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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whatevers said
stupidcupid I think vinnie has been a fabulous hm in the same way that I thought SStephen Baldwin was too. I don't like either of them enough to actually win the show though. [ more ]
justafriend Reference: Justafriend. I love you dearly and really admire you for sticking up for Vinnie. However, as I've told you previously, I just don't see him in the same way as you. Whoever wins tonight then that will be fine with me. As we are supposed to believe it's up to the GBP to decide. once a fool always a fool thats me Joyron, love ya too [ more ]
Heartache Any BB needs a Villain to keep it interesting, and Vinnie has done his job, Do l want him to win, hell NO!!. And because of that do l want the people who actively sided with him hell NO!!. So that leaves me to a certain extend with JONAS, and actually l don't think that would be such a drastic outcome. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK - its here ... who you want to win?
jessejay I'm voting for Jonas to win [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Dane shouldn`t have said anything imo Yogi. Even if his intentions were good, it would have been kinder not to say anything. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Yogi Maybe Dane was trying to forewarn Alex so he wasn't too disappointed if Katie had dumped him. Let's face it, she has previous for publicly humiliating him. Dane could have handled it more sensitively though. Dane shouldn`t have said anything imo Yogi. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie Jones is 11/1 to win
Scotty Reference: I know Scotty, i wouldn't be upset if he won, i just can't stomach her basking in his glory, however, it may be a good thing if he wins. He may realise that he is liked on his own merit, which he is. I have to say, i expected to love Vinnie and loathe Alex...I was so wrong. Alex has been the biggest surprise for me (apart from Vinnies bitterness), and I do hope he is in the top two....after Jonas of course If he wins I will be over the moon for him... Fair doos about Jonas DD. [ more ]
Baz Reference: He couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. (Ooooooohhhh, the phone's ringing - it will be Vinnie's solicitor) [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: (Ooooooohhhh, the phone's ringing - it will be Vinnie's solicitor) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the zack morris phone.
Demantoid I had Nature Treks, and I'm now wearing the repro ones that Clarks brought out last year! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: JB , I had these ones, and thought that I was too kool 4 skool I had exactly the same ones, along with an identical pair in coral which were suede!!! I still like kickers I also wore Farah pants for school, they were 'it' at the time back in the 80's... [ more ]
Kaytee I made my mum buy one of those ketchup dispensers...she hated the bloomin' thing....I can see why now [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: final 5
brisket Reference:carpet The only odd thing about your poll brisket is Jonas is a distance 4th with the bookies! I hope the bookies are wrong and the one two tonight is Alex & Jonas! Yes carpet - that is the main glaring discrepancy. Bookies are often right - but not always, and that's what I'm hoping for tonight. I hope they have misjudged the odds for Jonas. [ more ]
Bojangles Alex to win.He deserves it with all the stick he's taken from Vinnie in there. [ more ]
stephsparkle Jonas to win! I'm so glad lots of other people like him too. TBH I'd be happy with any of them winning except Vinnie. Please let him get kicked out before Alex... PLEASE! [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jordan: My Alex has done amazing!
Bojangles Comee Onnnnnnnnn Alex lad [ more ]
Fairfax Why on earth would anyone stay with someone who censored every word they said, I think Alex is too nice for her. [ more ]
Heartache I cannot believe that any comments, even from friends, have not been run past her first. She seems such a control freak. First we had all the crap about her dumping him AGAIN, and then how she was fuming about him keep mentioning her ( yes of course ). Then her wittering on her twittering proclaimed her furious because Nicola was sorting out his fake tan, and now she wants to grab his limelight, because he is now shown as the favourite. I would love Alex to win, only on condition, if this... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
YOUTUBE video of the day
Abo I definitely would have done something [ more ]
Jen-Star Someone will get into trouble over that lol either the coppers or the lad who filmed it and left the number plate on..... I'm sure they'll find a way of getting him done for it just to cover their own backsides [ more ]
Yogi19 With policemen as alert as those two, we can all rest easy in our beds at night. I bet they get into BIG trouble when their boss finds out. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jonas was SO lovely in last night HLs
jacksonb when vinnie said that, he was joking and they all started swearing and telling him to eff off, it was funny, jonas thought so too. [ more ]
Blackpudlian It is also difficult to listen to others whilst you are perpetually pontificating about all and sundry. [ more ]
Blackpudlian In his defence, Vinnie probably would have had difficulty hearing about Jonas' Tourettes, as Vinnie has had his head stuck up his own bottom for most of the last 4 weeks. Reference: Typical Vinnie. He was the only one who didn't know about the Tourettes because he had never had a conversation with Jonas. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katie Price : im the real winner of celeb bb
Blackpudlian Sadly, Alex is so desperate for fame, Jordan with destroy everything he has achieved in the house. Reference: And so it starts, a taste off things to come if Alex wins. [ more ]
Former Member And so it starts, a taste off things to come if Alex wins. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Her reputation was built on photos of her falling out of clubs in a drunken stupor with her skirt round her neck. Reference: She's a publicity junkie. Reputation built on artificial body parts and publicity of any kind as often as possible. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was a the eviction last night if anyone wants to hear about it :-) (long post)
Noty Thanks for that Stephsparkle. Interesting to hear what it's like [ more ]
Bojangles Stephsparkle.You did it,you got there good on you.Thanks for the info as well. [ more ]
Saint OMG help please Steph - i think i am gonna have to go to the last BB and be in the audience. Do you know the dates wen it happens Yes i know i been watching it for years but my memory . . . . Dates - anybody??? [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
tree of temptation
carpet The only thing is that the HMs will cotton on that a HM is probably doing secret task if they start behaving oddly. Like Vinnie secret task, Alex questioned him if BB asked him to say he cross dresses. And when Alex kicked the snowman, the HMs were suspicious. [ more ]
stonks Reference: George Lamb did an in-depth interview with the Tree on BBLB today madam. He told us that he wouldn't be back in Borehamwood again... had better things to do! Sowing his pollen, no doubt! Maybe we should start a campaign to recruit The Cactus of Chaos for the summer? The official BB on FB are holding a vote to keep him there for next BB.... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Apparently the tree was on the radio yesterday, wonder if it was Radio T h ree [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what was the point in Davina going in?
