddies ............I've seen no evidence of nomination rigging ......all noms have been an individual choice as far as I can see ....there's been no whitewash across the board has there? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sisqo fanclub (Save Our Sisqo)!
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: agree Darlo.... and Vinnie is what he has always been...... Baz although Sov had her faults and I disagreed with some of her behaviour, Sisqo has also paid the price for realising he is not going to be dictated by Vinnie and his followers . He apologised to Vinnie and shouldn't have but I really think that is because he didn't want tension thats the type of person he is and would know that he would have been up again had he stayed. [ more ]
Baz Reference: going to be boring now same BB and I don't want to watch anymore of Celebrity Vinnie Jones and co Brother. I agree Darlo.... and Vinnie is what he has always been....... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I don't want to watch anymore of Celebrity Vinnie Jones and co Brother. it's what you choose to make of it see what you want to see. I'm glad Sisqo and Stephen have gone ............I may be outa step with the forum but obviously in step with the viewing public. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soozy Woo Reference: the hater of foreigners Why do you say that? Simply because he said in jest 'it's all the foreigners up'?. I think if he truly hated foreigners he wouldn't choose to be one living in a foreign land would he? He just said it as is was. [ more ]
Moomin Don't want any of them to win now. [ more ]
Former Member Gutted,Vinnie the thug,the hater of foreigners,the man who must be obeyed stll in the house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ignorant Eviction crowd chavs.
Soozy Woo Reference: And yet they would cheer a man (Vinnie) who was arrested for biting someone's face leaving them scarred for life. I think everyone gets booed - it's par for the course. It's a shame .............booing should be saved for very, very exceptional cicumstances IMO. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey And yet they would cheer a man (Vinnie) who was arrested for biting someone's face leaving them scarred for life. You're right Vid, they must be chavs. [ more ]
sunny dayz oh I agree! Why the hell go if they are gonna boo all the time!!!! Winds me up!!! Gutted Sisco is gone!!! WHo on earth is voting for IVANA [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have a look at this....
Soozy Woo Reference: Sisqo fought his fight bless him Why/who did he need to fight ......he started the fight IMO. [ more ]
Azure. Sisqo fought his fight bless him but the lord that is vile vinnie I'm in charge and all his sycophantic dogs of war picking at Sisqo the lad did'nt stand a chance, even mealy mouthed Nicola called Sisqo a tosser, I find Vinnie a despicable wimp, a liar a hypocrite and the biggest control freak to have ever graced BB. [ more ]
sandra Reference: Just wish Sisqo would have stuck to what he said he was going to do me too , it would have been interesting to see just what thas was , once he stopped taking the brave pills [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sisqo you little bitch.
Soozy Woo Reference: Because he's not a member of the A team... So a group of HM's find some affinity and jokingly call themselves The A Team .........why is that so terrible? [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: If Vinnie is so aggressive and nasty how come he's had no noms? Sisqo on the other hand has had numerous noms Because he's not a member of the A team... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: He's the only housemate who has used aggressive language towards another housemate... You know that for a fact? My guess is they all have their gripes - their moans- their grievances. Vinnie chooses to express it in one way - others in another. If Vinnie is so aggressive and nasty how come he's had no noms? Sisqo on the other hand has had numerous noms because he's surely and slowly doing their heads in ........................we haven't been shown that though have we? Selective ... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
shut up vinnie
sandra but then sisqo backtracked and sooked up his botty [ more ]
Former Member Think Vinnie is going to get quite a surprise when he gets out, realises what so many of the viewers think about him and reads what's being written about him! [ more ]
Baz Reference: Trouble is it's like a Vinny lovefest in there, I know.... I find it totally incredible! He is not good looking, has a horrid personality, and takes the mickey out of them all (and not in a nice way), so why? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That's it Vinnie, you've made THE LIST
Rawky-Roo Reference: Why is Stephen on your list Rawky? He was going to be taken off, but there's something about him I'm not warming too. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: Rawky you've lost me.................why is Vinnie at the bottom of your list? No real reason, its just names of people on my naughty list. [ more ]
Former Member Why is Stephen on your list Rawky? I love the fact that he's so bonkers and talks a load of rubbish [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest eviction odds anyone?
Former Member Cheers,I have had how to work out the odds explained to me many times ,but I just draw a blank,it doesn't go in. [ more ]
strike Stephen looks certain to go first, Ivana is favourite to go second, but not my much over Sisko. [ more ]
Former Member Strike ,who are the favs to go,sorry I don't understand the numbers. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nicola is such an arse kisser.
