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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Second Evictee( spoiler)
Videostar Really? I thought it was going to be Steph...but im very happy if it's Nicola. [ more ]
Angel Reference: Afterall, it's all about Vinni sure is [ more ]
Baz Reference: I'm sure Vinnie will already have explained to the rest of the HMs why Ivana and Nicola were evicted next and his own part in it. Afterall, it's all about Vinni I'm sure he has........ it will go something like..... well...... they just were not respectful enough of the People's Champion!! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Vinnie his bottom must be really sore...
Blackpudlian I noticed Vinnie's miraculous recovery. Perhaps the cream helped? Sad when a man of his age swings the lead. [ more ]
Yellow Rose slightly off topic but did anyone else notice this in HL's, he was said to be ill so went to bed before the sculpture task started, as soon as it ended he was out of bed ! what exactly has he done in the house? [ more ]
Blackpudlian It is the best treatment for a pain in the ass. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Somebody going in"????
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) It's Davina, she hinted she might do that a while back. She said if she did she would not be staying the night as her hubby didn't want to share that bit with the public. [ more ]
sandra if that real life blow up doll goes in i'm going to sell my tv to cash generator and listen to radio 2 for the rest of my days [ more ]
kattymieoww More like Davina in a animal costume..not that she's much better than that price object! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Going to my first eviction tonight! Any advice?
Baz Reference: DEF going to be doing some major Vinnie booing. I dont even care who does win as long as it isn't him! To see his face if Alex stays and he goes... joy!! Good for you.... and ditto I know I have missed you.... but I hope you have a great time [ more ]
Former Member When chavina says she's going to the house, make sure you shout loudly..."get Vinnie OUT" [ more ]
Bojangles Stephanie is the first evictee in my opinion. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Alex a celebrity?
Baz Reference: He's a celebrity now. LOL... I was just going to post the same [ more ]
Cold Sweat I didn't know Katia, Alex or Nicola T before the show started. I certainly don't have an issue with Alex - but as ever i'm just a bit suspicious regarding the possible existance of double standards and gender bias. As i said in my OP i have heard it suggested that Katia did not deserve to be a housemate - and i think this may have also been hinted at by some of the older housemates. For instance, the dismissive reaction of Ivana when given confirmation of what Katia was famous for - yet Alex... [ more ]
Bojangles He's a celebrity now. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Free Thinking 1 Mongrel 2 Mongrel 3 Mongrel 4 Mongrel 5 Mongrel Sad to see deformed dogs through 'breeding' within a type at dog shows. [ more ]
ANNOCA Here are some photos of Dante - The Forum Dog. I'm not very good at taking photographs - but I hope you enjoy them anyway. [ more ]
Darthhoob Reference: ANNOCA offline 217 Forum Posts Today at 14:24 (Edited: ) I think there is a slight misunderstanding regarding the term BREEDER. What people are talking about here are not breeders - they are what is called PUPPY FARMERS. There is a big difference between the two. true. but some other breeders only do so for money or fads too. there are responsible breeders you are right...and people should ALWAYS check the breeder out...and all of their dogs before thinking about getting one of... [ more ]
See all 231 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think Jonas deserves the win!
Former Member Anyone connected with Jordan will not get my vote ,Steph/Nicloa disike,Vinnie never,looks like Ivana is out tonight ,so Jonas is my compromise candidate. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Alex or Jonas to win. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: He's bland and dull,so he could just win. Well Ulrika did, so who's to say two dull Swedes couldn't the way I'm still not over her winning over Terry C last year and I find Jonas very endearing. besides I find Jonas handsome and very endearing [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which CBB7 friendships will last beyond Friday?
brisket I would guess none. I doubt that you could count on one hand the last friendships made in CBB or ordinary BB right from the very first series. They are thrown together in strange circumstances for a tv show and that's about all they have in common usually. They sometimes fool themselves that they will "always" be friends, but it is not so. So my best guess is "none." [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Me neither, if herself has anything to do with it! Bet she was fuming at the telly when they were chained together and getting on well. Probably ringing C4 and saying break that mess up NOW One day, soon, Alex will be single... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: I really don't see that one happening Me neither, if herself has anything to do with it! Bet she was fuming at the telly when they were chained together and getting on well. Probably ringing C4 and saying break that mess up NOW [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New POLL......To Win CBB
kimota Alex for me. Why people are suprised he is a nice guy I don't know. Pricey has replaced one slighly cheesy, lovable dummy with another one! I wonder if Alex will put up with her as long as Peter did!! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Still Jonas . I refuse to be swayed into wanting Alex or Dane to win. [ more ]
Tequila Just posted a thread.........Alex is now favourite to win with bookies [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steph's laughing fit, Alex's spray tan, very funny!