Cinds I thought it was hilarious her being chased around my 4 men dressed as animals. However, I do wish she had stayed in longer once they knew for sure it was her. [ more ]
Real They keep on about the last BB, but i reckon some other network will carry on with it. It's a great money maker and has millions of followers so expect to see BB back next year on either Sky or 5... Hope whoever takes it will bring back 24/7 LF and get the show back how it used to be. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Personally I think it was just about the right time for davina to go in. she has hosted and nurtured the show for eleven years wouldn't have been right for her to go into a standard BB but CBB was a wonderful opportunity IMO. I found it funny ...............yes it could have been better but no one knows how it's gonna go - I'm glad she got the experience and it was an amusing bit of telly. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ok, now that was funny.
figtree Reference: Rawky-Roo 1816 Forum PostsYesterday at 14:09 (Edited: ) I laughed so much hot chocolate came out of my nose [ more ]
Fairfax Didn't like it at all. Thought it was utter rubbish The only smile I had was when she was at the smoking area with Jonas and started tweeting his song, otherwise it did nothing for me. [ more ]
ozzycam yeah i agree with you sunny they must bring back the tree for the summer, its been brilliant....... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone watch Heir Hunters?
liverbird Reference: it would be ideal for a nosey person like me I prefer inquisitive [ more ]
Jenny Over the years I've done loads of research into my families. I've found so many interesting stories (to the family, anyway) and so much that wasn't known to them before. I'm currently researching a murder in the family in the 1800's. Some people think family history is boring. I really don't know why they think this, as I've found it all so interesting and often exciting. The social history side of it appeals to me. There are some free sites out there that can help to a certain extent. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: Good luck everyone with your searches. Night. You too Cosmo. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stop eating yourself
longcat Reference: Gosh! Cheek-chewing is more rife and popular than I ever imagined. Don't you get sore? (forgive the intrusion.) If you go to far it gives you mouth ulcers. But if you do it just right next time you do it the inside cheek softens and it gets easier. [ more ]
LowonIQ I've got a painful cheek back left bottom middle ish, it is sore and I can feel it with my tongue, I have been using mouth wash and massaging it with my toothbrush it is pretty sore and painful [ more ]
brisket Reference:stoory ...the more you poke and prod... Oooh stoory, now you mention it.. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whatever happened to Kris Is Bliss?
Rawky-Roo I quite liked Kris is Bliss.....well actually he/she annoyed me immensely but they were honourable to Kris and defended the cock even after his eviction. Quite admirable if you ask me Hey I'll defend Bea till Big Brother's dying day......which is in September some time [ more ]
Senora Reyes Please don't mention it's name too often...Anyone remember the film Candyman? Say the name 5 times... Well you know the rest. [ more ]
Baz LOL..... his threads were always good for a laugh..... and a grrrrrrrrrrrrr [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
they really should have given davina a task.
Cariad Reference: They should have got her to pee in Vinnie's tea. But since Ivana's made him tea he'd hardly notice the difference. **sigh** You see if I was Davina I'd want to spend the last 2 days a guest of course but not that the others need know that. [ more ]
Fairfax I thought Davina's trip into the house was just Rubbish [ more ]
Kaytee you're going all techy again(lol) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stephanie - The last female standing
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: So was he really ill when he went to bed before the sculpture task and then got up when it was finished he'd been in bed ill all morning. . he got up when BB called the HM's to the sofa's to tell them about the task. . he sat at his plinth and felt very shakey then BB called him into the DR and said he could go back to bed.. HL shows edit things how they want things to be seen not how they actually are [was on the little bit of LF we got yesterday] Not standing up for the guy but... [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Fairfax Same feelings here She has illusions about herself Delusions of grandeur [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Scotty She`s snobby, two faced, biatchy and completely insincere. I`m not too keen on her Same feelings here She has illusions about herself [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member He is so lovely. Restores your faith in human nature a bit that the ship bothered to stop and rescue him. The cat story on that page is quite good too - I think their dog did it to get rid of him [ more ]
grannyg Reference: w i got a bit emotional watching that Same here... am so glad he's Ok now [ more ]
fookat aww i got a bit emotional watching that [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
l/f - sickening!!!