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: She obviously thinks playing stupid will get you further outside the house. Worked for Sophie didn't it, Nicola isn't stupid with idiots like Brian Belo getting praised for acting dumb not surprised she's gone down that route . Sweet and harmless is what she is . [ more ]
Heartache I think she figured out dumb and non threatening will get her further with the viewers and HM's. Especially with her early brush with noms, thought it was telling when they were discussing what they wanted to do when they get out, and she said she fancied Nicky grahams column. She obviously thinks playing stupid will get you further outside the house. [ more ]
Bojangles Reference: carpet offline 257 Forum Posts Yesterday at 15:05 (Edited: ) And she's probably going to be favourite to win in a few days with the bookies. Jeez, I'd rather Alex win! Yehh come on Alex. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Jonas (last night's LF)
Bojangles I just wish he had listened to what Dane had to say to him,instead of sulking about it.Dane was willing to advise him as he knows Ministry Of Sound.Dane said he could find out the figures for him.Perhaps when they're out of there he will take Danes advice.Good job that happened last night or he could have gone on for another few years being diddled. [ more ]
Kaytee Apart from the puerile toilet humour, he's OK by me too. I hope he's sitting there waving when Alex and Dane are evicted [ more ]
Kaytee I'm going soft...yesterday I warmed to Dane...but I'm cured of that now [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kaytee Re: NICOLA [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: Thick as a brick and looks like she should be running in the 2.30 at Ascot....but apart from that...she's a hair twirler!(Cardinal sin) Well that sorts it once and for all. I'll get the firing squad lined up now.. [ more ]
Kaytee Thick as a brick and looks like she should be running in the 2.30 at Ascot....but apart from that...she's a hair twirler!(Cardinal sin) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
buncha numpties.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: But you heard Steven to Jonas in the kitchen last night warning him not to oppose Vinnie. Was he meaning it genuinely, or a bit tongue-in-cheek though? Stephen does make quite a few tongue-in-cheek remaks, his timing is garbage though and most of his intended meaning is lost. [ more ]
Kaytee Scared? Intimidated?.....No! He's running after them all cooking and cleaning and that means they're onto a good thing. He keeps winding them up to see how far they'll go...which is apparently after him like a flock of sheep's their own fault that they haven't stood up to him, they're a set of wusses apart from Stephen...who is barking anyway. [ more ]
Latecomer Reference: KaffyBaffy 4131 Forum Posts Today at 7:16 AM Reference: I've seen nothing so far to suggest Vinnie has detracted from his image Really? I never imagined him washing up, cooking and cleaning toilets. I thought he'd be a stupid moronic thug (and I know you're going to say he is ) but I really don't believe he is. I don`t think he is either. At least with Vinnie, what you see is what you get, unlike some of them who, well, are`nt all they seem! I don`t go along with the theory that... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Green light for bullies... (No, nothing do with HMs being bullies)
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Throw a bucket of ice-cold water over them (the fighting kids, not the teachers. ) That'll soon stop them. [ more ]
Jen-Star It's all fine the union saying don't put yourself at risk, but what will people say when one child kills another eventually?? Cos thats what will happen in the end with no one to break it up. Kids will notice the pattern of teachers not doing a thing and take advantage of this. I can hear the cries of "Why didnt anyone do anything?" already. I bet its the teachers who get blamed too and not the council for driving them to this decision [ more ]
stonks The union is sending advice to its 8,500 members across Scotland warning them to THINK CAREFULLY before stepping into similar situations. I don't think they are telling them to stop.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
feckin water companies.
Tequila Reference: ve kicked up all the leaves, squelched through wet moss got muddy knees ,trod in cat shit, the neighbours have had their worst fears confirmed that i am bonkers and still no feckin meter Sorry Jackson.......I know I shouldn't laugh [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I can sympathise with you jacksonb, i've had trouble with the gas & electricity I now pester them with meter readings, they're probably sick to the back teeth of me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love Or Hate Him Vinnie Been Good Value For BB
Kaytee Vinnie and Stephen have been the best value on CBB this year...although it's been a bad year for HMs generally. [ more ]
brisket There are only one or two housemates I like. But Vinnie Jones and Stephen Baldwin have especially spoilt the series for me. [ more ]
Tequila I don't think Vinnie has been good value............I think if he hadn't been in there controlling the house with a rod of iron........we would have seen the HMs being more themselves, more arguments etc and not tip toeing around trying to please their lord and master. Also I've never known a bunch of HMs going to bed as early as this........probably for fear of waking him up [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Alex will be on the A teams hit list now
jacksonb Reference: but don't forget she must have humiliated him when he went out to the jungle to propose and she cast him aside. alex has said a couple of times, that the papers whipped that up and he hadn't proposed and had no intention of doing so. [ more ]
Former Member First on the Agenda: Sisqo and Mr 50% [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: If Alex wasn't associated with KP-- i would like him more, but she will be his downfall And for that reason alone he must not win, she'll be wallowing in the press coverage again, stealing HIS limelight [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Vinnie own CBB?