Joyron Reference: Alex proved he is game for a laugh and gave me my laugh out loud moment this series. I found Stephanie in the diary room a little forced. But I really wish BB would play a joke at Vinnie's expense but I have come to the conclusion they are too scared to. That sounds about right. BB ARE scared of Vinnie. Let's hope Vinnie gets his just desserts!!! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I've really enjoyed this CBB, the best one yet There's less bitching than we're used to (most of that from Vinnie)....I love to see the HMs laughing abd joking rather than arguing and bitching [ more ]
Moomin I was really laughing out loude at both of those moments!! When Steph was laughing, I choked on my cup a soup!! [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This show gets better and better....
kimota I was laughing so much yesterday. It just goes to show that you don't need drama and conflict to make a good BB ! [ more ]
hyperstar Its for everyone this place Better layout as well. My username on there is hyperupdate. I will welcome you on the newbie section all alongside the wonderful mod/admin team on that site: [ more ]
Kaytee Oh yeah! And Nicola in the Diary Room telling BB that Steph was teaching her to talk posh. BB asked her to do it and Nic did.... BB.....I asked you to talk posh Nicola Nicola OH! [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bookies have Alex as second favourite to win :-)
Yogi19 Reference: If he wins il jump out my bedroom window I hope you live in a bungalow, Meaty. [ more ]
MrMincePie If he wins il jump out my bedroom window With delight of course... [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I honestly thought I wouldn't like him, probably just because of what you read in papers, but I really like the guy. He should leave Katie though. I didn't think I'd like him but he appears to be a good-natured guy. I agree, he'd be better off without KP. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Spidermonkey Ivana's been a lovely housemate. She's mucked in with all the tasks, been a good sport about the modelling task and so on. Not got involved in the nastiness, infact she's a neutral housemate in terms of groups in the house I wouldn't be disappointed if Ivana won, she's gracious and has done everything that has been asked of her with good humour....go girl! [ more ]
Puss Yes, the thought of backing someone to win who completely disregards the wearing of fur does seem bizarre, but, I put that down to her age and circle of friends. If she won, hopefully the question will be raised. But out of all those lot in there, she has more class and decorum than all of them together plus!! she hasn't bitched or gossiped, she has done her fair share and all with good grace. Ivana vs Vinnie, absolutely no contest in my mind. Vinnie you have seriously shamed me. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I understand yours too Brisket, believe me I do [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kat laps it up
Cold Sweat If these 2 had been given a chance by the A Team we might have at least had some late night LF to watch - rather than a bunch of oldies tucked up in bed early. Gutted... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Kat’s look; what is it – Rock chick? Sloanie? Crusty art school student? [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: BISEXUAL Lady Sov shared an affectionate clinch with Celeb BB pal Katia Ivanova on another wild night out. The pair went to a lap dancing club in London. Sov slipped notes in the dancer's undies - then gave new pal Kat a goodbye kiss. This is the whole article lol [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Alex play the fool?
Smarting Buttocks Reference:madamski what has his feet got to do with it ? I am told Dane put his foot in it. Reference: brisket I am told Dane put his foot in it. Clearly he is doing it wrong! [ more ]
jacksonb i tend to think he takes all the jibes, that vinnie throws at him, in good humour, because he doesn't understand most of them.. [ more ]
brisket Reference:madamski what has his feet got to do with it ? I am told Dane put his foot in it. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When did Dane turn into a tosser?
figtree He sure has become minnie Vinnie! His remark to vinnie last night..'how's rocky still here?' notice how he has copied Vinnies name for Alex Me thinks that Dane is a wee bit scared of Vinnie!!! Don't get me started on vitrolic Vinnie.... his opinion that certain people will be evicted next.... he didn't mention any names! Let me see.. erm.. Alex,Ivana and Jonas!Personally I hope he leaves next with egg dripping down his miserable chin! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: When did Dane turn into a tosser? 1998? [ more ]
jacksonb he changed when just before sov left, and teamed up with vinnie to bitch about her and slag her off when she left. [ more ]
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