fookat i had to turn off when they were squeezing that spot cos I felt sick How can anyone squeeze another person's spots?! [ more ]
Fairfax Bunch of misogynists [ more ]
Heartache Ivanna has more class in her little finger, than that lot put together, including Bitchie Beecham. And l love the fact that she is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper rich, and that reeeeealllly sticks in their throats. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John Travolta
Kaytee Reference: As with all disasters, there's always something or someone trying to muscle in from a dodgy angle. I suppose you could say that of all religious groups Cosi.....barking St Stephen will be there next with his own brand of evangelism. I'm not sure whether it was Papa or Baby Doc...I'll have to Google at some point, but they were both nightmares on legs [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: Didn't Baby Doc Duvallier make Voodoo the official religion there? I Yes, I think he did, Kaytee. Or it may have been his father, Papa Doc? Either way, they were dreadful rulers. Hopefully, the Scientology mob will get short shrift. It's great that Travolta has got much needed supplies over - and that is to be commended. But I suppose with that, comes Travolta's beliefs and his desire to 'show' that Hubbard's teachings are some kind of enlightenment. Barking bonkers on one level. [ more ]
Heartache How brilliant, the wealthy can always put their hands in their pockets, and good for them. But this is really helping, what a lovely man. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Official: Vinnie is a Wanker!!!!
brisket I think it has something to do with desperately always wanting to look good. Hates being wrong. Well goodness me, he has failed on that score. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: I think that has something to do with claustraphobia.... The thought of doing sculpture made him claustrophobic? [ more ]
stonks Reference: Funny how he was "ill" when they got a task he might have been shown up as being crap at. But recovered miraculously the second it was over.. I think that has something to do with claustraphobia.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which CBB7 HM will benefit most from the opportunity/exposure?
Cold Sweat *I wanted to see more Lionel - i thought they would have had at least an episode of BBLB with him as main guest - but all we got was a brief appearance and one song! [ more ]
stephsparkle Oh I reckon Loose Women or some such thing would snap up Nicola, she'd prob be alright at it in her own way. I think its more acheivable for her than Dane. He came across as a bit of desperado after the Lionel Ritchie task... singin loads just cos he thought 'Lionel' would hear him, think he was fab and sign him! [ more ]
Cold Sweat During her eviction interview I noticed Nicola expressing an interest towards TV presenting. – I believe Dane and herself had both discussed this career path while in the house. I’m not convinced that this is a realistic ambition for Nicola to chase, but who knows! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ivana? WTF? who is saving Nicola?
Demantoid Reference: I feel last nights eviction was rigged.Steph wasn't in a costume,so for Davina to go into the house it had to be a woman.The only woman in a costume was Nicola. True! [ more ]
Bojangles I feel last nights eviction was rigged.Steph wasn't in a costume,so for Davina to go into the house it had to be a woman.The only woman in a costume was Nicola. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Why are so many women always voted off. V disappointed Ivana's left, as so many have said she's a lovely lady who did all BB asked of her, bet she's glad to get back to her real life and friends though lol. I'd even prefer Nicola to be there over some of the men. Poor Steph having to listen to them talking bodily functions and sex exploits for a couple of days, I don't envy her [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
rip her head off!
jacksonb ok it was pretty pointless, but the animals going after her, was very funny. [ more ]
stonks Reference: It was hilarious and there was something quite sinister too about her being pursued through the house by a pack of suspicious animals. Loved it! Thats what I thought, it was like a crazy horror.... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: sober! Shhhhhh.......that's one shocking revelation too many! Happy posting, lovely. x [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
At least we have something to watch on LF now then...
liverbird Reference: 12.30 on E4 Thanks Fookat [ more ]
kattymieoww Booger orff Davina,you were called in ten seconds.Vinnie guessed you.Daft idea, [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't think she wanted to be on live feed. She has certainly stated that she was not about to stay overnight. Her reason - she didn't want to have to be her real self. We didn't even see her outside her costume except in the DR. So I think she wanted a quick thrill more than anything, just getting out to join the end of Big Mouth. Harmless enough I suppose but not as big a twist as it could have been. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jonas tackle's a problem for Nic
Cold Sweat Reference: The glamour girl told Big Brother's Big Mouth stand-in Emma Griffiths: "You can't help but look at Jonas's winky. "You know, it's like when you get a girl with massive boobs and you're like 'what?! "Even walking past the bed in a pair of shorts, you can't take your eyes off it." No wonder Katia wants to stay in touch. [ more ]
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