Soozy Woo Reference: I think they let him get away with more than others in the house, too controlling for a better word. I think if BB are afraid of him or want him to win why would they show him in an unflattering light? Interesting that he has received no nominations from HM's and I'm sure that's not down to fear. Yes he is brusque, yes he has a hard mans attitude but we all knew that before didn't we? It's sisqo that has dissapointed me ................his attitude to being nominated was... [ more ]
Poolshark I think they let him get away with more than others in the house, too controlling for a better word. [ more ]
stonks Reference: I'm entitled to my opinion, he's turned out to be a bigger knob jockey than I already thought he was. So you truly believe that BB are affraid of him, why?.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Goldenballs gets a rubber gloved squeeze
Saint Yep its a terrible double standard and lends weight to the "Well if a woman can do that - so will us guys" brigade A dangerous and silly stunt [ more ]
Yogi19 As others have said, if a man had groped a female in the same way, he would have been charged with sexual assault, so why is this stupid woman getting away with it?. It wasn't a joke and it wasn't funny. [ more ]
Trixy That's awful, not a funny prank at all. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fairfax Reference: Noty She's dedicated to Vinnie. I don't think she was even paying attention to what Sisqo was saying, she's just blindly jumping to the defence of Vinnie Yep, spot on [ more ]
Kaytee Girl was only telling the truth...Sisquo is a tosser....along with the rest of them [ more ]
Noty She's dedicated to Vinnie. I don't think she was even paying attention to what Sisqo was saying, she's just blindly jumping to the defence of Vinnie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rule 6 BB ,would that be violence against another HM?
Noty Reference: didn't he say he would abide by rule 6, so how is that a threat? It's the inference though, isn't it. "I can't beat you up in this house because it's against the rules". Not that I think he's seriously warning them, but it's deliberate use of language to intimidate. In certain of his circles that sort of comment's all well and good, but some of the HMs do look uncomfortable when he talks like that [ more ]
Former Member Reference: i've never liked the guy, crap footballer who's claim to fame was grabbing Paul Gascoine's ollies, i said at the start i'd try to give him a chance and he's proved me right all along. couldnt agree more [ more ]
jacksonb didn't he say he would abide by rule 6, so how is that a threat? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sov on "This Week"
Real Night Pam Am off as well [ more ]
Xochi I know what you mean Real... I warmed to her at the start and then just got too irritated... maybe it's my age, not hers! Anyway, off to my pit again... see ya soon [ more ]
Real Reference: I can tell you had a very certain opinion of her then Real! She would be a nice girl under the rebellious exterior Pam-- They have come and gone before--- nothing new--- She needs to get a reality check and maybe then folk will take her seriously.. That atitude will not sell records or get her anywhere in the music world, let alone RL... For her sake i hope she can lighten up, coz she she is a bright girl and i wish her well [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Vinnie and Sisqo go up against each other, for eviction.
Real Have got to the point now where i don't give a rats ass who wins--- BB was supposed to make it " Hell " for them--- change the sugar for salt-- then give em a full roast dinner. FFS-- I wish i was in hell -- One of them dinner plates of roast would have fed us 3 here for 1 meal Dreading to see what the last BB will be like after this crap. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: his odds are shortening quite rapidly now! I so hope they're wrong because another week of Ivana really fills me up with excitement . [ more ]
jeanoj Am I the only one on this forum that loves Vinnie? He is a leader and just because the others are allowing him to lead, that doesn't make him wrong! We need leaders and followers in this world! Sisqo, hopefully, will go on Friday - his odds are shortening quite rapidly now! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
we actually have a chance to send Vinnie a message tomorrow
Senora Reyes Spot on Erin! [ more ]
Former Member Vinnie canvasses against the person he wants up ,he knew he had the ATeam primed to nom Sov, the last round of noms was sprung on them but Vinnie had bad mouthed Stephen and Ivana enough for the A team to nom them, Sisqo fell into the mix but it could have so easily been Dane and Alex,they only missed being up by one vote.lf Sisqo survives this week the next round of noms will see the A team ALL nom Sisqo, and the next target still to be picked ,I suggest it will be Jonas,he is foreign after... [ more ]
Yellow Rose If Sisqo stays Vinnie will nominate him next, but that could be counterbalanced by Sisqo voting him last someone might nominate him!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh dear Vinnie's in for a very rude awakening!
strike i think there is every chance Sisko could be evicted tomorrow. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference ID as for Vinnie, do they not realise that he's not actually the 'hard man' he plays on screen and won't beat them up if they cross him!!!! Erm... [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Reference: Hi PCE, thanks hon. Happy new year to you! Happy New year to you too hun . I see you have been well I agree Darlo, BB sucks up to Vinnie for no damn reason. Do you reckon Sisqo is staying? I kind of want him to go now. I think Stephan can handle the situation better, even though I like Sisqo alot. [ more ]
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